CURRENT AFFAIRSA man who was arrested for smoking and creating chaos on an Air India flight was sent to prison by a Mumbai court when he refused to pay the bail amount of Rs 25,000. |
TECHNOLOGYApple is reportedly planning to upgrade their AirPods with health-tracking features in the next year or two. |
SCIENCE & MEDICINEHealth experts in India are recommending preventative measures, such as wearing masks, improving hand hygiene and getting an annual flu shot, as the country experiences a rise in lab-confirmed influenza cases, including the H3N2 virus.
Writing has always been Shreesha’s passion, be it for imparting knowledge or expressing opinions. In her former role as a journalist, she contributed to enriching society with knowledge. Now, at BYJU’S, she has moved on to something more exciting – creating tailor-made content for students. When she is not writing, you would find her looking for new ways to engage her child.