6 Mother’s Day Ideas to Show Your Mom You Care!

Team StoryWeavers|May 08, 2021, 05:00 IST| 185

Wouldn’t you agree with us when we say that mothers are the best? As far as you can remember, she has always done her best for you. And if given a chance, you would  make her feel special, right?  

This Mother’s Day presents the perfect opportunity to express your love for her. This year, as both of you spend time together at home, you can take  the whole day to do little things that will make this occasion eventful. 

 It could be anything – from whipping up your very special juice or making a playlist of her favourite songs. Even the smallest of acts can show how much you care and your mother will cherish them for sure. Mothers are awesome like that! They know it’s the thought that counts! 

Here are some ways in which you can spend the day with her and make this Mother’s Day memorable for you and your family:

Cook for her

Cooking with her will be a fun adventure

For starters, you can showcase your culinary skills for her. If  you are not very familiar with cooking, you can just prepare a simple salad with vegetables or some pulses. For those who love cooking, you can come up with an elaborate brekkie! You could include some (or all!) of your mother’s favourite things to eat! You could always seek with help from your father or other adults at home! Waking up to find breakfast sorted will certainly make her day!

Do things together

Mom-child tag team sure sounds fun

Much of your mother’s everyday routine goes into being busy at home or at work or both.  This Mother’s Day, you can plan activities that you can do together with your mom. With the options to take her out for a surprise being limited currently, think of ways that can be arranged easily at home. For instance, you can watch a wholesome, family-friendly movie that can entertain children and adults alike. Or you can plan a karaoke night and sing songs together. You might unleash a fun singer in your mother that you had no idea about!

Reconnect with her childhood friends

Your mom would feel great talking to her friends on her special day

Your mother must have come a long way from her school life, but we are sure she has shared some memories with you from those days. With the help of social media,  you can track down some of her friends and plan a group video call with their families. Your mother will not only be pleasantly surprised, but also find time to socialise virtually!

Take a visual trip down memory lane

Looking back, time spent with mom is always fun, isnt it?

A good thing about Mother’s Day this year is that you all get to spend time at home as a family. You can utilise that to revisit some memories you have created together over the years. You could pull out some old photo albums and perhaps convert them into a digital album or just some quality time enjoying old family memories. This will ensure that you spend some quality family time. 

Make a reel/video together

Make your mark as a mom-child team on the internet

Making short and sweet videos or reels are a fun way to showcase your creativity. You could probably take up one of the instant challenges and execute it together, and create a fun hashtag to go along with it. 

If this becomes viral, you can make it a regular series and become the next cool mother-son or mother-daughter duo on the internet.

Make a playlist

Some music to spice up her day is always a good gift

Listening to good, soothing music could keep her in high spirits and help relax, whether she is a homemaker or a working mother.  You can curate a playlist of her favourite songs or plan as a family to gift her a musical gadget that comes with pre-recorded songs.


Which ones do you plan on doing this Mother’s Day? Tell us in the comments below. 



About the Author

Aparna is a mom, singer and dreamer. At BYJU\'S, she writes stories about learning for children. She believes in the power of music, especially ghazal, the magic of the universe and happy learners. When not writing or singing, you will find her intensely engaged in conversations about life and the power of words.