7 Saving hacks that will help you plan your finances better

Team StoryWeavers|November 28, 2018, 05:35 IST| 1

Saving starts with small initiatives. The earlier we start, the better and stronger our savings portfolio will look.  However, sometimes the hardest thing is to get started. A lot of times, we end up pushing our saving plans to the back seat.

Here are 7 simple habits that will definitely help you take your first steps towards a financially fit life 

MAKE IT SPECIFIC: Set up specific  savings accounts for every goal

MAKE IT AUTOMATIC: Set up an auto-debit for your monthly savings to be directly debited from your paycheck

MAKE IT SMART: Apply the 50-30-20 rule. Categorise money into ‘Needs, Wants & Savings buckets’

MAKE A BUFFER BRACKET: Set aside money for them emergencies and rainy days

MAKE IT A JAM JAR APPROACH: Divide your money into separate pots for different expenses

MAKE IT SHOW: Journal expenses to plan better and avoid non-essential expenses in the future

MAKE A NO INTEREST RULE: Become a minimalist when it comes to credit cards

So, let’s take small steps to plan for a secure & happy future!!