All about ‘Images that Impact’ : The BYJU’S Photo Exhibit

Team StoryWeavers|August 26, 2019, 08:48 IST|


Photos have the power to tell stories, to inspire and create an impact. This year, we celebrated World Photography Day with a contest where we asked BYJUites to capture ‘The Vanishing Green’. It offered a perfect platform for photo enthusiasts at BYJU’S to showcase their talent and also to get the conversation rolling around the environmental crisis we are facing today.

With numerous entries pouring in, the response truly overwhelmed us. We must say, BYJUites went all out and shared some really powerful captures. After multiple rounds of shortlisting, a set of 15 photos were selected and exhibited across offices.

Winning shots of The BYJU’S Photography Contest


It was a stunning display of some powerful storytelling- from burning of plastic waste,  to what a future without greenery would look like; all photos had a powerful message to deliver.  This was our little way to raise awareness, sensitize the community through photography and help save the planet. The event was indeed a huge wakeup call for all of us to STEP UP, EVOLVE and MAKE A CHANGE.

Win or lose, kudos to each photographer of BYJU’S for their creativity and approach.