This Soulful Medley by BYJU’S Sound Team Will Whisk You Away to a Happy Place

Team StoryWeavers|September 23, 2021, 12:01 IST| 5

Renowned French poet, novelist and playwright, Victor Hugo, once said, “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” 

Music truly is the most affordable form of therapy; it’s the easiest way to relax, recover, and heal. It not only has the power to uplift the mood but also transport us to places we have never been. But more importantly, it is the one thing that helps us stay connected, no matter the distance, the differences or the diversity. 

Watch The Circle of Sound, the talented Sound Team of BYJU’S, as they take us on a soulful journey with their musical medley. This perfect blend of Indian classical rhythms combined with western harmonies and electrifying rock pieces is truly symbolic of their talent – and it’s sure to brighten your day and keep your spirits high!

Also Read: An Ode to Teachers Outside the Classroom: Teachers’ Day at BYJU’S

At BYJU’S, we believe in nurturing a positive and healthy work environment that can help our employees take care of their physical and mental health. While activities like meditation and yoga are known to have a positive impact on the mind and the body, a hint of music could just be the perfect addition to help us rejuvenate and relax. 

Especially in these extraordinary times, where we continue to collaborate and work remotely, a little music therapy could create an essence of feeling connected. It can also help stimulate feelings of empathy, compassion, and mindfulness; softer emotions that are key to forming meaningful relationships, leading teams, and building trust and dependability.    

We hope this beautiful rendition by the Sound Team of BYJU’S helps you unplug from the daily noise of hustle-bustle and take a moment for yourself! 

Drop a ? in the comments below if you loved this medley, and share what you would like to watch next. 

(Story has been put together by our Storyweavers, Anju Ann Mathew and Sutrishna Ghosh)

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