The ABCs of Digital Well-Being

Team StoryWeavers|July 13, 2022, 21:36 IST| 5

digital well-being

Technology is undoubtedly an integral part of our lives. We as people depend on it for practically everything. From our learning to commute – technology has made it possible for us to access information and services that make our lives easier. 

However, technology can also be a cause of distraction for many of us. Spending too much time on our phones or other devices can leave us experiencing digital fatigue. Not just that, it may have us become inattentive, thus defeating the primary purpose of technology – improving our lives.  

Just as how our physical health requires time and attention, we ought to focus on our digital well-being as well. Primarily because with excessive use of screens, we are becoming increasingly susceptible to digital fatigue. 

To make the process simple for students who experience digital distractions or fatigue, we are putting together a few tips on how to effectively manage their screen time. 

Before we dive into the details, let’s understand what exactly digital well-being, digital fatigue, digital detox, and managing screen time mean. 

Digital Well-Being A term used to describe the effects of technology and digital devices on people’s physical, mental, social, and emotional health. This concept covers both the individual and the societal impact. The former is about understanding the effects of excessive screen time on a person’s health. The latter deals with the larger role and responsibility of the community in creating safe digital spaces.

The term also encompasses various tools that people can use to regulate their use of social media or other applications on their devices. 

Digital Fatigue This is a state of both physical and mental exhaustion that happens because of looking onto the screen for long hours. The symptoms include but are not limited to: 

  • Insomnia 
  • Sore eyes 
  • Light sensitivity 
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches 
  • Lack of focus 

Screen Time Management Refers to strategies that help you limit the amount of time spent on digital devices, besides their use for work or learning purposes. It also includes the choices you make and the boundaries you set for yourself when it comes to using social media and other distracting apps on your device. 

Digital Detox This is a term used to describe the period of time when people disconnect or don’t use their digital devices. The goal is to recover from the stress of overexposure to screens. And, interact better with our physical and social world. Try switching off your phone and going for walk in a park.  

Now that we understand the terms connected to our digital well-being better, here are some tips to help manage screen time and also build healthy digital habits.

6 Tips for Your Digital Well-Being 

Good Display SettingsLooking onto your phone and computer for long hours without blinking can lead to eye strain. It helps to change the display settings of your device in a way that the brightness of your screen is neither too bright nor too dark. It needs to be the same as your surroundings. Ensure that you also increase the size of the text on your screen. You can also have filters or get anti-glare glasses to protect your eyes.

Proper PostureSitting for hours in front of screens in uncomfortable positions leads to backaches and neck pain. Therefore, it is important to sit straight on a chair that supports your spine. Avoid drooping over the keyboard or bending your neck to view the screen. Ensure that your screen is at eye level. 

Use Screen Time Apps Studying on digital devices is convenient and also a crucial part of your preparation. It certainly can’t be avoided. However, you can always limit your screen time using features such as focus mode. For example, the feature prevents you from using social media or apps that distract you. Limiting scrolling through social media apps for hours, gaming or viewing videos at a stretch will help you reduce the digital fatigue you may experience. 

Sleep Matters MostAvoid the temptation to scroll through your social media feed late at night. This will affect your sleep. Similarly, ensure that you don’t look at your phone first thing in the morning. Furthermore, curate your social media feed in a way that doesn’t stress you out. It needs to be a light space of learning and motivation for you. Try to unfollow posts that overwhelm you. Removing these stressors and limiting your screen time before bed will help you sleep better and leave you feeling energised the next day. 

Aye Aye ExerciseExtensive use of digital devices makes you susceptible to a sedentary lifestyle. Getting regular physical and eye exercises is important. An hour of physical activity is helpful for students. You can also do simple eye exercises like the 20-20-20 rule. Here, you take a break from watching a screen every 20 minutes and look at an object placed 20 feet away for 20 seconds. 

21-Day-Detox If you find yourself addicted to your phone or devices, then you may want to take a break from your social media apps. You can uninstall apps that you find yourself to be distracted with. Alternatively, you can set a time for when you’ll use your device only for learning purposes. While you’re at it, make sure you use your free time with a family member or by going for a walk. 

Benefits of Good Digital Hygiene 

Managing your screen time and focusing on your digital well-being has the following benefits: 

  • You’ll be able to focus better on your studies. 
  • You’ll experience lesser stress 
  • You’ll be able to have better social interactions with friends and family
  • You’ll be more in control of your time 
  • You’ll sleep better and feel rested

Want to experience these benefits for yourself? Want to focus on your digital well-being? Then you can start by asking yourself the following questions: 

  • Do I lose track of time while scrolling through my phone? 
  • Do I check my phone every time it buzzes? 
  • Am I on my phone while eating, speaking to someone? 
  • Do I feel something is missing if I haven’t checked my phone every few minutes? 
  • Do I begin and end my day by looking at my phone?

If the answer to all these questions is yes, then you might need better boundaries when it comes to using your phone. You can always take the first step towards digital well-being with a simple detox. 

Also read: 

Morning Habits for a Healthy Mind

Top 8 Expert-Backed Tips To Build Habits


About the Author

Sara started her professional journey in a newsroom and quickly realised that words and stories are her happy place. You may have noticed that she adores her alliteration. She’s also an ailurophile who needs her fix of cute kitty reels to unwind. A warm cup of coffee, chocolates with hazelnut, and a Netflix binge on a cosy chair are all she needs in life. Trees and beaches make her very happy too.