Exam Essential: Wellness checklist to fill your cup!

Team StoryWeavers|December 06, 2021, 20:16 IST| 30


Wellness checklist for exams


Wellness is a set of consistent practices that helps us attain better physical and mental health. However, it can take a backseat when one is facing challenges and stressful situations. Here’s something to help you score high on your wellness during exams!

Before we check off items on the list, let’s define what wellness is. The Global Wellness Institute terms it as an active pursuit of choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of good health. There are multiple components to wellness that need to be considered while determining the overall quality of life.


Wellness Checklist for Mental Health and Self Care


You may think of these components as cups you need to fill in order to maintain a state of wellness. Which will, in turn, help you be productive and go after your dreams. Now that the exam season is here, studies top the to-do lists. There is little time for wellness and its crucial component, self-care because of the assumption that one cannot afford any distractions.

However, let us tell you that self-care is by no means a distraction, rather it’s your superpower. With self-care, you fill all the cups, which are components of your wellbeing. In fact, self-care is the first step to your success in academics. 

Carving out time for yourself in the face of a challenge can be a little overwhelming at first. However, you can keep it simple by using the following checklist. This list includes simple activities that you can do every day in order to improve your quality of life and be productive during the exam season. 

Here’s what your wellness checklist could look like:

1. Ate all meals today 

During exams, you might tend to skip meals to save time and focus solely on your studies. The better alternative here is always eating three or more nutritious meals a day. This will help you stay healthy and focused. This fills your physical cup. 

2. Solved practice tests

Practice completes the preparation. What’s more, it gives you the confidence to ace your exams and this fills your intellectual cup. Getting ample practice with mock tests and solving PYQs makes you feel ready and confident for the exams. 

3. Exercised for 15 minutes

In an attempt to complete your syllabus quickly, you may sit in one place for long periods of time. This makes you lethargic. Getting at least 15 minutes of exercise is a good way to begin and a tiny step towards wellness because it boosts mood, alleviates stress and helps in keeping fit. A win-win because this fills more than one cup!

4. Got optimum sleep 

The right amount of sleep is critical during exams. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night aids in retaining concepts. Additionally, it recharges you and helps start your day afresh. Optimum sleep is good for your physical and mental health. If you managed to tick all three by now, you have a half-full cup! You’re on the right track!

5. Spent time with family or friends

Exam season usually becomes all work and no play. This also means being locked in a room with your books and minimal interaction with friends and family. Activities such as board games with family at home or a walk in the park with a friend give you the much-needed motivation and fill your social cup. 

6. Spent time on a hobby 

Lastly, exams have you devoting all your time to mastering crucial concepts in the syllabus. So, you tend to ignore activities that you enjoy or provide creative satisfaction. Having hobbies that recharge you is vital. It helps you take a break and aids in productivity. Hobbies also fill the intellectual cup, besides the emotional one.

Taking the time for wellness and self-care may seem daunting at first. Especially, when there is a time crunch and exam preparation is on top of your to-do list. This means that you may not be able to check off all the items on the wellness list. In that case, aim to do at least three activities from the list every day. Soon, this will be a habit and your superpower will be activated! 

Here’s a personal checklist to track your wellness. Download now. 


About the Author

Sara started her professional journey in a newsroom and quickly realised that words and stories are her happy place. You may have noticed that she adores her alliteration. She’s also an ailurophile who needs her fix of cute kitty reels to unwind. A warm cup of coffee, chocolates with hazelnut, and a Netflix binge on a cosy chair are all she needs in life. Trees and beaches make her very happy too.