How To Make a Timetable — Top Tips To Plan Your Day

Team StoryWeavers|June 17, 2022, 17:29 IST| 10

how to make timetable for students

How are you enjoying your new academic year? Are you excited about school every day? Making friends, attending classes, participating in extracurricular activities, and sharing lunch — going to school can surely be exciting. But at the same time, it can also get overwhelming. 

The shift from online classes to offline learning can be quite demanding at first. In such times, it’s normal to feel stressed.  A little effort towards time management can save you from hours of worrying over not being able to make time for activities that bring you joy. 

If your current schedule has got you wishing for more than 24 hours in a day, take a deep breath — all you need is a well-planned timetable. Once you start following a timetable, you will see that you start accomplishing more tasks by assigning specific time for each activity. Read on to learn how to make a timetable. 

Why You Need a Timetable

Making a timetable can help you feel more in control of your time. It gives you an overview of everything that’s lined up for the day — which means you are prepared in advance for the tasks you wish to complete. 

Focusing on one activity for a specific duration frees you from distractions, helping you become more efficient at what you do. While making a timetable, mindfully assign enough time for your hobbies as well as academics. Doing this would help you balance your schedule with activities that rejuvenate your mental and physical well-being. You will gradually start acing your daily tasks, which will add to your self-confidence. You will be able to go to bed feeling calmer, motivated, and less worried.

Here are the top benefits of a timetable:

  • Creates a daily routine 
  • Improves time management skills
  • Helps you stay focused on your goals
  • Prevents procrastination
  • Reduces stress and anxiety

Want to make a timetable for yourself? We’ve got you covered! Check out the template below. 

How To Make a Timetable

1. Make a List


Before you make a timetable, step back and think of all the tasks that you want to do each day. It could be anything — from getting craft supplies for your art class to practising the guitar — put it all on a list. 

Be mindful of including some ‘me time’ in your everyday schedule. This need not be an activity that you have to spend hours on, it could be just about spending 20 minutes with your family or taking your pet for a walk. 

Pro tip: Review your timetable every Sunday to mix things up. This ensures that you keep the excitement going without getting bored of the same routine.   

2. Structure Your Day


Now that you have an understanding of the tasks for the day, group them together for a specific time when you are more focused. While some love being an early bird, the rest find themselves more active later during the night. If you want to study early in the morning, you can spend a good part of your evening on your hobbies or vice versa. 

Take time to assess what suits you best — there is always room for trial and error. Eventually, you will know what works for you best and that can be adopted into your timetable accordingly. 

3. Create Realistic Goals 


Always remember your intention behind creating a timetable. Many often overload their schedule as they tend to get carried away with the excitement of accomplishing more. While you can add any number of tasks to your schedule, not being able to complete them may affect your sense of achievement at the end of the day. You certainly don’t want a timetable to be a burden. It is, after all, a tool that you use to make your life easier. 

The key is to start simple. You can always modify your timetable later. If you want to finish studying a chapter in a week, assess the study material and set a realistic timeline to complete it. Even if you can’t, don’t be hard on yourself. You cannot always know what’s lined up for you in a day. Therefore, make sure you are accommodative of any changes you may have to make. The goal is to build a habit that helps you fulfil your dreams and not to work relentlessly till you burn out. 

4. Set Aside Time To Rest


It is important that you assign sufficient time to eat and rest. The bottom line is that the more realistic your timetable is, the more likely you are to follow it. 

Remember, there are only 24 hours in a day and you need to make a timetable that gets you at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Avoid compromising on your sleep and meal time unless it is really necessary. To make sure you sleep well, you can plan your day in such a way that the demanding tasks are completed earlier and you can end your day on a relaxing note. Before going to bed, do anything that makes you happy — it could be reading your favourite book, drawing a little sketch, or even writing a gratitude journal. When you go to bed feeling calm, you are more likely to wake up feeling the same. 

While you get used to your new timetable, remind yourself often that it is normal to take time to form a habit. Never be hard on yourself for not following the schedule to the dot. It takes a little discipline and consistency, but eventually, you will surely become the achiever that you dream to be.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I make a timetable to study?


The perfect timetable comes with careful planning and dedicating enough time to each subject, while you learn with complete attention. Plan your timetable with leisure time and review hours as well.

2. How many subjects do I study in a day?


Study various subjects every day instead of deep-diving into studying just one or two subjects. Plan your timetable such that you study three subjects each day, keeping your mind stimulating and study sessions varied).

3. What is the proper time table for study?


Build a proper time table with regular breaks while studying, like 45 minutes of studying, followed by 15 minutes of break. Use this tip for learning to achieve any goal, such as clearing NEET or Class 10 board exam.

4. Why do you need a time table?


A time table will ensure that you learn without confusion. Dedicate your day based on priority activities in your time table. Stay on the path of studying, while making time for other activities as well.

5. What are the benefits of a time table?


Simplify time management, avoid procrastination and plan your day to achieve your goals with a time table. Other benefits of a time table include saving energy, bringing routine into your study plan.

About the Author

As an introverted teen who loved reading crime-thriller novels, Ashritha knew she was destined to be a writer. Like Dumbledore, Ashritha is a strong believer in the magic of words. She finds joy in the little things — a long walk at dawn, sipping a cup of filter coffee watching the sunset, or rewatching old rom-com movies that make her heart smile.