6 Simple Ways To Set Up a Productive Study Space

Team StoryWeavers|September 16, 2022, 18:47 IST| 4

productive study space

An efficient study space is where you can study with focus, do your homework, and even work. This space helps you be productive and is ideally free from distractions. Every student needs a good study space that makes the preparation process seamless and an enjoyable experience. Yes! A serious activity can be enjoyable and productive with the right mindset. This can be easily achieved by curating a personalised smart study space for yourself. What’s more? We’ll tell you how to do it. 

Light Up 


If you have natural light in your study space, it’s already a winner. Studies have shown that brightly lit spaces encourage critical and analytical thinking, while dimly lit ones are ideal for brainstorming and ideating. Natural light also contributes to increased levels of happiness, productivity, and cognitive function. So, while setting up your study space make sure the room is well-ventilated or has a nice window.

While getting natural light 24/7 is challenging, you can always invest in good table lamps. Ensure that the light illuminates your books and that its source is out of your view. Also, while using devices, make sure that the room is well-lit. Avoid staring at bright computer screens in dimly lit spaces – this contributes to eye strain. 

Keep it Comfortable


Ensure that your study space is comfortable but not very cosy that you end up falling asleep. Invest in ergonomic chairs and a good desk. A writing surface is essential in a study space so that you can quickly make notes or solve questions. Ensure that the furniture helps you maintain a good posture. If it makes you slouch or hunch then it’s not the right for you. Your study desk should be a space where you can sit comfortably for long periods of time and complete your tasks. 

Make It Distraction-Free


It’s a no-brainer that your study space has to be quiet to help you concentrate. While setting up one, make sure that the area is quiet and free of distractions such that the TV, books, and video games should not be in your view. You might want to alert your family or roommates that this space is dedicated to your studies and is a quiet zone. If you do not have control over the noise around you, then you might want to invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs.

Say Yes to Organisation


They say that a clear desk helps you keep a clear head. Removing clutter and having a clean study space boost your productivity and mood. While studying ensure that you keep only the things you need on the desk. If you’re revising science, it doesn’t make sense to have your history textbook on the table. Having just the things you need saves space. You can always invest in a portable drawer unit to store all your files in as opposed to placing them on your desk.  Before you begin studying, make an intention of what you want to accomplish and then organise your space accordingly. Ensure you have a notebook, stationery, water and a snack handy for a productive study session.

Add a Pop of Colour 


Your study space must be a place where you enjoy being. You can always personalise it with plants or splashes of colour. It is well known that colours influence our mood. Red is often linked to boosting alertness and attention to detail. While blues and greens are helpful in ideating. Beige can have a soothing effect. Adding pops of colour help brighten up spaces. They can be in the form of inspirational quotes, art, or accessories. It also helps to keep the spaces minimalistic, for a decluttered feel. 

Mix ‘n’ Match


Using the same space for long hours can be tedious. It helps to switch places and explore other study areas or a cafe to improve your focus. Productivity expert, Cal Newport calls this approach the concentration circuit. Arriving at a new location boosts your motivation and helps you concentrate better. Switching locations can keep re-stimulating this reaction and help you finish tasks faster. You can always invest in a portable desk and move across the room when sitting in a single space is getting tedious for you. 

BONUS: Tips To Maintain a Smart Study Space

  1. Ensure you clear your study desk after you’re done. This will help you start afresh the next day.
  2. You can keep water and snacks handy so you don’t have to move about often. 
  3. Have a little notebook handy to make procrastination notes about what’s distracting you while studying. This will help you focus on your task better.
  4. Remove clutter, keep only essential items on your desk 
  5. Keep your phone away if you’re tempted to check social media every 5 minutes. 

We hope these strategies and tips will help you create a productive study space tailored to your needs. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a space, these tips are time-tested and useful. ‘

Tell us in the comments below, what are some of your favourite study space hacks. 

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About the Author

Sara started her professional journey in a newsroom and quickly realised that words and stories are her happy place. You may have noticed that she adores her alliteration. She’s also an ailurophile who needs her fix of cute kitty reels to unwind. A warm cup of coffee, chocolates with hazelnut, and a Netflix binge on a cosy chair are all she needs in life. Trees and beaches make her very happy too.