Scientifically Proven Learning Tools to Study Smart

Team StoryWeavers|August 24, 2022, 11:49 IST| 12

Have you ever counted how many hours there are in a week? The answer is 168. 

Learners like you may not find this time enough. With assignments to complete, tests to prepare for and co-curricular activities, you may observe yourself spending hours a week on daily life activities. Students also have a social life to live up to, prepare for the future and more.

A question arises…

Do your study habits need an upgrade?

The long hours studying from home or your library may result in boredom while studying or stress too. Maybe it’s time you reevaluate your study habits; explore methods that can help you become a smart learner.

To ensure you study smart, with expert recommendations, unwind the scientifically proven smart study habits you may want to retain forever:

Try short and timed study sessions: The Pomodoro technique 

Smart study habit fit for: Students with high assignment and study pressure 


If you can manage time and study simultaneously, you can do anything! Also known as the Pomodoro technique, the method involves 25+5 minutes of research and break sessions. The method was developed by university student Francesco Cirillo who struggled to complete his assignments.

Cirillo used a tomato, or ‘Pomodoro’ shaped timer to pay undivided attention to studying for 10 minutes, followed by a quick break. Encouraged by its outcomes, he continued the process until it reached the world.

The technique’s prime objective is to empower a learner to stay motivated and minimise distractions. You will remain motivated to learn through the short and well-timed study sessions. Spend your break time the smart way: find a relaxing activity like skipping the rope, making a quick salad or chatting with a friend/family.

Assess your learning (regularly) 

Smart study habit fit for: Learners suffering from test anxiety


Testing yourself constantly is a great smart learning tool. You know exactly where you are acing it, and where you need to improve. Practise tests put you through examinations in small chunks, helping you deal with anxiety and preparation at once. The more you practise, the more you may identify gaps in your learning.

Try tools like excel to keep a tab on your assessments. Prepare yourself by being in the right headspace for exam day.

Learn like a teacher with the Feynman technique 

Smart study habit fit for: Learners studying a new topic or concept


Did you know that Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman strongly believed that reading a book differs from understanding the book? Grasping meaning from a topic is a new level of understanding.

The Feynman technique inspires learners as you learn like a teacher. Begin with picking a topic or concept to teach yourself or a friend. If you see yourself getting stuck somewhere, fill the gaps in your knowledge with your notes. Teaching is a great way to engage with learning and ace every concept your way!

Refrain from multitasking❌ 

Smart study habit fit for: Learners who get distracted (almost) all the time


Multitasking while learning means doing anything other than studying during study time. Quit playing with your smartphone while looking or scrolling through your media feed while writing an assignment. Instead, think about learning so you don’t have to work harder than you already do.

Multitasking is addressing more than one task at the same time. Imagine you’re making a social media post while studying for your mathematics exam in two days – we all know what may happen next…

Learn while playing with flashcards 

Smart study habit fit for: Learners who like to chunk information and study with smart visual aid


Sort information by chunking with flashcards. A commonly used smart learning tool, flashcards are in small paper cutouts, prepared with a visual and associated with connecting words for a concept. You can carry flashcards in your pocket to study at your own pace. 

  • Give priority to your nap strategy 

Smart study habit fit for: Everyone! A good nap a day can achieve you top grades


Improve learning productivity with a simple nap while you reject sleepless study nights. Study smart by napping and not stressing while learning, leading to better retention. Taking naps can boost productivity amongst smart learners. The American Psychology Association reveals the benefits of napping on learners, including that naps lead to good sleep, implying happy learners. Just 20 minutes a day dedicated to short sleep can make you a smart learner.

  • Care about your well-being while studying 

Smart study habit fit for: Everyone! You need to feel good to achieve what you want.


Your learning is your priority, but your well-being is most important. Smart study with smarter habits like drinking enough water, exercising before study sessions, consuming the proper nutrition, communicating with the right people and more build a strong sense of self. Additionally, a good night’s sleep and pursuing your passion alongside studying are great ways to keep your mind relaxed, become a smart learner and more.

Not much can stop your mind from being an achiever when your mind is happy. Care about yourself to understand how it can help boost your performance and well-being. 

Prepare a timetable to determine your study plan 

Smart study habit fit for: Someone who wants/likes to plan everything


A timetable is a great tool for learners to know their study plan for the day, week or month. Keep in mind smart study strategies, build a timetable around it to determine if you are wasting your time while studying, and determine what you will study.

Timetables will keep you fresh and prepared, most essentially, in routine. 

Why become a smart learner?

Smart learning is a unique concept and needs maturity to grasp. If you know yourself and understand your needs, smart studying will help you blend your learning needs with traditional learning, innovating smart learning strategies in the 21st century. Benefits of smart studying include:

  • Flexibility in learning: Smart learning strategies can help you learn anytime, anywhere. No matter the situation, you can learn seamlessly and achieve the scores you’d wished for.
  • Increase engagement: Get involved with your learning by choosing your smart learning strategies. The scientific methods of learning smart are proven, boosting your confidence in studying and becoming an achiever.
  • Freedom to explore: Discover how you like to study, your priorities while learning and more. With smart studying, you get the freedom to explore options, strategies and paths to learning success.
  • Concentrate on learning success, more than just academic success: An evergreen development in your life will be when you become a smart learner. Become flexible, smart and efficient by adopting smart strategies from a young age, concentrating on innovation, exploration and related projects in the long run. 

Time to Study Smart

The one thing we may be short on is time. So, it’s time! Get started on adopting suitable study methods that may make you fall in love with learning. It’s not about sitting for long hours; it’s about making the right decisions. Take a deep breath and make smart study choices.

Comment to tell us smart study techniques that inspired you.

About the Author

Priyanka writes for a living and comes from the city of joy. She loves to cook and wanders around, gazing at trees whenever possible. She believes exploring thoughts, ideas and places give her the space to discover people, their worlds and beyond! Priyanka pursued her Master`s degree in Education, seeking ways to educate all. To shake things up, she pursued her career in marketing. She inspires people to explore the world (and beyond) with her content!