How to study effectively during a lockdown?

Team StoryWeavers|April 18, 2020, 20:53 IST| 21

Home learning can be smooth-sailing if done right. You can hang out in your pajamas all day, you can play to your heart’s content and still get some serious learning done. But how does one find the right balance to make home learning effective as well?

There are a whole bunch of tips and tricks that can help you learn effectively Let’s take a look at some of them.

Plan your study space and study time

For anyone considering home learning or online classes, dedicated study space and a regular study schedule can make things so much smoother.

Be it a kitchen table or a study table in the bedroom, ensure that your study space is comfortable and free from distractions. Remember to include the following elements while planning your online study room:

  • Textbooks, reference books, and other study materials 
  • Sticky notes, whiteboard, and erasable markers
  • Rough papers to work on and other writing essentials
  • Good lighting

When it comes to making a schedule, know your own limits. Some people work better as an early bird and others as a night owl. Leverage the time when your productivity is high and study at that time. Use Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning to train your mind to study at that particular time every day. Attending online classes or taking home tutoring sessions in your dedicated study space at a specific time every day can help create an effective study routine. 

Organise resources for home learning

Whether you are grounded at home due to the lockdown or just want to study from the comfort of your home, online tuitions or online classes can be a handy tool to strengthen your learning. Online classes such as BYJU’S Live offer a convenient, personalised and interactive learning experience. Determine your schedule and attend the classes according to it. Here is a list of resources you need, to attend the online classes:

  • Tablet or laptop or mobile
  • High-speed internet
  • Good headphones 

Keep up your motivation

Use the Rule of Three. Prepare a to-do list of only the next three things you have to do. Make sure the tasks are easy to achieve. Once you accomplish the tasks in the list, cross-out the task and reward yourself. Treat yourself with your favourite snack or play a video game or take a walk in the neighbourhood or anything else that you find relaxing. During home learning or home tutoring, such positive reinforcement can keep you going.  

Manage Time 

When you opt for home tutoring sessions or online classes, you may lose track of time. Utilize your time management skills to tackle it. Plan your study schedule and the time needed to study each subject. Set yourself realistic targets. Let the sessions be optimal. Try the Pomodoro Technique to manage your time more effectively. Use a timer to keep track of time and make sure you stick to your study schedule. Set alarms at 40-minute intervals and plan ahead for what you can study in each 40-min study sessions. After 40-minutes, take a break of 10-20 minutes. These kinds of structured study periods are a great way to get the most out of your study time. 

Keep learning and have fun

While this is a taxing time for all of us, it can also be a hidden opportunity to be a self-learner. Use this challenge as an opportunity to grow. Follow your study schedule. Where applicable, learn concepts by implementing them in real-life scenarios. This is especially true in subjects like Maths and Science. Take time to explore, conduct fun experiments and understand the concepts better and deeper.