What Are Mindful Habits? Why Should You Build Them?

Team StoryWeavers|March 17, 2022, 20:25 IST| 4

Picture this — you get out of your bed on a Monday and go straight to the desk and login to your first class of the day. You’re quickly making notes while worrying about the assignment that’s due tomorrow. You spend the rest of the week navigating through endless classes and tests. And, on the back of your mind, there is a growing concern about planning for your future. You’re feeling more stressed as the days go by, and amidst all of the chaos, you just want a minute for yourself — to breathe. 

So how do you make that time for yourself? By building mindful habits into your routine to improve your emotional wellbeing. These habits will allow you to stay calm, be present in your surroundings, and navigate through difficult days.

How To Build Mindful Habits?

Routine it
Building mindful habits take time and patience. One of the easiest ways to build good habits and break bad ones is by integrating an effortless mindful habit into your existing routine. Let us give you an example, say you want to practice a basic form of mindfulness — observing your surroundings. Then we suggest you stay present in the moment and observe what is around you while sipping your evening tea/coffee on the balcony. This doesn’t disturb your routine, rather it adds value to your day by making the mundane magical when you spot a bird under the blue sky. 

Journal it
Another way to sustain a mindful habit is by maintaining a meditation journal, where you note down the thoughts and feelings you have while meditating. Maintaining a journal will help you keep a track of your mind space and gain deeper insight into your personality. Not just that, it will help you see the progress you’ve made and encourage you to continue moving forward.

Reminder it
It is easy to forget the little things that you like doing for yourself when you have a mountain of tasks awaiting you. That’s why setting reminders that nudge you towards your mindful activities help a great deal. For instance, having an automatic reminder that tells you to do a 10-minute breathing exercise goes a long way in helping you build a meditation habit. 

Finally, to build a habit, you need to keep at it no matter what. Consistency is key on the good and bad days. Because that’s what works and pays you back later. 

mindful habits,

Some Mindful Habits for You

Before you begin with the task of building mindful habits that are the right fit for you, we thought we’d share our favourite ones to get you started. 

Taking some time out during the day to practise deep breathing will help you stay calm. All you have to do is close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. While you’re at it, ensure that you focus on the breaths. The few minutes you spend on this activity will make a huge difference to your day. 

Spending as little as 60 minutes thrice a week sketching, painting or even knitting will help you unwind and make you happy. The key is to pay full attention to the colours and curves you can fashion on plain paper and marvel at the magic you’ve created. 

Starting your mornings with meditative walks ensures that you begin your day on a calm and upbeat note. Not only do you get to move your body but you can also gain peace of mind amidst all the greenery and the breeze. 

Putting down your thoughts at the end of the day can be a soothing and productive way to process your emotions. It will also help you reflect and take better care of your needs. Not just that, this habit will help you arrive at better decisions in the future. 

Furthermore, you can also practise yoga, different forms of meditation, and exercises of your choice. The key is to do things that make you feel good about yourself consistently. This will help you take time out for yourself, not as a mundane task but rather as an activity that you enjoy. 

Also read: 

What Is Self-Love? And, How Does It Help You Live Your Best Life?



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About the Author

Sara started her professional journey in a newsroom and quickly realised that words and stories are her happy place. You may have noticed that she adores her alliteration. She’s also an ailurophile who needs her fix of cute kitty reels to unwind. A warm cup of coffee, chocolates with hazelnut, and a Netflix binge on a cosy chair are all she needs in life. Trees and beaches make her very happy too.