10 Exoplanets Similar to Earth

August 11, 2023

By Sonakshi Kandhari 

It might not occur to one that, besides the Earth, there could be other life-sustaining planets. But scientists have discovered 4,000 exoplanets orbiting outside the solar system. Let’s closely observe 10 of them.

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Gliese 667 Cc

About 22 light years away and 4.5 times the Earth's size,this exoplanet orbits a star called the red dwarf and takes 28 days to orbit it once.

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About 600 light years away and 2.4 times the size of the Earth, it orbits its G-star in 290 days. It hasn’t been determined whether it's rocky, liquidy, or gaseous.

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Around 70% larger than the Earth, it circles a star 80% as luminous as the sun.Its orbital period is 242 days, and it is 2700 light years behind.

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Kepler- 62f

It orbits a star that is much cooler than the sun in 267 days, which puts it in the habitable zone. Around 40% larger than the Earth, this exoplanet is mostly oceanic.

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Almost Earth's twin, it is 500 light years behind, 10% larger and within the habitable zone. But since it orbits a red dwarf star and receives one-third of the Earth's energy, it disqualifies.

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Discovered in 2015, this exoplanet is 1,194 light years away and orbits its star in 112 days. Research suggests that there is a possibility of it sustaining a biosphere.

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This exoplanet is 1400 light years away and 1.6 times the size of Earth. It takes 385 days to orbit Kepler 452, a star 10% larger than the sun.

Image source: NASA

Kepler 1649c

Discovered in 2020, this exoplanet is 1.6 times the Earth’s size, orbits its M-type star in 19.5 days, is 300 light years behind and receives 75% of the light that the Earth does.

Image source: NASA

Proxima Centauri b

It is 4 light years away, 1.27 times the Earth’s size and orbits in 11.2 days. Being in close proximity to its star, it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

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Trappist 1e

Bearing the most resemblance to Earth, this exoplanet is made of seven worlds. Its water evaporated during its formation. Orbiting 39.4 light years away, it completes a cycle in 6.1 days.

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