10 Ways Students Can Go Green This Environment Day

By Vandya Rai

June 4, 2022

Reuse Notebooks

Do you have used notebooks lying around with a few empty pages still left in them? Tear out those pages and stitch them together into a brand new notebook you can use this year!

Video Source: Pexels

Donate Textbooks

Your old syllabus can be somebody’s new textbook. Instead of throwing away the textbooks you have completed for the year, give them to a sibling, a friend, or to a child in need.

Video Source: Pexels

Walk or Cycle

If you have to travel a short distance, instead of hailing an auto or a cab, choose to walk or cycle. This reduces your carbon footprint, and you can also enjoy a breath of fresh air!

Video Source: Pexels

Use Ink Pens

How many plastic pens do you use and throw in a year? A lot? You can reduce your wastage by opting for refillable ink pens instead. They even make your handwriting look great!

Video Source: Pexels

Drink From Steel

Plastic water bottles are harmful to the environment, and your health too. Use a stainless steel bottle that lasts longer and also prevents harmful chemicals from seeping into your water.

Image Source: Unsplash

Save Energy

Do you leave your devices turned on when you’re not using them? This can waste energy and produce excess carbon dioxide. Turn off your TV or laptop, and don’t forget to unplug your devices too!

Image Source: Unsplash

Use Less Paper

The perks of living in the digital age is that you don’t have to write everything on paper. Try making notes on your phone, laptop, or tablet as much as you can, and study from PDFs or video lessons. This way, you can save trees and money!

Video Source: Pexels

Volunteer More

Participate in activities that can help save the environment. Volunteer to clean your local beach or raise awareness among your circles about pollution. Use your time and your voice to make the Earth a greener planet.

Video Source: Pexels

Try Local Transport

Do you travel to school in your own vehicle? Using the school bus or public transport can help lower the pollutants in the atmosphere, save fuel, and reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

Video Source: Pexels

Plant Seeds

What if you began a tradition to plant a tree on each birthday or every time you achieved something? You can help produce more flowers for bees, food for animals and people, prevent soil erosion, generate more oxygen, and many more great benefits!

Video Source: Pexels