Green Leaf

8 Most Poisonous Plants to Stay Away From

June 30th, 2023

By Aswirbaad Das

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Palm Leaf

They might be pretty to look at, but they are pretty dangerous when touched or consumed! Let us have a look at 8 of the most poisonous plants found across the globe.

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A native of central and southern Eurasia, the Belladonna bears toxic black berries containing atropine and scopolamine that cause paralysis of the involuntary muscles, including the heart. The sweetness of these berries often lures children and adults to consume them unwittingly.

Deadly Nightshade

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Castor oil plays a part in many home remedies, but the actual plant itself is quite lethal! The seeds of this plant, native to Africa, contain Ricin, a deadly toxin responsible for causing nausea, vomiting, internal bleeding and even kidney failure.

Castor bean

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Also known as the poison nut, this plant is native to Southeast Asia. Its seeds contain strychnine, a powerful toxin that affects the nervous system. Historically, the seeds were used as a poison for hunting and warfare and, in small doses, also as a stimulant and pain reliever.


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Aconite is also commonly called the monkshood because the top of the flower resembles a monastic head covering. But there's nothing holy about this plant since every part of it is laced with the toxin aconitine, which can cause diarrhoea, heart irregularities, coma or even death.


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This beautiful plant native to the Mediterranean region has seeds containing oleandrin, a cardiac glycoside that affects the heart and can cause irregular heartbeats, seizures and death. However, it is also commonly used as an ornamental shrub in warmer climates.


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Datura, also known as jimsonweed, is a herbaceous summer annual plant found in tropical and temperate regions of the world. Its leaves, seeds and flowers contain scopolamine, hyoscyamine and atropine, which can cause hallucinations, delirium, confusion and death.

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One of the world’s most cultivated plants is also one of the most toxic. The leaves of the tobacco plant contain nicotine and anabasine, highly toxic alkaloids responsible for causing cancer and cardiac poisoning in humans.

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Poison ivy is a common plant found throughout North America. Its leaves and stems contain urushiol, an oily resin that causes an allergic reaction in most people, leading to redness, itching and blistering. In severe cases, it can even cause breathing difficulties.

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Poison Ivy