Why You Should Adopt a Dog  and Not Shop

By Shreesha Ghosh

August 25, 2022

Video source:: Pexels

Adopting a dog equals saving its life. These dogs might have been abused, abandoned or left to fend for themselves on the streets. By adopting them from shelters, you are giving the dog a safe and loving home.

Saving a life!

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Dogs are forced to breed numerous times and kept under harsh conditions in puppy mills. These dogs are eventually discarded when they are unable to breed. Adopting these dogs not only supports animal welfare but also causes such organisations to lose profit.

Taking down breeders

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Shelters are often overburdened as they take in millions of stray, abused and lost animals every year. By adopting one dog, you are making room for others. You are giving other animals a second chance at having a home!

Making room for more rescues

Image source:: Pexels

It costs far less to adopt a dog from a shelter than to buy from a breeder or pet store. Typically, shelters take good care of the animals and offer medical services at a reduced cost. Hence, you save a lot of money.

Good for  your wallet

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Adopting a dog doesn't just support the animal's well-being but yours too. Studies show that having a loyal companion can help you live longer whilst improving your overall health.

Dogs improve  your lives too

Video source:: Pexels

There's a good chance you will find the perfect dog for your family with thousands of shelters as dogs just want to be loved and cared for. Once you spend some time with animals at a shelter, you may fall in love with a dog who is entirely different from what you first thought you wanted.

Getting the  perfect match

Video source:: Pexels

Several dogs in shelters are adolescent or adult dogs, which means they might be trained enough to know some basic commands. This will make your life much easier when you bring the dog home.

Advantages of a trained dog

Image source:: Pexels

Your dog will love you no matter what. Pets give you a sense of immense joy and fulfilment. Studies have found that playing with your pet releases the feel-good hormones- serotonin and dopamine that make you happy.

Unconditional love, joy, fulfilment