Lesser Known Sources Of Vitamin D 

By Mekhala Joshi

October 17, 2022

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Vitamin D is important for the health of bones, teeth, and muscles. A lack of Vitamin D can cause numerous health issues for both children and adults.

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Our skin produces Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, a primary source of Vitamin D. However, some vegetables and meat that we eat also contain Vitamin D.

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Mushrooms may be the sole non-animal, unfortified source of Vitamin D. A single serving can give you a lot of Vitamin D2.

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Ghee is very popular in our country. It is a source of Vitamins A, D, E, and K, which lowers the risk of diseases. 

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Eating egg yolk frequently may give you enough Vitamin D. An egg is a good source of calcium, protein, zinc, and minerals as well.

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Salmon is a fatty fish high in Vitamin D and B12. The vitamin range varies by where and when the salmon is harvested.

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Cod liver oil is obtained from the liver of cod fish and is abundant in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D. 

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Many foods today, especially dairy products like milk and yoghurt, are fortified with Vitamin D. 

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