8 Reasons Why Children Must Have A Daily Routine

By Mekhala Joshi

August 24, 2022

Routines are actions that we regularly do at a particular time and in a fixed order. Children typically have several daily routines for morning, mealtime, bedtime, etc.

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For example, a morning routine may include waking up on time, brushing teeth, having a bath, eating breakfast, and leaving for school. 

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Routines let children know what’s coming their way. As a result, routines can help children get excited and prepare for joyful occasions like playground time.

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Change is inevitable as children grow up. Routines provide predictability, which can be reassuring when faced with problems.

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Routines help children build self-control by reducing impulse behaviour and hyperactivity. It also fosters self-discipline.

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Children benefit from routines because the practice of repetitive teaching at various times of the day helps them learn easily. Also, a child's sense of accomplishment is magnified when they can do tasks independently.

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Routines are likely to decrease children's challenging behaviours and boost their interest in education.

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Routines are helpful for parents as they make them feel calm and relaxed, which reduces their nagging towards their children.

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