Surprising tips to make your child read

By Aparna Desikan

October 21, 2022

Reading can be an enjoyable part of your child’s everyday activities. It enhances your child’s curiosity, imagination and ability to focus. Here are some ways to encourage your child to read.

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Be a reader

Young children emulate their parent’s routines. Sit down occasionally for a book reading, so your child models your behaviour and makes it a habit to read.

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Encourage independent reading

Inculcate the habit of independent reading in children. One way to do this is by introducing your child to reading books in their area of interest.

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Variety of reading material

Reading for education, extra knowledge and pleasure - all have their advantages. Make sure your child experiences all forms of reading with access to diverse reading materials.

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Create a reading nook

Designing an inviting reading space with their favourite books and comfortable furniture will encourage them to read regularly, making it a fun and relaxing experience.

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Read together frequently

One way to encourage reading while enhancing parent-child bonding is by reading or discussing a story together. You can also have interesting discussions to make the experience more enjoyable.

Image source: Pexels

Visit a library often

Encourage your child to avail of library membership so they can check out books on their own, either for schoolwork or for pleasure reading.

Image source: Pexels

Share reading experiences

How did you enjoy reading books as a child? Sharing your positive experiences with your child will encourage them to create their own reading experiences.

Image source: Pexels

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