Ways to deal with children's tantrums 

By Aparna Desikan

August 19,2022

In young children, tantrums are a common occurrence. Contrary to popular beliefs, tantrums don’t mean your child deliberately exhibits bad behaviour. Experts say that tantrums are a mode of communication. Here are some ways to deal with them.

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Don't stop the tantrum

Reasoning with your child in the middle of a tantrum will only aggravate them. Experts say that asking for explanations or trying to reason with them equates to fueling the flames of the fire. So give them some space to cool down.

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Stay calm

Offering a calming presence helps a great deal with any outbursts. Try gently putting your hand on your child’s shoulder to calm them for reassurance, without giving in to their demands.

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Distract and redirect

Distraction works wonders! Turning on their favourite song, favourite cartoon series on TV or reading their favourite book would prevent your preschooler from throwing a tantrum. You just need to find out which distractions work out the best.

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Show empathy

Children feel heard when they realise that you understand their emotions. Recognising their emotions and acknowledging them is key to handling their tantrums, which essentially is an outburst of emotions.

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Dont resort to punishment

Your child is still learning how to express themselves. They don't understand why they cannot have the toy or the extra serving of ice cream. Punishing your child for their tantrums will confuse them. Besides, there are chances of the child curtailing emotions, fearing consequences.

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Reiterate your love

Comforting an upset, tantrum-throwing child with love will help them navigate their tantrum better. You can even hold your child close to you to calm them down. Studies show that the act re-centers their feelings better.

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Have a discussion later

Once you have calmed your child, ensure you discuss the incident and make them understand why they could not have had extra screen time or ice cream for dinner. This will make them realise why their demands were wrong, with the reassurance that they are heard and loved.

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Identify triggers

Experts add that tantrums usually happen when children are tired, hungry or looking for attention. When you understand what causes the tantrums, you can find methods to manage them as well.

Image source: Pexels

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