World Mental Health Day: 8 Easy Habits To Cultivate

Oct 10, 2022

By Adrija Sen

This World Mental Health day, let’s slow down and spend some time on self-care. Try these simple and easy everyday habits to better care of yourself and your mind.

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Take care of your mental health by creating a safe space to feel and express yourself. Keeping a journal is one way to do so. You can start a gratitude journal or one that tracks your everyday thoughts on life.

Write it Out

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A period of ‘no-screen’ time enables a healthy break from information overload. Keeping away from your phone half an hour before sleeping and right after waking up gives your mind some breathing space.

No-Screen Time

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Making time for an activity of your choice, like painting, running, or cooking a nice meal, calms your mind and relaxes the body. Avoid indulging in thinking about other tasks, as it will ruin the whole purpose of mindfulness.

Practice Mindfulness

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Try out a new activity once in a while but the key is to do it without any pressure. A stress-free activity will make learning a new skill more enjoyable.

 Trying new things

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If you feel too swamped, colouring is the easiest way to overcome it! Pick a geometric and a slightly complicated design for the best effect. You can find many designs with a quick online search.

Colour Away

Image source:  Unsplash

While going about your day, express feelings of adoration to others. It naturally releases good-feeling chemicals in our brains. You can send thank you notes, play with a furry friend, or give long hugs to loved ones!

Add a Little Love

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Physical activity, be it via dancing, running, yoga, or sports, is directly related to boosting mood and concentration, and also improves cardiovascular and overall physical health. So go ahead, make those moves!

Move Your Body

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As humans, we need to get some sunshine and spend time in nature. Experts claim that Vitamin D from sunlight is a great mood elevator. Research shows that exploring nature can increase energy levels and boost your well-being.

Get Your Essentials

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We hope these easy tips will set you up for success! Let’s promise to look after our minds and bodies with extra love and care this World Mental Health day. *This is a compilation of guidelines and is not to be considered as medical advice.

Image source:  Unsplash