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Quiz Alert! How Well Do You Know Birds?

Team StoryWeavers|August 26, 2022, 15:57 IST|

Dear young learner,

We are excited to invite you to another session of BYJU’S Quizlets. Following your enthusiastic participation in the Flowers quiz, here is another quiz on an interesting topic – Birds. As bird lovers, we are sure you would love to attempt this quiz! Your favourite duo, Jax and Jane, will be your quizzing partners! 

Are you ready? Let’s go! Here are the instructions to take up the quiz:

    • Five simple multiple choice questions are given below.
    • Read the questions carefully and find the correct answers.
    • Choose the correct answer from the option (A, B, C or D)
    • Write it in the comments below.
    • The answers will be revealed to you in the next edition of BYJU’s Quizlets.


  1. Jax and Jane just returned home after visiting a bird park. They are trying to recall some bird facts that they had learnt. Can you help them find which bird among the options cannot fly?


A Kiwi
B Owl
C Crow
D Pigeon

2. Jane remembered seeing a bird with a really big pouch under its beak to catch fish. Which bird is it?

A Pelican
B Kingfisher
C Stork
D Albatross


3. Jane asked Jax: Which bird among these does NOT eat meat? Help him find the answer.

A Parrot
B Eagle
C Vulture
D Kite


4. Jax asked Jane: Can you name the bird that can turn its neck in all directions? Help her find the correct answer

A Owl
B Hummingbird
C Crow
D Eagle

5. Jane told Jax, “We have an organ that birds don’t have. Can you tell me which among these birds does not have it?”

A Teeth
B Spine
C Toes
D Flesh

We are really excited to see if you can find the correct answers! Happy quizzing!

About the Author

Aparna is a mom, singer and dreamer. At BYJU'S, she writes stories about learning for children. She believes in the power of music, especially ghazal, the magic of the universe and happy learners. When not writing or singing, you will find her intensely engaged in conversations about life and the power of words.

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