Why Do Boiled Beans Not Sprout?

Team StoryWeavers|April 12, 2022, 19:13 IST|

bean sprouts

Have you ever wondered how beans sprout and if there is a science behind it? If you aren’t aware, let’s get into the nitty gritties of how to sprout them effectively, whether boiling them can help them germinate better or not and more.

What do you mean by sprouting?

According to the definition in our Science books, sprouting is the natural process by which seeds or spores germinate and grow shoots. In the field of nutrition, the term signifies the practise of germinating seeds (for example, mung beans or sunflower seeds) which are then to be consumed raw or cooked, and is considered full of nutrients.

Why should we sprout beans?

Although beans and lentils can be cooked from the dry form, soaking and sprouting them enhances their nutritional value, making them rich in protein and folate, thus making them easier to digest.

Do boiled beans sprout?

Typically, boiled beans or seeds do not tend to sprout as the process of boiling denatures or damages certain enzymes or proteins which are necessary for germination. Beans also require moisture and air for sprouting. When the beans are boiled, the moisture content is lost. Boiling seeds will kill the embryos inside, hence seeds will fail to germinate. Boiling the seeds destroys the cell organelles which are required for them to sprout and hence they fail to grow. Thus, boiling can kill the seeds too.

Here are a few quick steps to sprout beans effectively:

– Rinse the beans thoroughly with cold water and soak them overnight (10-12) hours in warm water. During the soaking process, you will see that the beans will double in size.
– Drain out the water using a colander (a perforated utensil used in the kitchen to strain water) and then place the beans on a cloth.
– Wrap the beans in a cloth and store them covered in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
– In the summers, beans will start to sprout in 12 hours. The longer you keep, they will continue to grow. However, in winters it may take up to 48 hours for the beans to sprout.
– Once sprouted, beans can be refrigerated for up to two weeks in airtight containers or zip lock bags.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can beans sprout after cooking?


Beansprouts can be added to the last stages of any stir-fried dish. However, to ensure even cooking, it's best to lightly cook them separately first, ideally in a microwave.

2. Why are my beans taking so long to sprout?


Among the most common causes of failure in bean seeds is cold temperatures. Temperatures below 70 F slow sprouting, whereas temperatures below 60 F may cause the seeds to fail entirely. Colder temperatures combined with very moist soil may cause the seeds to rot.

3. How do I make beans sprout faster?


One easy way to make seeds germinate faster is to presoak them for 24 hours in a shallow container filled with hot tap water. Water will penetrate the seed coat and cause the embryos inside to plump up.

4. What beans should not be sprouted?


Some uncooked beans, such as kidney, lima, and broad beans, need to be cooked before consuming to remove toxins. We recommend simply not sprouting these beans.

5. What is the difference between beans and sprouted beans?


The sprouted beans are more nutritious than the original beans, and they require much less cooking time. Some research even suggest that they protect against diseases and weight loss.

About the Author

Writing has always been Shreesha’s passion, be it for imparting knowledge or expressing opinions. In her former role as a journalist, she contributed to enriching society with knowledge. Now, at BYJU’S, she has moved on to something more exciting – creating tailor-made content for students. When she is not writing, you would find her looking for new ways to engage her child.