DIY Mental Health Check-in | Find Out How You Are Doing!

Team StoryWeavers|October 10, 2022, 12:11 IST|

How are you?

We ask this question to so many people regularly. When was the last time you asked this yourself?

Let’s get real for a minute. Adult life is overwhelming. There is always something somewhere that needs to be accomplished. We juggle a million things every day at home and work, striving to always have it together, know all the answers, and be productive. In this quest to be the best, we often let our health take a toll. You may go to the doctor to get regular body checkups, but what about your mind?

Mental health goes hand in hand with what you do and how you do it. A healthy mind is key to leading a happy, productive, and meaningful life. Oftentimes, we become so busy chasing perfection that we tend to overlook our emotions and how we are doing, mentally. That’s where mental health check-ins can help. 

Checking in with oneself is extremely important, as it allows us to evaluate our mental state and what we may or may not need to have a healthy headspace. By being conscious of your feelings and emotions through these check-ins, you can, to some extent, shield yourself from adverse mental health issues.

The best part is, you can do these check-ins yourself in just a few minutes. Go ahead and ask yourself these questions and answer honestly! 

But before you start, try this easy relaxation exercise which will make you feel calm and get you in the mood to introspect.

1. How am I (really) feeling today – physically and mentally?

How are you doing really?

Ask yourself and let us know how you are feeling, by posting the appropriate emoji in the comments below!

2. What am I looking forward to in the next few days?

3. What has been taking up my headspace?

4. How have I practised self-care lately?

If your answer is no, pick any of the following and get started!

5. How am I taking care of my body?

6. Do I need to take something off my plate?

7. When did I last eat a whole and hearty meal?

8. When was the last time I showed compassion to myself and others?

9. Have I been getting enough sleep?

10. Have I been spending time with my loved ones?

Don’t worry if you don’t have the perfect response — just answer honestly. If any of your answers to these questions concern you or you feel that you are not doing okay, you can try the following things:

Also read: Introducing BYJU’S Let’s Talk – an employee wellness initiative | World Mental Health Day

Make this self-check-in exercise a part of your routine; takes only a few minutes to help you get in tune with your emotional self.

While you are at it, don’t forget to check in on others too!

You can ask the same questions to your friends, family, or partner, to check if they are doing okay. Or you could simply share this article with them!

Did we help you check in with yourself, and did you discover anything? Let us know in the comments below!


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About the Author

Rakshanda believes that stories can change the world and loves doing everything to bring them forth. She is a lover of dark humour and doesn’t mean most of it (well, almost!). An exceptional cook from a young age, she adores connecting with people over recipes and hot beverages. She prefers the company of doggos over humans and can be seen adding all things art to her Pinterest board during her free time. Got a recipe to share or story to tell? Reach out to her at