All The Buzz From BYJU’S Sports League Table Tennis Tournament!

Team StoryWeavers|November 07, 2022, 10:07 IST| 1

We believe in working hard and playing harder! Sports has always been at the heart of BYJU’S, and so, obviously, we hosted our very own Sports League recently. 

This October, BYJUites embraced the sporting spirit and participated in a fun-yet-challenging Table Tennis Tournament. This tournament marked the first edition of BYJU’S Sports League – a series of indoor and outdoor sports tournaments to infuse team spirit and sportsmanship within the BYJU’S community. There was competition, camaraderie, nerve-racking thrill, and heaps of fun, seen in the participants throughout the series.

Also read: Mental Health Day at BYJU’S | Here’s how we marked the occasion

Keep reading to know more about the tournament and the fun that entailed

Drive. Smash. Point!

The tournament consisted of three gripping rounds – a qualifier, a semi-final, and a finale with two categories – Men’s singles and Women’s singles. 120 BYJUites battled it out in the qualifiers (a total of 60 matches), culminating in a thrilling finale of 30 matches – the quest to find our ultimate table tennis champions.

Something for everyone

BYJUites who came to cheer for their peers also had a blast at the tournament by participating in many on-the-spot fun games. Minute-to-win-it games, sports trivia, and exciting giveaways made the event even more entertaining and engaging.

The ultimate table tennis champions

The competition in the semi-final rounds was neck and neck between the players and it all came down to the final round to decide the winner. We got our ultimate table tennis champions after six nail-biting matches:

Men’s Singles Women’s Singles
Winner Harshit Pokharna Winner Nidhi Krishnan
1st Runner up Anas Madni 1st Runner up Sushovita Tripathy
2nd Runner up  Anirban Mallik 2nd runner up Ramjali Leeleswori

Nidhi Krishnan, the winner of Women’s singles, ecstatically said, “It has been nine years since I last played table tennis. This tournament brought back many memories and gave me an excellent opportunity to practice my game. It feels really good.

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Congratulations to the champions on their triumphant win! We wrapped up the tournament with a felicitation ceremony where the referees awarded the winners. 

The tournament acted as a great platform for BYJUites to showcase their talents, exhibit sportsmanship, and connect with their community. We can’t wait for the next editions of BYJU’S Sports League. Stay tuned, so you can read about them.

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About the Author

Rakshanda believes that stories can change the world and loves doing everything to bring them forth. She is a lover of dark humour and doesn’t mean most of it (well, almost!). An exceptional cook from a young age, she adores connecting with people over recipes and hot beverages. She prefers the company of doggos over humans and can be seen adding all things art to her Pinterest board during her free time. Got a recipe to share or story to tell? Reach out to her at