Women at BYJU’S | Haritha H on how an inclusive workplace aided her growth at BYJU’S Tuition Centre

Team StoryWeavers|March 15, 2023, 10:43 IST|

Women at BYJU'S

We all remember that moment when something extraordinary comes along and changes the course of our life. For Haritha H, that moment was her first interaction with our cutting-edge learning products, which led to her desire to join BYJU’S and pursue a career in edtech. 

“The year was 2021. My niece had begun studying through BYJU’S The Learning App. I attempted to guide her initially, but realised that she understood the concepts on her own and didn’t need my help,” says Haritha. 

“What I saw fascinated me. Here was my niece, introduced to this engaging world of learning that we never had growing up. I was pursuing my B.Ed at that time but I knew that traditional teaching wasn’t it for me,” she says. “I always dreamt of being part of something great and creating a lasting impact with my work.”

Haritha’s dream came true when she landed a job with BYJU’S as a faculty member in BYJU’S Tuition Centre (BTC), straight out of college. 

In our new series, Women of BTC, we highlight inspiring and powerful stories of female leaders making their mark at BYJU’S Tuition Centre. 

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On a fast growth curve

Very soon, Haritha’s passion and dedication to her job skyrocketed her to greater heights. “I was among the initial members of BYJU’S Tuition Centre. This enabled me to learn and grow really fast, and soon I was promoted to Academic Centre Head,” she says. 

After working in Trivandrum in her new role for some time, she was given another opportunity to grow further. “I was offered the role of Zonal Academic Head, which would entail management of six centres in the North Kerala region. I never thought that I would assume a leadership role but my seniors and managers at BYJU’S saw something in me that I couldn’t see myself,” says Haritha. 

“When I first saw my niece (and later my nephew) studying on the app, I wondered if the content could be adapted to the offline mode as well. To see that thought and vision come to life through BTC has been an exciting experience. And to know that I have contributed to its growth, has been a surreal feeling,” she adds. 

Also Read: Building bridges, not walls: BYJUites on fostering gender equality and respectful dialogue at work | International Women’s Day

Channelling her inner leader 

Haritha’s job sees her mitigating challenges on the ground, coordinating with multiple academic teams and centre heads, and ensuring that every student receives an unparalleled learning experience at BTC. “My job also requires me to travel to different centres every month and to remain on top of things when it comes to day-to-day academics,” she says. 

This is where she feels she has grown as a person. “I never thought I’d travel alone — there was always this irrational fear that I managed to overcome due to my BYJU’S experience. It has made me more independent and confident,” she shares, adding “There’s so much support from all quarters. Your gender doesn’t matter as long as you’re talented and have the desire and motivation to perform.” 

In fact, Haritha feels she has the freedom and flexibility to be herself at BYJU’S. “From our inclusive policies like Period and Child Care Leaves, to the encouragement from your seniors, the focus is always on growth,” she says. “As a teacher at BTC, you learn so much on the job. With the two-teacher model, you are exposed to some of the best teachers and can learn from their content delivery methods.”  

Giving a growth platform to the right kind of talent is one of our strong suits. “With an inclusive environment, all you need is to believe in yourself, keep learning, and trust our world-class products. The organisation will build you a runway, so your career can take off in style,” Haritha says. 

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Being confident and putting one’s point across succinctly has been instrumental in Haritha’s success at BYJU’S. From delivering business-positive outcomes to learning people management skills, Haritha’s BYJU’S journey has enabled her to imbibe new skills and excel at her job.     

Like what you read? Head to Life at BYJU’S to learn more about our work, people, and the stories that make us unique. To explore job opportunities, check out Careers at BYJU’S.  

About the Author

Bidushi took a left turn from journalism and landed up in the corporate world. She is a foodie and considers eating good food amongst the greatest joys of life. Keen on travelling and exploring new places, Bidushi has spent the last four years of her life in three different Indian cities. But she has also learned that her bedroom is her happy place. Screens relax her greatly — whether it\'s watching a movie or a TV show or reading a riveting bestseller on her e-reader. A cheerful person, she prides herself on making friends easily. When not working, Bidushi can be found spending time with her parents, talking to her friends over a call, or browsing the internet for that one lipstick!