Ready For Your Job Interview At BYJU’S? Here Are Some Things To Keep In Mind

Team StoryWeavers|May 31, 2022, 10:36 IST|

Preparation is key for any job interview. Dressing appropriately, bringing a copy of your resume and showing up 10 minutes early are some of the fundamental things to do when you go for an interview. That’s why we’ve gathered a checklist to help you remember exactly what to do before your interview at BYJU’S.  

Pro tip: This is your opportunity to get yourself into the right frame of mind, and set your focus on what you want us to know about you. Here are some tips that can help you score well in your interview:

Do your homework

Research the role and the scope of work, and do your reading on our brand values and mission. By putting on your research cap, you’ll discover details about our teams and the organisation that will better prepare you for the interview. It’s also important to review the job description in detail so that you are better prepared to answer questions and position yourself as the best candidate.

Ask the right questions

We open up to questions towards the end, so make sure you have a few ideas up your sleeve. Try to think of less obvious but interesting questions. Ask about the responsibilities that you would be handling, growth opportunities in your role, major projects that can come up and other things you would be asked to do. Having questions prepared will help you understand the innovative bent of the team at BYJU’S and where you fit in and what you can bring to further the learning revolution.

Rehearse the interview

Conducting at least one mock interview before the actual one can help you in determining your body language and improving professional etiquette. This includes how you greet your interviewer and how you exit the interview. Find someone you trust and assign them a series of questions to ask related to your role. Then, take any feedback they have to make improvements. 

Maintain eye contact

Maintain eye contact with the interviewer but it should be as natural as possible. This helps develop camaraderie as well as shows your enthusiasm as you go through the interviewing process. Just stay calm throughout the interview and don’t forget to smile frequently.  

Stay focused

You may get asked a lot of questions. Listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying, even wait for a second or two to ensure they don’t want to add something, and then reply. Try to keep your replies short, focused and to the point.

Above all, don’t forget to stay positive and confident throughout the hiring process. What are some tips that you live by? Tell us in the comments below

Head to Life at BYJU’S to learn more about our work, people, and the stories that make us unique. To explore job opportunities, check out Careers at BYJU’S.

About the Author

Damini is passionate about photography and travelling. She is happy to have her camera in hand to click random pictures. Always searching for answers about the chaos around her, she spends most of her time reading and learning new things. She also loves listening to music but is a pathetic singer herself. From being a journalism student to working with several media houses, she hopes to keep narrating compelling stories all her life. Write to her at or BYJU\'S