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Classroom Management and Hygiene

Team StoryWeavers|June 13, 2023, 11:46 IST|

Teachers plan the classroom, guide the students, and mould the potential of the students in the most desirable manner’

The practice of controlling a student’s learning in a group of students in a healthy way is known as classroom management and hygiene. There are many forms of intelligence in the classroom, and it is the teacher’s job to assess each student’s potential and open doors for alternative skills as necessary. A little narrative on good classroom instruction opens this piece of evidence.

The teacher once directed the students in the classroom to position themselves by the window and engage in the observation of nature. The students exhibited diverse reactions to this instruction. Some expressed their inability to discern anything beyond the surrounding buildings, while others conveyed uncertainty about where to initiate their observation. A few children became absorbed in observing the various types of moving automobiles. In this situation, it is the responsibility of the teacher to offer precise and satisfactory responses to the students’ inquiries, given the wide range of reactions within the classroom.

However, the teacher demonstrated remarkable insight by advising the students to adopt a more focused approach when they mentioned seeing only buildings. The teacher encouraged them to narrow their attention to the specific subject matter at hand, emphasising that any aspect they choose to observe could serve as a starting point. Acknowledging the bustling atmosphere of the classroom, the teacher suggested that the students take their time to contemplate the idea presented. This is how the lesson commenced, shaped by the students’ initial observations.

The aforementioned example makes it very evident that classroom management is the strategy teachers employ to make sure that lessons run without disruptions from students that jeopardise the quality of education. It involves both anticipating disruptive behaviour and efficiently responding to it when it does occur.

Teachers should implement the following universal classroom management strategies for the best chance of succeeding at managing their classrooms: 

Set a Good Example 

Teachers should model appropriate behaviour for their students by modelling excellent behaviour themselves. Because of this, youngsters learn best through experiences because their minds are still developing. Promoting better student behaviour can be greatly influenced by taking simple steps like refraining from using electronics, speaking properly and showing respect for everyone in the classroom. 

Permit Students to Take Part in Making Rules 

Most people, from workers to students, follow rules more faithfully when given a decision-making role. Teachers can employ this style of classroom management to ensure voluntary rather than coerced compliance with rules throughout the academic year.

Hold Students Responsible for Rules Violations 

Teachers should begin holding students accountable when they violate the established rules after students have participated in creating them and they have been written down. Students should experience some sort of punishment for breaking each rule, even if it’s only being called out in front of the entire class.

Never Generalise a Class as a Whole 

Teachers ought to refrain from punishing the entire class for an error made by a few pupils. Instead, they should identify and discipline the disruptive kids after class and work to understand the root of their misbehaviour in order to attempt and find a solution. 

Have a Good Vibe 

In general, teachers should be kind and approachable people. Even on bad days, teachers should strive to maintain a positive attitude in the classroom and prevent the rest of the class from picking up on their negative energy

Let Students Succeed in Their Areas of Strength 

Every classroom has students who are academically bright and others who excel in other subjects, like arts. Teachers should encourage all students to learn in areas of their passion and interest.

Create Procedures for Handling Rude Behaviour 

In a classroom, bad behaviour should never go unpunished because otherwise, students might get stubborn. Teachers should instead find innovative ways to handle undesirable behaviour, such as uncalled-for class disruptions, to demonstrate to others that it is unacceptable.

‘Ignoring and Approving’

Another efficient classroom management technique is ‘Ignoring and Approving’. This entails approving of students’ desired behaviour and ignoring their undesirable behaviour. Praise for excellent behaviour but silence for bad behaviour among students may lead to more good behaviour and less bad behaviour overall. Attention has the power to maintain student behaviour; if students have a history of receiving it after misbehaving, they may continue doing so as long as it does. Students may behave properly to attract attention instead of misbehaving if good behaviour gets noticed but bad behaviour is overlooked. However, some studies have also shown that failing to address harmful student conduct, such as bullying of peers, may be interpreted as tacit approval by those who engage in it.

Effective classroom management techniques are crucial for student discipline and efficient learning. They also foster a climate that is conducive to learning and encourage the full participation of the kids in school activities on a daily basis. Teachers should establish a strong rapport with their students and set high standards for them.


Authored by Prof . Sandhya Shetty, Principal, Yash Vidya Niketan, (Virar)

Disclaimer: The views stated in this article are solely those of the author’s. They do not profess to reflect the opinions or views of BYJU’s or its members.

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