15 Ways You Can Improve Your Memory to Score High

Team StoryWeavers|March 02, 2022, 12:40 IST|

Memory is an essential part of building a solid foundation for learning. Having a good memory can help students do better in school tests, perform well in academics, other co-scholastic activities and achieve better grades in examinations. One of the biggest problems among students is the loss of memory and concentration while studying.

One of the biggest fears that every student has in their mind when they enter the exam hall is that they will forget everything at the last moment.

So, to become a master of memory, make sure to work regularly on your memorization skills. Here are some tips and tricks that answer your question: How to improve memory power?

1) Take a walk before an exam

Studies show that exercise helps in enhancing memory and brainpower. It’s proven that a 20-minute exercise prior to the exam can enhance performance.

If you can create a habit of indulging in some form of physical exercise every day, then nothing like it!  Doing physical exercise helps to keep the mind healthy and stay active.

2) Make creative notes

While making notes, try to use different coloured pens. Choose one colour for writing questions, a different colour for answers, and another pen for marking important points. Making notes in a creative format will help you remember things fast.

3) While reading, speak out loud instead of reading silently

Although this may sound crazy for many, give it a try! You would be surprised to see how much you can remember when you study loud.

Research has shown that people consistently remember words and texts better if they read them aloud than if they read them silently. 

4)  Learning through visualisation

It has been scientifically proven that our mind has high retention power to audio and video content in comparison to text written in a textbook. Also learning from video lectures helps us understand things in a better manner which is a fast and efficient method.

Did you know that visuals improve the learning ability by up to 400 percent! That is why BYJU’S – The Learning App uses this technique of learning to explain every topic in detail. The app has rich animation and video graphics that help a learner get a clear understanding of each topic and retain it for longer.

5) Ten percent rule

When you read, make notes of ten percent of what you read. This helps not only in memorising faster but also increases speed.

6) Don’t just read, analyse what you are reading

Keep focused and stay engaged while reading. Keep a record of what you read so you can more easily locate it in the future. Think critically about what you read while you read. Draw conclusions and identify the main ideas of the text.

7) Enjoy regular study breaks

After studying for 45 to 50 minutes, take a short break. This will freshen up your mind and you will be able to concentrate more on your lessons.

Taking regular breaks can help to prevent study fatigue and keep you focused. These breaks allow you to refresh your mind and improve creativity, as well as help you to maintain your attention and regain your motivation.

8) Keep stress in check

Stress can be the worst enemy of the brain! Whenever we’re stressed, our body releases stress hormones. Try to stay away from daily stress.  Stressing about exams can lead to a cycle of further stress that can impact your memory too. Make sure you still find a little time to do the things you enjoy, especially when you have a few days between successive exams. 

9) Get adequate sleep

Without enough rest and sleep, the nerve cells (neurons) in the brain become overworked. They cannot coordinate information with each other without rest. Go to bed early and wake up early in the morning. Don’t break your routine on the weekends either as this will help maintain as well as improving your quality sleep. Always try to sleep on a regular schedule.

10) Drink adequate water every day

The human body is made up mostly of water. It acts as an absorber of various vitamins, minerals and salts for the brain as well as the spinal cord to function smoothly. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water daily helps to remain hydrated.

11) Use mnemonics and memory aids 

You are struggling with tricky spelling or a complex trigonometric formula. What do you do then? After multiple attempts of re-reading and trying to memorize, you find a way to remember it – either by repeating the spelling repeatedly or by connecting it with something else. Both these methods help you to remember it better and for a longer time. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? 

While it is true that understanding is always better than memorizing, sometimes you will need a few tricks to help your brain remember better. And that’s when you will have to learn how to make a mnemonic.

Mnemonics are memory aids that help you remember something, whether it’s simple or difficult. They are more like learning techniques that boost your memory and help you remember things more efficiently.

12) Study with diagrams

Diagrams help to visualise the information that seems difficult to you. Making diagrams can help you recall things in the examination hall.

13) Try meditation

Studies have shown that meditation helps students stay focused while studying. It not only improves concentration but also deals with exam stress.

One useful method is body-scan meditation, which pays attention to all the parts of your body, relaxing them and learning to let go. If your body relaxes, you’ll also be in a better posture to study and focus.

14)  Eat Brain-Boosting Diet

Just as our body needs fuel, so does the human brain.

Try to eat homemade food instead of junk food. Stay away from processed food items like sugar, oily & fried foods, salt etc. Include plant-based foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits & berries, cashew nuts and whole grains in your diet. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty are also helpful.

15)  Use all of your senses

The old Chinese proverb shows the importance of the senses in the learning process. The five senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell are the primary means we use to gain new knowledge. Using many senses to gain information helps learning to be more meaningful and useful.

We hope these tips will help you score better in your exams and improve your overall learning.

Do you have any trick or tip that you personally use while studying? Tell us in the comment section below. 

About the Author

Raza has been writing since 2008, be it fiction, poetry, or articles on science, politics, and history. He believes that words can change the world, and he uses them to inspire and empower people through his writing. When he is not working, he is watching nature documentaries or playing with his cats.