Why Is Physics So Hard? Here Are 5 Tips To Improve

Team StoryWeavers|March 11, 2022, 19:05 IST|

why is physics so hard

Physics is one of those subjects that is often avoided until the last minute because it is far too complicated to arouse our interest. Despite spending long hours, struggling to make sense of formulas and trying to find solutions to several numerical problems — you can often find yourself wondering ‘why is physics so hard?’ Some of you might find the subject to be hard simply because of the board you are following. So, is ICSE harder than CBSE when it comes to Physics? Or is it hard in general?

Physics — or any subject for that matter — can be made easy when studied right. Yes, physics is hard because it demands a strong base in both mathematics and science but it is certainly not impossible to understand. Remember, often the lack of confidence in a subject (or anything in life) stems from a place of unfamiliarity. Therefore, learn, practice and nurture your curiosity to build confidence in physics.  

Why Do Students Struggle With Physics?

Here are some common reasons why physics can be difficult: 

  • It involves critical thinking
  • Experimental results must prove theoretical principles
  • It demands a strong base in maths. Simple errors can mess up the flow of deriving an equation.
  • The subject demands a clear understanding of the laws
  • It is abstract
  • It requires good skills in drawing and interpreting graphs 
  • It is cumulative — you can comprehend new concepts only when you are clear with the previous concepts 
  • It requires problem-solving skills

How Can Students Enjoy Physics?

1. Get Your Concepts Right 

We know that physics involves a lot of mathematics, but it is also important to bear in mind that it requires a broad understanding of the principles and laws that make the subject. Physics is built on the foundation of a handful of important laws and concepts. Make sure you have a clear understanding of them. 

The next time you struggle with a numerical problem, pause and try to recall the concept that is being tested. This will help you connect the dots faster, making it easier for you to solve the given problem. 

2. Practice to Reach Your Potential

Practice, practice, practice — you know you’ve heard this several times from your teachers and parents. Well, they are right (like they often are!). In physics, the more numericals you solve, the better your understanding of the material. This means you improve in problem-solving as well as conceptual understanding, all at once — which is a win-win! 

3. Be An active Learner in Class

Most of the learning happens in class. So make sure you make notes of what is being taught. While you can find most of it in the textbook, the unique insights that your physics teachers share in classes can act as a great reference point, later on, to improve your understanding of the concepts. In addition to this, making notes can help you memorise the concepts better.  

4. Improve Your Maths Skills

If maths is a pain point keeping you from loving physics, then work on changing it! You can start by seeking help from your friend, a teacher or a tutor. Here are some skills you can sharpen to improve your problem-solving skills in physics –

  • Algebra — for basic equations
  • Trigonometry — for graphs and angled systems
  • Geometry — to understand volume, area, etc.

If, at any point, the formulas and equations get overwhelming — take a break and get back to basics.

5. Prepare Wisely for Exams

Always try to start your exam preparations in advance. It is not only hard to retain and recall last-minute lessons but also quite unthinkable to cover all the chapters in a limited amount of time. Begin your preparation earlier, so you can have the time to assess yourself and recognise areas that need extra attention. This also gives you sufficient time to resolve doubts with your teachers. Try to solve several practice papers to amplify your confidence in the subject. 

Physics can be challenging as it demands applied thinking and problem-solving — skills that can only be developed through practice. Give yourself some time to get familiar with concepts, especially the basics. Add on some hard work and you will be on your way to better grades in physics. Who knows, you might even fall in love with the subject and consider pursuing a career in Physics!

What is a study tip that helped you improve in physics? Go on, share in the comments below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is Physics harder than Math?


Physics demands problem-solving skills that can be developed only with practice. It also involves theoretical concepts, mathematical calculations and laboratory experiments that adds to the challenging concepts.

2. How can I make Physics easier?


1. Get clarity on basic concepts 2. Use flash cards to understand better 3. Improve your math skills 4. Be attentive in class 5. Review your notes and always set aside enough time to revise

3. How to get an A in Physics?


1. Make good notes 2. Practice important equations 3. Double check your answers to avoid careless mistakes 4.Practice previous years question papers

About the Author

As an introverted teen who loved reading crime-thriller novels, Ashritha knew she was destined to be a writer. Like Dumbledore, Ashritha is a strong believer in the magic of words. She finds joy in the little things — a long walk at dawn, sipping a cup of filter coffee watching the sunset, or rewatching old rom-com movies that make her heart smile.