BYJU’S Paper Plane Showdown!

Team StoryWeavers|June 08, 2021, 07:18 IST| 650

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We’ve all made paper planes at some point in our lives – sometimes out of boredom and sometimes to compete with others. If you loved our article on how to make a paper boat then chances are you will love this one too. In this post, we will be focusing on presenting four refreshing new paper plane designs that you can try out at home! We are on the lookout for that perfect design that balances aesthetics and performance. So let’s begin our Origami art project exploration.



1  – The Cruiser

What do you do when the turbulent winds find you? You keep calm and cruise on. This plane does just that. Give it a slow and steady launch and you have a happily cruising plane minding its own business. Beware! If you launch too fast, you might crash land before you take off.

2 – The Classic Dart

One has to mention the godfather (or mother) of all paper planes – The Classic Dart. This is where it all began – when Origami caught the attention of many,  someone decided to give it a shot by throwing it in the air and ended up making the world’s first flying paper plane. Can you refuse the nostalgia this Godfather plane offers?

3  – The Harrier

Things are getting serious. The average plane is no threat to the enemy. Enough fun and games! We want precision and speed! Now this one starts to resemble a fighter plane and flies like one too. Stable as a rock, cutting the air like a Japanese sword. Will the enemy be able to dodge this one?

4  – The Blitzkrieg 

The emperor wants his reign to reach beyond the horizon. It’s no longer a sprint, but a marathon. We want a surprise attack using rapid, overwhelming force, something that’s built to last long distances. Enter the Blitzkrieg – the one that you never noticed in those low-stake races.

Now it’s time to send all the planes to the battlefield. Tell us in the comment section which weapon brought you victory and which failed. Over and out!


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About the Author

Charu, a feminist and an accidental writer, is yet to master the art of writing about herself. Always curious to learn new stuff, she ends up spending a lot of time unlearning the incorrect lessons. She enjoys all sorts of stories – real, fictional, new, old, hers and would love hearing yours too. Feel free to ping her at to share anything that you think is worth sharing.