5 Hidden Germs  in Your Food To Watch Out For

By Sara Fathima

June 4, 2022

Decoding Foodborne Illnesses

Food poisoning or illnesses occur when  one consumes food contaminated by pathogenic bacteria, fungus, viruses,  or parasites.

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Debilitating Symptoms

Common markers of foodborne  illnesses include upset stomach,  cramps, nausea, diarrhoea, fever,  and dehydration. These can range  from mild to severe or even death.

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The Process

Bacteria growing in the food under  optimal conditions, or viruses and  parasites that require a host to grow, produce toxins that lead to foodborne infections. Here are 5 such common pathogens. 

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These S-shaped bacteria are one of the most common causes of foodborne infection. Campylobacteriosis is transmitted to humans from animals and their products. 

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Clostridium Botulinum

These anaerobic bacteria produce a lethal toxin that causes blurred vision and muscular paralysis. Canned and fermented food is a common source of Foodborne Botulism. Interestingly, this bacteria is used to produce Botox. 

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Cyclospora Cayetanensis

This intracellular parasite is common in tropical locations and causes watery diarrhoea and fever. The source of infection is usually freshly harvested cilantro, raspberries, and lettuce. 

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Also called the Stomach Flu, is a highly contagious disease. It also spreads through direct contact, contaminated ready-to-eat food, shellfish, etc. Treatment may require hospitalisation. 

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Listeria Monocytogenes

This bacteria grows in moist temperatures as low as 4℃. In severe cases of Listeriosis, symptoms are confusion, loss of balance, and fever. Unpasteurised milk and refrigerated food are common sources  of infection.

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