Healthy Or Not? Foods That Seem So But Aren’t

April 6, 2023

By Shreesha Ghosh

Image source: Pexels

Health Conscious?

Sometimes it's hard to tell if a food is healthy or not. For example, candy is not healthy, but there are other foods that may seem otherwise but are actually full of sugar or not nutrient-rich. Here’s a list of nine such food items.

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Flavoured Yogurt

Yogurt is good for you, but it's better to choose unsweetened ones. Flavoured yogurts can have lots of sugar, even in a small amount. Instead, make yogurt at home with fresh fruits and no added sugar.

Image source: Pexels

Multigrain Bread

Multigrain or seven-grain bread may seem healthier, but they often still have mostly enriched wheat flour. To find bread with more whole grains, look for ‘whole wheat’ as the first ingredient instead of ‘enriched’.

Image source: Pixabay

Breakfast Cereal

Many breakfast cereals are marketed as healthy, but some have lots of added sugar and few nutrients like protein and fibre. Eating too much sugar can be bad for your health.

Image source: Pixabay

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks can help athletes replace lost electrolytes, but for most people, they're not necessary and have lots of sugar. Drinking water is a better choice because it's cheaper and healthier, and can also quench your thirst.

Image source: Pixabay


Smoothies at stores often have lots of sugar and few real fruits. It's better to make smoothies at home using water, coconut water or almond milk instead of fruit juice as a base to avoid too much sugar.

Image source: Pexels 

Low-fat or fat-free salad dressings

Skipping salad dressing or choosing a low-fat option seems healthy, but regular dressing can have healthy fats. They help our body to absorb nutrients from greens. If you want the dressing, try one with an olive oil base to get the most out of your salad.

Image source: Pexels 

Fake Meat

Going vegetarian is a good option, but it's not recommended to replace meat with artificial alternatives. They are high in salt and processed soy. Instead, try adding protein with lentils, beans, eggs or nuts.

Image source: Pexels 


Pretzels are not a healthy choice as they are mostly refined carbs and lack proteins or good fat. Instead, replace them with nuts, which are a healthier snack option.

Image source: Pexels 

Energy Bars

Energy bars coated in chocolate are no different from candy bars in terms of sugar, calorie and fat content. It's better to choose bars with simple ingredients like nuts, seeds and dates or it's best to choose another snack altogether.