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Cook With Alessandro – Boiled Egg Sandwich

Team StoryWeavers|February 14, 2022, 15:50 IST| 1

Hello! Hello!

I am Alessandro. Jax and Jane’s neighbourhood chef! They have been wanting to eat my super yummy ‘egg’cellent sandwiches. Would you like to have them too? Shared below is my secret recipe for you to get started.

That’s that! You can try it too for your little one and share your comments in the section below. I am off to serve my sandwiches to Jax and Jane. They’ll be here any minute.

About the Author

Mariam Taqui Ali (pro tip: the middle name is pronounced tuh-key) A Word slayer, pluviophile, baker, traveller; among other things, knows the correct usage of punctuation and the difference between your and you're. She spent some time (read a lot of time) writing, editing and keeping track of word counts. Her trysts with writing and editing has led her to interact with experts from diverse industries like healthcare, wellness, HR, business and technology. Having experienced all that, she continues her professional explorations, to learn, to grow and to be a value add. Drop in a line at if you liked her stories, have something nice to say, or if you have compelling ideas to share!

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