LKG to 1: BYJU’S Quizlets! How well do you know these flowers?

Team StoryWeavers|August 19, 2022, 13:48 IST| 211

Hello young learners!

It’s time for another round of BYJU’S Quizlets, and we are thrilled to share it with you. 

In this edition, the spotlight is on FLOWERS! 

While flowers like rose, jasmine, lotus, and others are widely known and available in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours, there are others that may not be as popular but are just as beautiful! Some flowers have an exquisite scent, while others can be eaten as well. Let’s find out how much you truly know about flowers. 

You’ll be partnered with Jax and Jane once again for this week’s quiz.

Things to remember: 

  • Read the questions carefully to determine the answers.
  • Choose the correct answer from the four choices (A, B, C, or D) and write it in the comments section below.
  • We will reveal the answers in the upcoming edition of BYJU’s Quizlets.

Are you all set? 

Let’s go!

1. Jax and Jane are at the florist’s shop. They want to buy a flower that grows in water. Which one should they choose?

A Rose
B Jasmine
C Lotus
D Nyctanthes

2. Jax is helping Jane choose a yellow flower for the bouquet. Help them pick!

A Marigold
B Plumeria
C Hibiscus
D Iris

3. Jax and Jane are wondering the name of this flower. They want to include it in their bouquet. What do you think this flower is called?

A Daisy
B Tulip
C Lily
D Chamomile

4. Jax and Jane noticed a flower that reminded them of the Sun. It was a big, yellow flower. What was it?

A Frangipani
B Primrose
C Periwinkle
D Sunflower

5. The florist added one extra flower to the bouquet as a gift. Jax and Jane are guessing the name of this flower. Help them find the name!

A Bluebell
B Lavender
C Common Crape Myrtle
D Orchid

Did you enjoy this quiz? Do let us know in the comments below.

BYJU’S Quizlets: India Edition Answers:

  1. Option B: Tiger
  2. Option A: January 26
  3. Option A: Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal
  4. Option C: Taj Mahal
  5. Option B: Diwali

About the Author

“Me-kha-la!” That happens at least once when she introduces herself to new people. She wholeheartedly believes in the quote by Arthur Rubinstein that says – “if you love life, life will love you back”. She is an organizational psychologist and psychometrician. She was a class teacher of 36 adorable girls for two years, grades 2 & 3, as a part of the Teach For India Fellowship. These little girls have a special place in her heart, and when she writes for children, she writes for them!