In nature, you can witness the unlikeliest of friendships. This is the story of one such friendship. In this episode of stories for children, let’s read and think about the famous story titled ‘the Ant and the Grasshopper’. Let’s go!
An ant and a grasshopper had recently become neighbours. The grasshopper had newly moved to this place. They both got along well and became friends. Having said that, their personalities were entirely different–the ant was hard-working and sincere, while the grasshopper was quite carefree and even lazy at times. The ant was someone who would think about tomorrow and diligently prepare for it. The grasshopper, on the other hand, was someone who wanted to savour the present moment.
The grasshopper asked the ant why it was working so hard for tomorrow instead of enjoying a beautiful summer day. The ant tried explaining to the grasshopper that soon winter will arrive and it will be cold. It can be difficult to find food in the winter, so we must store food now when it is easier to find. The grasshopper nodded but didn’t really pay any heed to the ant’s concerns about the future.
Soon, winter arrived. With that, it brought many changes, like the increasing coldness in the air. Seeing all that, the ant went back to the anthill to stay warm and enjoy the stored food. The grasshopper, however, struggled to find food and stay warm as the winter got harsher.
The grasshopper then understood what the ant was trying to say all these months back. And that the grasshopper shouldn’t have wasted time whiling away. The grasshopper then sought the help of the ant and managed to survive the winter, while promising to self that this mistake will never happen again.
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“Me-kha-la!” That happens at least once when she introduces herself to new people. She wholeheartedly believes in the quote by Arthur Rubinstein that says – “if you love life, life will love you back”. She is an organizational psychologist and psychometrician. She was a class teacher of 36 adorable girls for two years, grades 2 & 3, as a part of the Teach For India Fellowship. These little girls have a special place in her heart, and when she writes for children, she writes for them!