Hottest Tech Skills to Master in 2022: All You Need to Know

Team StoryWeavers|January 06, 2022, 11:36 IST|

hottest tech skills 2022

It’s never too late to learn new things! It doesn’t matter if you have finished college, have taken on your first job or even are leading a team of your own. Mastering new fields or diving deep into a new topic only adds new feathers to your artillery of skills. Here’s a look at the hottest tech skills of the year that will give you a competitive edge in your career:

Machine Learning

A subfield of artificial intelligence, machine learning is about the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behaviour. Behind our chatbots, predictive texts to the shows that Netflix suggests you, there is machine learning. From manufacturing to retail to banking, companies are using machine learning to boost efficiency. With its growing relevance across industries, people in tech are likely to encounter it and a working knowledge of the field won’t hurt. 

Also Read: Product Management and User Empathy: Watch Shravan Tickoo Connect the Dots

UX Design

User experience (UX) design is all about creating products that provide meaningful experiences to users. An extremely vast and multidisciplinary field, UX design has the potential to make or break a brand. The right UX design is important for all kinds of platforms, apps, and websites as they build a bridge to the customer, thereby helping the company to better understand and fulfil its users’ needs and expectations.

Cloud Computing

It might come across as a field that is hard to master but simply put, cloud computing is nothing but the delivery of services through the internet. From tools, apps to servers, cloud-based storage makes it possible for us to save them to a remote database. A popular option for a number of reasons such as cost savings, speed, efficiency and security, cloud computing is now used by several big corporations to small businesses, nonprofits and even government agencies.

Also Read: Dhaneesh Jameson on Leveraging Tech and Design to Build Scalable Learning Products

Cyber Security

Cyber security is the practice of defending your computers, mobile phones and all the electronic systems and networks from attacks. At a time where cyber threats and crimes are common, the field of cyber security aims to protect against the exploitation of networks and technologies. To keep up with the evolving security risks, experts are required in companies from all fields, especially the financial, healthcare, and education institutions, where people’s data, assets, and health records need to be protected.

Watch: Aditi Lath on How Diversity Leads to Innovation in Technology

Video/Audio Production

Video is the best and most impactful platform to convey a message. In this day and age where people don’t have the time, patience or attention span to sit through an article, videos are your best option. Everything from news to ads to music, all kinds of content have become video-based. It’s also the best marketing and promotional tool ever. To get an edge in such a competitive field, you would need to up your quality. With the right techniques and editing tips, you can effectively convey your content to the right audience.

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(The story has been put together by our Storyweaver Fathima Ashraf)