BYJUites share simple tips on how to prioritise mental well-being at the workplace

Team StoryWeavers|October 31, 2022, 12:10 IST|


At least 12 billion working days are lost every year due to mental health challenges, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates. It has never been more important to prioritise mental well-being. The WHO report also states that this loss of working days costs over USD 1 trillion in productivity every year. 

There’s no denying that mental well-being is key to creating an energetic and positive working environment. Besides boosting productivity and morale, prioritising mental wellness also aids in preventing burnout in individuals. 

Creating an inclusive and nurturing workplace, which is focused on personal and professional growth, is a priority at BYJU’S. BYJUites have also taken conscious steps to create a safe and open space for themselves and their colleagues. Read on to pick up some simple and easy-to-implement steps that everyone can follow to priortise mental wellness at work. 

Also Read: “Find your ‘why’ to thrive at work”: BYJUite Aniket Sharma on why developing a growth mindset fuels success

Also Read: Creating a culture of open dialogue and enabling flexibility: BYJUites fix the headline on mental health

Mental well-being is a priority at BYJU’S and initiatives like Let’s Talk have empowered BYJUites to give precedence to their mental health. Sometimes, all one needs is a friendly ear, to take a step back, unwind, and bounce back with fresh energy. These BYJUites are doing just that. And so can you! 

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About the Author

Bidushi took a left turn from journalism and landed up in the corporate world. She is a foodie and considers eating good food amongst the greatest joys of life. Keen on travelling and exploring new places, Bidushi has spent the last four years of her life in three different Indian cities. But she has also learned that her bedroom is her happy place. Screens relax her greatly — whether it\'s watching a movie or a TV show or reading a riveting bestseller on her e-reader. A cheerful person, she prides herself on making friends easily. When not working, Bidushi can be found spending time with her parents, talking to her friends over a call, or browsing the internet for that one lipstick!