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Yoga Webinar: How Students Took a Step Towards Stress Management

Team StoryWeavers|July 04, 2022, 13:51 IST| 3

Yoga Webinar

On International Yoga Day, we invited our students from Classes 11 and 12, for an invigorating wellness session, tailored to their needs — as they step into some of the most important years of their academic life. 

The following Sunday morning of 26th June, about 500 enthusiastic young students joined us for the webinar, eager to learn from our experts and to share what was on their minds.

Why We Hosted a Webinar

Today’s students are more susceptible to stress due to the tremendous pressure to perform well in their studies and in keeping up with the fast-moving world. In times like these, they need guidance to live life in a holistic manner.

In order to help our students understand their emotions and manage their stress, we hosted a  webinar that taught them how to take some time out every day for their mental and physical well-being.

Yoga as One of the Solutions

The Yoga Webinar was conducted by two well-being experts — Shereen Sazawal and Subramanian Vishwanthan. 

Shereen is a certified NLP practitioner, wellness coach, and psychologist with 12 years of experience. And, Subramanian is a certified yoga instructor with 30 years of experience.

Shereen, in her quintessential calm demeanour, introduced the concept of Wim-Hof breathing and taught the students techniques that can help them feel calm and centred. 

Subramanian on the other hand, with the aura of a wise and affectionate teacher, taught the students basic Chair Yoga stretches that they could do any time of the day while sitting on a chair.

Got an hour to spare?
Watch the webinar to learn simple practices that will help you relax

Expert Insights

Wim Hof Breathing by Shereen Sazawal

Shereen began the session by connecting with the students to understand their issues and their levels of stress.

“Without an outlet, stress can manifest itself physically. This can lead to frustration, anger, palpitations, the inability to breathe, and sweaty palms,” she explains.

A hyperactive nervous system can be balanced by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. To help activate it she advises a simple, 15-minute activity for students with wondrous benefits – Wim Hof Breathing.

After 20 minutes of Wim Hof breathing, the students felt energised and relaxed. Most of them felt their stress levels drop after this session. Shereen assured the students that with regular practice of this technique, they can bring their stress levels down to zero!

Make sure you try Wim-Hof breathing along with Shereen in the video at 2:40

Chair Yoga by Subramanian Vishwanthan

Subramanian brings a uniquely modern approach to traditional yoga. Apart from teaching the students how to stretch their stress away, he also gave them some nuggets of wisdom.  

“Yoga addresses both the body and mind. There are certain muscles in the body, when activated can completely destress you wonderfully. Your mind influences your entire body, so when it is stressed, the repercussions are felt on the body,” he said as he explained  the connection between the body and mind during his Chair Yoga session.

Expert Tip: Your brain is the CPU of your body, you need to give it sufficient power. To do that, always sit straight. When your spine is in a straight line, there is a constant blood supply to your brain, which helps you stay alert.

Subramanian also advised the students to take a break after every 90 minutes of studying to practice one technique each from Wim Hof breathing and Chair Yoga to focus better. Tune into his part of the session in the video at 28:04

Quick Q&A

By the end of the webinar, Shereen and Subramanian answered a few questions sent in by the students.

Try this exercise in the video at 54:36

Learn this technique in the video at 56:14

Learn about this method in the video at 58:25

Try these techniques in the video at 1:01:14

Try this exercise in the video at 1:07:13

Stay Tuned For More!

The warm and positive responses from our students only strengthened our resolve to host more such workshops in the future based on wellbeing, skill development, hobbies, and more. Tell us in the comments below about what you would like to learn next. 

About the Author

Vandya is a copywriter by the day and an amateur illustrator by the night. She's a cat mom 24/7. As a certified organisation freak, she lives and breathes in Notion. With a head full of ideas, she is passionate about crafting interesting concepts - for work or play. To kick back at the end of the day, she likes binge-watching shows with an inclination for all things spooky.

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Swastika Sanghi

July 7, 2022

I loved the session and learnt along with them
Would like to see more such sessions related to health, motivation, spirituality and hobbies like singing.

Jefni silvaan

July 4, 2022

very informative


July 4, 2022

I’m grateful to receive the email as I asked the question but while she was explaining my internet get ruptured and can’t listen to that…

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