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387 Tag Results for "knowledge vine"

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August 28, 2020

Why does a cricket ball swing?

  “People who do not play cricket (the majority of the human race) know it as a game of childish...

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August 26, 2020

Why do some athletes collapse in the middle of a race?

Easily, lunch breaks are one of the best parts of a day at school. If you plan your lunchtime properly,...

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August 24, 2020

What If #001: What if the Earth’s oxygen level doubled?

Presenting a new series ‘What If?’ where you, the students, get to ask us your questions. It can be anything...

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August 21, 2020

5 Games Astronauts Play in Space!

  Did you ever wonder what astronauts do in their free time in space? According to NASA a  popular pastime...

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August 21, 2020

We bet you didn’t know about these unusual Sports!

  Sports have always been an integral part of human life. For centuries together, people have invented many new sports...

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August 19, 2020

International Photography Day: 9 Iconic Sports Photos You Cannot Miss!

“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away” – Eudora Welty Photography is nothing less than art. When done...

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August 18, 2020

The Game Changers

  You have seen how the collective spirit of a team changes the course of a game. But every now...

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August 13, 2020

Why are Formula 1 drivers the fittest athletes in the world?

Driving a Formula 1 car is no joke. To survive speeds of over 320 km/h where split-second decisions can have...

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August 13, 2020

Do You Really Need Shoes To Run?

It’s 490 BCE. Greek soldiers clad in impressive battle armour are celebrating. They have good reason to – they just...

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Why does a cricket ball swing?

  “People who do not play cricket (the majority of the human race) know it as a game of childish...

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Why do some athletes collapse in the middle of a race?

Easily, lunch breaks are one of the best parts of a day at school. If you plan your lunchtime properly,...

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What If #001: What if the Earth’s oxygen level doubled?

Presenting a new series ‘What If?’ where you, the students, get to ask us your questions. It can be anything...

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5 Games Astronauts Play in Space!

  Did you ever wonder what astronauts do in their free time in space? According to NASA a  popular pastime...

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We bet you didn’t know about these unusual Sports!

  Sports have always been an integral part of human life. For centuries together, people have invented many new sports...

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International Photography Day: 9 Iconic Sports Photos You Cannot Miss!

“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away” – Eudora Welty Photography is nothing less than art. When done...

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The Game Changers

  You have seen how the collective spirit of a team changes the course of a game. But every now...

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Why are Formula 1 drivers the fittest athletes in the world?

Driving a Formula 1 car is no joke. To survive speeds of over 320 km/h where split-second decisions can have...

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Do You Really Need Shoes To Run?

It’s 490 BCE. Greek soldiers clad in impressive battle armour are celebrating. They have good reason to – they just...

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