How to Study for the Exams – A New Technique!

Team StoryWeavers|November 22, 2019, 09:43 IST| 44

For some of us, exams can be stressful. While we have already discussed ways to ace final exams like pro and tips to revise before exams, today, we introduce you to a novel time management technique called the Pomodoro Technique. Managing time is one of the biggest deterrents while preparing for exams. And this technique is an effective strategy to deal with this issue.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

Author and time management expert Francesco Cirillo invented the Pomodoro Technique in the early 90s. He named the technique “Pomodoro” after his tomato-shaped timer. The technique is known for its simplicity. All you got to do is divide your task into smaller tasks that you can accomplish in time intervals. Each time interval is called a  “Pomodoro”. These intervals are spaced out by short breaks. The only rule is you don’t do anything else during your Pomodoro session except for the task you have taken up.

How to study using the Pomodoro Technique?

What is the Logic behind the Pomodoro Technique?

  1. Short breaks help you concentrate better 
  2. This work-break-work pattern helps stay motivated
  3. The Pomodoro Technique is known to improve decision-making
  4. It helps fight the stress of time management

Do not worry if you find it difficult to do four Pomodoros right from the beginning. Even two sessions at a go is a good start. If you are one of those people who get easily distracted, especially while preparing for exams, then its time you try the Pomodoro Technique. 

Let us know below in the comments about how the Pomodoro Technique helped you prepare for your exams.

Happy Preparations!

About the Author

Charu, a feminist and an accidental writer, is yet to master the art of writing about herself. Always curious to learn new stuff, she ends up spending a lot of time unlearning the incorrect lessons. She enjoys all sorts of stories – real, fictional, new, old, hers and would love hearing yours too. Feel free to ping her at to share anything that you think is worth sharing.