10 Most Bizarre Animals On Earth

By Raza Mehdi

Jan 16, 2023

Native to Madagascar island, the aye-aye is related to apes, chimpanzees and humans. Nocturnal by nature, it spends most of its life on the trees of the island’s rainforests and eats insects and fruits.


Image: Flickr

The blobfish is a deep-sea fish found primarily off the coasts of Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, where its gelatinous flesh helps it to remain afloat on the ocean floor. Its natural habitat is 2,000 to 3,000 feet beneath the waves.


Image: National Science Foundation

This large Hungarian sheepdog can weigh up to 45 kg and is believed to have descended from Tibetan ancestors. The Komondor puppy is born with a softer coat, which becomes rigid as the dog matures. The coat protects the dog from extreme temperatures.


Yeti crab was recently discovered in the South Pacific Ocean. It is blind, measures six inches in length and is covered with blond hair. It is a deep-sea creature, first found in 2005 at a depth of 7,200 ft (2,200 m).

Yeti crab


It is an odd-looking fish with leaf-like fins that can perfectly camouflage in its natural habitat – masses of seaweed. This creature is native to the waters of south and east Australia.

Leafy sea dragon

Image: Flickr

The shoebill is a remarkable creature on our planet. Its most distinguishing feature is its large, razor-sharp beak and long legs. An adult shoebill can stand nearly four feet (1.2 meters) tall.


The Viperfish is a deep-sea predator with needle-like teeth and is found at depths of 5,000 ft (1,520 m). In the wild, viperfish usually live up to 40 years. They have excellent eyesight, and their dark scales help them conceal themselves in deep dark water.


Image: University of Hamburg

Glass frogs are a group of tree frogs found in tropical lowland forests. Their translucent chests and bellies make their internal organs visible through the skin. This unique feature allows them to camouflage from predators.

Glass frogs

Image: Flickr

With each eye as big as its brain, the tarsier has the largest eyes in proportion to its body size, unlike any mammal. However, they can’t move their huge eyes as we can but swivel their whole head 180° like an owl.


A master of camouflage, the great potoo is a predatory bird that lives mainly in tropical America. The great potoo can remain completely still and blend in with its surroundings by mimicking a tree stump or branch as it patiently waits for unsuspecting prey.

Great potoo

Image: Creative Commons