Employee Appreciation Day | How does appreciation boost morale at the workplace

Team StoryWeavers|March 02, 2023, 19:18 IST|

Employee Appreciation Day

Positive work culture is a prerequisite to employee satisfaction and happiness, which is dependent on constant motivation. But what boosts morale and productivity? The answer is plain and simple: A healthy dose of acknowledgement and appreciation. When received regularly, it induces the emotion of feeling “seen” and “heard”, providing an extra push that enables an individual to rise beyond the bare minimum. 

This Employee Appreciation Day, we speak to BYJUites across the board to discover what appreciation means to them and how it has enhanced their work and life. 

Priyanka Malali
Manager, Student Experience

Appreciation goes a long way in motivating and enabling BYJUites to go that extra mile. It’s not just about appreciating them when they have done something extraordinary; the acknowledgement of quick execution of smaller, everyday tasks, can help in enhancing workplace positivity and boost overall performance. 

Getting recognition for your work is a great way to ensure that the job remains interesting. Our team of teachers are dedicated and hardworking, and put in their absolute best to create unique learning experiences for our students. This is possible because they are recognised for their talent at work and beyond. At BYJU’S, you’re not only lauded for your work but also for your skills beyond work. 

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Kumar Nigam Mani
Senior Procurement Associate

Procurement is an essential part of the supply chain and my job entails optimising the processes in terms of cost-effectiveness, timeliness, and quality. Over the years, I have leveraged my knowledge to deliver cost-effective outcomes for the organisation and have received appreciation from the senior management. That has only fuelled me to keep learning and growing. 

We are all compensated monetarily for our work, but appreciation is the added layer that encourages someone to go beyond their KRAs. It builds trust, loyalty, and ownership, and benefits both, the individual and organisation, in the long run. Applauding someone’s talent drives them to push their boundaries and excel at what they do. 

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Naga Anusha
Senior Process Specialist

I still remember the feeling of elation the first time I got an award for my work at BYJU’S. There’s nothing quite like seeing all your hard work being appreciated and recognised. I think that inspired me to work harder and continue my streak — that’s the kind of motivation that appreciation can generate.

I’ve been lucky to have worked with seniors, managers, and teammates, who uplift each other through positive reinforcement. Whether it’s someone coming up to you personally to congratulate you on an achievement or receiving an award with your whole team as witness, appreciation at the workplace is an important driving force when it comes to morale.  

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Finding innovative ways to appreciate our talented and enthusiastic BYJUites is what we strive for. Whether it’s through our policies, wellness activities, or rewards and recognition, we prioritise employee well-being and appreciate all that they have done to make us one of the largest edtech companies in the world. 

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About the Author

Bidushi took a left turn from journalism and landed up in the corporate world. She is a foodie and considers eating good food amongst the greatest joys of life. Keen on travelling and exploring new places, Bidushi has spent the last four years of her life in three different Indian cities. But she has also learned that her bedroom is her happy place. Screens relax her greatly — whether it\'s watching a movie or a TV show or reading a riveting bestseller on her e-reader. A cheerful person, she prides herself on making friends easily. When not working, Bidushi can be found spending time with her parents, talking to her friends over a call, or browsing the internet for that one lipstick!