The Vibe is Cool Even if Summer is Not: BYJUites Flex Their Photography Skills and How!

Team StoryWeavers|May 23, 2022, 11:59 IST| 1

Summer means a lot of different things to different people. For some it could be a relief from the biting winter and for some it could mean days filled with prickling heat and humidity. For some others, it also means days spent with family on a vacation, visiting their near and dear ones. 

We asked BYJUites to capture their favourite moments from the Summer of 2022 in a frame and share it with us! And trust us, we were wholly unprepared for not only the splendid photography skills that was on display but also the pictures capturing the beautiful moments spent with loved ones! 

Check out 11 of the best entries from our ‘Summer in a Frame’ Contest: 

Kumar Ratnesh — Content Writer, Marketing

Kumar enjoys his summers by putting out a bowl of water in his backyard and watching birds come to drink. With a camera in hand, of course

Yudhveer Rawat — Physics Faculty 

Yudhveer shared this trick photo taken at a crystal clear waterfall in Maneri, Uttarakhand on a warm summer’s day

 Ashmita Kar Chowdhury — Academic Specialist 

Ashmita takes a nostalgic trip with everything that reminds her of her childhood in a Bengali household

Jithin Rashid Kalathingal — Applicant Trainee

No matter how hot the summer gets, for Jithin and his family, nature holds all the answers when it comes to cooling down!

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Nandkishor Shinde — Senior Associate, Art

Nandkishor shares a photo of his daughter Tosha enjoying a summer evening at a beach they visited during her summer vacations

Sakina Taher Godhrawala — Student Success Specialist 

A food photography enthusiast, Sakina prefers to beat the heat with a glass of chilled lemonade – as this photo taken with props at her home demonstrates

Raisin George — Channel Manager, Content Marketing 

Raisin spent his summer hiking to various places, including Dandiganahalli Dam in Bengaluru, where this drone shot was taken

Sonali Sharma — BDT

Sonali and her entire family went to a water park in her hometown before she moved to Bengaluru for her job at BYJU’S. A glimpse of that wonderful day!

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Aditya Singh — Academic Specialist

A scene from Aditya’s village in Madhya Pradesh, this boy was returning home with his buffalo after the animal had had a drink from the pond

Kavitha Subramaniam — Data Engineer, Tech

Kavitha shares a photo of her family’s coconut farm, where she spent innumerable childhood days drinking tender coconut water

Shakeel Ahmad Mir — Academic Specialist 

This photo was taken at Rampora village in Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir, where Shakeel hails from

We express our gratitude and  congratulate all BYJUites whose brilliant photographs made it to this list. Choosing them from over hundreds of entries wasn’t an easy task! As summer draws to a close, we hope that some of your best memories were evoked by these photographs and the stories behind them.

Also Read: Warm, Fuzzy Feelings Only: Check Out The Memorable Family Photos Shared By BYJUites

If you have a great memory to share with us, head to the comments section and tell us all about it!

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About the Author

Bidushi took a left turn from journalism and landed up in the corporate world. She is a foodie and considers eating good food amongst the greatest joys of life. Keen on travelling and exploring new places, Bidushi has spent the last four years of her life in three different Indian cities. But she has also learned that her bedroom is her happy place. Screens relax her greatly — whether it\'s watching a movie or a TV show or reading a riveting bestseller on her e-reader. A cheerful person, she prides herself on making friends easily. When not working, Bidushi can be found spending time with her parents, talking to her friends over a call, or browsing the internet for that one lipstick!