What is your style of studying? Hear it from our Toppers!

Team StoryWeavers|December 14, 2020, 09:29 IST| 65

BYJU'S Topers revel their studying hacks

Did you have any guilty pleasures while preparing for exams? How do you deal with them? How does one prepare for language subjects? Hear solutions to challenges like these and more from our class 10 toppers on Part 2 of our Mega Episode of Hear it From the Toppers.

Watch Part 2 of the Mega Episode of Hear it from the Toppers now!

You have 100 days left before your exams begin. Nothing to worry, you got enough time. You decide to devote 5 hours every day to cover the syllabus before the exams. Next, you notice that you have 70 days left to go, but what’s this, you still have a lot left! You decide to tweak the plan – study for 7 hours every day! A few more days go by and oh snap! Now the exams are only 40 days away and you still got a lot to cover…what do you do now?

If this scenario sounds familiar, we got you covered in the Mega Episode of Hear it From the Toppers! Join BYJU’S class 10 toppers as they talk about their personalised approach to learning, routine, and tips and tricks to ace board exams.

Watch Part 1 of the Mega Episode of Hear it from the Topper now!

Have you caught up with the previous three editions of Hear It From The Toppers? Head over to these links to learn hacks to ace board exams straight from our toppers!

BYJU’S Toppers reveal ways to manage time during board exams

Importance of Conceptual clarity during Board Exams

Toppers’ Hacks to Ace Board Exams

About the Author

Charu, a feminist and an accidental writer, is yet to master the art of writing about herself. Always curious to learn new stuff, she ends up spending a lot of time unlearning the incorrect lessons. She enjoys all sorts of stories – real, fictional, new, old, hers and would love hearing yours too. Feel free to ping her at storyweavers@byjus.com to share anything that you think is worth sharing.