BYJU’S Product Design Interns Share Tips on How to Make The Most of Your Internship

Team StoryWeavers|April 21, 2022, 13:03 IST| 2

At BYJU’S, our interns bring to the table a passion for innovation and a love for learning! Along the way, they also collaborate with various teams on meaningful projects, which act as an accelerator to both their professional and personal growth. 

On a day-to-day basis, as an intern, you will find yourself ideating and working on different learning experiences or participating in discussions that hone skills like teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership. With various exciting projects and products in the pipeline, you are bound to find a way to make impactful contributions. 

Excited to explore more? Keep reading to learn all about the work and journey of our Product Design interns in the second edition of Internship Diaries. 

Also read: What It’s Really Like to Be a BYJU’S Design Intern? Hear What These Students Have to Say

Teamwork makes the dream work

For Prateek Devashetti, landing an internship in Product Design without any formal education in the field, was both a challenging and rewarding experience. Perhaps, the most important part of this experience was the opportunity to pursue an independent project of his choice. The BTech student from Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), says, “Currently, I’m working on identifying and solving real-time problems faced by our teachers and ensuring a seamless experience for them on our platform.”

The project, says Prateek, has allowed him to delve deep into analytics, learning first-hand what goes into crafting immersive learning experiences, both for students and teachers. He explains, “Talking to teachers from different age groups has helped me understand their perspectives – which is really unique, to say the least. Similarly, every student is different, and improving their classroom experience is something we are focusing on through this project.” 

However, none of this would have come to fruition without the right guidance from the team. “The mentorship I received from the product experts at BYJU’S has deeply influenced my interests and career aspirations. The team here isn’t just looking for someone who is good with their work – they’re also looking for a team player,” he adds. 

Also read: Dhaneesh Jameson on Leveraging Tech and Design to Build Scalable Learning Products

Building meaningful relationships

Internships aren’t just about getting to work with a brand, it’s also about working together as a team. This very idea brought Sanskriti Negi to BYJU’S. In her words, “My mentor brings in the same excitement and enthusiasm as us, and I’m looking forward to getting to know the team better. My project currently involves helping students with goal setting, to give them ownership of their academic success. I’m excited to find out what the final outcome will look like and if we’ll be able to make working prototypes.”

Learning something new is right on top of Sanskriti’s list. She also hopes to forge lasting relationships through this experience while taking charge of her responsibilities and the project. “I think it’s great that we get to decide the direction of our project from the start,” she says. “But if we’re completely stuck, our mentor is always there to help. That’s the kind of relationship we have built over time.”

The engineering student from VIT is also proud to have added a key skill to her artillery: conviction. “How you speak and convey your ideas is a huge part of working in a professional environment. During these three months, I have polished my interpersonal skills majorly while interacting with people from different backgrounds and mindsets. These soft skills, I believe, will make a huge difference when I take the next step in my career,” she quips.

Also read: Strumming His Way to Success: Deepak Raj on Striking a Balance Between Music and Sales

Bridging the tech gap

“In the beginning, I spent time learning new tech and design languages. After which, I began exploring various UX design methods. It was, in a way, quite motivating to be endowed with the responsibility,” says Nishant Pantbalekundri. The computer science engineering student from VIT credits his tech background for coming up with creative solutions to real-world problems.

But choosing design as a career path wasn’t an easy decision for Nishant. “I come from a family of doctors. I’m the first engineer in my family. When I started college, I didn’t know what was expected of me. Then my friends advised me to explore different technologies but I couldn’t see myself doing this for the rest of my life. A question that was always there on my mind was, who humanises tech – and this exploration led me to UX design,” he explains.

In a way, Nishant’s project, which involves increasing student engagement, was a perfect opportunity to combine both his knowledge and passion. “And that it aligns with my interests and skills, was definitely the highlight of my internship,” he says adding, “It was exciting, since our mentors were equally vested in our work and progress, and saw us as equal contributors.” 

Finding a great internship is what most students strive for. And providing them with the most amazing experience, where their ideas are valued and their goals are met, is our priority. We would love to hear from you. How did you make the most of your internship? Tell us in the comments below.

Like what you read? Head to Life at BYJU’S to learn more about our work, people, and the stories that make us unique. To explore job opportunities, check out Careers at BYJU’S.  

About the Author

Damini is passionate about photography and travelling. She is happy to have her camera in hand to click random pictures. Always searching for answers about the chaos around her, she spends most of her time reading and learning new things. She also loves listening to music but is a pathetic singer herself. From being a journalism student to working with several media houses, she hopes to keep narrating compelling stories all her life. Write to her at or BYJU\'S