What made Upasana Mahajan, a powerlifter and former techie, turn to teaching? A series of incidents combined with profound life...
It has been over two years since work from home became a part of our lives. While it might seem...
“Empathy is a powerful tool for both students and teachers to learn and grow intellectually and emotionally. At BYJU’S, our...
For students to fall in love with learning, it is essential that education is student-driven. From the very beginning, we...
Working from home does have its advantages. We are talking about flexible timings, less commute stress and geographical independence. But...
In this week’s edition of A Day In The Life Of, a series where BYJUites offer a glimpse into their...
Every country has its own way to ring in the new year. In some cultures, it’s an opportunity to throw...
“At BYJU’S obstacles become opportunities when you give your best. And that is very inspiring,” says Srijan Mishra in this...
Whether you are a creative mind, techie or a number-person, succumbing to distractions and struggling to finish tasks on time...
What made Upasana Mahajan, a powerlifter and former techie, turn to teaching? A series of incidents combined with profound life...
It has been over two years since work from home became a part of our lives. While it might seem...
“Empathy is a powerful tool for both students and teachers to learn and grow intellectually and emotionally. At BYJU’S, our...
For students to fall in love with learning, it is essential that education is student-driven. From the very beginning, we...
Working from home does have its advantages. We are talking about flexible timings, less commute stress and geographical independence. But...
In this week’s edition of A Day In The Life Of, a series where BYJUites offer a glimpse into their...
Every country has its own way to ring in the new year. In some cultures, it’s an opportunity to throw...
“At BYJU’S obstacles become opportunities when you give your best. And that is very inspiring,” says Srijan Mishra in this...
Whether you are a creative mind, techie or a number-person, succumbing to distractions and struggling to finish tasks on time...