Welcome back to BYJU’S Sunday Challenge! In this edition, we soar through the skies in search of fun facts about our feathered friends. Get ready to quiz yourself on the fantastic world of birds!
Here’s how it works:
You can take a shot at the questions and field your guesses in the comments section below. Answers will be revealed on subsequent Sundays in the comment section. The fastest entries to get all questions correctly will receive a special goodie bag from BYJU’S.
Ready? Here are your questions:
Identify this common raptor that is found near large water bodies and is also the national bird of the United States of America. Its name is deceptive and makes a reference to its distinctive appearance.
Identify this migratory bird – known for flying incredibly long distances – which features famously in the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Which Australian fishing bird lends its name to a brand of cricket balls, the most widely used in Test cricket and One-day Internationals?
Associated with the sun, this mythical bird obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. It features prominently in the Harry Potter series where its tears are said to possess magical healing powers. Identify this mythical bird.
During the ‘Speed Wars’ of the early 2000s, Honda released a motorbike with a top speed of 300+ kmph called the CBR1100XX Blackbird. In response, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa. What does Hayabusa mean in Japanese and why did Suzuki name it so?
Take your guesses in the comments section below. Winners of this edition, along with the answers will be revealed next Sunday in the comments section, so keep your eyes peeled!
To view other editions of the Sunday Challenge, click here.
Answers to Sunday Challenge #23:
1. Satyendra Nath Bose. The elementary particles ‘bosons’ are named after him and Albert Einstein.
2. Vikram Sarabhai
3. Sir CV Raman
4. Narinder Kapany
5. Har Gobind Khorana
Update: Winners of Sunday Challenge #24:
Tarun Joshi
Vedang Tripathi
Pavani Guduru
Deva Nanda A
Congratulations to all the winners! Keep an eye on your inbox to claim your prizes!
Suraj is a self-proclaimed audiophile and a jack-of-all-trades writer with a diverse set of interests. An amateur quizzer on the side, he claims that the first object he fell in love with was a book on flags at age 3. His favourite punctuation mark is the Oxford Comma, which coincidentally happens to be one of his favourite songs too!
Sandrani Methash
March 16, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
March 16, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Vultures
Rajeshwari Roy
March 16, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon. It is the fastest bird in the sky and it preys on Blackbirds, which is why Suzuki named the bike thus!
Shayona A S
March 15, 2022
1. Blad eagle
2. Albatross bird
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix bird
5. Hayabusa
March 14, 2022
answer 1- Bald Eagle
answer2- Arctic tern
answer 3- Kookaburra
answer 4- Phoenix
answer 5-Peregrine Falcon
Mehak Rawat
March 13, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
March 13, 2022
I don’t know how to
March 13, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Southern royal albatross
3. Kookaburra
Divyanshu Singh Takuli
March 13, 2022
1) Bald eagle
3)Kookaburra bird
4)Phoenix bird
5)peregrine falcon
Afifa goher
March 13, 2022
1) The bald eagle?
2) The Red knot
3) kookaburra
4) immortal bird
5) falcon, especially a peregrine falcon and suzuki named it because for it’s speed due to it’s vertical hunting drive, or stoop.
Ashley hiskin
March 13, 2022
1 . Bald eagle
2 . Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 . Phoenix
5 . In Japanese it means paregrine falcon .
Suzuki named it because it was a name of the fastest bird and to rise more than the Honda they gave this name
Ansh Singh
March 13, 2022
Ans 1. Golden eagle
Ans 2. Albatross
Ans 3. Kookaburra
Ans 4. Phoenix
Ans 5. Hayabusa in Japanese word for peregrine falcon. It is the fastest bird in the sky and it preys on blackbirds which is why Suzuki named the bird thus!
Vaibhav Gupta
March 13, 2022
1) The Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon
March 13, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon. It is the fastest bird in the sky and it preys on Blackbirds, which is why Suzuki named the bike thus!
March 13, 2022
1.golden eagle
5.hayabusa is the japnese word for peregrine falcon.it is the fastest bird in the sky and it preys on blackbirds, so suzuki named the bike .
Priyanshu Kumar
March 13, 2022
1 answer- Golden Eagle
2 answer- Albatross
3 answer- Kookaburra
4 answer- Phoneix
5 answer- Hayabusa is the Japense word for Peregrine Falcon.
Amritha G
March 13, 2022
1.Golden Eagle
5. In Japanese,Hayabusa means falcon. Suzuki used it because the favourite prey of falcon is black bird.
March 13, 2022
Nehil jain
March 13, 2022
Mustafa master
March 12, 2022
Q1= eagle
Q2= albatross
Q3= kookaburra
Q4= phoenix
Q5= hayabusa mean in japanese is peregrine falcon
March 11, 2022
Question no 1___
Ans:- Blad eagle
Question no. 2
Ans:- Albatrosses
Question no. 3
Ans:- Kookaburra
Question no. 4
Question no. 5
Ans:- sizuki hayabussa
Krish Agarwal
March 11, 2022
Q1 Bald Eagle
Q2 royal albatross
Q3 kookaburra
Q4 phoenix bird
Q5 In japanese it means Peregrine. They name it so because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds and the bikes named by honda was blackbird. To proof themselve as good than the Honda, they give this name.
March 11, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon. It is the fastest bird in the sky and it preys on Blackbirds, which is why Suzuki named the bike thus!
March 10, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5.it is called peregrine falcon in Japanese it was named so for its speed due to vertical hunting dive
T.Dhanashree Chanu
March 9, 2022
Q.no.1-The bald head eagle.
Q.no.4-The phoenix
Q.no.5-The Peregrin Falcon,because of the bird’s choice of prey which were actually black birds, which naturally suited the Japanese firms intentions perfectly.
March 9, 2022
Beacuse the Suzuki war very popular that time which means bud tree
Aryan Kumar Karnani
March 9, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Suzuki Hayabusa
March 9, 2022
1Q) American eagle
4Q) the bird from harry potter is the Phoenix
5Q)i think hayabusa mean a fast bird so it might be a the bird falcon.which goes around 300km per hour or more
Shreya L hegde
March 9, 2022
1.American Bald Eagle
2.Artic Rien
Shreya L hegde
March 9, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2.Artic Rien
3. Kookaburra
March 9, 2022
2. Albatross
4. Phoenix
5. Becoz the Suzuki was very popular in that time which means bud tree
Dhananjay singh dodiya
March 8, 2022
Answer 1. American bald eagle
Answer 2. Albatrosses
Answer 3. kookaburra
Answer 4. Phoenixes
Answer 5. Hayabusa mean peregrine falcon in japanese and suzuki it named like this because falcon is a metaphor for speed due to vertical hunting dive.
Dhanashree kharde
March 8, 2022
1) eagle
2) albatross
3) kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) when Suzuki launched its speed king GSX1300R in 1999 which among other things was specifically designed to wrest the title of worlds fastest production motorcycle from Honda’s reigning CBR1100XX super balckbird it was also given the name Hayabusa which is Japanese for peregrine
Shrinil Santosh Bacchewar
March 8, 2022
Nice information
Kritik Shukla
March 8, 2022
Mannat Shah
March 8, 2022
1.Golden Eagle
March 8, 2022
Q_1 ans
March 8, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Peregrine Falcon
Rushikesh Raut
March 7, 2022
March 7, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Tristan Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Meaning of Hayabusa in Japanese is Peregrine Falcon.
It was named because of its speed of 290-325 km/h, as the fastest of any bird.
Adrija Mukherjee
March 7, 2022
Q1 eagle
Q2 albatross
Q3 kingfisher
Q4 phoenix
Q5 peregrine falcon
Aarti Chandrashekhar karuti
March 7, 2022
Answer of 5 questions
Question 1= bald eagle
Question 2= albatross
Question 3= kingfisher
Question 4= phoenix
Question 5= bud tree
Aarti Chandrashekhar karuti
March 7, 2022
Answer of 5 questions
Question 1 = bald eagle
Question 2= albatross
Question 3= kingfisher
Question 4= phoenix
Question 5= peregrine falcon
Asra Khalid
March 7, 2022
1.Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
5. Hayabusa mean in Japanese word Peregrine Falcon
Siddesh Bhausaheb Sarode
March 7, 2022
1) eagle
2) albatross
3) kingfisher
4) phionix
5) suzuki
Dimple patil
March 7, 2022
Australian pelican it flies very large distance
March 7, 2022
I will participate
Gauri Bagal
March 7, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for Peregrine Faleon. It is the fastest bird in the sky and it preys in Blackbirds, which is why Suzuki named the bike thus!
Mayank Vyas
March 7, 2022
5:Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
March 7, 2022
Q1 Eagle
Q2 Albatross
Q3 pelican
Q4 Phoenix
Q5 peregrine falcon.it was designed to beat honda,s blackbird just as peregrine falcon eat the blackbird
Harshadha Sujith Valiyavalappil
March 7, 2022
1)Golden Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa is the Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon. It is the fastest bird in the sky and it preys on Blackbirds, which is why Suzuki named the bike thus!
Deepanshu yadav
March 7, 2022
Tanaya Dhiraj Sing Patil
March 7, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
Kaniksha Guru
March 6, 2022
1. American Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix Fawkes
5. The word Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese. They named it so because they wanted to beat Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird and to claim the title of world’s fastest motorcycle
March 6, 2022
1. American kestrel
2. Albatross
3. Stuart Broad
4. Phoenix Fawkes
5. Peregrine
March 6, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon. It is the fastest bird in the sky and it preys on Blackbirds, which is why Suzuki named the bike thus!
Shaikh Iqra Zaheer
March 6, 2022
Shaikh Iqra
1:The American Bald Eagle
4:The Phoenix
5:Peregie Falcon
Adhir ghosh
March 6, 2022
Adhir ghosh
March 6, 2022
Satyavrat Uniyal
March 6, 2022
1 Golden eagle
2 Albatross
3 kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5 hayabusa
Jais. Manoj.
March 6, 2022
Adyasha Pradhan
March 6, 2022
1.Golden Eagle
5. Hayabusa is a Japanese word for peregrine falcon. One of the fastest birds
Juan Manoj
March 6, 2022
1.bald eagle
Radhika bhadoriya
March 6, 2022
Ans1-bald eagle
Ans3-australian kingfisher
Ans5-peregrine falcon
Soubhagya laxmi panigrahi
March 6, 2022
Q1ans:-Golden Eagle ?
Q2 ans:- Albatross
Q3 ans:- kookaburra
Q4ans:- Phoenix
Q5ans:- Hayabusa is the Japanese word for peregrine Falcon. It preys on blackbirds, which is why Suzuki named the bike thus!
It’s also a fastest ⚡ bird in the ☁ sky.
Rutuja Hemant Kale
March 6, 2022
1)Golden Eagle
March 6, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa literally means speed and Suzuki means “bell tree” A common Japanese surname and business name.
Manas Pandey
March 6, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5 Hayabusa is a Japaneese word for Peregrine falcon which is known for its speed. It is the fastest bird in the sky.
Rashmi k
March 6, 2022
Avaneesh igade
March 6, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey)
Saee santosh
March 6, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
The answers..
Ayan Mansuri
March 6, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Suzuki named the bike thus!
Roshani singh
March 6, 2022
Answer 1- Bald eagle
Answer 2 – An albatross
Answer 3 – kookaburra
Answer 4 – The phoenix
Answer 5 -Hayabusa mean peregrine falcon which is a Japanese bird which symbolise as a metaphor for speed of290 to 325 kmph,the fastest in any bird
Sanika Sandeep Naik
March 6, 2022
1) eagle
2) albatross
3) kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) falcon , because the peregrine falcon
preys on black birds
Pushkar mishra
March 6, 2022
Sumith Ghosh
March 6, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Southern Royal albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hyabusa is peligrin falcon and suzuki means speed. It was built to defeat honda bike
Yashas Karthikeya
March 6, 2022
March 6, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Jahnavi L
March 6, 2022
5..because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Geetanjali mahanta
March 6, 2022
1.Bold eagle
Simarpreet Kaur
March 6, 2022
1 . eagle
5. Because the Suzuki was very popular in that time which means bud trees
R.Mithil tej
March 6, 2022
1.Golden eagle
5.Hayabusa is a Japanese word which means peregrine falcon.it is the fastest bird in the sky and its prey is black bird
S L Yuvanthi
March 6, 2022
Q3- Australian kingfisher
Q4- phoneix
Q5-Hayabusa was a robotic spacecraft
March 6, 2022
1st answer golden eagle 2nd answer albatross 3rd answer kookaburra 4rth answer phonix
Mh numan
March 6, 2022
Answers of the quize are-
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey)
Vishwam veer pandey
March 6, 2022
1. Eagle
March 6, 2022
5. The suzaki was very popular that time means bud tree
March 6, 2022
5.The Suzuki was very popular that time means bud tree
Pranav bhardwaj
March 6, 2022
. Satyendra Nath Bose. The elementary particles ‘bosons’ are named after him and Albert Einstein.
2. Vikram Sarabhai
3. Sir CV Raman
4. Narinder Kapany
5. Har Gobind Khorana
Dibyalochan sahoo
March 6, 2022
5.Because the suzuki was popular that time. It means bud tree
Kshitij Rathore
March 6, 2022
The answer for this quiz are
1.The Sparrow Hawk
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey)
Lakshya nahlia
March 6, 2022
1.golden eagle
March 6, 2022
Satyendra Nath Bose
2. Vikram Sarabhai
3. Sir CV Raman
4. Narinder Kapany
5. Har Gobind Khorana
Krishna Suthar
March 6, 2022
1.Blad Eagle.
2. albatross.
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon and The Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa is a sport bike motorcycle made by Suzuki since 1999. It immediately won acclaim as the world’s fastest production motorcycle, with a top speed of 303 to 312 km/h (188 to 194 mph. And the name hayabusa came from a Japanese bird.
March 6, 2022
1 . American Bald Eagle
2 . Albatross
3 . Kookaburra
4 . Phionex
5 . Falcon
Udit Narayan Dey
March 6, 2022
1-bald eagle
5-Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey)
March 6, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.( Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey )
March 6, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2 )An Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon because it bagged fastest production of motorcycle in the world
Abhishek kumar
March 6, 2022
1 Ans bald eagle
2Ans albatross
3 Ans kookaburra
4 Ans Phoenix
5 Ans because it is the fastest bird name falcon.
Abhishek kumar
March 6, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. southern royal albatross
3. Kookaburra
5.It mean peregrine falcon in Japanese. It is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird. This bird fly very very fast. So they name on this bird
Krishnaa srinivasan
March 6, 2022
Krishnaa srinivasan
3.king fisher
4. Pheonix is a mythical bird that aim to go to the sun we it get near the sun it burned into ashes and again it be rebirth and this process repeated and it have a another name fire bird
5.suzuki was very popular that time that mean bud of tree
Antim kumre
March 6, 2022
Rishika Chaurasia
March 6, 2022
Bald Eagle
King fisher
March 6, 2022
1. Eagle
5.Hayabusa is the japanese for peregrine falcon. It was named so because peregrine falcons prey on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
G anish
March 6, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Divyanshi Adhikari
March 6, 2022
1- The bald eagle
2-the albatross
3- Australian Kingfisher
4- phoenix bird
5-Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Vaishnavi Bhanwase
March 6, 2022
1. Eagle or hawk
2. Seabird
3. Kookaburra
5. Hayabusa represents peregrine falcon which is japnese bird and The company was named after the revolutionary inventor and founder of the Suzuki corporation.
March 6, 2022
Kindly make #25 Sunday Challenge as it is 6th March.
Abhishek kumar
March 5, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2.The southern royal albatross
3. The Kookaburra
4. The Phoenixes
5.This mean peregrine falcon in Japanese. It is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird.
Abhishek kumar
March 5, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2.The southern royal albatross
3. The Kookaburra
4. The Phoenixes
5.This mean peregrine falcon in Japanese. It is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Abhishek kumar
March 5, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. southern royal albatross
3. Kookaburra
5.It mean peregrine falcon in Japanese. It is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
March 5, 2022
Q1.Ans Bald Eagle
Q2. Ans Albatross
Q4. Pheonix
M Sriyuktha
March 5, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
5.Hayabusa in Japanese is for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird
R.Akshay navadeep kumar
March 5, 2022
1.The blad eagle
2. The rime of the ancient Mariner
3. Tristan albatross
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
anna susan koshy
March 5, 2022
answers to the quiz!
1. The American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. kookaburra
4. phoenix
5. hayabusa is a Japanese word translating to the English word which means peregrine falcons (bird) cause Falco is the fastest bird
Akshat patel
March 5, 2022
Ans1-americian blad eagle
Ans2-arctic tern
Ans4-pheonix fawkes
Ans5-peregrine falcon
Nivedita Vishwakarma
March 5, 2022
1) Bald Eagle.
2) Albatros.
3) Kookaburra.
4) Phonix.
5) The name of the bird is peregrine falcon and Suzuki named the bike after it.
March 5, 2022
Ans 1. Bald eagle
Ans 2. Southern royal albatross
Ans 3. King fisher
Ans 4. Phoenix
Ans 5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it so because it reflects the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
Siddhi Dinesh Bhosale
March 5, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon” a bird flying speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Paritosh Udgata
March 5, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon. Because the Peregrine Falcon preys in blackbirds.
Sania and Kapish Mittal
March 5, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Tajasvi giri
March 5, 2022
1. The bald eagle ?
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa
March 5, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Nishita tiwari
March 5, 2022
1ans American eagle
2ans artic tern
3ans. King fisher
4ans. Phoinex facus
Biswarupa Ray
March 5, 2022
1)Bald Eagle
5)Peregrine Falcon
Anagh Ranjan Jha
March 5, 2022
#1 Bald Eagle
#2 Seagull
#3 Kingfisher
#4 Phoenix
#5 White Bird
Amrutha B.C
March 5, 2022
It was nice
March 5, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Arctic tern
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoneix
5) Peregrine falcon – Blackbird eater
Akshita Tiwari
March 5, 2022
1 blade eagle
2 albatross powerfull
3 White Kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 peregrine falcon
Kanak rajpoot
March 4, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Peregrine Falcon
March 4, 2022
Ans 1. The American Bald Eagle.
Ans 2. Albatross bird.
Ans 3. Kookaburra sport is named after tree Kingfisher bird.
Ans 4. Phoenix bird
Ans 5. Hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine Falcon which has the fastest vertical dive of all. Suzuki named it so because he was aware that the peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is actually blackbirds, which naturally suited the Japanese firm’s intentions perfectly.
Shoby parveen
March 4, 2022
I am so happy for this
Spandhana S N
March 4, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2.(wandering ) albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The phoenix
5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
March 4, 2022
Amlendika Singh Rana
March 4, 2022
Ans1. Bald Eagle
Ans2. Albatross
Ans3. Kookaburra
Ans4. Phoenix
Ans5. Hayabusa means a Peregrine falcon. It was named that because Peregrine falcons prey on black birds. This was done to show the Suzuki’s company’s intent to beat the Honda company.
March 4, 2022
1:- American bald eagle
2:- Southern royal albatross
3:- Kookaburra
4:- Phoenix
5:- Hayabusa is one of the fastest Japanese bird so to show that the bike can travel a high speeds just like the bird such name was given
Don jospeh
March 4, 2022
2. Albatross
Srijita Saha
March 4, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2.The Albatross
4.The Phoenix
5.The peregrine falcon is called Hayabusa in Japanese. They prey on blackbirds, which was a challenge to Honda from Suzuki that the Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird will be overthrown by the Hayabusa
S.Eniaa Shri
March 4, 2022
1. Eagle
2. albatross
4. phoenix
5.because the Suzuki was very popular that time which means the bud tree
Akshit Choudhary
March 4, 2022
Q1 Bald Eagle. The Bald Eagle is a bird of prey found in North America.
Q2 The Albatross
Q3 Kookaburra
Q4 Phoenix
Q5 (1) Hayabusa is the Japanese for Peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph)the fastest of any bird
Thanks for giving me this opportunity
Yashada Shinde
March 4, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. In Japanese Hayabusa is known as PEREGRINE FALCON.
March 4, 2022
1. Bald eagle 2. Albatross 3. Kookaburra 4. Phoenix 5. Hayabusa
March 4, 2022
Answer 1. Bald eagle.
Answer 2. Albatross.
Answer 3. The Kookaburra Ball.
Answer 4. Phoenix.
Answer 5. In japanese Hayabusa means ‘peregrine falcon’. Suzuki name it peregrine falcon because it is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
stutee anuva
March 4, 2022
Q1- American Bald eagle
Q2- Albatross
Q3-Austrilian kingfisher
Q5-hayabusa means a falcon.Suzuki named it Hayabusa as peregrine Falcon is the fastest animal , Suzuki named the vehicle Hayabusa to shows the vehicle is extremely fast
Diya shah
March 4, 2022
1). Golden eagle. 2) Albatross. 3). Pelican….4) Thunderbird…5). Peregrine Falcon..named because of its speed.
March 4, 2022
A.P.Roshini class 7
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Aarya Kumari
March 4, 2022
Ans1 – Bald Eagle
Ans5- Peregrine falcon , because this bird has the fastest vertical dive.
Sakshi Singh
March 4, 2022
Bald eagle
Suzuki was popular in that time which means bud tree
Harshini E
March 4, 2022
5) Hayabusa is a bird ? because of its great speed Suzuki named it
Harshini E
March 4, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Alabatross
3) Kooka burra
4) Phoenix
5) great speed
March 4, 2022
1= American bald eagle
2= Bar tailed godwits limosa lapponica baueri
3=Kookaburra sport
4= Phoenix
5=Hayabusa means peregrine falcon and Suzuki is name so because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Harikrishna Swaminathan
March 3, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Tristan Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon – A bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive – speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Harikrishna swaminathan
March 3, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
3. Kookaburra
5.Peregrine Falcon
Gourvi kankar
March 3, 2022
Question 1. EAGLE
Question 3. Kookaburra
Question 4. phoenix
Question 5. Pargrine Falcon
Thejas M M
March 3, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Falcon. It was fastest motor bike of the time.
Shubh gupta
March 3, 2022
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Aashish gurjar
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
March 3, 2022
1. American bald eagle
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon ( japans fastest bird)
Om fakira dalave
March 3, 2022
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
As it is a bird which is considered to be one of the fastest bird, Suzuki wanted to show that the bike is too the fastest in accordance to the name of the bike
March 3, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon. Because of it’s incredible speed
Trishar Jain
March 3, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Peregrine Falcon
Harsheel Kumar Sahoo
March 3, 2022
Answer 1 eagle
Answer 2 seabird
Answer 3 Kiwi
Answer 4 Phoenix
Answer 5 Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon.
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon , because it is the fastest bird
Manan Paikaray
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular at that time
March 3, 2022
Adrit Debnath
March 3, 2022
1.Eagle is the national bird of America and also found near large water bodies.
2.Albatross is the flying incredibly long distance.
3.Kingfisher id the Australian fishing bird.
4.Pheonix is the mythical bird obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.
5.In Japanese Hayabusa is known as “Peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed. Suzuki named it because it was very popular at that time which means “Bud tree. “
Kevin Paul
March 3, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so as peregrine falcons are very fast
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. phoenix
5. Hayabusa
March 3, 2022
1 bald eagle
4 scope owl5
5 peregine falcon because of its vertical hunting dive
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kookaburra
4. phoenix
5. Hayabusa
March 3, 2022
Answers of the quize are-
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey)
Somesh Kumar Nayak
March 3, 2022
5.suzuki was popular that time mean bud tree
March 3, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon because this bird travels in the speed of 390Kmph and this GSX-1300R Hayabusa is faster than GSX-1300R Hayabusa since it travels only 300kmph
Manit Patial
March 3, 2022
Answers of the above questions:
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is japaneses for peregrine falcon. During the speed wars of the early 2000’s, this choice of naming the bike GSX – 1300R Hayabusa was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflects the intent of original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR 1100XX Super Blackbird on the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Rishika Pandey
March 3, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Arctic Tern
3) White Kookaburra
4) The Phoenix
5) Hayabusa in Japanese means ‘Peregrine Falcon’. Suzuki named it so because it’s the fastest of any bird.
March 3, 2022
Ans 1: Eagle
Ans 2: Albatross
Ans 3: kookaburra
Ans 4: phoenix
Ans 5: kawasaki
Naveen Sonwal
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Arctic Turn
3. The Kookaburra Tale
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese. It was called so because peregrine falcons preyed on blackbirds, which was Suzuki intended to do with its product.
Riya thapliyal
March 3, 2022
1.American Kestrel
5.the suzuki was very popular that time
Daksh Jauhari
March 3, 2022
A- American Bald eagle
B- Arctic Tern
C- Kingfisher
D- Phoenix
E- Hayabusa is Japanese name for peregrine falcon which is a metaphor for speed, used by suzuki
Harimurali Muraleedharan
March 3, 2022
1) The largest eagle Bald eagle
2) Seagull
4) The Phoenix
5) Hayabusa in Japanese means Falcon, and Suzuki named it that way because falcons are the fastest birds of prey
March 3, 2022
It’s very nise
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle.
2. Albatross.
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is peregrine falcone, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to the speed. So Suzuki named the bike Hayabusa.
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon.
Suzuki named it so to beat Honda’s motorbike blackbird and be named as fastest motorbike
March 3, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Pelican
3. Kookaburra
4. Thunderbird
5. Perigrine falcon, metaphor for speed
March 3, 2022
1.bald eagle
2.tristan albatross
4.the phoenix
5.falcon (it will fly woth a high speed approximately 390 km/hr
Prarthna Nair
March 3, 2022
1. Falcon
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Perigrine falcon. Bike named because it can reach react speed within seconds and agility and power
Rishabh Raj
March 3, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.because it means bud tree
Rishabh Raj
March 3, 2022
Answer Of Sunday Challenge #24
1.Bald Eagle
3.Kookaburra Bird
4.Phoenix Bird
5.Blackbird Eater
March 3, 2022
5.hayabusa in japanese is known as peregrine falcon a bird often known for its speed and is also a natural predator of the blackbird, due to this suzuki named the bike hayabusa
Venkat Bharadwaj Vedula
March 3, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. The Bar tailed Godwit
3. Kookaburra
4. Owl
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is Peregrine Falcon, Suzuki named it so because speed of that bird is 390kmph +
March 3, 2022
Ans 1 : Bald Eagle. (Q 1)
Ans 2 : Albatross. ( Q 2)
Ans 3 : Phoenix. (Q 3)
Ans 4 : Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in japanese language . They named it according to nature Peregrine Falcon prey on Blackbird.
V.Akshaya Sre
March 3, 2022
King fisher
Suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Aayushman Singh rajpoot
March 2, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 Ancient mainer
3 Kestrel resting
4 Dumbledore’s Phoenix and the Medieval Bestiary
5 Hayabusa
March 2, 2022
Answer:1-Bald eagle
2- Albatross
4-Dumbledore’s Phoenix fakes
5-The word Hayabusa represents a “peregrine falcon” , which is Japanese bird that symbolises as a metaphor for speed thanks to its hunting hive at speed of 290 to 325 kmph, the fastest in any bird.
March 2, 2022
Q1)The Bald Eagle
Q2)The Albatross
Q4)Phoenix Bird
Q5)Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese and Suzuki chose it as a name for their Superbike since it’s the fastest bird in world.
Diya Ann vinod
March 2, 2022
1 Eagle
2 Albatross
3 kingfisher
4 Phoenix
5 because the Suzuki was very popular that time ..
March 2, 2022
Blad eagle
Hedwing harrys owl
Aashna Jaiswal
March 2, 2022
March 2, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
March 2, 2022
1) The American kestral also called the sparrow hawk.
2) Albatrosses
3) the red Ball was used in both test cricket and ODI cricket.the ball name kookaburra.
4) phoenix bird
5)Again, most probably know that when Suzuki launched its speed king GSX1300R in 1999 which, among other things, was specifically designed to wrest the title of world’s fastest production motorcycle from Honda’s reigning CBR1100XX Super Blackbird, it was also given the name ‘Hayabusa’, which is Japanese for ‘Peregrine …
March 2, 2022
1) The American kestral also called the sparrow hawk.
2) Albatrosses
3) the red Ball was used in both test cricket and ODI cricket.
4) phoenix bird
5)Again, most probably know that when Suzuki launched its speed king GSX1300R in 1999 which, among other things, was specifically designed to wrest the title of world’s fastest production motorcycle from Honda’s reigning CBR1100XX Super Blackbird, it was also given the name ‘Hayabusa’, which is Japanese for ‘Peregrine …
Pranav Naresh Waghela XD
March 2, 2022
Answer to Sunday Challenge #24 :-
Q1)American Kestrel
Q2) Albatross
Q3) Kookaburra
Q4) Phoenix
Q5)Famed for its abundant power, agility and majestic presence. Legendary for establishing new levels of ultimate sport performance, and for retaining the number one position for the past two decades in the class it created.GSX-1300R Hayabusa is like the Hayabusa or the the falcon.
March 2, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese. It was called so because peregrine falcons preyed on blackbirds, which was Suzuki intented to do with its product
Svanik Sharma
March 2, 2022
1)The American bald eagle
2) albatross
4) phoenix
Atmajyoti Chatterjee
March 2, 2022
1-The American bald eagle
2-Arctic turn
5-Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon which preys the blackbirds, so Suzuki used this name to show their might
March 2, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. phoenix
M.Bhavya sri
March 2, 2022
1question -The American bald eagle
2question -Arctic tern
3question -kookaburra turf
4question -phoenix
5question -Hayabusa means peregrine falcon it is name so because it is a name of a bird which flies fastly
Shreya Mallick
March 2, 2022
1- Eagle
Bhavesh mahajan
March 2, 2022
Please give me head phone
Upayan Roy
March 2, 2022
q no. 1 = Bald Eagle.
q no.2 =Albatross.
q no. 3=kookaburra.
q no. 4 =Pheonix.
q no.5 = Peregrine falcon.
Punyah Sharma
March 2, 2022
Q1- Bald Eagle
Q2-Tristan albatross
Q3- Dukes, Kookaburra
Q5-peregrine falcon
Suvaid Manzoor
March 2, 2022
Suraj Prabhu sir you are an extraordinary man ,I am very appreciated from your hard work .Keep working hard.
Suraj Prabhu
March 11, 2022
Thank you for the kind words! Appreciate it!
March 2, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatrosses
3) Kukaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabis, also called Busa is the fastest bird in Japan. Being the fastest bird in Japan, Suzuki named its bike Hayabusa.
Ankita Das
March 2, 2022
1.Bald eagle
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. hayabusa in japanese means”peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor, the fastest of any bird.
suzuki name it because the suzuki was very popular that time.
Sreeram S. Menon
March 2, 2022
1)Bald Eagle
5)Hayabusa in Japanese is the name of Peregrine falcon.
It is the fastest animal in the world and Suzuki wanted the bike to be the fastest.
Yaseen Shameem
March 2, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookabura
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named their motorbike ‘Hayabusa’ because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which shows the intention of the original Hayabusa to beat the Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird.
Gopi Satvika
March 2, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatrosses
3) Kookaburra balls
4) Phoenix
5) What does Hayabusa mean in Japanese?
Ans: Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Q) why did Suzuki name it so?
A) Because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree and Michio made certain that his family name would forever be tied to success and ingenuity.
Ragul M
March 2, 2022
Q1 bald eagle
Q2 albatross
Q3 Kingfisher
Q4 pheonix
Q5 Hayabusa is the japanese for peregrine falcon. It was named so because peregrine falcons prey on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Prerana Sarma
March 2, 2022
1) Kite
2) Albatross
3) Flamingo
4) Phoenix
5)’Hayabusa’ is Falcon. This bird is one of the fastest birds.
Angelina Johnson
March 2, 2022
Answers to Sunday Challenge #24
Ans1. Bald Eagle
Ans2. Tristan albatross
Ans3. Kookaburra
Ans4. Phoenix
Ans5. Hayabusa means ‘Peregrine Falcon’ in Japanese. This bird ‘Peregrine Falcon’ is a very fast flying bird, flying at a speed of 290 to 325 km/h. Also its vertical hunting dive, or stoop made Suzuki give the bike this name.
Ansh Prakash
March 2, 2022
A.1 Eagle
A.2 Albatross
A.3 Kookaburra
A.4 Phoenix
A.5 Peregrine Falcon
Vyom Patel
March 2, 2022
1- Bald Eagle
2- Albatross
5-Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Gungun tickoo
March 2, 2022
3.king fisher
5. Cause the Suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Kasturi vadghule
March 2, 2022
Challenge #24
1. Sagle
2. Albratross
3. Kookaburra
4. Hedwig
5. Peragin falcon.
Aditi Yadav
March 2, 2022
Ans- 1 – Bald eagle
Ans -2 Sea gull
Ans – 3 Kookaburra
Ans- 4 Phoenix
Ans – 5, peregrine falcon – this bird can dive and rise speedily up to 325 KM, and stop rapidly, swing any direction on top speed too. The Honda given name for the same performance in its bike
Nisshta Kansal
March 2, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra turf
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
Khushi Rajendra Dudhakar
March 2, 2022
1. Golden eagle
3. Kingfisher
4. Pheonix
5.hayabusa means a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
Because the bike is super comfy yet super fast.
bairu anjani devi
March 2, 2022
1. falcon
5. peregrine falcon, this bird famous for it ability to reach high speed
Om Shashwat
March 2, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. ‘Hayabusa’, is the Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. The peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually, blackbirds, which naturally suited the Suzuki’s intentions perfectly ( Honda’s bike’s name was CBR1100XX ‘Blackbird’ )
Prateek Pattnaik
March 2, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Prateek Pattnaik
March 2, 2022
1- Bald eagle
2- Southern royal albatross
3- kookaburra
4- snowy owl
5- Peregrine falcon
Om Shashwat
March 2, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. ‘Hayabusa’, is the Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. The peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually, blackbirds, which naturally suited the Suzuki’s intentions perfectly ( Honda’s bike’s name was CBR1100XX ‘Blackbird’ )..
March 2, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. “Hayabusa” represents a “Peregrine Falcon”, which is Japanese bird that symbolises as a metaphor for speed to its hunting dive at the speed of 290 to 325 kmph, the fastest in any bird.
Om Shashwat
March 2, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. ‘Hayabusa’, is the Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. The peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually, blackbirds, which naturally suited the Suzuki’s intentions perfectly ( Honda’s bike’s name was CBR1100XX ‘Blackbird’ )
Om Shashwat
March 2, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. ‘Hayabusa’, is the Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. The peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually, blackbirds, which naturally suited the Suzuki’s intentions perfectly ( Honda’s bike’s name was CBR1100XX ‘Blackbird’ )
March 2, 2022
1ans. Kite. 2ans. Albatross. 3ans. Kookaburra ball. 4ans. Phoenix. 5ans. Japanese for peregrine falcon
Ishanee Biswajita
March 2, 2022
1- American Bald Eagle
2- Albatross
4- Phoenix
5- ‘Hayabusa’ is Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird that has the fastest vertical dive of all. Suzuki named it so because blackbirds were its usual prey, which suited this Japanese firm’s intentions perfectly.
Zaid Ayaz kazi
March 2, 2022
Ans to challenge#24
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. The albstross
3. The kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrin falcon
March 2, 2022
1ans. Kite
2ans. Albatross. 3ans. Kookaburra ball. 4ans. Phoenix. 5ans. Japanese for peregrine falcon
Shrusti B Mannikeri
March 2, 2022
Q.1 bald eagle
Q.2 Albatross
Q.3 kingfisher
Q.4 The pheonix
Q.5 peregrine falcon
Because it preys blackbirds.
Gouri B Mannikeri
March 2, 2022
Q.1 eagle
Q.2 Mariner
Q.3 Kookaburra
Q.4 Phoenix
Q.5 Peregrine Falcon
As the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds.
Vaishnavi Garg
March 2, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means falcon in Japanese
March 2, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2.Southern royal albatros
3. Kukabura
4. The phoenix
5. Mean in japanese- peregrine falcon, it is called so because it speed is 290km/hr to 320km/hr
Aarav Agarkar
March 2, 2022
1)The American Bald Eagle
2)an albatross
5)In japanese hayabusa means a Falcon.suzuki named the bike as hayabusa because in japannese hayabusa means A Falcon the fastest japanese bird
March 2, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 flying albatross
3 kingfisher
4 Phoenix
5 pegerin falcon because it is the fastest bird in air
Vedant Hinge
March 2, 2022
Trishay Kaul
March 2, 2022
Q1. Bald Eagle
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
March 2, 2022
March 2, 2022
Rachit D Parmar
March 2, 2022
1. Eagle
5.Hayabusa is a Japanese Robot Asteroid Mission from 2003 to 2010. Onother meaning is a Falcon.
Suzuki name it cause all these are in trending very much at that time.
Ishan Balakrishnan
March 2, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5.Hayabusa means a falcon, Especially a Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it like that because Peregrine falcon is fastest bird in the world
Kaushik JHA
March 2, 2022
1.American bald eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Scops owl
Rahul Yadav
March 2, 2022
A – The Bald Eagle
B – The Albatross
C – Kookaburra
D – Phoenix
E – Hayabusa in Japanese means falcon and Suzuki named it so because it was the fastest motorbike of that time in the world .
Ch. Pranathi
March 2, 2022
2.Siberian cranes
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japnese for peregrine falcon a bird that ften serves as a metaphor for speed
Vidya Reddy
March 2, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.
March 2, 2022
Bald eagle ?
Arctic tern
Sharon Sajan
March 2, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. It means Peregrine Falcon and it was named so as it preys on Blackbirds and the Honda Blackbird was the competition of Suzuki at that time.
Zoha Sultana
March 2, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
5. It stands for Peregrine falcon, due to its fast speed.
Pranit Powar
March 1, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatros
Lakshyajeet Bhati
March 1, 2022
Answer 1) Eagle
Answer 2) Seagull
Answer 3) Kingfisher
Answer 4) Pegasus
Answer 5) The name surely is after some very fast flying bird as this quiz itself is based on BIRDS! Might be some very Swift bird like any eagle, falcon, or other preying birds.
Yaseen Shameem
March 1, 2022
1) Bald Headed Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means Falcon. It was so named because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which shows the intent of the Hayabusa to beat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird.
March 1, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) The meaning of hayabusa peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it as hayabusa since the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to best the Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird.
Sarthak Sachin Kakad
March 1, 2022
1.The bald eagle has been the national bird of the United States since 1782, when it was placed with outspread wings on the Great Seal of our country.
2.The mariner killed the albatross as he thought it to be the reason for the wind to die, although the other sailors thought that the bird was associated with good luck.
3.kookabura most used ball and famous bird.
4.The Thunderbird is a legendary creature which appears in the mythology of certain indigenous peoples of North America. It is especially prominent within the cultures of the Pacific Northwest and is frequently featured in their art, songs, and stories.
5.Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Arnav Nitesh Nikumbh
March 1, 2022
1. The bald Egale
2. The albatross
4. The Thunderbird
5.Peregrine Falcon
March 1, 2022
2 albatross
3 Kookaburra
5 Peregrine falcon is the meaning of the Japanese word Hayabusa. Suzuki named it so, as it is the natural predator of Blackbird, which is the name of Hondas motorbike, thus indirectly depicting their competition. Also, the falcon is one of the fastest flying birds.
Anushka Manoj Shendge
March 1, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2)Royal albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) Meaning:-a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon.
In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
March 1, 2022
2 albatross
3 kingfisher
4 pheonix
5bud tree
Because suzuki was a famous bike production that te
March 1, 2022
1-Bald eagle
5-Peregrine falcon , this bird has a speed of 290km to 325km. It is the fastest bird.
March 1, 2022
1 Andean condor
2 royal albatross
3 laughing Kookaburra
4 phoneix
5 peregrine falcon
It is named for the highest bike production in suzuki brand
March 1, 2022
Answer to above question;
Q. 1: Bald Eagle
Q. 2: Royal Albatross
Q. 3: Kookaburra
Q. 4: Phoenix
Q. 5: When Suzuki launched its speed king GSX1300R in 1999 which, among other things, was specifically designed to wrest the title of world’s fastest production motorcycle from Honda’s reigning CBR1100XX Super Blackbird, it was also given the name ‘Hayabusa’, which is Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all.
March 1, 2022
Question number 1 answer :- eagle
Anushri vipul diwan
March 1, 2022
1. = Bald Eagle
2. = Albatross
3. = Kookaburra
4. = Phoenix
5. = Peregrine , Bud tree
Vanshika Periwal
March 1, 2022
1) Eagle 2) Albatross 3) kookaburra 4)real phoneix bird 5) Hayabusa
March 1, 2022
1. eagle
5.because suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Aditya Gupta
March 1, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey)
Akshat sachan
March 1, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.( Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey )
Rajiv Vishwakarma
March 1, 2022
I Love The Concept You Told Me
I Love To Read The Paragraph
March 1, 2022
1. Eagle 2. Laysan 3. Kookaburra 4. Phoinex 5. Falcon
Evelina Sarkar
March 1, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra Sport
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey).
March 1, 2022
1.Bald eagle
5.meaning of hayabusa in japanese peregrine falcon which symbolises as a metaphor for speed
Tanish bhuva
March 1, 2022
March 1, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey)
Akhilesh Shyam Mogal
March 1, 2022
Answer 1=Bald eagle
Answer 2=Albatross
Answer 3=Kookaburra
Answer 4=Phoenix
Answer 5=Peregrine Falcon
March 1, 2022
Shivang Upadhyay
March 1, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a Falcon especially peregrine Falcon . This is because it is one of the fastest birds , they want to relate both of them.
March 1, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Turf
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means Falcon which is a bird. Suzuki named Hayabusa because of its amazing speed. As Hayabusa has already set record for being one the king of bikes.
Achyut Singh
March 1, 2022
1.Bald Eagle .
2.Albatross .
3.kookaburra .
4.phoenix .
5.falcon especially pregrine falcon — hayabusa
M. Karthika
March 1, 2022
1.The Eagle
5.the Peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds
March 1, 2022
It is wonderful
Shree Gowri
March 1, 2022
Srishti sahu
March 1, 2022
Question no 1
Answer:- Bald eagle.
Question no 2
Answer:- Arctic tern
Question no 3
Answer: kookaburra balls
Question no 4
Question no 5
Answer:- peregrine
Sunaina uraon
March 1, 2022
1 Bald eagle
2 southern royal albatross
3 kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 a falcon,it was made to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
March 1, 2022
Q 1ans: bald eagle
Q2 ans: albatross
Q3 : kingfisher
Q4 : phoenix
Q 5 : Hayabusa might be a name of a fast bird in Japanese
Bhavesh Bhagat
March 1, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Irm javid
March 1, 2022
1:golden eagle, 2:albatross, 3: kookaburra, 4:Phoenix, 5:strong and fast
March 1, 2022
Very intelligent. B
Aryan Banerjee
March 1, 2022
1) eagle
2) albatrosses
3) kingfish
4) phoenix
5)Peregrine falcon.
Bhavesh Bhagat
March 1, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
5.Hayabusa means in Japanese is “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h , the fastest of any bird.
March 1, 2022
It was nice to play this game
March 1, 2022
1 big eagles
2 artic tern
3 Kookaburra Ball
4 phoenix
5 Hayabusa mean in Japanese is Peregrine Falcon
March 1, 2022
5.Hayabusa means peregrine falcon.peregrine falcon is one of the fastest bird.As Hayabusa is also one of the fastest motorbike,suzuki named it so.
Sayli Ramesh Dike
March 1, 2022
Very nice!!!
March 1, 2022
The study of birds is like thinking of the world and the quiz game is easy yet
Pushkar singh
March 1, 2022
Got a precious and good knowledge
Partha Sarathi Panda
March 1, 2022
(5)Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Aditya Pradip Patil
March 1, 2022
Question 1 answer :-The bald eagle.
Question 2 answer :-The royal albatross
Question 3 answer :- Kookabura
Question 4 answer :- Phoenix
Question 5 answer :-It is a Japanese word for peregrine falcon that is heard for its speed and vertical dive.
Sunday Challenge #23
#Byjus learn tree # Byjus #Keep learning…
Aarav Sharma
March 1, 2022
Great!!! ??
Shubham singh
March 1, 2022
01 eagle
Aarav Sharma
March 1, 2022
Shubham singh
March 1, 2022
01 eagle
Tanmay Jadhav
March 1, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Om Shashwat
March 1, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. ‘Hayabusa’, is the Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. The peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually, blackbirds, which naturally suited the Suzuki’s intentions perfectly ( Honda’s bike’s name was CBR1100XX ‘Blackbird’ ) .
Shubham singh
March 1, 2022
The quiz is quite interesting
Shreyan Verma
March 1, 2022
I miss this quiz
Om Shashwat
March 1, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. ‘Hayabusa’, is the Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. The peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually, blackbirds, which naturally suited the Suzuki’s intentions perfectly ( Honda’s bike’s name was CBR1100XX ‘Blackbird’ ).
Ashish Katta
March 1, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Peregrine Falcon
March 1, 2022
1.Satyendra Nath Bose.
2.Vikram Sarabhai
3.Sir CV Raman
4.Narinder Kapany
5.Har Gobind Khorana
Ankit Kumar
March 1, 2022
I love nature?
Aashish Narsingoju
March 1, 2022
1- bald eagle
2- albatross
5-peregrine falcon, its high speed bird.
Sai Nishal
March 1, 2022
5:- PEREGRINE FALCON , because it is the fastest bird in Japan.
March 1, 2022
Fadheelah Riyaz
March 1, 2022
Bald Eagle
Hayabusa is Japanese for “Peregrine falcon”. Peregrine falcons are known for their speed, reaching over 320 km/h (200 mph), which makes them the fastest birds in the world, as well as the fastest members of the animal kingdom.
March 1, 2022
4 ans- PHOENIX
Arnav Singh
March 1, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Peregrine Falcon
Tejas Santosh Bankar
March 1, 2022
It gave the many information about the brids
Amar dwivedi
March 1, 2022
The American bald eagle
Hyabusa is the Japanese name for a peregrine falcon. It was named so because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbird’s, which reflected it’s intent of the original hyabusa to unseat honda CBR1100XX super black bird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Harshita Kosuru
March 1, 2022
The Bald Eagle
The Albatross
peregrine falcon
shreya rawalpelli
March 1, 2022
hayabusa in japanese is ‘ peregrine falcon’ – a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to vertical hunting dive , the fastest of any bird
Chaitra kosuru
March 1, 2022
Peregrine falcon
Palakshi Jain
March 1, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) i) Peregrine Falcon
ii) Suzuki named it so because GSX1300R Hayabusa is a sport bike motorcycle and it won acclaim as World’s fastest production motorcycle, with a top speed of 303 to 312 km/h (188 to 194 mph) similar to Hayabusa in Japanese.
M Rishi Sri Satya srikar
March 1, 2022
1 ) Bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) kookaburra
4) phoenix
5. ) Peregrine falcon
March 1, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s
shrushti gore
March 1, 2022
eagle,albatross,kookabura, the phoenix,peregrine falcon- a bird that often serves as metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop speed of 290 to 325 km/ph the fastest of any bird
Navya Arora
March 1, 2022
1. Vulture
2. Waved Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Thunderbird
5. Peregrine Falcon (fastest bird)
Kavya Shri D tantry
March 1, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2.arctic tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Japanese word of falcon Especially peregrine falcon
Thirishal Jeni
March 1, 2022
1. Bold Eagle
2. Albatross
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means “Peregrine Falcon”. The shape of the motorcycle was inspired by “Peregrine Falcon” which is the fastest creature on Earth!. (I already commented this set of ans on Sunday but my comment has not appeared so I am commenting again.)
Hisana Shajahan
March 1, 2022
1 American bald eagle
2 Albatross
3 kookaburra
4 phoenixes
5 peregrine falcon ( it is named because it is fastest bird )
March 1, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
2.Southern royal albatross
3.Australian pelican
4.Thunder bird
March 1, 2022
1.bald eagle
4.snowy owl
Nil Nagarkar
March 1, 2022
Shaurya Viir Singh
March 1, 2022
Q1)The Bald Eagle
Q2)The Albatross
Q4)Phoenix Bird
Q5)Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese and Suzuki chose it as a name for their Superbike since it’s the fastest bird in world.
Aditya solunke
March 1, 2022
1. Eagle
March 1, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) Albatros
3) kookaburra
4) phonix
5) the name of the bird is peregrine falcon and Suzuki named the bike after it.
March 1, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. arctic tern
3. kookaburra
4. phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the name of the fastest bird in japan the falcon
Dhiya k Shibu
March 1, 2022
1 Bald eagle
2 Royal Albators
4 Thunderbird
5 bird
Gaurya Naik
March 1, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Peregrine falcon
Aryan Vishwakarma
March 1, 2022
Naila Barkath Shaik
March 1, 2022
Q1. The blad eagle
Q2. Albatross
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. In Japanese hayabusa is for peregrine falcon its speed is about 295km/h to 330 km/h
Mayookha. S
March 1, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
4. Phoenix
5.Peregrine Falcon for its high speed of 290 to 325 kilometers per hour
Priansh Nair
March 1, 2022
The Bald Eagle
The Albatross
The Phoenix [We can never forget Fawkes (:]
Peregrine Falcon(I think that it’s the fastest bird alive)
March 1, 2022
Answer 1. Bald Eagle
Answer 2. Albatrosses
Answer 3. Kookaburra
Answer 4. Phoenix
Answer 5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, Especially a Peregrine falcon.
Hayabusa is Japanese for “Peregrine Falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed
vishal jaiswal
March 1, 2022
1)American Bald Eagle
5)Hayabusa in Japanese means a Peregrine falcon. Japanese named it so because it is the fastest bird
March 1, 2022
4. Phoenix
Ankush Bhawal
March 1, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle, 2. Albatross, 3. White Kookaburra, 4. Phoenix, 5. Because the Peregrine Falcon preys on Blackbirds
March 1, 2022
Peregrine falcon
Nirmal Padamakar Patil
March 1, 2022
I can win
March 1, 2022
Australian kingfisher
Peregrine falcon
Charith Gowda.R
March 1, 2022
1 Bald eagle
2 Albatross
4 Phoenix
5 Peregrine falcon
Charith Gowda.R
March 1, 2022
Question 1 Bald eagle
Question 2 Albatross
Question 3 Turf
Question 4 phoenix Fawkes
Question 5 Peregrine falcon because the Hayabusa is the fastest of any bird
March 1, 2022
I want to answer this qiestions
Kavya Shri D tantry
March 1, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa meaning in Japanese word for a falcon Especially a peregrine falcon
March 1, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
5. Because hayabusa is the fastest bird of Japan to promote their motor cycle the named it like this
Prisha Nair
March 1, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
5) Peregrine Falcon, Suzuki named it after the peregrine falcon because it’s the fastest bird alive.
Fatema Garim
March 1, 2022
March 1, 2022
Ans.1 Bold Eagle
Ans.2 Albatross
Ans.3 kokaburra
Ans.4 phionex
Ans.5 peregrine falcon reason why suzuki named it is the fastest bird of the Japan
March 1, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 albatross
3 kookabura
4 scope owl
5 peregine falcon due to its vertical hunting dive
Bhavana Krishnan
March 1, 2022
1. The American Bald eagle
2. The albatross
3. The Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5.Hayabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon which is a bird known for its speed due to its vertical hunting dive. It is the fastest compared to any bird.
Krrish Jaisinghani
March 1, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle, 2. Albatross, 3. Kookaburra, 4. The Phoenix, 5. Peregrine Falcon because it is associated with speed and is fastest in hunting among birds.
Purnabi Jena
March 1, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Tristan albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, They named it because the bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Purnabi Jena
March 1, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Tristan albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, They named it because the bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
March 1, 2022
Q2)southern royal albatross
Q5)peregerine falcon
Mansi Sanjay Chandwade
March 1, 2022
1.The blad eagle
2.The artic tern
3.tree kingfisher
4.The phoenix
5.peregrine falcon
T. Shrithika Reddy
March 1, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Turf
4. Phoenix
5. It was named under a bird which is FALCON
Priyanshu Shekhar Das
March 1, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means “peregrine falcon”,
Suzuki name it so because hayabusa is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
March 1, 2022
Eagle,laysanalbaross,,bill limb shriller,oracle,the word Hayabusa represent a peregrine falcon which that symbolised as metaphor for Speed thanks to it hunting dive at speed of 392 3 25 km the fastest in any bird
Hrishikesan V
March 1, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. White Kookaburra
5.Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon. They named it so to express the vehicle’s speed because Hayabusa often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
March 1, 2022
1= bald eagle
3=austalian kingfisher
4= phoenix
5= it means peregrine falcon. They used this name as it is a metaphor for speed gayest than any bird
Kishor vishwas
March 1, 2022
1.bald eagle
5.black bird
March 1, 2022
Answer 1. The bald eagle
Answer 2. Black-browned Albatross
Answer 3. Kookaburra
Answer 4. Hedwig
Answer 5.Peregrine falcon
Athif Yoosuff Sherief
March 1, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
5. Peregrine falcon
March 1, 2022
1.the American bald eagle
2.tristan albatross
3.kookaburra ball
5.peregrine falcon
Harsh Bankar
March 1, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
Wagisha Swarnkar
March 1, 2022
Question 1:-Bald eagle
Question 2:-albatross
Question 3:-kookaburra
Question 4:-phoenix
Question 5:-
R. Venkatachari
March 1, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
A. M. Shanchith
March 1, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Jewel Nagpal
March 1, 2022
Ans 1. The American Bald Eagle
Ans 2. Albatross
Ans 3. Red-billed Quelea
Ans 4. Phoenix
Ans 5. Hayabusa is a word for falcon. The peregrine falcon is the fastest Japanese bird. They named their vehicle Hayabusa to represent it strong and fast.
Abia Iskander
March 1, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2.Arctic Tern
4. Phoenix
Sujata Anarya
March 1, 2022
1 .Bald eagle
2. Albertos
3. Kookaburra balls
4. Phoenix
5. Honda’s blackbird
Arsha Sudarsan
March 1, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Black browed Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. In Japanese Hayabusa means peregrine falcon.
Because peregrine falcon is the natural predator of
blackbird. They give this name in response to the
Honda’s blackbird
Prarthana Vikram
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the word for falcon , especially a peregrine falcon, a bird. Suzuki named it so because as the vehicle’s speed was in the range of 200- 300 mph . It was fast as well.They named it Hayabusa as that bird as well was in the speed of 180 to 202 mph . The word Hayabusa also symbolises speed and fast. Therefore Suzuki named it Hayabusa
Rudra Agrawal
February 28, 2022
Hello , My name is Rudra Agrawal
My Answers are
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon , especially a peregrine falcon.
Suzuki name it so because speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop , speed of 290 to 325 km per h the fastest of any bird.
Ananya Elsa James
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. In Japanese it means Peregrine falcon. Suzuki name it because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds.
Somyadeep Sourav Sahoo
February 28, 2022
4.The Pheonix
5.In Japanese Hayabusa means peregrine falcon what speeds upto 290 to 350km/h which is muchmore faster thanCBR1100XX Blackbird which is of 300km/h.
Sonakshi Mishra
February 28, 2022
1. Eagles
2. Flamingo
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
Deepa mahanth mandal
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagel
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine
February 28, 2022
A. American kestrel
E.Kawasaki ZX-12R
February 28, 2022
The answer is Albatros I think
Ananya Pradeep Bhosale
February 28, 2022
Answers :
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine
Nikunj Singh
February 28, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
5. Suzuki named the bike after the Peregrine falcon , because of the birds speed (390 km/h)
Ananya Pradeep Bhosale
February 28, 2022
Answers :
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine
Naitik Sinha
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon.
In particular, the choice of name was made because the Peregrine Falcon preys on Blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Hamaad Rahil Zameer Shaikh
February 28, 2022
5.peregrine falcon,because the motorbike is as fast as this falcon
Patel Ahmed Yasin
February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
1)Bald Eagle
4)The phoenix
5)Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa
Shreya Prasad
February 28, 2022
Bald eagle
Hayasabura mean falcon especially peregrine falcon which us the fastest bird in the world. Blackbird is prey of hayasabura and thus to setback honda’s blackbird suzuki named its motorbike Hayasabura
maimoona nayeem shariff
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra.
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Tinsha sharma
February 28, 2022
America bald eagle.
White turf .
Hayabusa .
Aaron Pius
February 28, 2022
1 – Bald eagle
2 – Albatross
3 – Kokubura
4 – Phoenix
5 – Falcon
Swastik Parida
February 28, 2022
1.Bald eagle. 2. Southern royal albatross. 3. Kookaburra 4. Phoenix. 5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon” bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 28, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburras are terrestrial tree kingfishers
4) Phoenix ( As Dumbledore Phoenix – Fawkes)
5) It means – Peregrine Falcon
Just like its namesake, Hayabusa is renowned for cutting through the air with extraordinary agility and performance. The Hayabusa motorcycle was designed to eat” the Honda Blackbird the same way peregrine falcons eat blackbirds.
February 28, 2022
Good birds information
Rohini George
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon, metaphor for speed
Anubhav Abhay Salavkar
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine
Apoorva Abhay Salavkar
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine
Vedant Pabari
February 28, 2022
Question 1) Ans: The Great American Bald Eagle
Question 2) Ans: Albatross
Question 3) Ans: Kookaburra
Question 4) Ans: Phoenix
Question 5) Ans: Hayabusa in Japanese means a
bird named Falcon.
February 28, 2022
1 eagle
2 albatross
3 cosco
4 Phoenix
Jovita Simran Crasta
February 28, 2022
1.bald eagle
Nithya Sri chandra
February 28, 2022
Q1 Eagle
Q2 Taylor bird
Q3 Kiwi
Q4 Owl
Q5 Falcon
February 28, 2022
2.Bar tailed godwit
3. Kookaburra
5.peregrine Falcone a bird that often serves of 290 to 325 km /h
Ekaansh Verma
February 28, 2022
So, my guesses are as follows:
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon, especially Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it as Hayabusa as the bike resembles the fast speed of the Peregrine falcon.
Siyal Ingle
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
February 28, 2022
Answer 1: bald eagle
2: artic tern
3: kakapoo
4: Phoenix
5: peregrine falcon
Supriya Manna
February 28, 2022
Aarya Bharaj
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
3. Kookaburra
5. Peregrine falcon. due its speed
Aishik Chandra
February 28, 2022
1 . Eagle
2 . Albatross
3 . Tree kingfisher
4 . Phoenix
5 . Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese which has the fastest dive of all .
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Condor
3. Sparrow
4. Pigeon
5. Camelion
Manishankar Choubey
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
February 28, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5Hayabusa means peregrine
Peregrine travels 200miles per/hour so suzuki name as Hayabusa
Sayan Kundu
February 28, 2022
1.American Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3.Australian kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Filxulmztpmza
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phynics
5. The word “Hayabusa” represents a “Peregrine Falcon”
Ansh Bhardwaj
February 28, 2022
Ans.1- Bald Eagle
Ans.2- Albatross
Ans.3- Kookaburra
And.4- Phoenix
Ans.5- Falcon
Vedika Gurav
February 28, 2022
Yash Godha
February 28, 2022
1)The American bald Eagle
2) the albatross
3) White turf
4) A falcon
February 28, 2022
3. Kookaburra
Sayan Kundu
February 28, 2022
1. American bald eagle.
2. Albatross
3. Australian kingfisher
February 28, 2022
1.Bald headed eagle
5. Black bird
Sanket Kumar
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Artic Tern
3. Australia Kingfisher
4. Thunderbird
5. Peregrine Falcon
Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Archana Stuart
February 28, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa translates to Falcon, it was named so beacuse the hayabusa has incredible speed and this referring to the bike as the fastest.
February 28, 2022
1. American Kestrel
2. Albatross
3. White kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. 1:Hayabusa in Japanese peregrine falcon..
2: The company was named after the
revolutionary inventor and founder of the
Suzuki corporation..
Akhilesh paresh mahajan
February 28, 2022
Question 1 Ans Bald Eagle , Question 2 Ans The Albatross ,
Question 3 ans Turf ball is used, Question 4 Ans Phoenix bird, Question 5 Ans peregrine falcon
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabarra
4. Phoenix fawkes
5. Peregrine falcon
February 28, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine Falcon, the bird often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Shalin Ann George
February 28, 2022
q. 1. – Bald Eagle
q. 2. – Albatross
q. 3. – Kookaburra
q.4. – phoenix
q. 5.- Peregrine Falcon “fastest vertical dive”
Aarush Sanjiv Solapure
February 28, 2022
Question 1 answer- Eagle
Question 2 answer- Arctic tern
Question 3 answer- Kookaburra
Question 4 answer- Hedwig
Question 5 answer- Hayabusa meaning in Japanese is Peregrine falcon
Akshat Belwal
February 28, 2022
The answers of the Quiz are as follows-
1- The Bald Eagle
2- Albatross
3- Kookaburra
4- Irish Phoenix
5- Hayabusa is a Japanese word for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Durgesh Surendra Thorat
February 28, 2022
3-Australian Kingfisher
5-peregrine falcon
Prathamesh Ingle
February 28, 2022
The answer of Questions 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively are
1:The American Bald Eagle
2: Albatross
3: Kookaburra
4 : Phoenix
5: In Japanese Hayabusa means Peregrine. Hayabusa is named after a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Aditi Suresh
February 28, 2022
1) Bald Headed Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means Falcon. It was so named because the Preregrine Falcon preys on Blackbirds.
Kajal patil
February 28, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 royal albatross
3American kestrel
Abhinav Sharma
February 28, 2022
so the answers can be -:
ans 1 ) the bald eagle
ans 2 ) it is an albatross bird
ans 3 ) it is kookaburra bird
ans 4 ) it is The phoenix bird
ans 5 ) hayabusa in Japanese means “peregrine falcon”it is a bird that often uses as a metaphor for speed because of its vertical hunting dive and its normal speed is up to 290 to 325 km/h, it is also known as the fastest bird in world .
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. The word “Hayabusa” represents a “Peregrine Falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Nuthana s
February 28, 2022
It’s really usefull and intresting
Ameen Hassan vp
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Oligocene–recent
4. phoenix
Tasmit De
February 28, 2022
Q1) Eagle
Q2) Arctic Turn
Q3) Kookaburra
Q4) Snowy Owl
Q5) Pregrine Falcon
Aditi Sanjay Choudhari
February 28, 2022
Q1.) Eagle
Q2) Arctic tern
Q3) Kingfisher
Q5) falcon
Ansh Sarkar
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusha is also know as peregrine falcon in Japanese language. Suzuki launched this motorcycle with name of hayabusha because peregrine falcon is the world’s fastest bird and to denote that it’s the fastest motorcycle of that time.
Shubh Nawani
February 28, 2022
Ans 1) Eagle
Ans 2) Albatross
Ans 3) Kookaburra
Ans 4) Phoenix
Ans 5) The Word “Hayabusa” is Japanese for “Peregrine Falcon”. Just like its namesake, Hayabusa is renowned for cutting through the air with extraordinary agility and performance.
Raj lasane
February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
Answer 1- The bald eagle
Answer 2- Albatross
Answer 3- Kookaburra
Answer 4- Phoenix
Answer 5- Peregrine falcon; It was named so because it can reach speed of 300km/h+ while diving at its prey
February 28, 2022
1) American kestrel
3) white “Turf” ball
4) phoenix
Swara Rajendra Dambale
February 28, 2022
Hiii its me swara …….let’s do the quiz ?
Himanshi Yadav
February 28, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Meaning in Japanese:- A peregrine falcon
Hayabusa is a speed bike and has won the title of world’s fastest production motorcycle.
A peregrine falcon is a bird often used as a metaphor for speed. Thus Suzuki named it so.
Devanshi pandey
February 28, 2022
5-peregrine falcon.because of birds speed(290 to 325kmph).
Srushti Dipak Chavan
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2.Albatross bird
3.kookaburra bird
5.Hayabusa means in Japanese is falcon
Suzuki called hayabusa because it is name for Japan’s fastest bird
February 28, 2022
Ans2-Artic tern
Priyanshi Singh
February 28, 2022
#24 Birds
February 28, 2022
Question 1: Eagle
Question 4: Phoenix
February 28, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) albatross
3) kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) peregrine falcon
February 28, 2022
For this answering can I get prize or gift please reply for this message
Vedang Solanki
February 28, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) seagull
3) kookaburra
4) phoenix
Syeda hifza mariam afzal
February 28, 2022
Answers –
1.The American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Albatross
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon, for it’s speed.
February 28, 2022
It is so nice
February 28, 2022
Question 1 ans : the American bald eagle
Question 2 ans : the Albatross
Question 3 ans : kookaburra
Question 4 ans : phoenix
Question 5 ans : falcon
Saishree Dehury
February 28, 2022
1- the American Bald Eagle
2- An albatross
3- Australian kingfisher
4- phoenix
Atchaya R
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatrosses
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
February 28, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it to hunt down the honda’s blackbird motorcycle.
Sonagara Vedant
February 28, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kingfisher
4) Pheonix
5) Peregrine falcon
Ayush Shukla
February 28, 2022
Ans 1)bald Eagle
Ans 2) Albatross
Ans 3) kookaburra
Ans 4) Snow Owl
Ans 5) peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h , the fastest of any bird.
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2.Australian fishing bird lends
3. Taylor Coleridge
5.its has been 21 years since the Suzuki Hayabusa
Kanika Thakur
February 28, 2022
1 Ans- Eagle
2 Ans- Gooney
3 Ans- Kookaburra
4 Ans- Pheonix
Ashmin Agrawal
February 28, 2022
Answers –
1 kite
2 pelikin
3 kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 peregrine
T.Eshwar aditya
February 28, 2022
1.Eagle 2.Seagull 3.Cork 4.Owl 5.Strong and fast
akshita sangal
February 28, 2022
a)The bald eagle
b)The Albatross
February 28, 2022
1.Eagle 2.Seagul 3.Cork 4.Owl 5.Strong and fast.
February 28, 2022
Ans- blad egale
Ans- Arctic Tern
Ans- kingfisher
Ans- Phoenix
Ans- falcon
February 28, 2022
1 American bald eagle
2 seagull
3 Kookaburra
4 pheonix
5 falcon they named it because it was strong and fast
Jigyanshu Swain
February 28, 2022
1 Bald eagle
2 Albatross
3 Kookaburras
4 Phoenix
5 Peregrine falcon
Nitee chandugade
February 28, 2022
Q1. An Eagle.
Q2. An Albatross.
Q3. Kookaburra.
Q4. The Phoenix bird.
Q5. Hayabusa translates into Peregrine Falcon, it is obvious that Suzuki named it Hayabusa because because Peregrine is the fastest bird.
Jigyanshu Swain
February 28, 2022
1-Bald eagle
5-Peregrine falcon
February 28, 2022
I didn’t get any goodie bag
February 28, 2022
Bald Eagle
Peregrine Falcon
Darsh Chauhan
February 28, 2022
Q1.Ans- The America Bald Eagle
Q2.Ans- Albatrosses
Q3.Ans- Kookaburra Ball
Q4.Ans- Phoenix
Q5.Ans- Peregrine Falcon
Saikat Kumar Ray
February 28, 2022
Question 1 :-Bald Eagle
Question 2 :- Albatross
Question 3 :- Kookaburra
Question 4 :- Phoenix Bird
Question 5 :- Hayabusa means peregrine falcon
February 28, 2022
Answer 1) Bald Eagle
Answer 2) Albatross
Answer 3) white “Turf” ball
Answer 4) phoenix
Answer 5) Suzuki Hayabusa – Japan’s Mechanical Falcon
Shreya Jhunjhunwala
February 28, 2022
1- Bald eagel
2-Black-browed Albatross
5- Peregrine falon, a very fast bird
Abhishek Udhaya Kumar
February 28, 2022
1) The Bald Eagle
2) The Albatross
3) The Kookaburra
4) The Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means ‘Peregrine Falcon’ in Japanese. Suzuki named it because the peregrine falcon is the fastest
bird and it reaches speed upto 300 km.
February 28, 2022
1.golden eagle
5.falcon means hayabusa,Suzuki is named so because of the success.
Aarya gupta
February 28, 2022
1.) Bald eagle’s
2.) Albatross
3.) Kookaburra
4.) The Phoenix
5.) Hayabusa means “a falcon,especially a Peregrine falcon” in Japanese and In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
???????? ?????? ??????
February 28, 2022
Que1 – American Bald Eagle
Que2 – albatross Sea Bird
Que3 – Kookaburra
Que4 – Phoenix
Our5 – Peregrine Falcon
Yash pratap singh tomar
February 28, 2022
Ans-1 bald eagle
Ans-2 Albatross
Ans-3 Red bird
Ans-4 phoneix
Ans-5 Peregrine
Yash pratap singh tomar
February 28, 2022
Ans-1 bald eagle
Ans-2 Albatross
Ans-3 Red bird
Ans-4 phoneix
Ans-5 Peregrine
Ishaan Pandey
February 28, 2022
1. An Eagle
2. A royal Albatross
3. A kookaburra
4. A phoenix
5. Hayabusa means fast and strong – like a falcon. Suzuki named the bike Hayabusa as it can reach speeds upto 300kmph
Rayan Nasim Rahi
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. hayabusa refers to falcon in Japanese, and I think Suzuki named it to give it a reference of fast or speedy, as falcons are really fast flying birds
February 28, 2022
1st answer is Eagle/Bald eagle
2nd answer is an Albatross
3rd answer is kookaburra
4th answer is pheonix
5th answer, Hayabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon a bird with speed of 290 to 325 km/h ,the fastest of any bird. Suzuki named it Hayabusa depicting that this would be the fastest bike.
February 28, 2022
Thjuujjjyteegghhkootergh ethi etu a raha hun ki aap apane ghar men a gaye han is bar ki tarah hi visual studio h tzhhmsh h tzhhmsh h tzhhmsh h tzhhmsh hi visual studio h tzhhmsh hi nahi hai
Abhijith AS
February 28, 2022
1, Bald eagle
2, Albatrosses
3, kookabora
4, Phoenix
5, peregrine Falcon
Kevin Paul
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon. It was named by Suzuki due to it flying in high speeds
February 28, 2022
1) Golden Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon
February 28, 2022
1.Bald eagle
5.Hayabusa is a word that refers to either the unmanned spacecraft that was launched in 2003 in Japan or to the world’s fastest production motorcycle line made by Suzuki Cycles.
amishi ghanghoia
February 28, 2022
how do i win a pair
Nandani Raj
February 28, 2022
Ans 1 Blade Eagle
Ans 2 Albatrosses
Ans 3 Kookaburra
Ans 4 Phoenix
Ans 5 Hayabusa in Japanese for ” peregrine falcon “, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 kilometer per hour (180 to 202 meter per hour ) the fastest of any bird
February 28, 2022
Ans 1) Bald Eagle
Ans 2) Albatross
Ans 3)Koockaburra
Ans 4) Phoenix
Ans 5)Hayabusa means falcon and the Japanese gave thise name because of its speed as a metaphor.
Deepak Singh
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa is name for peregrine falcon which is a bird-eating raptor. The name was chosen to mock Honda’s Blackbird as bird’s choice of prey is blackbirds.
YVS Satvik Reddy
February 28, 2022
1. The blade eagle
2.common swift
3. Thurf eagle
B. Krithika
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle found in Americas
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon is the meaning of the Japanese word Hayabusa. Suzuki named it so, as it is the natural predator of Blackbird, which is the name of Hondas motorbike, thus indirectly depicting their competition. Also, the falcon is one of the fastest flying birds.
Ashmi Airon
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Artic tern
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon, Suzuki named it so because peregrine falcons travel upto the speed of around 390 km/h
Nived Nair
February 28, 2022
1. Eagles
2. Albatrosses
3. Kiwi
4. Phoenix
5. translates to Peregrine falcon and was named so because it has the fastest vertical dive and also preys on blackbirds.
Yash Pathade
February 28, 2022
1)the American bald eagle
2)the artic tern
3)the kookaburra
4)the phoenix
5)a peregrine falcon because it’s the fastest bird of Japan
February 28, 2022
I love it
Kartik rajpurohit
February 28, 2022
Nice quiz
A Ragavendran
February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
1. The american eagle
2. Albatross
3. Turf ball (white)
4. Phoenix
5. ‘Hayabusa’ means speed . Suzuki named it that way ‘coz the speed limit went as high as 1000.
Smruti sneha sahoo
February 28, 2022
good attention
Nitya pandey
February 28, 2022
I am excited to do this
Deepanjali xalxo
February 28, 2022
,Q1- Bald eagle, Q2- Arctic Tern, Q3- Red kookaburras, Q4- Phoenix Fawkes, Q5- Hayabusa means ‘Peregrine Falcon’ a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all
February 28, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatross
4. Phoenix
5.Hayabusa is a Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki chose this name for its road missile as the pure intent was to knock down the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird to claim the prestigious title of world’s fastest motorcycle in mass production
Aksh Raghuvanshi
February 28, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) The word “Hayabusa” means “Falcon” in Japanese which is the fastest flying bird. Thus, as the motorbike was so fast, Suzuki named in ‘Hayabusa’.
Animesh Jha
February 28, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5)Hayabusa means falcon and Suzuki named it because it is very fast.
Tanya Sahu
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Tristan Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
Badrinath Nandan
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese. It was called so because peregrine falcons preyed on blackbirds, which was Suzuki intented to do with its product.
Md iqbal
February 28, 2022
The challenge is interesting .
My answers are below
1.American Bald Eagle
5.peregrine falcon
Sayantika Maiti
February 28, 2022
1-The bald eagle
3-Australian Kingfisher
5-The word Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese. They named there vehicle so, because they wanted to beat Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird and to claim the tittle of world’s fastest motorcycle.
February 28, 2022
Q.1 American Bald Eagle
Q.2 Albatross
Q.3 Kookaburra
Q.4 Phoenix
Q.5 Hayabusa means Falcon. Falco is the fastest bird
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Diricawl
5. Peregrine Falcon
Shivansh Anand
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the japanese for peregrine falcon. It was named so because peregrine falcons prey on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
February 28, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Peregrine Falcon
Kavya Singh
February 28, 2022
Answers of the quize are-
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.( Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey )
Kavya Singh
February 28, 2022
Answers of the quize are-
1.The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is known as “peregrine falcon” a bird often know as for its speed due to its vertical dive and is also a natural predator of the blackbird so in order to defeat Honda’s motorbike called the CBR1100XX Blackbird, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa.(Just to present that Hayabusa is the predator and Honda’s blackbird motorbike is the prey)
Saurav Kumar
February 28, 2022
Sarojini rana
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
5.because the suzuki was very popular that time which means bud tree
Khanak Garg
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Sayantika Maiti
February 28, 2022
Ans 1. An eagle…. THE BALD EAGLE. (its not bald though?)
Ans 2. The bird albrastoss… ALBATROSS. (pretty difficult name..)
Ans.3 A KINGFISHER (easy one)
Ans 4. A PHOENIX BIRD (easy because of the Harry Potter clue)
Ans 5. This word is for a bird called PEREGRINE FALCON (I do know a little about Suzuki vehicles….and I study Korean and a little bit Japanese too….it’s hard though)
February 28, 2022
1.bald eagle 2.albatross 3.kookaburra 4.pheonix 5. it meant thatit was a peregrine falcon and it was faster than anybird
Anamika Kumari
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Atharva Bagal
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Fawkes
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese language and Suzuki named it that way because it runs at a speed of 299 to 312 kmph
Anagh Pandey
February 28, 2022
Satyendra Nath Bose. The elementary particles ‘bosons’ are named after him and Albert Einstein.
2. Vikram Sarabhai
3. Sir CV Raman
4. Narinder Kapany
5. Har Gobind Khorana
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. In Japanese, A peregrine falcon is called Hayabusa which is said to be the fastest bird. Suzuki named the motorbike as Hayabusa to imply that their bike was faster than the CBR1100XX Blackbird from Honda which had a top speed of 300+ kmph.
February 28, 2022
Ans. 1. Eagle
Ans. 2. Albatross
Ans. 3. Kookaburra
Ans. 4. Phoenix
Ans. 5. Hayabusa means falcon in Japanese and they are known for their speed, strength, sharp eyesight and they are quiet but fast. Suzuki named it so because they wanted to show others the car’s efficiency
February 28, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Wandering albatross
4) Pheonix
5) Peregrine falcon. Suzuki take the name Hayabusa because the bird Peregrine falcon flying top speeed is 270-320km/h
Rehan Kalim
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”
It means a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed
of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Kanak Gupta
February 28, 2022
1) American bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon and Suzuki named it so, as it is fastest bird in the world.
P.V.Vidyuth Srinivas
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Wandering Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Trilok Pragna Kesana
February 28, 2022
Question 1 Bald Eagle
Question 2 Tristan Albatross
Question 3 Kookaburra
Question 4 Phoenix
Question 5 Peregrine Falcon
February 28, 2022
1 American bald eagle
2 albatrosses
3 kookaburra bird
4 Fawkes
5 because it flies so fast
Amitesh Sahoo
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian kingfisher
4. Snowy wool
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means a peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it because the peregrine falcons hunts and preys on blackbirds
Bhavesh mahajan
February 28, 2022
Please give me head phone
Vyom Patadia
February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
2. Albatrosses
3. Australian kingfisher
4. Thunderbird
5.The original Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa is still one seriously quick motorcycle.
Ayushi Dhar Chowdhury
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all.
Saraswat Mishra
February 28, 2022
Ans.1) Bald Eagle
Ans.2) Albatross
Ans.3 )Kookaburra
Ans.4) Phoenix
Ans.5) In Japanese Hayabusa means peregrine falcon. It was name so because peregrine falcon is the fastest bird of Japan.
February 28, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) blackbird
February 28, 2022
1) The bald eagle
2) The Arctic tern
3)white Turf ball
February 28, 2022
1) The bald eagle
2) The Arctic tern
3)white “Turf” ball
pavan niranjan khobe
February 28, 2022
I want to play sunday chaĺlenge
Ritu Srinivasan
February 28, 2022
Sunday Challenge #24 – Birds
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese stands for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h. Hence the bike GSX-1300R Hayabusa is fast with a steep design it was named after Hayabusa.
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle , 2. Seagull , 3.kingfisher , 4. Phoenix, 5.Falcon
Shrishailya Nitin Shivpuje
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
vasisth kshatriya
February 28, 2022
Sharul Husayn S
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatros
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. It’s named as Peregrine falcon because it eats blackbirdand its was same with those bikes
Shrishailya Nitin Shivpuje
February 28, 2022
Dhruv More
February 28, 2022
1st ans :- Eagle
Meenakshi Joshi
February 28, 2022
Answer of question number 1 is Eagle
Answer of question number 2 is Albatross
Answer of question number 3 is Kookaburra
Answer of question number 4 is Phoenix
Answer of question number 5 is Hayabusa is a Japanese word that means peregrine falcon a bird whoes speed is 290 to 325 km/hr during hunting or diving and the speed of Hayabusa is the same that is why they Suzuki named the bike CBR1100XX Blackbird to Hayabusa.
Thanks and plz accept my response to this contest…
Vanshika Deo
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle ???
2. An Albatross ?
3. Kingfisher ?
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Vanshika ??????♀️????
Annabel Johnson
February 28, 2022
Q1.Bald Eagle
Q2. Albatross
Q3. Kootkaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. It means Peregrine Falcon, Suzuki called it so because the Peregrine Falcon preys on blackbirds.
February 28, 2022
It is good for general studies
Zoya Fatema Shaikh Amjad
February 28, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Peregrine Falcon,a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop,speed of 290 to 325km/h ( 180 to 202 mph) the fastest of any bird
Saanvi R Sagar
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross bird
3. Australian kingfisher
4. The phoenix
5. Hayabusa is peregrine falcon, a bird that dives at a speed to its vertical hunting dive, Top Speed of 290-325 km/h.
Dhiraj Gandhi
February 28, 2022
The American Bald Eagle
Arctic Tern
Australian Kingfisher
February 28, 2022
Aradhya Shakya
February 28, 2022
Answer 1 Eagle
Answer 2 Albatross
Answer 3 kookaburra
Answer 4 phoenix
Answer 5
Hansini Devatha
February 28, 2022
1) American bald eagle
2)Osprey bird
4)Phoenix bird
5) Perigrine Falcon , for its vertical hunting drive with very faster speed than any other bird with speed of 290_325 mph..
Sanjeet singh
February 28, 2022
5) Hayabusa means in japnese is ” peregrine falcon”, serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km the fastest of any bird
Adeeba bilal
February 28, 2022
The answers for the above questions are:
1)Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra ( which is a cricket brand)
4) Phoenix
5) Actually Hayabusa means ‘Falcon’ in Japanese and it was given such a name because of speed of the Falcon which is very fast and due to which Suzuki named it as Hayabusa which is used as a metaphor because it is associated with it
Pooja dey
February 28, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) southern royal albatross
3)white kookaburra
4) phoenix
5)It is peregrine falcon because it is the natural predator of the blackbird
February 28, 2022
Leave me a Bluetooth headphones
Aadhya Shambhavi
February 28, 2022
Q.1)The Bald Eagle
Q.2) Albatross
Q.3) Kingfisher
Q.4)The Phoenix
Q.5)Peregrine Falcon
Debarashmi Roy
February 28, 2022
1) Bald eagle
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5)Hayabusa mean Peregrine falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named so because it is the fastest bird and animal.
February 28, 2022
1.American kestrel
4. Phoenix
5.Peregrine falcon; because it is the fastest animal/bird in world
Patel Heer Maheshbhai
February 28, 2022
Ans 1: eagle
Ans 2: wandering albatross
Ans 3: Australian kingfisher
Ans 4: the thunderbird
Ans 5: Hayabusa means in Japanese, “peregrine falcon”
Arnav Prashar
February 28, 2022
peregrine falcon
Sarah Thankam Sam
February 28, 2022
The Bald Eagle
Kookaburra Cricket Balls
A phoenix
Hayabusa in japanese is known as Peregrine Falcon which is the fastest member of the animal kingdom. That is why suzuki named it.
R.Sri Nandini
February 28, 2022
2.Artic Ala
3.white turf
5.king of speed
Manveer Nain
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. It means a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon because it is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive and had a speed of 290 to 325 km/h
Ratri Sarkar
February 28, 2022
Q1. The American Bald Eagle
Q2. Albatross
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. peregrine falcon
Madeeha Raafi
February 28, 2022
Madeeha Raafi,
Q1. Bald Eagle,
Q2. Albatross,
Q3. Seagull,
Q4. Phoenix,
Q5. Hayabusa is Japanese of Falcon.
Bahvni jashan jot kaur
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2.Red Knot
3. Tree Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. A falcon especially a peregrine falcon tl
Nandhkeshav s
February 28, 2022
good morning
1- eagle
2- albatross
3- Kookaburra ball
4- phoenix
5- peregrine falcon for its speed
Vivaan Bhandari
February 28, 2022
Ans: The bald eagle
Ans: Albatross
Ans: The Kookaburra
Ans: Phoenix
Ans: Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese.
Suzuki named it this because honda had released a bike called the blackbird and in retaliation Suzuki released the Hayabusa which was faster than the bike blackbird
sharmistha saha
February 28, 2022
bald eagle, albatross, kookaburra, snow owl and falcon
February 28, 2022
Question1- bald eagle
Question2- albatross
Question3 – kookaburra
Question4 – pheonix
Question5 – he named it hayabusa because the peregrine falcon preys on black birds.
Meaning of hayabusa- peregrine falcon
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
Asmita Karmakar
February 28, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon/Peregrine Falcon
Suzuki also named it as the Falcon preys upon blackbird which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motor cycle.
Priyaanshu Jain
February 28, 2022
Q1) Bald Eagle
Q2) Royal Albetross
Q3) Kingfisher
Q4) Phoenix
Q5) A Falcon. As for the intention of giving this name, I think it was to indicate that it was very fast.
Shrihan Rai
February 28, 2022
1: Bald eagle
5: Falcon, because it is fastest bird
February 28, 2022
Q1 Answer: Bald Eagle
Q2 Answer: Albatross
Q3 Answer: Kookaburra
Q4 Answer: Phoenix
Q5 Answer: The meaning of Hayabusa is ‘Peregrine Falcon’. The motobike was named ‘Hayabusa’ by Suzuki because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which shows the intention of the Hayabusa to beat the Blackbird
Aisha siddiqui
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. kookaburra
4. pheonix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means peregrine falcon which is known as a metaphor for speed due to it’s vertical hunting and has speed of 290- 330 km/hr, it is the fastest of any bird
February 28, 2022
1.glade eagle
2.red knot
5.peregrine falcon
Sahil A n
February 28, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) White turf
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Sahil A n
February 28, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) White turf
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. It means Peregrine falcon in Japanese, Suzuki names it so because the blackbird is a prey of the hayabusa.
February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
1) Bald eagle
5) falcon, Suzuki named it so beacuse of its speed.
Anaan Shumayla
February 28, 2022
1.) Bald Eagle
2.) Albatross
3.) Kookaburra
4.) Phoenix
5.) Peregrine Falcon, it has the fastest vertical drive of all
February 28, 2022
Rimsha Faizeen
February 28, 2022
Ans. 1: American Bald Eagle
Ans. 2: Albatross
Ans. 3: The Kingfisher Birds
Ans. 4: Phoenix Bird ?
Ans. 5: Hayabusa means “Peregrine Falcon” The bird often serves as metaphor speed
Kartik M.S
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. It is a type of falcon
Kartik M.S
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Phoenix
4. It is a type of falcon
Nandan Raj
February 28, 2022
Answer no 1 – BLADE EAGLE
ANSWER NO 5- HAYABUSA IN JAPANESE FOR Peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed of 290 to 325 km/h ( 180 to 202 mph) the fastest of any bird .
Helen Tharakan
February 28, 2022
Hi Suraj
I am a bird lover 🙂 and here are my Answers:
1.American Bald Eagle
February 28, 2022
1answer is eagle
2answer is albatross powerful
3answer is white turf ball
4answer is Phoenix
5answer is peregrine falcon
Pratyush Meena
February 28, 2022
Ans1:The American Bald Eagle
Ans3: Pelican
Ans4: Phoenix
Yashraj Ojha
February 28, 2022
Answer 1- American Kestral
Answer 2- Albatros
Answer 3- Kookabbura
Answer 4-Phonix
Answer 5-Peregrine Falcon
Gangireddy Hyndhava sri
February 28, 2022
Ans 1Eagle
Ans 2Albatrosses powerful
Ans 3White turf ball
Ans 4Phoenix
Ans 5 Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Akashdeep Sain
February 28, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to a speed of 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird.
Shreya Mathur
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. An Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Ahaan Singhai
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon it is symbol of speed
Ankit Meena
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for ” peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as metaphor for speed due to is vertical hunting or stoop speed of 290 to 325 km/h , the fastest of any bird
Akshaya Pathak
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means “Peregrine Falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, it has 290-330 km/hr speed, fastest of any bird.
February 28, 2022
The American Bald Eagle
a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon.
February 28, 2022
Q1 Answer: The Bald Eagle
Q2 Answer: Albatross
Q3 Answer: Kookaburra
Q4 Answer: Phoenix
Q5 Answer: The meaning of Hayabusa is Peregrine Falcon. It was named Hayabusa because the Pperegrine Falcon preys on blackbirds, which shows intention of the Hayabusa to beat the Blackbird.
Tanvi Bhujbal
February 28, 2022
1)Indian paridise
2) Albatrosses
3) 3) Kookaburra
4) 4) Phoneix
5) 5) It means Peregrine Falcon
Ahmed sufiyan
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle
5.falcon in response to Honda’s released motorbike blackbird
Pranjal Tripathi
February 28, 2022
1.American kestrel
5.Hayabusa means Falcon and Suzuki chose it so because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds
Madhu chandan
February 28, 2022
1.Blad eagle
5.Peregrine falcon .It was named because of speed its speed . Peregrine falcon has a speed of 390 km/h and suzuki Hayabusa bike had a speed of 303 to 312 km/h
Sm. Priyadarshini
February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
Q:1-name of the national bird of the United America is bald eagle.
Q:2-name of the bird is seagull.
Q:3-name of the world laughing kookaburra
Q:4-name of the bird is phoenix.
Q:5-Hayabusa mean in Japanese is peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it so because they direct attacked the Honda.
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon, which Suzuki named it to a bike as it moves very fast
February 28, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) southern royal albatros
3) seagulls
4) phoenix- name of the the bird kept by Dumbledore was fawkes
5) hayabusa is a bird, a Japanese word for a falcon
suzuki launched a sports bike, it had a top speed around 300 km per hour
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed.
February 28, 2022
1) the bald eagle
2)artic tern
3) kookaburra
4) phoenix
Rudransh Singh
February 28, 2022
1. Eagle.
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon Suzuki named it so as it is a metaphor for speed due to its hunting dive.
Diksha Sharma
February 28, 2022
I am so excited to know the answerrs and its result….
Darsh Deshmukh
February 28, 2022
Ans.1- Eagle
Ans.3- Kookaburra
Ans.5- Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so because of its speed which is around 310km/hr
February 28, 2022
1- Eagle
2- Seagull
4- Thunderbird
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Peregrine Falcon for speed
Aryan H Menon
February 28, 2022
It was a nice quiz
Aliza Ali
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. King fisher
4. Phoenix
Vaibhavi Rambhal
February 28, 2022
1. American kestrel
2. Albatross
3. Turf
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
February 28, 2022
1.American Bald Eagle
4.the phoenix
5peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
G Krishna Chaitanya
February 28, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra bird
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
February 28, 2022
5.because suzuki name was became very popular at that 2000s,suzuki means bud tree
Abhisree Nayak
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. It was named as Hayabusa because of a bird called ‘peregrine falcon’ which fly to the speed of 290 to 360 km/h same as the GSX – 1300R Hayabusa.
February 28, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine Falcon.
Alveera mujawar
February 28, 2022
Ans:-1 bald eagle
2 albatross
3 kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Dhananjay deshmukh
February 28, 2022
1 Eagle 2 white stork 3 kookaburras 4 phoenix 5 Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often
Pranav chavan
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian kingfisher
4. The Phoenix
5. A falcon
K N Aneesh
February 28, 2022
1) Bals Eagle
2) Arctic
4) Phoenix
5)Falcon, a bird of prey with long pointed wings and a notched beak, typically catching prey by diving on it from above.
February 28, 2022
*2-southern royal albatross
5*-hayabusa means falcon ,so suzuki name GSX-1300R Hayabusa because it has falcon speed
February 28, 2022
1American eagle
2 Albatross
Krrish Gupta
February 28, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Falcon – Sport bike, claim to be fastest, 300+ Kms/ hr
Samhitha Vunnava
February 28, 2022
Byju’s Sunday Challenge
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Arctic Tern
4. Augurey
5.Hayabusa means a falcon. They named it so because it was in the same shape and even it’s very fast.
Jeevika P Kumar
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese word for “peregrine falcon”, this bird is fastest compared to any other bird. It’s speed is 390km/h.
Akancha Modi
February 28, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
2.Tristan Albatross
5.Peregrine Falcon
Vedyansh Modi
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2.Tristan Albatross
5 Peregrine Falcon
February 28, 2022
Ans no 2 albatross
Ans no 3 Kookaburra
Ans no 4 phoenix
Ans no 5 hayabusa
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed The fastest of any bird
Risha Joshi
February 28, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine Falcon….the vehicle was named that because these falcons are known to eat blackbirds and are very agile
February 28, 2022
Dibyangana Ganguly
February 28, 2022
Question 1. The American Bald Eagle
Question 2. Albatross
Question 3. Kookaburra
Question 4. Phoenix
Question 5. Peregrine falcon, because it’s the fastest bird of Japan
February 28, 2022
Not easy and also not hard
Shravani Thekedar
February 28, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Truf
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Kundan Lekhan Gogoi
February 28, 2022
The answers are :
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Peregrine falcon, because it is the fastest living creature.
Daniel Christopher
February 28, 2022
Question 1 – Bald Eagle
Question 2 – Albatross
Question 3 – Australian kingfisher
Question 4 – The phoenix
Question 5 – Peregrine falcon
Michelle Christopher
February 28, 2022
Question 1 – Bald Eagle
Question 2 – Albatross
Question 3 – Australian kingfisher
Question 4 – The phoenix
Question 5 – Peregrine falcon
Dibyanshu pati
February 28, 2022
1 answer -The American Bald Eagle
2 answer-Mariner
3 answer-Kookaburra
4 answer-Owl breeds
5 answer-peregrine falco,bell tree
Akshat patel
February 28, 2022
Ans1-American blad eagle
Ans2-Arctic tern
Ans5-Peregrine falcon
Enush Joseph Biju
February 28, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) It means peregrine falcon. And was named because of its speed (fastest of any bird).
Aditya Arya
February 28, 2022
The American Bald Eagle
Arctic Tern
The Phoneix
Peregrine Falcon
February 28, 2022
1- eagle 2- albatross 3-kakaboora 4- pheonix 5- falcon
February 28, 2022
1- eagle 2- albatross 3-kakaboora 4- pheonix 5- falcon
Anuj kishan
February 28, 2022
1.The bald eagle
2.The albatross
5.Hayabusa means peregrine falcon It is widely consisidered as the fastest bird and is also a predator. It is a symbol of speed. So suzuki named the motorbike after the bird
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Wandering albatross
4. Phoenix
5. It means falcon to be specific peregrine falcon Suzuki named it to represent the speed of the motorbike
Pavan Kalyan
February 28, 2022
1. Satyendra Nath Bose.
2. Dr. Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai.
3. C V Raman.
4. Narinder Singh Kapany.
5. Har Gobind Khorana.
Advait K
February 28, 2022
Q1) bald eagle
Q2) seagull
Q3) kingfisher
Q4) phoenix
Q5) falcon, stating that it surpasses even the blackbird and is much faster
Mohammed Yusuf Sharif
February 28, 2022
1 ans – The Bald Eagle
2 ans – Albatross
3 ans – Kookaburra
4 ans – The Phoenix
5 ans – Hayabusa means a Falcon
Amar singh
February 28, 2022
Ans 1. Eagle
Ans2. Albatros
Ans. 3 kookabura
Ans. 4 Phoenix
Rishanki Sisodiya
February 28, 2022
Answer 1- Bale Eagle
Answer 2- Black Browed Albatross
Answer 3- kookaburra
Answer 4- The Phoenix
Answer 5- Hayabusa is japanese for peregrine falcon, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive , or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h , the fastest of any bird.
February 28, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 albatross
3 kookaburra
4 phoneix
5 peregrine falcon
Anirudh Anish
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Wandering Albatross
3. Kookaburras
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Saksham Yadav
February 28, 2022
Ans. 1- American Eagle
Ans. 2- Arctic Tern
Ans. 3- Kookaburra balls
Ans. 4- The Phoenix
Ans. 5- Hayabusa is a Japanese word for a falcon especially for a
peregrine falcon. It was named so as it’s Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 28, 2022
Answers : 1. The American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. it’s a Japanese word for peregrin Falcon , Suzuki chose the name for it’s road missile to knock down the Honda
K.Leka. Sri
February 28, 2022
1. The American Kestral (Falco sparverius) are also called the sparrow you.
2. Siberian cranes and Greater flamingo.
3. Kokkabura
4. The phoenix was alarge swan-scarlet magical word with red and gold plumage.
5. Twenty one years
Pratham Rawal
February 28, 2022
Question 1 Answer =Blad eagle
Question 2 Answer =Albatross
Question 3 Answer =Tree kingfisher
Question 4 Answer =Hedwig the Owl
Question 5 Answer =hayabusa meaning in Japan is falcon
Anjali T S
February 28, 2022
Answers for the 5 questions
1. Eagle
2. Seabird
3. Kookabura balls
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Vennela Sechana Vasitha
February 28, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Tristan Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine.
Jnan Sai Charan Vennela
February 28, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Tristan Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine.
Sneha Sikdar
February 28, 2022
1 eagle
3 fishing tackle
4 phoenix
5 motorcycle
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Seagull
3. Koka burra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon. They named it so since this bird preys on blackbirds
Rishit Tathod
February 28, 2022
(1) Bald Eagle (2) Albatross(3) Kookaburra (4) Phoenix (5) Hayabusa means ‘Peregrine falcon’. The name was given because of the speed due to its vertical unting dive of around 300 km/h.
Palle Siddhanth Goud
February 28, 2022
Answer 1) The Bald Eagle
Answer 2) Albatross
Answer 3) Kingfisher (Kookaburra)
Answer 4) Phoenix
Answer 5) The word Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon and Suzuki named it as Hayabusa as the Falcon hunts vertically so does the bike with vertical hunting dive with a speed of 300+ kmph.
February 28, 2022
Very nice and was helpfull
Vedashree Pokharankar
February 28, 2022
Question 1
Identify this common raptor that is found near large water bodies and is also the national bird of the United States of America. Its name is deceptive and makes a reference to its distinctive appearance.
Answer : Bald Eagle
Question 2
Identify this migratory bird – known for flying incredibly long distances – which features famously in the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Answer: albatross
Question 3
Which Australian fishing bird lends its name to a brand of cricket balls, the most widely used in Test cricket and One-day Internationals?
Answer: kookaburra
Question 4
Associated with the sun, this mythical bird obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. It features prominently in the Harry Potter series where its tears are said to possess magical healing powers. Identify this mythical bird.
Answer: Phoenix
Question 5
During the ‘Speed Wars’ of the early 2000s, Honda released a motorbike with a top speed of 300+ kmph called the CBR1100XX Blackbird. In response, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa. What does Hayabusa mean in Japanese and why did Suzuki name it so?
Answer: Hayabusa meaning peregrine falcon, famous for its vertical hunting dive with speed of 290 to 325 km/h which is the fastest of any bird.
Mohammed hayath sharief
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatros
3.Esspecially I am a cricket head , Kookobara
February 28, 2022
A1. Eagles are common raptors that are found near large water bodies and is also the national bird of the United States of America. Its name is deceptive and makes a reference to its distinctive appearance.
A2. Seagulls are known for flying incredibly long distances which features famously in the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
A3. Kookaburra lends its name to a brand of cricket balls, these brands are most widely used in Test cricket and One-day Internationals.
A4. The phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. It features prominently in the Harry Potter series where its tears are said to possess magical healing powers.
A5. The Hayasuba refers to the Peregrine Falcon that flies from 290Km/hr to 325Km/hr, it was named after this bird as this GSX-1300R was fastest among the birds and was prominent to this particular bird.
Harnoor Kaur
February 28, 2022
Bald Eagle
Peregrine falcon
( fastest bird-serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive)
February 28, 2022
Answers are
1: Bald Eagle
2: Albatrosses
3:Kookaburra (Australian King finisher)
5: Peregrine Falcon, Reason is Fastest Vertical dive of all
Aatish Vinod
February 28, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle.
2. Waved Albatross.
3. Kookaburra.
4. Phoenix.
5. Peregrine Falcon.
srija sirumalla
February 28, 2022
Question 1: Eagle
Question 2: Seagull
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Falcon
srija sirumalla
February 28, 2022
1: Eagle
2: Seagull
3: Kookaburra
4: Phoenix
5: Falcon
Bency frankline
February 28, 2022
1. Bald eagle
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
Joicy Franklin Benjamin Franklin
February 28, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra
4. phoenix
5. Peregrine
Ayushi Pragya Badek
February 28, 2022
1. He American Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Australia kingfisher
4. Phoenix
Naman Mathur
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Milan Somaraj
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Arctic Tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Tanya Siddiqui
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Arctic Tern
3) Australian Kingfisher
4) Unicorns
5) Peregrine
Anam Fatma
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon, Suzuki named the bike as Hayabusa because Hayabusa meaning in Japanese is Falcon which the fastest among birds with a speed of 390kmph.
Dibyangana Ganguly
February 27, 2022
Question 1. The American Bald Eagle
Question 2. Albatross
Question 3. Kookaburra
Question 4. Phoenix
Question 5. Peregrine falcon, because it’s the fastest bird of
sayed fatma
February 27, 2022
1-bald eagle.
5-hayabusa is japanese for peregrine falcon.suzuki named after it because it is fastest bird, and serves as a metaphor for speed
February 27, 2022
1.The american bald eagle
5.Falcon. “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Achal Gurunath Patil
February 27, 2022
4) Vermillion bird
Ajinkya Abhay mule
February 27, 2022
Eagle 2 Albatrosses 3 white turf ball 4 phoenix 5
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Kookaburra
3. Phoenix
4. Falcon, named the bike due to its high speed and vertical hunting dive
Jonathan A
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon, as it is the fastest bird
Adrija Mukherjee
February 27, 2022
Ans1:- American Bald Eagle.
Ans2:- Albatross.
Ans3:- Kookaburra.
Ans5:- Peregrine falcon as it is fastest bird with vertical diving speed 290 to 325 km/hr.
Prachi Vishal Vyas
February 27, 2022
1) Sparrow Hawk
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Aashish JS
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Pheonix
5) Swift
Sneha Kumari
February 27, 2022
Answer 1. Bald eagle
Answer 2. Albatross
Answer 3. Kiwi
Answer 4. Phoenix
Answer 5. Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 ) American kestrel
ans 2 ) Albatross
Ans 3 ) Kookaburra
Ans 4 ) Phoenix
ANs 5 ) falcon
Siddhartha Sarkar
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
4) phoenix
5) peregrine falcon
Because it is the fastest bird (reaches 390 kmph in a dive)
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Thunderbird
5) Peregrine Falcon: Suzuki named it to hunt down the Honda’s Blackbird, Honda CBR1100xx
Anushka Prasad
February 27, 2022
5.Hayabusa is the Japanese term for the Peregrine Falcon, a species of raptor which preys on blackbird.
Ritesh Achar
February 27, 2022
Pranav Sooruj Nair
February 27, 2022
1. American Kestrel
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon. Due to the speed.
Ananya chaudhary
February 27, 2022
1: The Bald Eagle
2: Albatross
3: Kookaburra
4: Phoenix
5: Japanese: peregrine falcon
Suzuki name it so because it symbolises as a metaphor for speed.
Prapti Tiwari
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher- Kookaburra sport
4. 5. X
Sidharth J
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Vaishnavi Dharavath
February 27, 2022
Bald eagle
Hayabusa is Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’
Aanlia Binoy
February 27, 2022
Ans 1. American Bald Eagle
Ans 2. Tristan albatross
Ans 3. Kookaburra
Ans 4. phoenix
Ans 5. peregrine falcon , a bird which is mainly known for speed due to its vertical hunting
Prapti Tiwari
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
Harshwardhan ranawat
February 27, 2022
I want hadphones please give me
Abhijna R Bhat
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
5.Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
Questions 1:Bald Eagle
Question 2:Seagull
Question 3 : Koakubbura
Question 4 : Owl
Question 5 : Falcons
Rishika gupta
February 27, 2022
Ans 1. Eagle
Ans 3. Cucubara
Ans 4. Phoenix
Sanno Rani
February 27, 2022
1)The American Bald Eagle
2)The Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) it mean import ban(for winning the top speed of 303to 312km/h)
February 27, 2022
Shreya Morajkar
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means a falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named it so because the speed of the falcon here is compared to the speed of the car, metaphorically. It shows that the car moves pretty fast, and it’s used to impress the customers with its creativity not just in name, but also in its beauty.
Pranamya jajoo
February 27, 2022
The answers of the sunday quiz are
1. American Kestrel
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
February 27, 2022
1-Blad Eagle
Yajnaseni Bhattacharya
February 27, 2022
1.Blad egale
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. In Japanese Hayabusa means a peregrine Falcon and Suzuki named it so because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds
Sanidhya Banke
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Artic tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa translates to Peregrine falcon. This is because they are known to prey on blackbirds.
Om Tale
February 27, 2022
3.Australian Eagle
5.hayabusa Means The king of Speed
February 27, 2022
1) The bald eagle
2) Alabatrosses
3) Kookaburra
4) Pheonix
5) Falcon
Sreediya rajesh
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa meaning in japanese is falcon, especially peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it Hayabusa as it is called as a metaphor for Speed. It is the fastest of any bird.
Tanisha Malviya
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. The phoenix
5. Hayabusa the Japanese word means a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon. Suzuki name it because the Peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX super blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Ayush Yadav
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Falcon
Kanwardeep Singh
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa means the fastest one and suzuki kept this name because of it’s high speed
Dherya vyas
February 27, 2022
1)bald eagle
2) albatross
3) kookaburra
5)hayabusa means falcon,particularly a peregrine falcon .As it’s the fastest organism with a dive of more than 300 kmph.
February 27, 2022
Bald eagle , Albatross , Australian kingfisher
February 27, 2022
1.The bald eagle
5.Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese
Suzuki named it so because Peregrine Falcons preys on blackbirds, so they meant GSX-1300R Hayabusa is stronger and is better and will prey on CBR1100XX Blackbird
Anaamay Sinha
February 27, 2022
2.Bar-tailed Godwit
3. kookaburra
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive,
or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph)
the fastest of any bird
Arvin Anand
February 27, 2022
2.peregrine falcon
Chandhan. V
February 27, 2022
Question 1
Question 2
Black browed albatorss
Question 3
Kookaburra cricket balls
Question 4
Question 5
It means peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1 Bald eagle, 2-arctic tern, 3-seagull, 5- on bird name hayabussa
Christo C P
February 27, 2022
Question 1
Ans: Eagle
Question 2
Ans: Albatross
Question 3
Ans: Kookaburra
Question 4
Ans: Phoenix
Question 5
Ans: ‘Hayabusa’ in Japanese means ‘peregrine falcon’. Suzuki named it because that bird serves as a metaphor for High speed
February 27, 2022
Q2-Arctic tern
Q5-peregrine falcon
E Rahul Reddy
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5.Hayabusa in japanese means a Falcon.
It was name because the peregrine Falcon present on black birds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Supervise Black birds as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Navneet Anand
February 27, 2022
Answers are given below :-
1. Eagle
2. Wandering Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Pregrine Falcon
Jayanth H
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Tristan Albatross
5. Peregrine Falcon- Metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive of 290 to 325 km/h
Srushti Kiran Shinde
February 27, 2022
1] Eagle
2] Tristan Albatross
3] Kookaburra
4] Phoenix
5] Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it Hayabusa because peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird. So Suzuki named it Hayabusa
Hari Nisanth.S
February 27, 2022
Question 1 Ans: The Bald Eagle Question 2 Ans: Albatross Question 3 Ans: Turf Question 4 Ans: Buckbeak (Witherwings) Question 5 Ans:Peregrine Falcon,because it is fastest of birds.It can vertically dive at speed of 320
KMPH or 200 MPH
Aditya Barewar
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatraoz
4.Phoenix Fawkes
5.Peregrine Falcon
Ishwari bhalerao
February 27, 2022
1=The American Bald eagle
2=Arctic tern
3=Kookaburra ball
5=Peregrine falcon
Hari Nisanth.S
February 27, 2022
Question 1 Ans: The Bald Eagle Question 2 Ans: Albatross Question 3 Ans: Turf Question 4 Ans: Buckbeak (Witherwings) Question 5 Ans:Peregrine Falcon,because it is fastest of birds.It can vertically dive at speed of 320 KMPH
Mohit mahapatra
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Sea gull
5. Roadrunner
Ojaswini Sankwa
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. an albatross
3. white “Turf” bird
4. Phoenixes
5. “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Anika Kulshrestha
February 27, 2022
Question 1: American bald eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix Fawkes
Question 5: Hayabusa is a Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon it. Suzuki named it so because of its speed of 290-325 kmph, fastest in any bird.
Darshana Sunil Dahale
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Greatest flamingo
5. In 1999, the suzuki Hayabusa overtook the CBR1100XX .It was listed in the 2000 millennium edition as the world’s fastest production bike with a top speed of 194 mph (312 km/h)….it’s according to my knowledge I don’t know in deep
Krupali Musale
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Alabtross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Suzuki name it so because this bird is fastest of Japanese bird
February 27, 2022
Samidha Gaikwad
February 27, 2022
Q.1 The American bald eagle.
Q.2 The Albatross
Q.3 Kookaburra
Q.4 The phoenix Bird
Q.5 Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a Falcon,especially a peregrine falcon.
A bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Savi Pravin Kamble
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for Peregrine Falcon. The name was given because Peregrine Falcon preys on Blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the GSX-1300R Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest motorcycle.
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Flamingo
3) Australian Kingfisher
4) Thunderbird
5) They named it so because it flies 385 km/h
February 27, 2022
1 Bald Eagle
2 Albatross
3 kingfisher
4 Pheonix
5 Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1. the bald eagle
2.Siberian crane
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Laughing Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon in Japanese is Hayabusa. They named it so, because one of Hayabusa’s prey is Blackbird
Arav Sinha
February 27, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) White Kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) In Japanese Hayabusa mean peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it because a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 is Bald Eagle
Answer 2 is albatross
Answer 3 kingfisher
Answer 4 phoenix
Answer 5 is peregrine falcon
Harshvardhan Gaikwad
February 27, 2022
5)Hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine Falcon.It got its name Hayabusa because Peregrine Falcon is a smart looking bird which is able to accelerate to 320km/h when it dives.
Shiva Gahlod
February 27, 2022
1) The Bald Eagle
2) Royal Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa
Varun Kumar Singh
February 27, 2022
Question no.- 1 :
Identify this common raptor that is found near large water bodies and is also the national bird of the United States of America. Its name is deceptive and makes a reference to its distinctive appearance.
Answer- The American Bald Eagle
Question no.- 2 :
Identify this migratory bird – known for flying incredibly long distances – which features famously in the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Answer- Albatross
Question no.- 3 :Which Australian fishing bird lends its name to a brand of cricket balls, the most widely used in Test cricket and One-day Internationals?
Answer: Australian Kingfisher
Question no. – 4 :
Associated with the sun, this mythical bird obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. It features prominently in the Harry Potter series where its tears are said to possess magical healing powers. Identify this mythical bird.
Answer: Phoenix
Question no. – 5 :
During the ‘Speed Wars’ of the early 2000s, Honda released a motorbike with a top speed of 300+ kmph called the CBR1100XX Blackbird. In response, Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa. What does Hayabusa mean in Japanese and why did Suzuki name it so?
Answer- Hayabusa was named peregrine falcon.
February 27, 2022
1.the bald eagle
Yatharth R. Amal
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 :- bald eagle
Ans 2 :- Albatross
Ans 3 :- kookaburra
Ans 5 :- falcon, because falcon represents speed.
Ans 4 :- Phoenix
Juveriya vahid maner
February 27, 2022
4-snowy owl
5-peregrine falcon mean Hayabusa in Japanese and the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon prays on blackbirds.
Manish Rao
February 27, 2022
Rishi parashar
February 27, 2022
Q1 Eagle
Q2 Artic tern
Q3 Kookaburra
Q4 The Phoenix
Q5 In Japanese it means a falcon, especially a peregrine falcons.A bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop.
February 27, 2022
Question 1: The bald eagle
Question 2 : The Tristan Albatross
Question 3 : Kookaburra
Question 4:The Phoenix
Question 5 : Hayabusa is the Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki names its bike Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon can attain a speed of 320kmph and its favorite prey is blackbird as a sign of taking down the Honda bike named blackbird.
Dhenu Patel
February 27, 2022
Answer of question 1 American bald eagle
Answer 2 an albatross
Answer 3 Kookaburra
Answer 4 phonix
Answer 6 peregrine falcon , because a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to vartical hunting dive,stoop and speed of 325km/h
M.Suriya Murali Nathan
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon, Named for Japan’s fastest bird, the Japanese peregrine falcon, Hayabusa, often called Busa by its fans, emerged from Suzuki’s famous integrated design process.
Sivapriya K M
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon. Because it is the fastest creature on sky.
Sarswati borah
February 27, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) Arctic tern
February 27, 2022
5. Peregrine Falcon,refers to a metaphor for speed thanks to its hunting dive at the speed of 290 to 325 kmph, the fastest in any bird.
That’s why Suzuki named it’s bike ‘Hayabusa’
Asmita Maji
February 27, 2022
American bald eagle
Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon. This is world’s fastest bird who’s speed is 390 km/h that’s why suzuki named it because they claim that hayabusa bike is the fastest production bike.
Prajul Pradeep
February 27, 2022
2humming bird
4gortus horpus
Archisha Mishra
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatrosses
4. The phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
The choice of name was made by Suzuki Motors because the Peregrine falcon preys on Blackbirds,
Pragya Sehgal
February 27, 2022
Answers are
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon in Japanese. It was named so as ” A bird that often serve as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical haunting dies cost to speed of 292 325 kilometre per hour the fastest of any Bird.”
Byjus is the best learning app.
Subhra deep ray
February 27, 2022
1.sparrow hawk
2.an albatross aloft
4.The phoenix
5.the reason is Suzuki put speed limiter in the 1000 and Hayabusa is so that it can legally be sold in the U
February 27, 2022
1. Steelers sea eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
Zarqa Nadeem
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phonex
5. peregrine falcon
Sumit Kumar Das
February 27, 2022
Question 1 ANSWER- The Bald Eagle
Question 2 ANSWER- Albatross
Question 3 ANSWER- Kookaburra
Question 4 ANSWER- The Phoenix
Question 5 ANSWER- Hayabusa means “peregrine falcon” in japanese, Suzuki named it so because it is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese – Peregrine Falcon, Suzuki names it because It is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h.
Grisha Lakhani
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
3.white turf
Dathathreyan Anil
February 27, 2022
Q5)Peregrines falcon.
Suzuki named hayabusa because it is the fastest bird in the world.
Dolly Malviya
February 27, 2022
Laukik Bora
February 27, 2022
Nice information
February 27, 2022
4. Phoenix
Afrid Ali Borah
February 27, 2022
1.The Bald eagle
2.The Albatross
Suzuki it so because it immediately won acclaim as the world’s fastest production motorcycle,with a top speed of 303 to 312km/h(188 to 194 meh)
4.A phoenix
February 27, 2022
1. Stellers sea eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
Vedika Kapil
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Pheonix
5. Falcon
Anagha ashok
February 27, 2022
Answers to the above questions are as follows:
1) Bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) In Japanese “Hayabusa” means a Peregrine Falcon whose speed is 390 kmph. So to promote its new model and to sideline the competition, Suzuki came up with this unique name.
Anubhab Dasgupta
February 27, 2022
Q1.The American kestrel also called the sparrow hawk
Q4.The phoenix
Q5.Peregrine falcon. Because Suzuki introduced a top-speed limiter for the bike as a conspicuously believed it to be the fastest.
Naman Upadhyay
February 27, 2022
1) bald Eagle
2) Albatross
4) phoenix
5) hayabusa means falcon. It named hayabusa because falcon preys on blackbirds to unseat the Honda motorbike.
Bhavika khabya
February 27, 2022
1 Bald eagle
2 Siberian crane
3 Crocks
February 27, 2022
1 ans. Eagle
2 ans. Albatross
3 ans. Konkaburra
4 ans. Phoenix
5 ans.
Aaryaki Pati
February 27, 2022
1 – Golden Eagle
2 – Albatross
3 – Kokaboora
4 – Phoenix
5 – Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
Ann sara saju
February 27, 2022
Question 1- american bald eagle
Question 2- Albatrosses
Question 3- kookaburra
Question 4- Dumbledore’s phoenix fawkes
Question 5- Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so because the peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is actually blackbirds, which naturally suited the japanese firm’s intentions perfectly.
February 27, 2022
5.peregrine Falcon
Ashwadip Dilip Thamke
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix. My fav harry potter series ?
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon and it was named so as it is predator of common blackbird whom Honda named his top speed bike after.
Sana jindal
February 27, 2022
2-an albatross
5-hayabusa means falcon
Anwi Pathak
February 27, 2022
1.the bald eagle
3. kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5.Hayabusa in Japanese means a falcon especially a peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so, because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds.
Adishri Dhapade
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
4) Phoenix
5)It is falcon in Japanese , they kept it that name because falcon is known for its speed
February 27, 2022
Answer 1= Bald eagle
Answer 2= Flying Albatross
Answer 3= Kookaburra
Answer 4= Phoenix
Answer 5= the Hayabusa in Japanese mean ” peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves for its vertical hunting dive , the fastest of any bird that why Suzuki name it so
February 27, 2022
So nice test
February 27, 2022
1)The American Bald Eagle
5)Peregrine Falcon. Because it is the fastest of any bird
Rudraksha Dhamani
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 – The American Bald Eagle
Ans 2- Corpes of the dead albatross
Ans 3- Kookaburra cricket balls
Ans 4- Phoenix
Ans 5- Hayabusa means “peregrine falcon” a Bird that often serves as the vertical hunting and dive . This bird is the fastest of any bird
Armaan Patra
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. White Owl
5. Paregrine Falcon
Mokshada Rai
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. The Arctic tern
3. Australian kingfisher
4. The phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese for “peregrine falcon ” A bird that often served as metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting drive or stoop speed of 292 to 325 km/h , the fastest of any bird.
Armaan Patra
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. White Owl
5. Paregrine Falcon is the bird named after it
Arnima Saxena
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kokkabura
4. Phoenix bird
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for “peregrine falcon”, which is the natural predator of the blackbird.. Suzuki gave to the GSX 1300R was a direct attack to Honda’s Blackbird
February 27, 2022
1Ans.sparrow hark.
2Ans. Laysan albatrosss.
3Ans.West indies,england.
4ans.magical bird.
5ans.because dhoom bike
Soumyarup Sengupta
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. It means peregrine falcon. It was named because its flying speed is around 325 Kmph
Aasawari Pandhare
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2.alb atross
3.Australia kingfisher
4.the phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Dhananjay Ragavan R
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
5. Fast
Viswachaitanys Alla
February 27, 2022
Sparrow hawk
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3 Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Vivaan Tholasi
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Wandering Albatross
3. The Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese. Suzuki has named it like this due to the fact a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird. This is associated with the abilities of the bike. A close comparison. Of the Peregrine Falcon and Hayabusa.
Rudraksha Dhamani
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 – The American Bald Eagle
Ans 2- The Corpes of the dead albatross
Ans 3- Kookaburra Cricket balls
Ans 4 – Phoenix
Ans 5 – Hayabusa mean ” peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting and dive . The speed of the bird is the fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
5.Peregrine falcon
Iraj Sharma
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
2.The albatvoss
3.Kookaburra turt (Tree kingfisher birds)
5.Hayabusa in Janpanese means a Falcon (Peregrine Falcon) Suzuki named their motorbike `Hayabusa’ because the bird is know for its speed.
Anijith Sunil
February 27, 2022
Q1 Bald Eagle
Q2 Seagull
Q4 Phoenix
Q5 Peregrine Falcon
Vivaan Tholasi
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Wandering Albatross
4. The Phoenix
3. Kookaburra
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means peregrine falcon. It was named this due to the bird’s ability which is for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird, that is associated with the ability of the bike. A close comparison so-called.
Saumya kamal pasricha
February 27, 2022
Ans 1.. eagle
Ans 2.. albatross
Ans 3..turf
Ans 4.. phoenix
Ans 5..peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatros
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine in japan
Swaraj kumar Nanda
February 27, 2022
1.white eagle,2.albatras, 3.kokabura
Aayush Mansata
February 27, 2022
Answer 1. The American Bald Eagle
Answer 2.Albatross
Answer 3. White Kokkaburra
Answer 4.Phoinex
Answer 5.Peregrine Falcon
Ilina Sharma
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle
2. The albatross
3. Kookaburra Turf (Tree Kingfisher birds)
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means a falcon (Peregrine falcon), Suzuki named their motorbike “Hayabusa” because the bird is known for its speed.
Sarah Thankam Sam
February 27, 2022
1)The American Bald Eagle
3)Kookaburra Cricket Balls
4)a phoenix
5)Hayabusa, in japanese is ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all.That is why suzuki is named it.
Vaibhav Sanjay Patil
February 27, 2022
1 American bald eagle
2 Albatross
3 Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5 Hayabusa mean Falcon . Suzuki name it so to show that bike has high speed and can change direction rapidly.
iraj :D
February 27, 2022
1.The bald eagle
2.The arctic tern
4.The Pheonix
5.The meaning of Hayabusa in Japanese is Falcon especially Penegrine Falcon,suzuki named their bike Hayabusa because the bird is know for its speed
Arnab jyoti medhi
February 27, 2022
Qn no.1 Ans- American bald eagle.
Qn no.2Ans- Albatross.
Qn no.3Ans- Kookaburra.
Qn no.4Ans- The Phoenix.
Qn no.5Ans- Peregrine falcon.
Pls take my answers.
Saumya M Sulagna
February 27, 2022
Q1. Eagle
Q2. Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea
Q4 kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. peregrine Falcon , it is a metaphor for speed that is why Suzuki name it.
Abhilasha Sachin Choudhar
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
2. Southern royal albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. A falcon
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 Bald Eagle. Answer 2 Albatross. Answer 3 Australian kingfisher Answer 4 a Phoenix. Answer 5 Hayabusa mean is
peregrine falcon. Suzuki name it because of the falcon is too fast. Their speed is 325 km/pH and the GSX-1300R speed is also same
Pratik Solanki
February 27, 2022
Answers for the Quiz
1. American Kestral (sparrow hawk)
2. Albatross
3. White turf ball
4. Phoenix Bird
5. Hayabusa
Saumya kamal pasricha
February 27, 2022
How can I get headphones
Parth Gawande
February 27, 2022
1 – American Bald Eagle
2 – Albatross
3 – White Kookaburra
4 – Phoenix
5 – Hayabusa in Japanese means a FALCON, and by my opinion SUZUKI named it so to define and show off the bike’s speed as swift as a falcon..
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle
3. Kookaburra ball
4. Phoenix
5. In Japanese,it means ” peregrine falcon”
In the late 90s, there was an unspoken challenge between Japanese motorcycle brands. Honda joined the party and launched CRBR 1100 and named it ” super blackbird ” . In 1999, Suzuki launched GSX 1300R , named it as “Hayabusa ” as a direct attack to Suzuki’s model . That’s because, Hayabusa is the Japanese word for ” peregrine falcon” , which is the natural predator of the blackbird.
Tadeeb Ammal
February 27, 2022
Ans no.1= American Bald Eagle.
Ans no.2= Albatross.
Ans no.3=Australia Kingfisher.
February 27, 2022
Question 1. Bald Eagle
Question 2. Albatross
Question 3. Kookaburra
Question 4. Phoenix
Question 5. Peregrine falcon
Avichal Rai
February 27, 2022
Ans no. 1
American bald eagle
Ans no. 2
the Arctic tern
Ans no. 3
Australian kingfisher
Ans no. 4
The phoenix
Ans no. 5
Hayabusa is in Japanese is called peregrine falcon and it is name because of its metaphor speed
Sarthak singh
February 27, 2022
1 ) The Amarican Bald Eagle
2 ) Albatross
3 ) Kookaburra
4 ) Phoenix
5 ) Peregrine falcon
Akssa Poly
February 27, 2022
1.The bald eagle
2. An albatross
4.The Phoenix
5. This is because Hayabusa is the japenese word for ‘peregrine falcon’ which is the predator of the blackbird which was Honda’s motorbike.
Tadeeb Ammal
February 27, 2022
Ans no.1=American Bald Eagle.
Ans no.2=Albatross
Ans no .3=Australian Kingfisher.
Ans no.4=The Phoenix.
Ans no .5= Peregrine falcon. Hayabusa is Japanese for ‘peregrine falcon’ ,a bird that often servers as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive,or stoop, speed of 290 to 325km /h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird that is why Suzuki name it so
February 27, 2022
1 Eagles
2 Crow
3 Kangaroos
4 Flamingo
5 Penguins
February 27, 2022
1. White bald eagle
2. Albatrosses
5.hayabusa is a Japanese word used for falcon
Himani Arora
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
Muskan Haque
February 27, 2022
Question 1 ) Eagle
Question 2) Albatross
Question 3) Kookabyrra ,White truf ball
Question 4) Phoenix
Question 5) The word Hayabusa means Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon
The reason Suzuki puts a speed limiter in the 1000
and Hayabusa is so that it can legally be sold in the
U. Suzuki introduced a top-speed limiter,
Aditya Yogesh Patil
February 27, 2022
1 Eagle
2 Seagull
3 Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5 Falcon. Because falcon is very fast.
February 27, 2022
Q1)Bald Eagle
Q5)Peregrine Falcon or Falcon
Ranon Fernandes
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Wandering albatross
3. kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. peregrine falcon. it has the fastest vertical dive speed and its prey is the blackbird
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
4. Phoenix
Paras Sethi
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means a Peregrine Falcon in Japanese, Suzuki named it Hayabusa because of it’s high reaching speeds.
Paras Sethi
Raghav Sharma
February 27, 2022
Ans.1=Bald eagle
Ans.2= Arctic tern
Ans.5=Peregrine falcon,due to its vertical hunting dive
Arnab jyoti medhi
February 27, 2022
Qn no 1 ans- American bald eagle.
Qn no 2 ans- Albatross.
Qn no 3 ans- Kookaburra.
Qn no 4 ans- The Phoenix.
Qn no 5 ans- Peregrine falcon.
Pls take my answers.
Nivedya Nambiar
February 27, 2022
Q1. Bald eagle
Q2. Arctic turn
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. Peregrine Falcon
Ayush Yuvraj Giri
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle.
5.Hayabusa mean Perigrine Falcon and Suzuki name it so because of birds speed that is 290 to 325 km/h.
Ariyan Nayak
February 27, 2022
1-The Blad Egale , 2-Albatross, 3- Kookaburra ,4 Phoenix , 5-Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Mayank Sharma
February 27, 2022
:- Answer
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatrosses
3) kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) ‘Peregrive Falcon’ , a bird which has the fastest vertical drive of all.
The fastest creature on Earth.
February 27, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 albatross
3 Kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 peregrine falcon
It was named so as Hayabusa is designed to be extremely fast and speedy . A Japanese bird ,falcon also has a speedy flight
Vidushi Singh
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Southern royal albatross
3) kookabura
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means ‘peregrine falcon’, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed
Riya Soni
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle 2) Seagull 3) Kookaburra 4)Phoenix 5) Hayabusa means falcon especially a Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so due to its abundance power at any engine speed. It gives riders a choice of gear selection for a given speed with stunning acceleration.
Leuva Moxil
February 27, 2022
1.) American Bald Eagle
2.) Giant Bird
3.) Kookaburra
4.) Phoenix
5.) Falcon, the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds
Shreya Awasthi
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Australian Kingfisher
4) The Phoenix
5) Hayabusa represents a ‘Peregrine Falcon’. The name Hayabusa was given because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Arkanil Mondal
February 27, 2022
Answer 1: American Bald Eagle
Answer 2: Wandering Albastross
Answer 3: Kookabura
Answer 4: Phoenix
Answer 5: Hayabussa in Japanese means ‘peregrine falcon’ a bird that oftens as a metaphor . Suzuki named Hayabusa because hieroglyph yo Kanji, a system of Japanese writing using Chinese character. Hierolyph means “strong and fast”
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 : American Bald Eagle
Answer 2 : Albatross
Answer 3 : Kookaburra
Answer 4 : Pheonix
Answer 5 : Falcon
Riddhima Sarkar
February 27, 2022
Question 1: The American Bald Eagle
Question 2: Southern Royal Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so cause it wanted to mean that the car is as fast as a Falcon.
Neha Pauly
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Seagull
3. Albatross
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
February 27, 2022
5.PEREGRINE FALCON , because this bird is fastest of all birds
February 27, 2022
1.american kestrel
Sain oo Dame Pale
February 27, 2022
1.American Bald Eagle
2.Red Knot
February 27, 2022
1st is Volture
2nd is Arctic turn
And 5th is Honda black bird
February 27, 2022
1.Siberian Eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kookaburra
4. Hedwig the Owl
5. Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1 Blad eagle
2 Seagull
4 Phoenix
5 Falcon
Hana Fathima Baiju
February 27, 2022
1.sparrow hawk 2. Albatrosses 3. White Kookaburra 4. Phoenix 5.the name Suzuki gave to the GSX 1300R was a direct attack to Honda’s Blackbird. That’s because Hayabusa is the Japanese word for “peregrine falcon”, which is the natural predator of the blackbird.
D Sai Kiran Teja
February 27, 2022
Ayush siwan
February 27, 2022
Ans 1. Eagle
3. Kokoobura
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon, its named because of its speed related to bird
Dharti Patel
February 27, 2022
1.Eagle 2.Alpatross 3.Australiankingfisher 4.Phoenix 5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive speed of 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird.
Marium fatima
February 27, 2022
1-american bald eagle, 2-demoiselle crane 3- Kookaburra, 4- Phoenix, 5- hayabusa is a Japanese for peregrine falcon however honda’s super blackbird wasn’t named after a bird, but after the USAF’S super fast plane.
Angel Sara Biju
February 27, 2022
1 eagle
2 Albatross
3 white turf
4 Phoenix
Dharti Patel
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle 2.Alpatross 3.Australiankingfisher 4.Phoenix 5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive/stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird.
Rohan Mishra
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Giant Bird
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is peregrine falcon.
Jaini Shah
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
Mind blowing
February 27, 2022
Gurnoor Kaur
February 27, 2022
1- eagle
2- the albatross
3- white kookaburra
4- phoenix
5- Peregine falcon – it serves as a metaphor for
Pratyush Anand
February 27, 2022
A1.bald eagle
A5.Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon, and they named it so because the Hayabusa’s abundance of power at any engine speed made the Hayabusa easier to ride by giving the rider a greater choice of gear selection for a given stunning speed and acceleration.
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. In Japanese it means Peregrine Falcon, it is named that because the bird has the fastest vertical drive.
Dipayan Chakraborty
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. The Artic Tern
3. Duke
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine. They name it so because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds and the bikes named by honda was blackbird. To proof themselve as good than the Honda, they give this name.
February 27, 2022
1:- the bald eagle
2:- grey-beard loon
3:- white “Turf” ball
4:- snowy owl
5:- peregrine falcon
Disha talreja
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 : Eagle
Answer 2 : arctic tern
Answer 3 : kookaburra
Answer 4 : thunderbird
Answer 5 : peregrine falcon
Baibhab Sampann parida
February 27, 2022
Q.1 Bald Eagle
Q.2 Albatross
Q.3. Spoonbill
Q.4. Phoenix
Q.5. Falcon , because the bike runs at a speed like falcon .
Chaitanya Mitra
February 27, 2022
Q1 Derry cotter
Q2 royal albatross
Q3 kookaburra
Q4 phoenix bird
Q5 Hayabusa
Adithya Venugopal
February 27, 2022
1) American bald eagle
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon. Because at that time it was the fastest bike in 1000cc collection.peregrine falcon is the fastest bike in world
Theertha cp
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
5.peregrine falcon
Anantha Durga Prasad
February 27, 2022
Vyom Bhatia
February 27, 2022
1) The bald eagle
2) The wandering albatross
3) Kookaburra ( The Australian Kingfisher)
4) The phoenix
5) peregrine falcon. Suzuki name so because peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds.
Bennett Benny George
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Dharti Patel
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
3.Australian Kingfisher
5.Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird.
Johanna Sanyukta
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Laysan albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Falcon,”To be the world’s fastest motorcycle”.
Dharti Patel
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Arun Kumar. S
February 27, 2022
1.American Bald Eagle 2.Albartross 3.kookaburra 4.phoneix 5.hayabussa
Dharti Patel
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle ?
2) Robin
3) ______
4) Phoenix ?
5) falcon
Tanu Saini
February 27, 2022
Answers :-
1.The bald eagle
2.The Arctic tern
Shreya Shukla
February 27, 2022
1 -vulture
2 Artic tern
3-Phoenix fawkes
5 -Hayabusa means in Japanese is peregrine falcons it is name so because of its high speed it can reach 180 -200mph to catch prey to increase selling of motorcycle it was associated with peregrine falcons
Surbhi Choudhary
February 27, 2022
My answers :-
1- Bald Eagle
2- Artic tern
3- Kookaburra
4-The phoenix
5- Suzuki Hayabusa
By- Surbhi Choudhary
Sreehari RP
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5. In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Sampat patil
February 27, 2022
1answer bald eagle
2nd answer albatross
3answer Australian kingfisher
4 answer phoenix
5answer peregrine falcon
Sana. Vishal
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle is the national bird of United States of America
2.Albatross is the bird which features famously in the poem Rim of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
3.Kookaburra is the Australian fishing bird lends its name to a brand of cricket balls, the most widely used in Test cricket and One-day Internationals
4.A Phoenix is a mythical bird
5.Hayabusa means in Japanese is peregrine falcon
Anandhakrishnan K M
February 27, 2022
1.American Bald Eagle
3.White Kookaburra
5.Suzuki Hayabusa- Japan Mechanical Falum
Ashna Shyju
February 27, 2022
1.The bald eagle
5.Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so because The Hayabusa is a sport bike motorcycle made by Suzuki . It immediately won acclaim as the world’s fastest production motorcycle, with a top speed .
Ashna Shyju
February 27, 2022
1.The bald eagle
5.Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so because The Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa is a sport bike motorcycle made by Suzuki since 1999. It immediately won acclaim as the world’s fastest production motorcycle, with a top speed .
Krishna Ravindra Wable
February 27, 2022
4) pheonix
Aswane Kumar verma
February 27, 2022
1- Bald eagle
2- Albatross
3- kookaburra
4- Hedwig
5- perigren falcon
Diksha Sharma
February 27, 2022
Here are my answers:-
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese. It is a bird having speed more than 300 Kmph. It is considered as the fastest bird. Honda named its motorbike Blackbird while Hayabusa is a bird of prey of Blackbird.That’s why Suzuki named its motorbike Hayabusa.
A lot of thanks to all the team of Byju’s.
Thank you for conducting such amazing quizzes.
Aaryan lal
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
5.Hayabusa is a Japanese word for Falcon . A bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive Suzuki Hayabusa .
Rakshith V Nair
February 27, 2022
Answers for Sunday challenge edition 24
1. Bald eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
K.Tamil Ezhilan
February 27, 2022
5.Falcon,because it was fast like a falcon bird
Muotasim Othman
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds,
February 27, 2022
1.American Kestrel or sparrow hawk
4.The Phoenix
5.Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Alan Lyju
February 27, 2022
American bald eagle.( Answer 1)
Arctic tern( anwer 2)
Dukes( anwer 3)
Anshul Chandore
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kukaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Hyabusa is a Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’ which is a bird that has fastes vertical dive.
Saksham Virmani
February 27, 2022
1st questions answer eagle ?
Ananya Rai
February 27, 2022
1 =Bald Eagle
2 =South Carolina
3 =Kookaburra
Other two answer I don’t know
Sanjeevani Bhagwat Patil
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. The Albatross
3. The White Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means a bird, falcon which has the same feature as the model launched by suzuki i.e. it’s speed . Hence , the suzuki named it so.
Bhavya Vivek
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon, namely Peregrine falcon. It is a raptor and is known for it’s outstanding speed. He named it so to highlight the bike’s speed and to compete the title of fastest production of motorcycle in the world from Honda’s CBR1100XX Super Blackbird.
vaibhav tiwari
February 27, 2022
ans1. american Bald Eagle
ans2. Giant teratorn
ans3. kookaburra
ans4. the phoenix
ans5. falcon
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
5. Falcon…. Because of its speed and glide
February 27, 2022
1.American Kestrel
5.peregrine falcon
Sahana S
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.So this is motorbike which is very faster
Dhanush goud
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
2.sea bird
3.Crok ball
4.fantastic beasts
5. It a bird name
Diya Sharma
February 27, 2022
1st eagle
2nd artic trin
3rd kookaburra
4th phoenix
5th perigin falcon (a bird)
Bhoomi Rathore
February 27, 2022
1- vulture
2- swan
4 – sphinx
February 27, 2022
3rd answer: Kookaburra is the official (red) cricket ball supplier to the main cricket–playing nations other than India, West Indies and England for Test Matches, and the white “Turf” ball is used exclusively in all ODI’s and T20Is worldwide.
Sai shanmukha
February 27, 2022
Q3:Australian kingfisher
Shivaanika G.M.
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. The Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. ‘Hayabusa’ is a Japanese word for the ‘Peregrine falcon’. Suzuki named the GSX-1300R Hayabusa because it’s the fastest bird in the world and is also the natural predator of Blackbirds. With the intention to unseat Honda’s CBR1100XX Blackbird as the fastest bike, Suzuki named the GSX-1300R as Hayabusa.
Meghana chandran
February 27, 2022
Best knowledge
February 27, 2022
Peregrine falcon
Harsh Anand
February 27, 2022
1. Ans- The Bald Eagle
2.Ans- The Albatross
3.Ans- Kookaburra
4.Ans- The Phoenix
5. Ans-The Peregrine Falcon
Sabarish Ashokraj
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2)Albatross (Has the longest Wingspan in the Aves group ?)
5)It means Falcon.Named so because the Bike travels and glides like a falcon
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle.
3.white kookaburra
5. Hayabusa means falcon which has the speed like suzuki’s model
Jack Thomas roni
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
5.Peregrine falcon Reason for naming it was build to wrest the tittle fatest motorbike
Girish Kumar. S
February 27, 2022
The American Bald Eagle, albatross, Kookaburra, Phoenix, Hayabusa in Japanese means “peregrine falcon”, Suzuki named it so because the bird is a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
Aadyashrita Mohanty
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. It means Peregrine falcon and named so due to the vertical dive speed of the bird….which is the fastest…holding record of 389 kmph
Gagan Raj
February 27, 2022
1. American kestrel
2. Albatross
Animesh Panda
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoops. Suzuki did so to represent their bike, as the falcon is the fastest bird so they also want to represent their bike as the fastest and unbeatable among all the bikes.
February 27, 2022
1-american bald eagle
2-Ancyent Marinere
5-hasabusa is Japanese for”peregrine falcon”, a bird that often served as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop speed of 290 to 325 km/h it’s the fastest of any bird that’s why suzuki named their bike on the name of bird hasabusa to present the speed of their vehicle
M.Chitra Pavatharany
February 27, 2022
Bald eagle
Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
Q1)The American Bald Eagle
Q4)The Phoenix Bird
Q5)Peregrine Falcon, which is Japanese bird.It is the meaning of Hayabusa in Japanese. Suzuki name it so because a bird often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive,or stoop,speedo of 290 to 325 km/h,the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
Gowri Nandana
February 27, 2022
Q.1 Bald eagle
Q.2 Arctic tern
Q.3 Kookaburra
Q.4 Phoenix
Q.5 Peregrine
Peregrine falcon- fastest bird with 290-325 kmph which is fastest in any bird
M.bhavya sri
February 27, 2022
5.falcon bird …suzuki named because falcon prwys on blackbirds
Devahuti Atreyi
February 27, 2022
Q1. Eagle
Q2. Albatross
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. Hayabusa means a falcon, which is widely acclaimed to be the fastest bird, and since Suzuki’s Hayabusa is said to be the fastest bike, it is obvious why they would name it that.
Aditya prakash
February 27, 2022
Qs no. 1 answer is – Eagle
Qs no. 2 answer is – Albatross
Qs no. 2 answer is – Kookaburra
Qs no. 4 answer is – phoenix
Qs no. 5 answer is – Hayabusa meaning in especially of peregrine Falcon and Suzuki meaning Japanese is belle word bell tree and bud tree.
February 27, 2022
1. the american bald eagle
2. seagull
3. kookaburra
4. i didn’t watch movie.
5. a falcon
Sourjya Sahasransu Jena
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
3) Kookaburra
4)The Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means the Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it so because the Peregrine Falcon can reach speeds of 390 km/he while diving.
Ayush Biswal
February 27, 2022
Q1- Bald Eagle
Q2-Southern Royal Albatross
Q4- Phoenix Bird
Sakshi Rajesh Chavan
February 27, 2022
1 ans American Kestrel…
2 ans Albatross …
3 ans Australian Kingfisher …
4 ans Phoenix Bird …
5 ans Peregrine falcon…
Rishi Lokesh
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
4. Pheonix
5. I Think It means Falcon and refers to the sheer speed and power that a falcon has
February 27, 2022
1st Eagle
2nd Sea gull
3rd Hawk eye
4th Phoenix
5th Hayabusa means ‘Peregerine Falcon’ . Suzuki name it for to refer with Peregrine falcon meaning fast and strong.
Shivansh Nayak
February 27, 2022
1 * Bald Eagle
4 * Owl
Tanesha thusanthan
February 27, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 seagull
4 phenex
Anamika Kumari
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon.
Suzuki named it so because Peregrine Falcon favourite prey is Blackbird, which was the name of bike of Honda.
Brecklyn Rajan
February 27, 2022
1- American bald eagle
2- Albatrosses
3- Kookaburra
4- Phoenix Fawkes
5- Hayabusa means “Peregrine” which is a species of falcon. It was named so because it is the fastest bird.
Dhrumi Pancholi
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle.
2) Albatross.
3) kookaburra.
4) phoenix.
5) Hayabusa’s is Japanese meaning is “peregrine falcon”, it is the fastest bird thus Suzuki named the new bike which was world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Swastik Nandi
February 27, 2022
The Question 2 answer is Albatross
Jaya Keerthana SP
February 27, 2022
1.Eagle 2.Albatross 3.Kookaburra 4.Phoenix 5.Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5.falcon , it’s is the fastest bird in Japan
Hatim Indorewala
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
2.the albatross
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
2.the albatross
Aditya Kotkar
February 27, 2022
Ans-1) – American bald eagle
Ans-2) – Albatross
Ans-3) – Kookaburra
Ans-4) – Phoenix
Ans-5) – Peregrine falcon
Tejas Jain
February 27, 2022
5-Hayabusa in japenese means Peregrine Falcon because the speed of that work is faster than any other common bird.
Ramsanehi Kushwaha
February 27, 2022
1.Bold Eagle
2.Albatross Bird
3.White Turf
5.Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
Answer:-The American Bald Eagle
The Thunderbird
Hayabusa is Japanese for “Peregrine Falcon” table that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive,speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird. When Suzuki first launch the bike is explained that Hayabusa what the Japanese word for a very fast falcon that not coincidentally fed on black birds
Aayan Arfin
February 27, 2022
Q1- Bald Eagle
Q2- Albatross
Q3- Kookaburra
Q4- Phoenix
Q5- Peregrin Falcon
Aditya Singh
February 27, 2022
1. Hawk
2.Serbian crane
4. Phoenix
Chandra Prakash Meena
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) albatross
3) kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) falcon
Risham Rafi
February 27, 2022
Hi byjus,
Answers for today’s Sunday challenge
1.American bald eagle
Akshaya Mariam
February 27, 2022
1. Bala Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra also known as tree kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means a falcon in Japanese
Rishab Raj
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon, as the bike is a high- speed bike and Falcon is a symbol of speed
Dhanesh Aravind
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. The albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Govind Agarwal
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Artic term
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa mean in japanece = Peregrine Falcon ,
Jiya Prashar
February 27, 2022
1) eagle
2) albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) Peregrine Falcon
prabhaditya Samanta
February 27, 2022
Question 1- American bald eagle
Question 2 – arctic tern
Question 3 – Kookaburra
Question 4 – Phoenix
Question 5 – Hayabusa (隼 or はやぶさ、ハヤブサ) is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon.
The company was named after the revolutionary inventor and founder of the Suzuki corporation. With the success of Suzuki, which was deemed the world’s 10th largest automobile company in 2016, Michio made certain that his family name would forever be tied to success and ingenuity.
Safeela nasreen N. T
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
5.Falcon expecially Peregrine Falcon.In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Hitakshi Gupta
February 27, 2022
1-Bald Eagle
2-An Albatrosses
4-The thunderbird
5-Hayabusa meaning in Japanese is a falcon, especially Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named so because Hayabusa serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
Joseph Jinz
February 27, 2022
5.Hayabusa was the Japanese word for a very fast falcon,that not coincidentally fed on black birds.
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Pregrine Falcon
Arpit Kulkarni
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon
Hitakshi Gupta
February 27, 2022
1-Bald Eagle
2-An Albatrosses
4-The thunderbird
5-Hayabusa meaning in Japanese is a falcon, especially Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named so because Hayabusa serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
Dhivya janani
February 27, 2022
5)a falcon
February 27, 2022
Que .1 ans bald eagle
Que .2 ans Albatross
Que. 4 ans Thunderbird
Que. 5 ans Falcon
Dhiman Saha
February 27, 2022
1. American Kestrel
2. Southern royal albatross
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese meaning peregrine falcon.
Suzuki name it so because peregrine falcon is a bird serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/hr(180-202mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1 eagle
2 Artic tern
3 king Fisher
4 Phoenix
5 falcon
Sarthak Thombare
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
3.Australian Kingfisher
5.Peregrine falcon
Isha Koche
February 27, 2022
1 ans – eagle
2 ans – albatross
3 ans – Kookaburra
February 27, 2022
Here the answers ?
1. Nikola Tesla
2. They are the only countries to not have adopted the Metric System
3. Jiffy
4. Scoville Scale
5. Mole
Dhairya Pardeshi
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
February 27, 2022
Question .1 ans… bald eagle
Question .2 ans… Albatross
Que. 3 ans… Kook…
Que. 4 and … Thunderbird
Que. 5 ans … Falcon
Jiya pandey
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Red knot
3. Migratory bird
4. Phoenix bird
5 Hayabusa is a Japanese for peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting drive or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h the faster of any bird
Disha Angnani
February 27, 2022
1. Bold Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
5.hayabus in Japanese is peregrine falcon,the fastest of any bird .Named it so because the peregrine Falcone preys on black birds,which intended the Hayabusa to defeat the Honda CBR1100XX super black bird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
Shimron Kaping Kharkongor
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle or Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon
Supriyo Jana
February 27, 2022
1 ans:- The bald eagle
2 ans:- An Albatross
3 ans:- Australian Kingfisher
4 ans:- A Phoenix
5 ans:- don’t no the answer ?
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. ……………
4. Phoenix
5. …………….
February 27, 2022
1st answer bald eagle
2nd answer albatross
3answer Australian kingfisher
4ans phoenix
5 answer peregrine falcon
Neel Atul Andhare
February 27, 2022
Q no 1 Eagle , q no 2 falcon , q no 3 Kingfisher , q no 4 Owl, q no 5 Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1 Blad Eagle
3 Kingfisher
4 Phoenix
Reyan khare
February 27, 2022
Q1-bald eagle
February 27, 2022
Eagle, Arctic tern,
February 27, 2022
Answer:1:- Bald eagle
Answer:2:- Albatross
Answer:3:- kookaburra
Answer:4:- ….
Answer:5:-Hayabusa means falcon
Sushant Pal
February 27, 2022
1) American bald eagle
2) Royal albatross
3) Australian kingfisher
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa is a Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Regards~Sushant Pal
Supriya Yadav
February 27, 2022
1.The blad eagle
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon.Suzuki name it because peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop speed of 290 to 325 kh /h.
varun luthra
February 27, 2022
Question 1 – Bald eagle
Question 2 – White strok
Question 3 – Kookaburra
Question 4 – Phoenix
Question 5 – because of the a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325
Christina Patrick
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Manasi Ajith
February 27, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) tern
4) phoenix
5) Hayabusa means peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so in response to Honda’s CBR1100XX Blackbird, for, peregrine falcons prey on blackbirds which was the intent for Suzuki.
February 27, 2022
1)the bald eagle
3) kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) peregrine falcon
Krish Sanskar
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Sonika Yadav
February 27, 2022
1. American Kestrel also called sparrow hawk
2.An albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese word means peregrine flacon and so named, legend has it, for its diet of Blackbirds – becoming a legend in its own right, something it retains to this day.
Anima P
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
5.Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon and they named it so because the bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed
Anukriti Srivastava
February 27, 2022
1:- American Bald Eagle
2:- Albatross
3:- Kookaburra
4:- Phoenix
5:- It means a Peregrine Falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named it so because the bird is known its speed and is the fastest bird in the world
Aaradhya Garg
February 27, 2022
Angel Negi
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 American Bald Eagle
Ans 2 Albatross
Ans 3 Kookaburra
Ans 4 Phoenix/ Thunder Bird
Ans 5 Peregrine Falcon, because it is fastest bird and the Hayabusa bike has a great speed limits.
Debkumar das
February 27, 2022
Question 1- vulture
Question 2- albabtros
Question 5- hayabusa-perigrine falcon
Suzuki- kokkaburra
February 27, 2022
1.Golden eagle
3.white kookaburra
5.peregrine falcon .used by suzuki company for a speddy bike
Afina Abdul Kharim
February 27, 2022
Sunday Challenge #24 – Birds
Question 1: The Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: The Thunderbird
Question 5: Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon.
Suzuki didn’t want to get left behind in the fastest production bike game and hit back with the Suzuki GSX-1300R Hayabusa in 1999. Although it fell short of hitting the 200 mph (320 km/h) mark, it did go over 300 km/h thereby winning the game. The name “Hayabusa” is the Japanese peregrine falcon which could hit 390 km/h in a dive. But what most didn’t know is that one of its prey is the black bird. In other words, the Hayabusa is a “black bird” killer.
February 27, 2022
Ans-1-Bald Eagle
Ans-4-pheonixAns-5-Meaning of Hayabusa in japanese is a Falcon . Because the falcon preys on blackbirds , which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX super blackbird as the worlds fastest production motorcycle.
Thank you.
Neha Naseem
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
4. Phoenix
5.Peregrine falcon, because it preys on blackbirds.
February 27, 2022
1.American Kestrel
3.White Kookaburra
5.Due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop,speed of 290 to 325km/h
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
3.Turf ball
Swati Selina Sahoo
February 27, 2022
1. Ans. The bald eagle
2. Ans. Albatross
3. Ans. Kookaburra
4. Ans. Phoenix
5. Ans. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon and Suzuki named because Peregrine falcon is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird.
K. Laasya Sree Reddy
February 27, 2022
Question 1 Answer – Eagle
Question 2 Answer – Seagull
Question 3 Answer – Kookaburra
Question 4 Answer – Phoenix
February 27, 2022
Ans1-The American Bald Eagle
Ans2-The Arctic turn
Ans4-The phoenix
Ans5-Peregrine falcon
Sampat patil
February 27, 2022
First answer bald eagle
Pijush aich
February 27, 2022
Pijush aich
A)Bald eagle
B) Albatross aloft
C) Kookaburra
D) Phoenix
E) Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Ishaan Sukhthanker
February 27, 2022
1)Bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
5) Falcon(Peregrine); It was named as it is for its exceptional speed and dive, resembling the bird
S. Chidambarasaravanan
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2.artic tern
Abdul Rahman Arif Syed
February 27, 2022
Q.1.= The American Bald Eagle.
Q.3.= Red kookaburras
Q.4.= Phoenix
Q.5.= Hayabusa in Japanese means a falcon bird especially a peregrine falcon bird, it was named as Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon preys on the blackbirds.
Aysha rizwa
February 27, 2022
1ans: American bald eagle
Hari Nandagopal Y
February 27, 2022
q.1. American bald eagle
q2. The Albatross
q3. Kookaburra
q4. The Phoenix
q5. It is “Peregrine Falcon”, which is very fast of about 325 kmtrs per hour and is also the predator of Blackbirds.
February 27, 2022
1)=The bald eagle has been the national bird of the United States since 1782, when it was placed with outspread wings on the Great Seal of our country. It appears in many government institutions and on official documents, making it the most pictured bird in all of America.
3)=Kookaburra is the official (red) cricket ball supplier to the main cricket–playing nations other than India, West Indies and England for Test Matches, and the white “Turf” ball is used exclusively in all ODI’s and T20Is worldwide.
Ibrahim Kader
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
2.southern royal albatross
5.Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Shreya A
February 27, 2022
1) White neck eagle
2) Lysan Albatross
5)Hayabusa represents Peregrine Falcon and was named because of its speed
Paridhi Gehlot
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle is the national bird of United states of America.
2)Albatross is the bird which is described in the poem Ancient Mariner by Sameul Taylor Coleridge
5)In Japanese Hayabusa means “peregrine Falcon” Suzuki name it because a bird that serves as metaphor for speed due to its verticle hunting dive
K. Laasya Sree Reddy
February 27, 2022
Question 1 Answer – Eagle
Question 2 Answer –
Deveeshwar Allada
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon , The company was named after the revolutionary inventor and founder of the Suzuki corporation.
Durlov paul
February 27, 2022
(1)The American Bald Eagle.
(2)Arctic tern.
(3)Australian Kingfisher.
(5)peregrine falcon.
Gogineni. Ravitej
February 27, 2022
3.King fisher,
5.Falcons. Suzuki named it becauze Falcons prey on blackbirds.
February 27, 2022
Anand Kumar bhargav
February 27, 2022
Q1-answer-Blad Eagle
Q3-answer-SG Balls
Q5-answer-Peregrine Falcon
A bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive,or stoop,speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird and the bike seems to like this bird so as per its name is like the bird
Sohan deepak kukreja
February 27, 2022
1: Bald eagle
2:southern royal albatross
3:white “Turf ball
5:peregrine falcon
Umair Firoz
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon, because of it’s speed which can reach up to 325 kmph
February 27, 2022
1st :bald eagle
2nd : southern royal albatross
3rd : Kookaburra
Dikshant Choudhary
February 27, 2022
1 st
Golden Eagle
Aks Minhas
February 27, 2022
Q1- Eagle
Eat-In Japanese hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon
Why Suzuki named it Hayabusa?
– It is a bird that reaches high speed from its vertical hunting dive or stoop , reaching the speed of 300 to 320 km/h
Which is fastest from any other bird in the whole bird
February 27, 2022
Aditya Gurav
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Seagle
3. kookabura
4. phoenix
5. hayabusa
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Gannet
4) Phoenix
5) Seems to mean ‘Falcon’, probably named so by Suzuki to denote the bike’s speed and agility as the perigrine falcon is the fastest known bird in the world.
Abel Liju John
February 27, 2022
1.The bald eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Grey heron
4. phoenix
5.it means Peregrine Falcon In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Madhav Atri
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Seagull
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Falcon
February 27, 2022
Q1 – Eagle
Q2 – albatross
Q3 – kookaburra
Q4 – pheonix
Q5 – Suzuki named GSX-1300R as Hayabusa cause Hayabusa is also the name of the peregrine falcon bird, which is a prey. And whereas Honda’s CBR1100XX is named as blackbird which is a common bird. So giving rare names to GSX-1300R WILL look more cooler and astonishing to the eye attracting customers more
Aditya A.V.
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle.
2. Albatross.
3. Kookaburra.
4. Phoenix.
5.Hayabusa means falcon. Suzuki named it so as a metaphor for its speed.
Sanskar Suman
February 27, 2022
a) Bald Eagle
2) Artic Tern
3) Kookaburras
4) phoenix
5) peregrine falcon, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Sakshi Singh
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kiwi
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon which is famous for its fast flying i.e. about 200mph.
Arjit Singh Rathore
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa mean peregrine in Japanese. Suzuki named it because peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird which represents that their bike is faster than any other bike.
Ritika bhati
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
Anandita kalita
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine Falcon. It is a Japanese robot asteroid mission from 2003 to 2010
Pushpashree Ramgopal
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher (Kookaburra)
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon. They named it so because falcons prey on blackbirds.
Pratham Goyal
February 27, 2022
Ans.1 Bald Eagle
Ans.2 Albatrosses
Ans.3 Kookaburra
Ans.4 Augurey
Ans.5 Hayabusa in Japanese means Falcon. Suzuki named it’s bike Hayabusa as it’s meaning in Japanese is Falcon and it is the fastest bird in the world
February 27, 2022
1 Eagle
2 no idew
3 kookaburra
4 garud
Annie susan
February 27, 2022
Because it takes an important role in speed war
Anvi Srivastava
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine Falcone which is a bird known to be used as a metaphor for speed that’s why Suzuki named it Hayabusa
Harshitha B.K
February 27, 2022
Hello ? BYJU’S ,
User here ,
Answer of Question 1 :- it is the America’s bald eagle
Answer of Question 2 :- The bird is an Albatross
Answer of Question 3 :- Kookaburra bird
Answer of Question 4 :- This mythical bird is phoenix
Answer of Question 5 :- Hayabusa means
” Peregrine Falcon ” this bird is used as a metaphor because of its speed 290 to 325 km/h , fastest .. and also it’s vertically hunting dive , or stoop
Ayush Raj
February 27, 2022
Question 1 answer- The American Blade Eagle
Question 2 answer- Albatrosses
Question 3 answer- Kookaburra
Question 4 answer- Phoenix
Question 5 answer – Hayabusa means ‘Peregine Falcon’ in Japanese. Suzuki named it so because Peregine Falcon Or Hayabusa can reach at speed of 180 – 200mph in adive to catch it’s prey.
Kushagra jain
February 27, 2022
Ans1-Bald eagle.
Ans3-Kookaburra Turf.
Ans5-Suzuki Hayabusa
Mannbir singh
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
Annie susan
February 27, 2022
1) eagle
2) seatle
3) stemper
4) phoneix
5) because it takes a important part in speed wars
Dashpreet singh
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
5. Hayabusa is a fastest bird. It named it bcz they wanted to get publicity.
3. Turf
2. Albatross
February 27, 2022
Namaste, here is my answers
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4.The Phoenix
5.Peregrine Falcon
Pranav Adiga
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese mean ‘peregrine falcon’. Its vertical hunting dive is fastest of any bird (a speed of 290 to 325 km/h)
Jagjeet Singh
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a “peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due
to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop and speed of 290 to 325 km/h. The fastest of any bird
Aman Kumar
February 27, 2022
Answers :
(1) American Bald Eagle
(2) Albatross
(3) Australian Kingfisher
(4) Phoenix
(5) Peregrine Falcon
Sindhu. N
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
2.Royal albatross
Aman Kumar
February 27, 2022
Answers :
(1) American Bald Eagle
(2) Albatross
(3) Australian Kingfisher
(4) Phoenix
(5) In Japanese Hayabusa means “Peregrine Falcon”. Hayabusa named after this bird because this is the fastest bird of our plant , and anotger reason that Hayabusa also means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese.
Sejal Maurya
February 27, 2022
1- the American bald eagle
2- wave albatross
3- Kookaburra
4- phoenix
5-peregrine falcon , it is because of the speed inspired from the peregrine falcon bird
Hariharasudhan Vijayakumar
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means Falcon, Suzuki named it Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon preys on Blackbirds.
Tisha Sharma
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2.Tristan Albatross
3. Kookaburra
5.Peregrine Falcon
Varun Poddar
February 27, 2022
Answer for 1st is EAGLE
Answer for 2nd is SEAGULL
Answer for 3rd is KOOKABURRA
Answer for 4rd is PHOENIX
Answer for 5th is “peregrine falcon”, a bird that HAYABUSA means and they named the bike hayabusa because peregrine falcon is the fatest bird that can speed upto 290 to 325 km/h
Nilarka Pahari
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named its fastest motorcycle as Hayabusa because Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world and also preys on blackbirds. This shows that Suzuki wanted to defeat Honda’s CBR1100XX Blackbird.
Kesav rajagopal
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Peregrine falcon
Devi Akshitha
February 27, 2022
1. The American Blad Eagle
2. Albartrosses
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Tanaya Dhiraj Sing Patil
February 27, 2022
1] Eagle
2] Albatross
3] white “Turf” ball
4] phoenix
5] Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird
Akshitha Rathi
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle2.Teristan albatross 3.Red kookaburras 4. India’s owl 5. Peregrine falcon
Adit Kondlekar
February 27, 2022
2.The albatross
5.Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon and Suzuki named it so as it symbolizes speed.
Thank you!
Manasvi Chavan
February 27, 2022
American bald eagle, dove, kookaburra, Phoenix fawks, falcons.
Sradha Suman
February 27, 2022
1)The American Bald Eagle
5)’Hayabusa’ is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a ‘Peregrine falcon’. Suzuki chose this name for its road missile as the pure intent was to knock down the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird to claim the prestigious title of world’s fastest motorcycle in mass production.
Yashaswi Shetty
February 27, 2022
Ans.1) American Bald Eagle
Ans.2)The Albatross
Ans.5)Peregrine Falcon
Varun kumar rai
February 27, 2022
1: Eagle
2: Sooty Shearwater
3: Kookaburra
4: Phoenix
5: Suzuki Hayabusa
Selina soren
February 27, 2022
Number 1 is bald eagle
Number 2 is albatross
Number 3 is kookaburra
Number 4 is Phoenix
Number 5 is hayabusa speed limiter
Aman Kumar
February 27, 2022
Answers :
(1) American Bald Eagle
(2) Albatross
(3) Australian Kingfisher
(4) Phoenix
(5) In Japanese Hayabusa means “Peregrine Falcon” . Hayabusa named after this bird because name of this bird also relate to Hayabusa and main reason is that , Peregrine Falcons are the fastest birds on planet .
Tanishi Sanglakpam
February 27, 2022
Q1 Ans: The American Bald Eagle
Q2 Ans: Albatross
Q3 ans: kookaburra
Q4 ans: phoenix
Q5 ans: Hayabusa means peregrine Falcon.
Suzuki name it so because peregrine Falcon preys on
February 27, 2022
1.American Bald Eagle
2.Artic Tern
5.a Peregrine Falcon (a bird)
Siddhi Sanjay Nandanwar
February 27, 2022
1- Bald Eagle
2-Arctic tern
5- Peregrin falcon, it is the name of bird and it is known for its speed as it is fastest of any bird and the bike was also known for its high speed.
Dhruv Diwate
February 27, 2022
1 American kestrel
5Hayabusa is the Japanese word for “peregrine falcon”, which is the natural predator of the blackbird
February 27, 2022
1- The bald eagle
2- Arctic tern
3- Kookaburra
4- The phoenix
5- Hayabusa is a falcon in Japan .It is a bird that often serves as a
metephor for speed
Vishaw Raunak
February 27, 2022
1.) Bald eagle
2.) Albatross
3.) Kookaburra
4.) Phoenix
5.) Hayabusa is a Japanese word for peregrine Falcon.
Suzuki Hayabusa as its name because the peregrine bird press on black bird, which reflects the intent of the original Hayabusa to initiate the Honda super blackbird as the world fastest production motorcycle.
Anshika Baliyan
February 27, 2022
Ans 1) bald eagle
Ans 2) albatross
Ans 3) kookaburra
Ans 4) Fawkes
Ans 5) Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Sounak Samanta
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle 2.Arctic Tern 3.Kookaburra 4.Sphinx 5.peregrine falcon; it is fastest bird in world
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
3. Kookaburra
5.theperegrine falcon, because the shape of the motorcycle was inspired by the peregrine falcon
Rohita Reddy Punoor
February 27, 2022
Answer 1. Bald Eagle
Answer 2. Albatross
Answer 3. Turf
Answer 4. Phoenix
Answer 5. Hayabusa
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
3. Kookaburra
5.peregrine falcon, because the shape of the motorcycle was inspired by the peregrine falcon
Poorva Jawale
February 27, 2022
1 American bald eagle
2 albatross
3 kookaburra
4 phoenixes
5 it is called peregrine falcon in japanese which is the natural predator of the blackbird
Shreyan Goyal
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatros
3. Tree kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon, Named for Japan’s fastest bird
Aryan Singh
February 27, 2022
1 Balde eagle
2 Albatorss poem
3 white “Turf” ball
4 phoenixs
5 Super blackbird
February 27, 2022
1) American bald eagle
5)peregrine falcon
Subhajeet Bhattacharjee
February 27, 2022
I know answer
Subham Sen
February 27, 2022
question 1 will be the bald eagle
question 2 albatross
question 3 kukkaburra
question 4 phoenix
question 5 Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named the bike hayabusa in the name of Japan’s fastest bird Ata speed of 250km/hr – 325km/hr because of the extreme speed of the bike.
Asmi Manoj Gaikwad
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 : Eagle
Ans 2 : albatross
Ans 3 : Kingfisher
Ans 4 : Pheonix and it’s name was Fawkes
Ans 5 : Hayabusa means a bird called Peregrine falcon and Suzuki named it Hayabusa because of it’s fastest Speed than any bird ( 290 to 325 km/h )
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra, Turf
4) Phoenix Fawkes
5) Hayabusa means a Peregrine falcon
It is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290-325 km/hr ( the fastest of any bird ). So, Suzuki named it so.
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Arctic Tern
3. Phoenix
4. Kookaburra
5. Because it preys on blackbirds. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon
Mahadeo Khanzode
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle 2. Siberian cranes and Greater flamingo 3. White Kookaburra 4. Phoenix 5.peregrine falcon
Ridhima Saxena
February 27, 2022
Answer 1: The Bald Eagle
Answer 2: An Albatross
Answer 3: Kookaburra
Answer 4: The Phoenix
Answer 5: Hayabusa in Japanese is a word for a falcon
Saba farooq
February 27, 2022
Qno 1 ans/ The bald eagle
Qno 2 ans/Royal Albatross
Qno 3 ans /Kookaburra
Qno 4 ans/The Phoenix
Qno 5 ans/Peregrine
Mehakjot Kaur
February 27, 2022
1.Golden Eagle
3.Kookaburra bird
5.Hayabusa is a Japanese word association with bird peregrine falcon, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Sonalpreet Kaur
February 27, 2022
Q1-The American Bald Eagle
Q5-Hayabusa means “Peregrine Falcon”, which is Japanese bird that symbolises as a metaphor for speed. Suzuki named it bcs of the excellent speed it provides .
Saakshi Porwal
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means disambiguation. Suzuki named it so to promote the bike as an ultimate sports machine.
Sarikonda Siri
February 27, 2022
First answer:- bald eagle
Second answer:- South in royal albatross
Third answer:- laughing kookaburra
Fourth answer:- Hoatzin
Fifth answer:- Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a Falcon especially peregrine Falcon.
Rahini Srivastava, class 8th
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. King fisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is a Japanese word for a bird. This bird is one of the fastest birds, maybes this is the reason why Suzuki named it as GSX-1300R Hayabusa
Mariesha P Sishaj
February 27, 2022
The answers
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
Aryan Malviya
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon, Peregrine falcon
Dhruva P
February 27, 2022
1- American Bald Eagle
2- Albatross
3- Kookaburra
4- Phoenix
5- Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon also known as Blackbird eater. Suzuki named its bike as Hayabusa indiacting that it is going to wipe out Honda’s Blackbird
Sana K
February 27, 2022
Question 1 Eagle
Mithasha P Sishaj
February 27, 2022
The answers for the quiz
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon , it was named hayabusa because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
Rashmi priya
February 27, 2022
Answer to Sunday challenge edition 24
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means the bird, Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it so because the bird , Peregrine Falcon is fastest in any bird and suzuki wants the coustomer to think that the bike is fastest in all.
Divya Kumari
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means the bird Peregrine falcon
Suzuki named it Hayabusa becuase it is the fastest bird in the world and it is using a metaphor that the motorbike can run as fast as Hayabusa
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Artic Tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon in Japan. It was used by Suzuki because the falcon preys on black birds,reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Atharv Gupta
February 27, 2022
Answer 1. Eagle
Answer 2. Albatross
Answer 3. Kookaburra
Answer 4. Phoenix
Answer 5. A Peregrine Falcon, often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive aur stoop speed of 290 to 325 kilometre per hour the fastest of any Bird.
Saba farooq
February 27, 2022
Qno1 ans /The blad eagle
Qno2 ans/royal albatross
Qno3 ans/ Kookaburra
Qno4 ans/The phoenix
Qno5 ans/Peregrine
Sujanya De
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon which is a fast bird
Javin Raval
February 27, 2022
1 The bald eagle
2 albatross
3 Kookaburra Birds
4 phoenix
5 Hayabusa (隼 or はやぶさ、ハヤブサ) is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon.
Jacob Linson
February 27, 2022
question 1- eagle
question 2- albatross
question 3 – Kookaburra
question4- phoenix
question 5 – it means Peregrine Falcon. And it was meant to eat Honda’s blackbirds the same way peregrine eats blackbirds
Rashmi Sharma
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 – The bald eagle
Answer 2 – A seagull
Answer 3 – Kookaburra
Answer 4 – A phoenix
Answer 5 – Hayabusa means Peregrine falco in Japanese. Suzuki named “GSX-1300R Hayabusa” Hayabusa to show that their sport bike is as fast as a Hayabusa (Peregrine falco).
Shivanand Satapathy
February 27, 2022
Ans1:- Bald eagle
Ans2:- southern royal albatross
Ans3:- phoenix
Ans4:- Hayabusa means falcon
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle ?
2. Albatross
3. Turf ball ⚽
4. Phoenix
Yah Gajanan Hinge
February 27, 2022
2) Albatross
3) cock
5) American Kestrel
R. Sri Niharika
February 27, 2022
1) Falcon
Jyothy Lekshmi.S
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
4. Phoenix
5. Ostrich,because ostrich runs faster?
February 27, 2022
2.Tristan Albatross
5.Hayabusa is the fastest bird which resembles to speed so Honda named it so.
Niyati Sabat
February 27, 2022
1 :- Eagle
2 :- Albatrosses
3 :- kookaburra
4 :- phoenix
5 :- Falcon
Pushkar sonawane
February 27, 2022
Q1ans – Bald eagle
Q2ans – Trisfan albatross
Q3ans – Kookaburra
Q4ans – Snowy owl
Q5:ans – Peregrine falcon
Vayun Karnam
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese . That is why Suzuki name it because that is the fastest of any other birds
Is this real ?? Will i get it ????
Swarnim Maurya
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. The White Turf
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese translation of peregrine falcon.
Vanshika Dhoot
February 27, 2022
Rudraksh Rayaprol
February 27, 2022
1-Bald Eagle
4- Ho-oh
5-Lightning Speed is the name of Hayabuza
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Turf ball
4. Phoenix
Diksha Khanna
February 27, 2022
1 the american bauld eagle. 2 seagull. 3 kookaburra.4 phoenixes.
V. Dharshini
February 27, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) albatross
3) Kookabura
4) Phoenix
5) peregrine falcon, a bird that serve as metaphor for speed , it is faster than any
Bird in vertical hunting dive
Parth Kalantri
February 27, 2022
1ans) The American Kestrel
2ans) Albatross
3ans) Kookaburra
4ans) Phoenix
B.sai bhadra kameswari
February 27, 2022
2-arctic tern
Ashutosh Kumar Singh
February 27, 2022
01. The American Bald Eagle
02. An Albatross
03. Turf
04. Fawkes
05. Peregrine falcon
Astha Gupta
February 27, 2022
Ans No. 1- The American Bald Eagle.
Ans No. 2- Albatross.
Ans No. 3- White Kookaburra ball.
Ans No. 4- Phoenix fawkes bird.
Ans No. 5- Hayabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon and The company was named often revolutionary inventor and founder of the Suzuki corporation, in Japanese Suzuki means Bell tree (suzu – bell) (ki – tree).
February 27, 2022
Ghodsare Atharv Vaman
February 27, 2022
1) The American kestrel
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Suzuki Hayabusa is fastest motorbike in the world it is named Hayabusa because in Japan the bird- peregrine falcon which travels so fast which resembles the Hayabusa.
Shruti Srivastava
February 27, 2022
1 The American Bald Eagle
2 Red Knot
3 Australian kingfisher
4 Phoenixes
5 Peregrine falcon
Karmanya Singh
February 27, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2 The Albatross
Question 3: White Kookabura
Question 4: the phoenix
Question 5: Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop speed of 290 to 325 km /h (180 to 202 mph)the fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
Give me bluetooth headphones
Sarayu Ajesh
February 27, 2022
Rudraksha Dhamani
February 27, 2022
Ans1-The American Bald Eagle
Ans2- Corpes of dead albatross
Ans3- Kookaburra cricket balls
Ans4- Phoenix was the mythical bird
Ans5- Hayabusa is a Japanese for “peregrine falcon” , a bird that often serves as a metaphor for its speed to its vertical hunting dive or speed with of 300+ kmph. The fastest of any bird
Saiyed Mohammad Rehan
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Leather
4. Magical Birds
5. Hayabusa
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Siberian crane
3. nil
4. Phoenix
5. nil
Anant Maurya
February 27, 2022
Ans.1 American kestrel
Ans.4 Phoenix
Ans 5 It is the japanese word for a falcon,especially perigrine falcon
Mohd Shaad Shaikh
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Seagull
3)White Kookaburra
5) Because Hayabusa is the Japanese word for “peregrine falcon”, which is the natural predator of the blackbird.
Anshika Raj
February 27, 2022
1 answer-The American Bald Eagle
2 answer-Arctic Tern
3 answer-The Australian Kingfisher
4 answer-Phoenix
5 answer-Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon,a fastest bird.Suzuki named it so because the speed of Hayabusa is very fast
Rishaan Sarkar
February 27, 2022
1 ans – The Bald Eagle
2 ans – Albatrosses
3 ans – Kookaburra
4 ans – Phoenix
5 and – peregrine falcon
Harshini Reddy G
February 27, 2022
1 Bald eagle
2 Albatross
3 Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5 Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it Hayabusa because it is the fastest bird
February 27, 2022
4) Phoenix
5)Hayabusa means “peregrine falcon” in Japanese .
In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
Qs2)Black browed Albatross
Qs)Turf ball
Qs4)Phoenix Fawkes
Qs5) Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon;It is named Suzuki as SUZUKI is a bird that flies the fastest
Abhijeet Sinha
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon, it is known for its diving speed
D.H Adarshini
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle.
2. Seagull
3. Kiwi
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
February 27, 2022
Hawk, Albatrosses,kingfisher,phoneix,pigeon
February 27, 2022
Answer 1- Bald eagle
Answer 2 – Albatrosses
Answer 3 – kookaburra
Answer 4 – Phoenix
Answer 5 – ‘Hayabusa’, meaning in Japanese is a ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. It was called Hayabusa because “peregrine falcon”, is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed.
Sumith Ghosh
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Southern Royal albatross
3. Australian White Patridge
4. Phoenix
5. Japanese Perrigrine Falcon.
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagles
K. Lakshmi
February 27, 2022
1. Hawk
2. Southern Royal Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa also represents “Peregrine Falcon” which is a Japanese bird that symbolises as a metaphor for speed and it is also the fastest bird
February 27, 2022
1 American bald eagle
2 Albatoses
3 kukaburra
4 phoneix
5 Hayabussa
Aaditya Sameer Vichare
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Aryan vimal ejantkar
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) wandering albatross
5) hayabusa means peregrine falcon, fastest bird and animal
Adhisree .K
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon. This bird flies very fast at speed of 290 to 325 km/h.
Narendra Pundalik Mahale
February 27, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2.The Dove
3.The Kookaburra
4.The Owl
5.Peregrine Falcon
Kashis kaif
February 27, 2022
Ans:1 bald eagle.2 artic tern.3 kookaburra
4.phoenix.5 the word hayabusa means peregrine falcon in japanese a bird that often serves as a metaphor due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop, speed of 290kmph to 325khph
Chirag Shetty
February 27, 2022
i done it quickly
Atharva Narendra Mahale
February 27, 2022
1.The Bald Eagle
2.The Dove
3.The Kookaburra
4.The Owl
5.Peregrine Falcon
Ritu Shreya
February 27, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 albatross
3 australian kingfisher
4 phoenix
5 hayabusa means falcon, susziki named it so because falcons are faster than blackbird
February 27, 2022
1.American kestrel
5.Super Blackbird and he named it because Super Blackbird is very fast
Ashiq lathif
February 27, 2022
Question no 1 bald eagle
Question no 2 albatross
Question no 3 kookaburra bird
Question no 4 phoenix bird
Question no 5 Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon,especially a Peregrine falcon.Named for Japan’s fastest bird, the Japanese peregrine falcon, Hayabusa, often called Busa by its fans, emerged from Suzuki’s famous integrated design process. Designers and engineers collaborated together from the earliest planning stage.
Sarah Hashmi
February 27, 2022
1. The Americal Bald Eagle.
2. Albatross.
3. White “turf” ball.
4. Phoenix.
5. Hayabusa means a falcon.
Anulekha B Nair
February 27, 2022
1 . The American Bald Eagle
2. The albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Ishita Soni
February 27, 2022
1)the American bald eagle
2)an Albatross
3) Australian kingfisher
4) Fawkes
5)Hayabusa is a Japanese word for peregrine falcon.Suzuki named it so because this bird serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive with speed of 290 to 325km/hr and is the fastest of any bird
AAdi Pawar
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
5.Perigreen.Metaphor for speed
Ekshith ram arya
February 27, 2022
NO-2- Arctic Terns
NO-3-Kookaburra is the bird
NO-4- Phoenix is the bird
NO-5- Hayabusa in Japanese is peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
2.Arctic tern
5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, Japan’s fastest bird. It was named so for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph).
Manashree Kashyap
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Southern Royal Albatross
3. Kookaburra
February 27, 2022
1:Bald Eagle
Diksha Saikia
February 27, 2022
Question 1: The American Bald Eagle
Question 2:The Albatross
Question 3:Kookaburra
Question 4:The Phoenix
Question 5:Hayabusa in Japanese refers to a peregrine falcon.
Hayabusa (peregrine falcon) is a Japanese bird that is used as a metaphor for speed thanks to its hunting dice at the speed of 290 to 325 kmph. That is why suzuki named it ‘Hayabusa’
Abhishek Samuel
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Arctic Bird
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Basil Baby
February 27, 2022
1:)Bald Eagle
4:) phoenixfawkes
5:)Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1.The american bald eagle
5.Peregrine Falcon.Because it was fastest bird called falcon
Sesha Sangani
February 27, 2022
Answers :-
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Blackbird
February 27, 2022
Ans1 ) Bald eagle.
Ans2 ) Arctic tern.
Ans3 ) Kookaburras.
Ans4 ) phoenix.
Ans5 ) the meaning of word is Falcon they named it as Hayabusa because it is known as the fastest bird in Japan .
Shradda Mangaj
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle.
2) Albatrosses
3) Kookaburra
5) The word “Hayabusa” means a “Peregrine Falcon”,.
It is a Japanese bird that symbolises as a metaphor. The fastest in any bird.
Vrinda Kanakabandi
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus)
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “Peregrine Falcon”. Suzuki named it as it is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph)
Dhruv Sachin Ahire
February 27, 2022
1.the American bald eagle
4. Phoenix
5.peregrine falcon, because it preys on blackbird
Mirudhula Shree
February 27, 2022
So , nice to see such information. And it is very useful … For more knowledge.
Aditya Nischal
February 27, 2022
1)Bald eagles
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Pheonix
5) Peregrine falcon
Riya Kumari
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The phoenix
5. Hayabusa is japanese for peregrine
falcon which is a bird that often serves as
a metaphor for speed due to its vertical
hunting dive, the fastest of any bird.
Sahil bapu shinde
February 27, 2022
1.The bald Eagle
3.turf ball
5. A falcon,especially a peregrine falcon
Pranav Surya
February 27, 2022
Atharv Gupta
February 27, 2022
A1. Eagle
A2. Seabird
A3. Kookaburra Sport
A4. – – – – – –
A5. – – – – – –
Pratik Devang
February 27, 2022
1- Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese name for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird
Ananya Ansal
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross Powerful
3) Kookaburra
4) Pheonix
5)It means, a Peregrine Falcon
Danish Khan
February 27, 2022
Answers :-
1. Bald Eagle
2. albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. phoenix
5. In Response Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa. in Japanese word Hayabusa use for “peregrine falcon”, which is the natural predator of the blackbird And Also Fast And Strong
Raisha Sahnawaz
February 27, 2022
1 Bald Eagle
2 Albatross
3 Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5 Hayabusa means in Japanese is peregrine falcon
Suzuki named it so because that bird often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting drive or stoop speed , the fastest of any bird that’s why suzuki named after this
February 27, 2022
1) American bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra, Turf
4) the Phoenix Fawkes
5)Hayabusa means falcon ( a peregrine falcon )
Aaman singha
February 27, 2022
Thanks for this quiz
Basil Baby
February 27, 2022
4:)phoenix fawkes
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
4) Phoenix
5)Peregrine falcon. It is named as Hayabusa because this bird fly’s over a 390km/hr.
February 27, 2022
Lakshika tomar
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 The Bald Eagle
Ans 2 White Strokes
Ans 3 Kookaburra
Ans 4 Diricawl
Ans 5 falcon specially a perecrine falcon
Sayandip Senapati
February 27, 2022
1. White eagle
2. Sea gull
3. Kokabura
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon . Suzuki named it so to advertise that the bike is as fast as peregrine falcon.
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatros
3. kingfisher
4. Owl
Bhavika Seehra
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5. Peregrine falcon
meghana vadali
February 27, 2022
1]a bald eagle;2] albatrossur:3]Kookabra4]phenix
Prinston Rishon Mathias
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. White Kookaburra
4. Phoenix Fawkes
5. In Japanese hayabusa means peregrine falcon. Suzuki kept the bike’s name hayabusa because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds. Which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
Angel Mary Sabu
February 27, 2022
1) The Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Australian Kingfisher
4) Phoenix Fawkers
5) Peregrine Falcon
Sreehari V R
February 27, 2022
Q1: Bald Eagle
Q2: Albatross
Q3: Kookaburra
Q4: Phoenix
Q5: Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named the bike as Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world.
Harsimran Singh
February 27, 2022
5.Peregrine falcon is the fastest bird because of its nose dive
February 27, 2022
1.American Bald eagle
5. It means ‘falcon’ and it was named because of its speed
Dimpi Malik
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
5.falcon,the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
February 27, 2022
Red knot
Falcon becz it’s a bird who metaphor his speed
Ratn Sanjay
February 27, 2022
1. Golden eagle
2. Southern Royal albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Irish phoneix(The augury)
5. Hayabusa japanese mean. (Peregrine falcon)
Suzuki chose this name for its road missile as the pure intent was to knock down the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird to claim the prestigious title of world’s fastest motorcycle in mass production.
February 27, 2022
1.American Bald eagle
5.its means ‘falcon’ in Japanese and it was named because of its speed
February 27, 2022
Q 1 ans the badge American eagle
Q 2. Ans black browed albatross
Q 3.ans white kookaburra
Q 4.ans phoenix
Q 5.ans
Ishan Avinash Dashpute
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 The American Bald Eagle
Ans 2 Albatross
Ans 3 Kookaburra
Ans 4 Phoenix in Harry Potter order of the phoenix
Ans 5 Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon. Which is very fast.
The reason behind the bike being named so is that the meaning of the word itself which also means world’s fastest animal
Nalo wilson
February 27, 2022
Dave shivam
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kukabura
4. Large swan sized bird and it has red and gold plumdage.
5. Suzuki named it because to give a stylished name the byers will attract to this bike
Pavaki Pratibha Agrawal
February 27, 2022
Ans 1: The Bald eagle
Ans 2: Albatross
Ans 3: Kookaburra
Ans 4:Phoenix-swan-sized scarlet bird.
Ans 5: Hayabusa is Peregrine Falcon and in Japanese is a metaphor for speed. The falcon famed for power, agility and majestic presence Suzuki named its motorbike on the Peregrine Falcon.
Luthika Kemsara
February 27, 2022
I loved it
Luthika kemsara a byjus student.
February 27, 2022
1) indian peafowl 2) albatross 3) kookaburra 4) pheonix 5) peregrine when Suzuki launched its speed GSX1300R in 1999 which, among other things, was specifically designed to wrest the title of world’s fastest production motorcycle from Honda’s reigning CBR1100XX Super Blackbird, it was also given the name ‘Hayabusa’, which is Japanese for ‘Peregrine.
Tannaz Parween
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Flamingo
3. Kingfisher
Shah Divyakumar
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle (Bald eagle)
3) Duke
Chhavi Malik
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
5.falcon,the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
February 27, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) An Albatross
3) Kookaburra bird
4) The Phoenix
5) Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a Falcon especially a peregrine Falcon. Suzuki name Hayabusa because it is the fastest bird and to represent his motorcycle because it was also the fastest motorcycle he named it Hayabusa.
Rajlaxmi Manoj Mene
February 27, 2022
Q1 Bald Eagle
Q2 Albatrosses
Q3 Pelican
Q4 phoenix
Q5 Hayabusa means Falcon, which is a bird and that’s why Suzuki named the bike so.
Nalo wilson
February 27, 2022
Mannat Karautiya
February 27, 2022
Q.1 Bald Eagle
Q.2 Arctic Tern
Q.3 Turf Ball
Q.4 Phoenix
Jayneel Bhatt
February 27, 2022
A1 is eagle
A1 is seagull
A3 is kookaburra
A4 is phoenix
A4 ?
February 27, 2022
1 Bald eagle
2 Albatross
3 kookaburra
4 phonix
5 Suzuki name Hayabusa because it means peregrine falcon a bird is a bird it serves as a metaphor for the vertical hunting dive,stoop with speed of 290 to 325 km per hour .The fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
Royal albatrosses
Noul Maria Wilson
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle ?
2.royal albatross
3.Kookabura (Australian kingfisher)
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor for Speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop speed of 290 to 325 kilometre per hour it is the fastest of any Bird and that’s the reason why they named so
Nalo wilson
February 27, 2022
The American bald eagle
Anjana Dutta
February 27, 2022
1- the American Bald Eagle
2- arctic turn
3- white turf
5-the name Suzuki gave to the GSX 1300R was a direct attack to Honda’s Blackbird. That’s because Hayabusa is the Japanese word for “peregrine falcon”, which is the natural predator of the blackbird.There is a species of a bird that is called Blackbird, and the world’s fastest aircraft is the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.
Chhavi Malik
February 27, 2022
The American Bald Eagle
February 27, 2022
Satyajeet Suryawanshi
February 27, 2022
1)The Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
Arman Khira
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
2.Arctic bird
3.Aaron bird
4. Thunder bird
5.Hayabusa means promise and suzuki name it beacuse to attract the costumers.
Nalo wilson
February 27, 2022
Royal albatrosses
Daksh Kiran
February 27, 2022
Ans 1: American Bald Eagle
Ans 2: Albatross
Ans 3: Kookaburra
Ans 4: Pheonix
Ans 5: Hayabuza in Japanese means peregine falcon. It is one of the fastest birds, so suzuki decided to give the
name to the bike like that…
Sandeep. G.S.
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5)Peregrine Falcon
Ashmit Verma
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5Haybusa means “Peregrin Falcon” and Suzki named it so because it is renowned for cutting through the air with extraordinary agility and perfomance
Parmar Purv
February 27, 2022
Q1 the American kestral or sparrow hawk
Q2 Albatross
Q3 kookaburra
Q4 Pheonix
Sauhard Santosh Thorat
February 27, 2022
Answers of Sunday Challenge #24
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Migratory bird- Albatross
3. Kookaburra is the Australian fishing bird lends its name to a brand of cricket balls, the most widely used in Test cricket and One-day Internationals
4. The Phoenix is the mythical bird.
5. Hayabusa meaning in Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird. Hence Suzuki launched the GSX-1300R Hayabusa the world’s fastest production motorcycle, with a top speed of 303 to 312 km/h (188 to 194 mp
Ashmin Jison
February 27, 2022
1) Falcon
4) Phoenix
5)Peregrine falcon , as the Peregrine falcon’s prey is the blackbird. And it is super fast
Shubham Kumar
February 27, 2022
Answers of the questions are as follows
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Falcon
Rudra Jaiswal
February 27, 2022
The facts are amazing
February 27, 2022
A1. The Bald Eagle
A2. Albatross
A3. Kookaburra
A4. Phoenix
A5. Hayabusa means a ‘Peregrine Falcon’ and Suzuki named the bike because falcons prey on blackbirds and hence to crush the CBR1100XX Blackbird in the automobile market.
Divyansh Sethi
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 bald eagle
Answer 2 Albatrosses
Answer 3 Kookaburra
Answer 4 phoenix
Answer 5
Hritish Pratap Singh
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Abatross
3. Kookaburra
Kanika Dudeja
February 27, 2022
Ans 1) American Bald Eagle
Ans 2) Albatross
Ans 3) Cricket Warbler
Ans 4) Phoenix
Ans 5) Hayabusa in Japanese is Peregrine Falcon. It is a bird. The choice of the bird was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa.
February 27, 2022
1 Bald eagle
2 Albatross
3 kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 Suzuki mean Hayabusa because it means”peregrine falcon ” it is a bird .this bird often serves as a metaphor for speed due to the vertical hunting dive , or stop , speed of 290 to 325kmper hour.
Hritish Prats Singh
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Abatross
3. Kookaburra
Alan Roy
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle.
2) Artic Tern.
3) Kookaburra.
4) Phoenix.
5)Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Arnav Vaibhav Zunjare
February 27, 2022
Ans.1- Bald Eagle
Ans.2- Albatross
Ans.3- Kookaburra
Ans.4- Phoenix
Ans.5- Hayabusa in Japanese is the name of a type of falcon with very high speeds and Suzuki gave it’s bike’s model that name because the bike is apparnently very fast
February 27, 2022
Question 1: The American boss eagle
Question 2 :albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra is the official (red) cricket ball supplier to the main cricket–playing nations other than India, West Indies and England for Test Matches, and the white “Turf” ball is used exclusively in all ODI’s and T20Is worldwide.
Question 5:THE original 1999 ‘Busa, by being capable of nearly 200mph, was most famous for dethroning Honda’s Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycleWhile the Honda itself, when first launched in 1997, grabbed headlines, not for its finesse but simply for how fast it was – in the process leap-frogging the previous speed king, Kawasaki’s long-reigning ZZ-R1100
Yash Sharma
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra named after the bird Australian kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon(Peregrine Falcon) a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
February 27, 2022
Atharva Dhale
February 27, 2022
A) eagle
B) segal
Sneha Aditya
February 27, 2022
Ans. 1 : The American Bald Eagle .
Ans. 2 : Albatross .
Ans. 3 : Kookaburra .
Ans. 4 : Phoenix .
Ans. 5 :
Angelica rose lobo
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2.Wondering albatross
4.The Phoenix
5.Peregrine falcon
Avangel Kim Lobo
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Wandering Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
Shashank jain
February 27, 2022
1 Legal eagle
2 Southern royal albatross
3 white Turf ball
4 Phoenix
5 hayabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a methapor for speed due to it’s vertical hunting dive or stoop the fastest of any bird
Dhanya Shankar
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
4. Owl
5. Hayabusa means perigrine falcon in Japanese.
Parisha Chauhan
February 27, 2022
Answer 1= Eagle
Answer 2= Arctic Tern
Answer 3= Kookaburra
Answer 4=Phonex
Answer 5=Falcon
February 27, 2022
1.Golden eagle
2.Artic Crane
5.Ostrich because they are the fastest bird on land
Shivam Rastogi
February 27, 2022
1 )The Bald Eagle.
2)The Albatross.
3) Kookaburra.
4) Phoenix.
5) Hayabusa represent a bird called ” Peregrine Falcon” which is a Japanese bird .
Suzuki named it so to indicate that GSX -1300R is a speedy bike as Hayabusa bird .
February 27, 2022
1. Eagles
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenin
3. (Perigrine)Because it’s a good example of fastest bird that’s why Suzuki named it Hayabusa.
Aadhya kaushik
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 Bald Eagle
Ans 2 Albatross
Ans 3 kookaburra
And 4 Phoenix
Ans 5 it means peregrine falcon because of speed with which it goes for vertical hunting dive
Mohd Shadab Alam
February 27, 2022
Q.2/Ans-Wandring albatross.
Anwesha Golwalkar
February 27, 2022
3.White Kookaburra.
4.The phoenix.
5.Hayabusa means falcon especially a Peregrine Falcon.
Misba Fathima
February 27, 2022
1) the blad bird .
2) the Arctic tern.
3)kookaburra Bird.
4) Phoenix bird.
February 27, 2022
1) American bald eagle
2) Arctic bird
3) Australian kingfisher
4) The Phoenix
5) Peregrine
Anjali kumari
February 27, 2022
Answer of first question is Eagle.
Answer of second question is Arctic tern.
Answer of third question is Australian Kingfisher.
Answer of fourth question is The Phoenix.
Answer of fifth question is Peregrine.
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra (Australian kingfisher)
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means ‘Peregrine falcon’ in Japanese. It is the fastest bird in the world, thus Suzuki named it’s fastest motorbike Hayabusa to highlight it’s speed.
Madhavi Shukla
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kookaburra
4. Augurey / Irish Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese. Because falcon is known for its speed.
Vedantika Dhanraj mane
February 27, 2022
Que 1.Eagle
Que 4.Phoenix
Que 5.Peregrine falcon
Que 3.kookaburra
Ardhendu Shekhar
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
Ishithaa Harilal
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
2.Artic Tern
5.Hayabusa is a name of bird,female peregrine falcon.Named it because of its speed
Yash Verma
February 27, 2022
Ans.1- Eagle
Ans.2- Albatross
Ans.3- Kookaburra
Ans.4- Phoenix
Ans.5- The japanese word “Hayabusa” means a Peregine Falcon. Suzuki named the Bike Hayabusa because the Peregine Falcon is most famous for it’s speed in vertical hunting dive of 290km/hr to 320km/hr and Suzuki’s Hayabusa also had the same speed of some what around 300km/hr.
Harshita Tikmani
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle 2.albatross 3.Kookaburra 4.phoenix 5.peregrine falcon He names it so as the bird often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive and is the fastest of all birds
February 27, 2022
Ans1. American Bald Eagle
Ans5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”,a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop,speed of 290 to 325km/h(180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1: Bald eagle
2: Albatross
3: Kookaburra
4: Phoenix
5: Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in japanese , they named it because Peregrine Falcon preys on Blackbird.
Elisha Ann
February 27, 2022
5.Peregrine Falcon.The shape of the motorcycle was inspired by the Peregrine Falcon also known as the fastest creature on earth which shows the motorcycle’s another quality in speed compared to the super blackbird
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatrosses
3) ——
4) Phoenix
5)The symbol itself is called a Kanji (Japanese) The writing on the fairing is called hayato or hayabusa. Regardless of the pronunciation the meaning of the symbol means strong and fast
Fuzail Khan
February 27, 2022
ans.1) American Bald Eagle
ans.2) An Albatross
ans.3) Kingfisher
ans.4) Pheonix
ans.5) Hayabusa in japanese means ‘a falcon’ due to it’s high speed, just like the falcon.
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Pheonix
5. Hayabusa means Falcon bird 8n Japanese.
Suzuki named the bike after Hayabusa to relate to its speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
Debarjjita Chakraborty
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle.
2. Wandering Albatross.
3. Kookaburra.
4. Phoenix Fawkes.
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese name of the bird Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki had named due to its verticle hunting dive, speed. Generally it can move up to 325 km/hrs which is the fastest moving bird. That’s why according to me Suzuki had named so.
Divya Bharti
February 27, 2022
1. Golden Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian King fisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Duaa, Class 8 , registered mobile number: 9419273006
February 27, 2022
ANSWER 1: Bald eagle
ANSWER 2: Albatross
ANSWER 3: Kookaburra
ANSWER 4: Phoenix
ANSWER 5: Hayabusa in Japanese stands for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that is the fastest of any bird. Suzuki names its motorbike so because Hayabusa is the fastest bird and can even beat the speed of the Blackbird, which was a fast bird as well.
Kuvam Sharma
February 27, 2022
ANS1 Bald eagle
ANS2 Arctic tern
ANS3 Kookaburra
ANS4 Phoenix
ANS5 Hayabusa means a Peregrine falcon . Suzuki named it so because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
Abbas Hasnain
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means ‘Pregerine Falcon’ in Japanese, which attains a speed of 300+ kmph, so that’s why Suzuki named it so.
Aastha Tiwari
February 27, 2022
ans.1- American krestal
Ans. 2- Albatrosses
Ans. 3- White kookaburra
Ans.4- Phoenix
Ans. 5- Hayabusa means Falcon and Suzuki name it because Hayabusa is for “peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive
Ojaswi Soni
February 27, 2022
(1) Eagle
(2) Sea gull
(3) Kingfisher
February 27, 2022
Ans1: Its name is bald eagle.
Ans2: In the poem of RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is Albatross.
Ans3: Its name is Kookaburra.
Ans4: That mythical bird name is phoenix.
Ans5: In japanese Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon , and Suzuki named its because in nature Peregrine Falcon hunts blackbird.
Anandi Gupta
February 27, 2022
Q1 Ans Bald eagle
Q2 Ans Albatross
Q3 Ans Kookaburra
Q4 Ans Phoenix
Q5 Ans Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
ans.1- American krestal
Ans. 2- Albatrosses
Ans. 3- White kookaburra
Ans.4- Phoenix
Ans. 5- Hayabusa means Falcon and Suzuki name it because Hayabusa is for “peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive
Sumit Das
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kooka Burra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
Juyee Manesh Gawas
February 27, 2022
Q1. American Bald Eagle
Q2. Seagull
Q4. Phoenix
February 27, 2022
1. bald eagle
2. Tristan albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon. It is a Japanese bird that is known for its speed. Suzuki named their car Hayabusa to correlate the speed of the bird with their car.
Fathima Liya KT
February 27, 2022
1 Eagle
2 Arctic tern
3 kaaka burra
4 phoenix
5 peregrine falcon
Harsh Ahire
February 27, 2022
Question no 1 eagle
Question no 2 I think haming Bird
Question 3 king fisher
Question 4Griffin
Question 5 Crow
Aditi Singh
February 27, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2)The Albatross
3)Dickie Bird
4) Phoenix
5) A Peregrine falcon , Suzuki name it so because the company named it after the revolutionary inventor and founder of the Suzuki corporation.
Girkirat kaur
February 27, 2022
Ans1 Bald eagle
Ans2 Albatross
Ans3 kookaburer
Ans4 Phoenix
Ans5 peregrine falcon
Priyanshu Raj
February 27, 2022
Answers :–
1 → Eagle
2 → Tristan Albatross
3 → Kookaburra
4 → Phoenix
5 →The “Hayabusa” means Falcon in Japanese especially “Peregrine Falcon”. Suzuki named it’s bike as “GSX-1300R Hayabusa” because The maximum speed of Peregrine falcon is about 300+ kmph and the bike’s maximum speed is also quite same.
Poorvika Periasamy
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Falcon. They named it so, as it is the fastest bird
Yash daulwar
February 27, 2022
It was very easy
Daksh kumar machhirke
February 27, 2022
1.Ans-the bald eagle
3.Ans-austalian kingfisher name after the company kookaburra
4.Ans-the phoenix
5.Ans-it was named after peregrine falcon because the bird has the fastest vertical dive
February 27, 2022
1- American bald eagle
3- kookaburra
4- Hedwig
5- Peregrine falcon
Tarishi Singh
February 27, 2022
1 – eagle
2 – sea gull
3 – kingfisher
4 – Phoenix
5 –
Tanya singh
February 27, 2022
3.king fisher
4. Pheonix bird
Radhika bawa
February 27, 2022
1 American Bald Eagle
2 Seabird
3 Kukaburra ball
4 phoenix Fawkes
5 it means Pergrine falcon it is named so cause it flies the fastest
Saksham kumar singh
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
5.Hyabusa means a falcon and suzuki named it against cbr1100xx blackbird because in ancient the peregrine falcon preys on blackbird.
Ayank Kumar Giri
February 27, 2022
1) The America Eagle
2) The albatross
3)Australian Kingfisher
Bhakti Sanghvi
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle
5.Hayabusa means a falcon,especially a peregrine falcon.Suzuki named it Hayabusa because Hayabusa is Japan’s fastest bird and Suzuki’s GSX-1300R Hayabusa is as fast as that bird.
Akshita Sharma
February 27, 2022
Hey there!
This is Akshita Sharma
l’m a seventh grader
The following are my answers :-
1)American Bald Eagle
5)Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird. In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Chitanya gwalbansi
February 27, 2022
1) eagle.
4) Phoenix .
Keshav Laddha
February 27, 2022
Ans. 1 – Bald Eagle
Ans. 2 – Albatross
Ans. 3 – Kukkaburra
Ans. 4 – Phoenix
Ans. 5 – Hayabussa means the bird Peregine falcon, and the Honda name it because the peregrine falcon preys the black birds and the purpose of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Hrithu Nanda
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Chitanya gwalbansi
February 27, 2022
1) eagle
4) Phoenix
Sarthak kumar singh
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
5.Hyabusa means a falcon and suzuki named it against cbr1100xx blackbird because in ancient the peregrine falcon preys on blackbird.
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means a Falcon, especially a
Peregrine Falcon in japanese. Suzuki
named it’s bike so, because the bird
serves as a metaphor for speed due to
its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed
of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph),
the fastest of any bird.
Aliya Rehan
February 27, 2022
1-bald eagle
2-arctic tern
4- Phoenix
5-pregrine falcon
Y.Sai Charan Reddy
February 27, 2022
1-American Bald Eagle
3-White Turf
February 27, 2022
Q 1 American kestrel
Q2 Albatrosses
Q3 Kookaburra
Q4 Ashwinder
Q 5 Dont know
February 27, 2022
1.American kestrel
5.Peregrine falcon
falcon used to prey on blackbirds which surpassed the blackbird by at least 10 miles.
Amrit Kumar
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means Falcon in Japanese, especially a peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named GSX-1300R Hayabusa so because Suzuki wanted to unseat CBR1100XX Blackbird because falcons prayed on blackbirds.
Shreya santosh chavan
February 27, 2022
Q2) Albatross
Q5)In Japanese Hayabusa means peregrine falcon (a bird).
Suzuki named one of their car Hayabusa (peregrine falcon) because it is one of the fastest bird.
Bhoomi Tiwari
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle, 2. Albatross, 3. Kookaburra, 4. Phoenix ,5. Suzuki launched its speed king GSX1300R in 1999 which, among other things, was specifically designed to wrest the title of world’s fastest production motorcycle from Honda’s reigning CBR1100XX Super Black Bird , it was named Hayabusa, which means Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki was, the Peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually, blackbirds , which naturally suited the Japanese firm’s intentions perfectly
February 27, 2022
Question 1:-The American bald eagle.
Question 2:- Albatross.
Question 3:-kookaburra.
Question 4:-the pheonix bird.
Question 5:- the Japanese meaning for Hayabusa is peregrine falcon, Suzuki named it so because the bike reaches the speed of that bird.
B. Lokeshwar Rao
February 27, 2022
Please give some easy questions
Tushar And Tanmay
February 27, 2022
1:- The American Bald Eagle
2:- Albatross
3:- Kookabura
4:-A Phoenix
February 27, 2022
1 bald eagle
Saakshi Singh
February 27, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) The Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) The Phoenix
5) Japanese Peregrine Falcon is known as Hayabusa.
Suzuki named the bike so because Hayabusa is the fastest bird of Japan hence being a metaphor for speed.
Soham Balgangadhar borkar
February 27, 2022
Yamini Purohit
February 27, 2022
Ans.1. Eagle
Ans 2. Siberian crane
Ans 3.Kukkaboora
Ans.4. the phoenix
Ans 5. Pregrine falcon
Tanushka Tikar
February 27, 2022
1:- California condor
5:-Peregrine Falcon a bird which is fastest vertical dive of all fewer however are aware as Suzuki was that the pere is actually blackbird which naturally suited the Japanese firm intention perfectly
Om Pragnya Nadimpally
February 27, 2022
Ans 1) Eagle
Ans 2) albatross
Ans 3)Kookaburra
Ans 4) phoenix
Ans 5)Peregrine falcon, Suzuki named the bike as hayabusa so that it be known as the fastest
February 27, 2022
Answer 1- bald eagle
Answer 2- southern royal albatross
Answer 3- Kookaburra ball
Answer 4- phoenix bird
Answer 5- Hayabusa name in Japanese is peregrine falcon. The company was name after the revolutionary inventory and founder the suzuki cooperation.
Mrunal Rajendra Desai
February 27, 2022
Kookaburra sports
Kunjal Khodke
February 27, 2022
Answers of all the questions:-
Q1. Bald Eagle ?
Q2. Albatross
Q3. Kookaburras
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. peregrine falcon
Adithi Shetty
February 27, 2022
1) Giant Eagle
4) Phoenix
Nitesh Suresh Patil
February 27, 2022
Nice Challenge
Zubiya Alina
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Because, The Peregrine Falcon which is the fastest member of the animal kingdom. The bird-eating raptor achieves this feat while diving vertically on its prey which is the Blackbird
Shriya Prasad Kapadni
February 27, 2022
1) Royal Eagle
2)Royal Albatross
5)Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanis language and Suzuki named it’s bike HAYABUSA to highlight its speed like this incredibly fast creature.
Parth Sakla
February 27, 2022
1. American Kestrel
2. Albratoss
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Seagul
3) Woodpecker
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa meaning is Falcon
February 27, 2022
Answers are
1. Eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Australian kingfisher
4. The Phoenix ( it is named as Fawkes in the Harry Potter series)
5. Peregrine falcon
Answers By Manya
Yuktha Prabhakar
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Toucan
4. Phoenix
5.peregrine falcon because of meaning strength and power.
Aparna singh
February 27, 2022
1)- bald eagle
2)- Albatross
3)- cricket warbler
4)- phoenix
5)-The word ‘Hayabusa’ is Japanese for peregrine falcon – the fastest of birds Suzuki chose this name because to claim the world’s fastest motorcycle in mass production
Astha Pandey
February 27, 2022
Ans-1 American Kastrel
Ans-2 Albatross
Ans-3 Kookaburra
Ans-4 Phoenix
Ans-5 Hayabusa
Pranjal Namdev
February 27, 2022
Ans.1 – Eagle ? (Bald eagle)
Ans.2 – Albatross Bird
Ans.3 – Kookaburra
Ans.4 – Phoenix
Ans.5 – Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in japanese means ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. Suzuki named it as Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually blackbirds.
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in japanese means ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. Suzuki named it as Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is, actually, blackbirds.
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in japanese means ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. Suzuki named it as Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is actually blackbirds.
February 27, 2022
Q1. The American Bald Eagle
Q2. Albatrosses
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. Hayabusa means the Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it after a bird because Hayabusa is the fastest bird in the world, and due to obvious reasons, Suzuki wanted the same to be applied to his motorbike.
Radhika Sharma
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in japanese means ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all. Suzuki named it as Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is actually, blackbirds.
Somyal Gautam
February 27, 2022
Q no.1 ans- Bald Eagle
Q no.2 ans-Southern Royale Albatross
Q no.3 ans-Kookaburra
Q no.4 ans-Phoenix
Q no.5 ans- Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Himanshu Sharma
February 27, 2022
I like the ouiz
Rishi Wadekar
February 27, 2022
1st answer is bald eagle
2nd answer is southern royal albatross
3rd answer is Kookaburra
4th answer is phoenix
5th answer: In Japan Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon. The choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Sree Jeya Surya.K
February 27, 2022
Thanks for your email
Jahanvi Yadav
February 27, 2022
Ques-1 The American Bald eagle
Ques-2 Albatross
Ques-3 Kookaburra
Ques-4 The Pheonix
Ques-5 Hayabusa in Japanese means a Peregrine falcon.Suzuki named the motorbike as Hayabusa because the name of the Honda motorbike was Blackbird and Peregrine Falcon preys on Blackbird.
Deshmitha K. P
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
5.peregrine falcon
Kaibalya Mishra
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. The short tailed albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoinex
5. Hayabusa in Japanese meant for “peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Ashish Mohite
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Tycoon
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means fastest bird with flying speed of more than 300+
Shubhrajit Meher
February 27, 2022
1-bald eagle
2-southern royal albatross
5-hayabusa means peregrine falcon in japanese language.
Suzuki named it so because it was fast as a peregrine falcon about 300 km/h
Subhalagna Padhi
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatrosses
4. Phoenix
5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Kartik Pandit Wakade
February 27, 2022
Q. 1 :- American Kestrel
Q. 2 :- Albatross
Q. 3 :- Kookaburra
Q. 4 :- Phoenix
Q. 5 :- Peregrine falcon, Maruti Suzuki named so because it is one of the fastest bird in the world.
Poorva Jatrate
February 27, 2022
1st ans = Eagle
2nd ans = Artic tern
3rd ans = Kookaburra
4th ans = Phoenix
5th ans = Hayabusa meaning “peregrine falcon”, in Japanese. Peregrine bike cover the didtance of 290/325 per hour, it was the fastest bike so suzuki named the bike by the name of peregrine bird(fastest bird in the world).
Paras kokane
February 27, 2022
1. bald eagle
2 seagull
3. kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is metaphor for speed
Adithya remeshbabu
February 27, 2022
Q1)bald egle
Q3)king fisher
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle ?
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) meaning is : peregrine falcon and the reason for naming was that this bird has the fastest vertical dive as compared to other birds.
Adithya remeshbabu
February 27, 2022
Q1)bald egle
Q3)king fishet
Shafin mobin Deshmukh
February 27, 2022
1-American Bald eagle, 3 The ashes ,4 phoenix,5-Hayabusa means peregrine falcon
Aayushee Gachche
February 27, 2022
1- American bald eagle
2- albatross
3- white turf
4- phoenix
5- peregrine
Osheen Singh
February 27, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) The Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) The Phoenix
5) Meaning – Peregrine Falcon, Named it so because it’s a metaphor for speed
February 27, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) kokubara ( australian kingfisher)
4) pheonix
5) “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1)the bald eagle
4) the phoenix
5)peregrine falcon. Peregrine falcon is a metaphor for speed.
February 27, 2022
1)Bald eagle
3) Kookaburra
5)Hayabusa means falcon in Japanese.Suzuki named it so because falcon is the fastest bird on the planet and so is Hayabusa.
Krish Goel
February 27, 2022
Question 1: Eagle
Question 2: Arctic tern
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Hayabusa means Falcon in Japanese. Especially Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
5. Peregrine Falcon
Remin Roy
February 27, 2022
ans 1:Bald eagle
ans 2: Albatross
ans 3:Kookaburra
ans 4:Hayabusa known as peregrine falcon the fastest bird with 390km/h and the fastest diving bird
Sujal Gupta
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Blackbird. The motorbike when is ridden looks like a bullet and the Blackbird when diving for its prey looks like a bullet…
Samaira Arora
February 27, 2022
Question1- American bald eagle
Question 2 – Albatross
Question 3 – kookaburra
Question 4- phoenix
Question 5- hayabusa meaning in Japanese is peregrine falcon it was named this by suzuki as a challenge to Honda as peregrine falcon is a predator to the black bird
Krusha narsing rachure
February 27, 2022
Eagle 1
Sea gull’s 2
Neeraj Sonawane
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle
2.The wandering albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
February 27, 2022
Ans for q1 = bald eagle
Ans for q2 = albatrosses
Ans for q3 = the white turf ball
Ans for q4 = phoenix
Ans for q5 = Falcon Peregrine
Uthara Vijay
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
Abhijith R
February 27, 2022
1st answer : American bald eagle
2nd answer: Albatross
3rd answer: kookaburra (I own one of these )
4th answer: Phoenix
5th answer: Peregrine falcon ( Hayabusa is my dream bike .but it not an affordable bike in this situation .But I will try my best to buy it)
Advika Chauhan
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon. It’s main prey is blackbird.
Neha Nimba Goad
February 27, 2022
?⃟⃟1.The American bald eagle
?⃟2. Royal albatross
?⃟3. Kookaburra
?⃟4. Phoenix
?⃟5. Peregrine falcon
?ᥫ᭡because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to defeat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Indramohan jadoun
February 27, 2022
Ans 1.Bald eagle, 2.albatrosses,3.kookaburra,4.phoenixs,5. Hayabusa mean in Japanese peregrine
Ashish Kumar
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcone
February 27, 2022
1)American Bald Eagle.
5)Peregrine falcon,it was named this because in Japan it is bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting driving,or stoop ,speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird ?.
Raghav Raj
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 Bald Eagle
Ans 2 Albatross
Ans 3 Kookaburra
Ans 4 Phoenix
Ans 5 Hayabusa means falcon in Japanese. As falcons are fast Suzuki did in order to advertise it’s product faster than Honda bikes
Shreya mondal
February 27, 2022
Question no.1 eagle
Question no.2 albatross
Question no.3 kookaburra ball
Question no.4 phoenix
Question no.5 peregrine falcon and it name Suzuki because it speed 300 kmph
February 27, 2022
Q1. Ans- Eagle
Q2. Ans- Siberian Cranes
Q3. Ans- Kukabura
Q4. Ans- Fire Beak
Q5. Ans- Hayabusa means Speed bird. Suzuki named it that because he wanted to show that hayabusa motorbike is more faster than the blackbird
Mokshita Choudhary
February 27, 2022
Answer 1: The American Bald Eagle
Answer 2: Albatross
Answer 3: Seagull
Answer 4: The Phoenix
Answer 5: Hayabusa means especially a peregrine falcon. Suzuki named Hayabusa as it is the fastest of any bird and so is the bike is the fastest of all with the speed of 290 to 325 kmph.
Vedant Jadhav
February 27, 2022
1.American Bald Eagle
5.Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese .Suzuki named it so because it is the bird that symbolises as a metaphor for speed.
Mahek Hirpara
February 27, 2022
1. The American Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1)American kestrel
5)peregrine falcon
Priyansh Bhardwaj
February 27, 2022
Q1 bald eagle,Q2 Albatrosses,Q3 Kookaburra,Q4 phoenix,Q5 Peregrine Falcon’ means hayabusa in japanese, a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all and like to feed on blackbird
Roshan BOBBY
February 27, 2022
Q1)Bald Eagle
Q2) seagull
Q4) phoenix
February 27, 2022
My name is pugal
1.sparrow hawk
2.spectaccular sight
3.magical creatures
4.peregrine falcon
I want Bluetooth headset
Abhishek Kumar
February 27, 2022
Question 1st answer is Volture
2nd is Arctic turn
And 5th is Honda black bird
Aiman afrah.D
February 27, 2022
Question 1-Eagle
Question 4-pheonix
Rashi Agarwal
February 27, 2022
Q1) The Bald Eagle
Q2) The Abbatross
Q3) Kookaburra
Q4) The Phoenix
Q5) Hayabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon , a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird. The Suzuki motorbike runs fast and that’s why this name is given to it by Suzuki.
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2.an albatross
3.a kookaburra
4.a Phoenix
5.a falcon
Tanmay Gupta
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatrosses
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon because it is fastest bird.
Shreya C Rao
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon. It is named so because of its high speed
Hitesh Chaudhary
February 27, 2022
Answers: 1. The American blad eagle
2. The albatross
3.austrailian kingfisher
5. Hayabusa means a Falcon and it named Hayabusa because it preys the blackbirds
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle.
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix bird
5. Peregrine falcon , because Peregrine falcon is the fastest hunting bird and because of its vertical hunting dive.
Himanshu Singh Patel
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Southern Royal Albatross
3. Kookaburra
5. Peregrine falcon
Neya Clare Shiby
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon . A bird that is fastest than any other
Akshay Rakesh Sathawane
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
3.White Kookaburra
Akshay Kumaran
February 27, 2022
5.it means falcon it is the fastest bird in Japan by naming so they trying to convey that their motor bikes are the fastest
February 27, 2022
1) American bald eagle
2) Albatrosses
3) Pelicans
4) Phoenix bird
5)‘Hayabusa’, which means ‘Peregrine Falcon’ in Japanese, is a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all.
P Vithyasagar
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Thunderbird
5. Hayabusa means a Falcon in Japanese. It is named as Hayabusa because Falcon(peregrine falcon) preys on Blackbirds.
Swasthik Swaran P
February 27, 2022
Here my answers are:-
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Pelican
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is a Japanese word that means Peregrine falcon and Peregrine Falcon is the fastest flying bird in the world. So, Suzuki names it hayabusa to tell that the bike they have launched is faster like the Peregrine Falcon bird.
Thank you.
February 27, 2022
1. Eagles
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for a type of falcon, and is usually used as a metaphor for “speed” since the falcon is the fastest of bird.
February 27, 2022
1-the American bald eagle
2-Artic term
3- Kookaburra
5-it is an bird named Peregrine falcon
Mohammed sinan
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Australian kingfisher
4) Phoenix bird
5) Hayabusa in Japanese is peregrine falcon which is a very fast bird. Suzuki named so that it can attract it’s customers by letting them know that the GSX-1300R Hayabusa is a very fast vehicle.
Unnabh sharma
February 27, 2022
1) The American bald eagle
2) Arctic tern
Kavya sree gurram
February 27, 2022
1:Bald eagle
2: sibarian cranes
3:kookaburra tale
5:Hayabusa is peregrine falcon a bird that serves as a metaphor for speed. This bird is fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 = bald eagle
Answer 2= Albatross
Answer 3= kukaburra
Answer 4= Phoenix
Answer 5= the meaning of hayabusa In Japanese is Peregrine falcon. The fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
5.Peregrine falcon,its fastest bird in the world
Remin Roy
February 27, 2022
Qn 1 ans: BALD EAGLE it’s a bird of prey found in north america and this bird is the national bird of America and this is the only bird that makes the biggest nest in the world
Qn 2ans:ALBATROSS the sea bird found in southern ocean and the bird which have the longest wingspan in the world
Qn 3ans: KOOKABURRA its a bird similar to a king Fisher which is found in central America
Qn 4ans:PHOENIX a fire bird part of ancient Greek folklore
Qn 5ans:HAYABUSA known as the peregrine falcon , the fastest bird on the world with 390 km/h the only fastest bird after cheetah
Preetha S
February 27, 2022
1. Vulture
2. Seagull
3. Falcon
4. Phoenix
5. Whitebird
Adyasha Subhadarshini
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means pengrine falcon. They named it as Hayabusa because of the speed which is approximately similar to the bird
February 27, 2022
ANS1 The American Bald Eagle
ANS2 albatross bird
ANS3 Kookaburra Sport
ANS4 Phoenix birds
ANS5 The word ‘Hayabusa’ is actually a Japanese term used for Peregrine falcon. which is the fastest member of the animal kingdom. The bird-eating raptor achieves this feat while diving vertically on its prey – which is the Blackbird. Suzuki’s intent was simple. Dethrone the Honda Blackbird and settle the speed wars once and for all. And, that’s exactly what the Suzuki Hayabusa did – by going about 25 km/h faster than the Blackbird, achieving a top speed of 312 km/h – and no production motorcycle has broken the top speed record by such a huge margin, ever.
Sachin Gupta
February 27, 2022
Blad Eagle , Albatrosses , Kookaburra , phoenix , peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Wandering Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Pheonix
5) Peregrine Falcon, because it is the fastest flying bird
Tanishka Manjrekar
February 27, 2022
1) American Krestel
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra Sport
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa Speed limiter
Komal Sharma
February 27, 2022
Q1 Bald Eagle
Q2 Albatross
Q3 Kookaburra
Q4 Phoenix
Q5 The word Hayabusa represents Peregrine Falcon which is Japanese word that symbolises as a metaphor for Speed thanks to its hunting dive at the speed of 292 to 325 kmph the fastest in any Bird
Some are saying that the name Suzuki gave to the CSX1300 R was a direct attack to Honda Blackbird that’s because Hayabusa is the Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon which is the natural Predator of the blackbird.
Nidhi Aadi
February 27, 2022
Bald Eagle
Hayabusa speed is 390km/hr. Hayabusa bike top speed also 303 to 312km/h
February 27, 2022
1-Satyendra Nath Bose .
2-Dr.Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai .
3-C.V Raman .
4-Narinder Singh Kampany
5- Har Gobind Khorana
Shaikh Zara Firdous Yusuf Ali
February 27, 2022
1)The American Bald Eagle.
4)Phoenix [Fawkes]
5)Hayabusa means “peregrine falcon” in Japanese.A bird serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive,or stoop with the speed or 290 to 320 mph and this is fastest with compare of other birds.The reason is high or too speed of hayabusa is 299 kmph and the blackbird motor bike of Honda got defeated by hayabusa of Suzuki.
Parth Shankarrao Bawankule
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa was named because Hayabusa in Japanese means mechanical falcon, which resembles falcon
Zoya Fatema shaikh Amjad
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
Elisa jugu
February 27, 2022
1 American eagle
2 albatross
3 Kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5 a.peregrine Falcon
b.because it is a natural predator of the blackbird
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Turf
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
It’s good
Farha Naaz
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
5.A Peregrine falcon
Shivansh Sharma
February 27, 2022
Answer – 1. The Bald Eagle
Answer – 2. The Albatross
Answer – 3. Australian Kingfisher
Answer – 4. The Phoenix
Answer – 5. Hayabusa means ‘ The Peregrine Falcon ‘ . Suzuki named it so because The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird and it can reach the speed of 180 – 202 mph or 290 – 325 km/h which is almost the speed of Hayabusa bike .
Shivansh Sharma
February 27, 2022
1)The American Bald Eagle
2) Tristan albatross
5)Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Anushka Tiwari
February 27, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) phoenix
5) peregrine falcon
Ananya Kaushik
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. An Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese and Suzuki has named it so because Peregrine Falcon preys on blackbirds.
February 27, 2022
How I can get Bluetooth headset
Mamilla guru
February 27, 2022
1 – Eagle
2 – Albatross
3 – Kookabura
4 – Phoenix
5 – Falcon
Suvarna Hegde
February 27, 2022
Bald Eagle
February 27, 2022
4)Phoenix Fawkes
5)peregrine Falcon which is Japan’s fastest bird so that to carry the riders boldly into the future
Vinay Kumar
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Hayabusa or Peregrine Falcon
Vishwa Sadariya
February 27, 2022
1-The American Bald Eagle
2-The albatross
5- Suzuki Hayabusa
Md haseeb ullah shareef
February 27, 2022
1)Bald eagle
2)Arctic tern
5)3000 KMPH
Nivek Sathish
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine Falcon, the peregrine falcon is known for its extraordinary performance and agility.
Suzuki named their motorcycle Hayabusa because it was made to eat the Honda blackbird, as peregrine falcons eat blackbirds.
Siddhant Kumar Tripathy
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Royal Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Meaning- Peregrine Falcon
Why did it name so?
For it’s fastest vertical hunting dive with respect to other birds.
February 27, 2022
Cannot ans any questions
February 27, 2022
Q1) American bald eagle
Q2) albatross
Q3) kookaburra
Q4) phoenix
Q5) Hayabusa means falcon in Japanese. Falcons are the fastest birds on earth. Suzuki named the bike Hayabusa since it is the fastest bike in the world.
Shrey Thaper
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Means “Peregrine falcon” . It is used as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
Arpit Mathapati
February 27, 2022
1.)American bald eagle
2.) Albatross
5.)It is named on peregrine falcon , it is called ‘busa’ in Japanese and it is the fastest bird in japan
Monika Sablok
February 27, 2022
1 Eagle
3kukaburaa – kingfisher
5 falcon
Ayush Katre
February 27, 2022
Q1. Answer: Bald Eagle
Q2. Answer: Albatross
Q3. Answer: Kookaburra
Q4. Answer: Phoenix
Q5. Answer: I think that Hayabusa means Blackbird in Japanese
February 27, 2022
I want to participate
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon because it is best known for its diving speed during flight—which can reach more than 300 km (186 miles) per hour—making it not only the world’s fastest bird but also the world’s fastest animal.
Samuel Alex
February 27, 2022
1- Bald Eagle
2- Wandering Albatross
3- Kookaburra
4- Phoenix
5- Pergrine falcon, he named it because this bird was very fast
Pragati Dubey
February 27, 2022
1 ) Bald Eagle
2 ) Albatross
3 ) white Kookaburra
4 ) Phoenix
5 ) It is the japanese word of peregrine falcon a bird that serves as a metaphor for speed due to vertical hunting dive or stoop to speed of 290 to 325 km/h . The fastest of any bird .
Srijani Roy
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Pelican
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. peregrine falcon , When it was first shown to the public, the Hayabusa made a profound impression. The shape of the motorcycle was inspired by the peregrine falcon, also the fastest creature on Earth
Krisha Hariyani
February 27, 2022
Answer -1
Bald eagle is common repter found near large water bodies
Answer -2
Albatross is the bird name which appears in the poem and which is migrating bird .
Answer -3
Kookabura is the cricket ball associated with Australian kingfisher bird .
Answer -4
The bird which appeared in Harry Potter series was “Phoenix” .
Answer -5
Hayabusa meaning in Japanese for peregrine falcon which is use for high speed .That’s why Suzuki named it .
February 27, 2022
1.American blad eagle
4.The phoenix
5.Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese, Suzuki name it so ,because it is a bird which has the fastest vertical dive of all.
I think all my answers are correct
Thank you BYJUS for conducting this quiz.
Rudraksh Sonawane
February 27, 2022
Q.4-Owl(Hedwig the owl)
Q.5-Falcon,the name was given due to its very high speed of 290 to 325 km/h, fastest of any bird.
Muheeth Ahmed Shaik
February 27, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: The Albatross
Question 3: Kookaburra
Question 4: The Phoenix
Question 5: Falcon
Yashita Tiwari
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon as it serves for metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
V Prince sujay
February 27, 2022
Hi my name is V. Prince Sujay
1st answer) The Bald eagle
2nd answer) Albatrosses
3rd answer) Kookaburra
4th answer) Phoenix
5th answer) Hayabusa in Japanese – A falcon especially a peregrine falcon
So these are my answers for today’s quiz
thank you
Jatin Sachdeva
February 27, 2022
Amlan Biswal
February 27, 2022
1-Bald Eagle
5-peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1Bald eagle
5A peregrine falcon
This bird is used as metaphor for speed that is why Suzuki name it so
Siddhi Dodani
February 27, 2022
1 eagle
3 Kookaburra
4 pheonix
February 27, 2022
1 Blad eagle
2 Southern royal albatross
3. Turf
4. Phoenix
February 27, 2022
Boddu Varnika Chowdhary
February 27, 2022
1. American Kestrel
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is “PEREGRINE FALCON”
Sahil Yedle
February 27, 2022
1st Bald eagle
2nd Albatross
3rd Kookaburra
4th Phoenix
5th Meaning in Japanese Peregrine falcon
It is named because it is fastest bird in the world
Arunima jyoti
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5 peregrine falcon
Rishant soni
February 27, 2022
Ans1:The American Bald Eagle
Ans2: Albatross
Ans3: kookaburra
Ans4: Phoenix
Ans5:Peregrine falcon, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical dive
Suryanshu Pradhan
February 27, 2022
1. American bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
5. In Japanese the Hayabusa mean Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it so because Expert say that this reptile feed on Little Blackbird and also because the dive in on their way at intensely fast speeds
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Wandering Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon, which is a Japanese bird that symbolises as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, speed of 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1: The majestic BALD EAGLE
2: ALBATROSS the migratory bird with a large wingspan
3: KOOKABURRA it’s sound is considered to mimic laughing
4: PHEONIX (Fawkes, tamed by professor Albus Dumbledore and helped Harry to battle the Basilisk): I’m a big fan of Harry Potter (I have watched movies as well as read books)
5: Hayabusa means PEREGRIN FALCON: the fastest animal in the world faster than cheetah and sailfish
Akshay Sundar
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Anirvin Srirajavatchavai
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa is the Peregrine Falcon. Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world, so they named it after the bird.
February 27, 2022
Ans 1 =
The American bald Eagle
Ankita n yenteth
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. An albatross
3. The kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon , especially a peregrine falcon suzuki kept that name because a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hundling dive or stoop speed of 290 to 325 km/h
Antony Mariano
February 27, 2022
1.) Bald Eagle
2.) Albatross
3.) Kookaburra
4.) Phoenix
5.) Falcon, it is common reference word used in Japan for expression of speed.
Jhankita Sarma Khound
February 27, 2022
Q1. Eagle
Q2 Albatross
Q3 Kookaburra
Q4 Phoenix
Q5 In Japanese Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon, and its the fastest bird in the world. The reason why suzuki named it Hayabusa is because of its excellent speed
Sachit Bharat Patel
February 27, 2022
1) the American bald eagle
2)the albatross
3) red kookaburras
4) phoenix Fawkes
5) the Hayabusa is known as peregrine falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named it so because the peregrine falcon has a max speed of 350+ km/h.
Name sachit Patel
Email sachit7311@gmail.com
Tanishka tilatia
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross bird
Mohammad Rehan asif ansari
February 27, 2022
1.Barely eagle is a national bird of United State america
2. Kookaburra is austrila bird name of cricket ball
4. Phoniex
5.CBR1100XX Blackbird
Amogh patil
February 27, 2022
1- Eagle.
2- Elbatross.
3- kookaburra.
4- Bat.
5- Hayabusa is Japanese for Peregrine Falcon
Nieve Raval
February 27, 2022
Ans 1: American Kestrel
Ans 2: Albatross
Ans 3 : cocoboro
Ans 4: phoenix bird
February 27, 2022
1blad eagle 2 bar tailed godwit 3 kookaburra 4phoenix 5falcon
Oceanika Pandey
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Wandering Albatross
3) kookaburra
4) Pheonix
5) Hayabusa in Japanese means “falcon”. Suzuki named it as such because falcon is associated with speed and is considered one of the fastest birds. To show that their bike is also one the fastest ones and have amazing speed, they named it ‘hayabusa’
Avijeet Srivastava
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Royal Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phenix
Subhayu De
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatros
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means a Peregrine Falcon in Japanese. Hayabusaa bird often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird. So Suzuki named the bike GSX-1300R Hayabusa for its high speed.
M Vaishnavi
February 27, 2022
1. The American Blad Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Hayabusa mean a peregrine falcon.It often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting drive. And it is also a fastest of any bird.
Anirudh gupta
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means peregrine falcon, which is the fastest animal, suzuki named it so because their bike was as speed as a peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1 American blad eagle , 2bar tailed godwit, 3kookaburra,4 phoenix, 5falcon
Khushi Agrawal
February 27, 2022
1) the American bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra or Australian kingfisher
4) Thunderbird
5) Hayabusa is the bird that is the fastest of any other bird and Suzuki had named it so because the bike which they launched is also the fastest like the bird hayabusa
Narayani Sandip Gite
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2.Arctic tern
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. The Phoenix
5 .Bell wood
February 27, 2022
Bald eagle 1
4: phoenix
5: peregrine because it it’s known as superblackbird
Prachi Deshpande
February 27, 2022
Manimudrika bej
February 27, 2022
5-hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese which is a Japanese bird that symbolizes as a metaphor for speed this bird is the fastest in speed compared to any birds
Shariya Mantasha
February 27, 2022
1) The American bald eagle
2)Royal albatross
3) Australian pelican
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
Q1. The bald eagle
Q2. albatross
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. Definition of Hayabusa in Japanese-Peregrine Falcon; Suzuki named it so because of a bird that is known for its speed and fastest vertical dive
Sakshi Verma
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Arctic Tern
3. Kiwi
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Thank you ?
Shashwat Singh
February 27, 2022
Ans 1. The American Bald Eagle
Ans 2. Arctic tern
Ans 3. Australian Kingfisher (Kookaburra)
Ans 4. The Phoenix
Ans 5. Hayabusa means “peregrine falcon”, used to describe its speed due to its vertical hunting dive and Suzuki named it so as it runs at the speed like the peregrine falcon , the fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
Bald Eagle,albatross, kookaburra, Phoenix, good at cutting through air i think? Some thing about being super fast
Omkar Vidhyadhar girkar
February 27, 2022
1: eagle
2: albatross
3: kookaburra
4: phoenix
5: Hayabusa mean in Japanese is ” peregrine falcon ” , a bird that often serves as metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive , so there keep Hayabusa as name of bike
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
2.arctic tern
4. Fawkes the phoenix
5.a peregrine falcon
A bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive
February 27, 2022
The American Bald Eagle
Siberian crane
Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. Kookaburra
5. Falcon, because Suzuki company says that our bikes are fast like falcon so it is named as hayabusa
Vansh Jain
February 27, 2022
Q1-the American bald eagle
Q5-hayabusa is the Japanese word for peregrine falcon
Suzuki gave this name to GSX 1300R to do a direct attack on Honda’s blackbird
As hayabusa is the Japanese word for peregrine falcon which is the natural predator of blackbird
Anisha Ghosh
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Thunderbird
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, speed of 290 to 325 km/h. It is the fastest of any bird.
Verlee Gloriann Braganza
February 27, 2022
1.American bald eagle
2.an albatross
5. Falcon
Varun N Mallol
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
2.Royal albatross
4.associated with the sun, this mythical bird obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. it features prominently in the harry potter series where its tears are said to possess magical healing powers. identify this mythical bird.
5.hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive.
February 27, 2022
1)American kestrel
2)Tristan albatross
5)peregrine falcon
swasti pande
February 27, 2022
Hayabusa (隼 or はやぶさ、ハヤブサ) is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon.The peregrine falcon is best known for its diving speed during flight—which can reach more than 300 km (186 miles) per hour—making it not only the world’s fastest bird but also the world’s fastest animal.suzuki wanted to prove that its bike was the fastest
Yuvraj Himanshukumar Nayak
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
5. peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Maibam Jacily
February 27, 2022
Question 1 – Eagle
Question 2- Artic tern
Question 3- pelican
Question 4-pheonix
Question 5- peregrina falcon because this bird is Known as the fastest of any bird speed of 325km per hour
February 27, 2022
q1 ans-bald eagle
q2 ans-albatross
q3 ans- Kookaburra
q4 ans-phoenix
q5 ans-Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Thunderbird
5) Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named it so because the Hayabusa preys on Blackbirds.
Atharv Prakash Sheth
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
In particular the choice of name was made because there peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the the intent of original hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX super blackbird as the world’s fastest production of motorcycle.
Arpit Choudhary
February 27, 2022
Ans1. Bald Eagle
Ans.2 Albatross
Ans.3 Kookaburra
Ans.4 Phenix
Ans.5 Falcon
Parth gore
February 27, 2022
2:Great back-backed sea gull.
3: Kookaburra.
4: phoenix.
5: Peregrine falcon.
Kumar Aditya
February 27, 2022
Q1. Bald Eagle
Q2. bar-tailed godwit
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. Hayabusa means an eagle It is named so because its speed is similar as an eagle
Jaspreet Singh
February 27, 2022
1. The bald Eagle
4.The phoenix bird
5.Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki was, that the peregrine falcon’s usual choice of prey is blackbirds which naturally suited the Japanese firm’s intentions perfectly.
Boddu varnika chowdhary
February 27, 2022
1. American kestrel
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means “PEREGRINE FALCON”
Priyamdev Giri
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix Fawkes
5. Peregrine Falcon
Anjali R
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. An albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa meaning “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph).
Sai Swetasri
February 27, 2022
1- Bald eagle
2- Albatross
3 – Kookaburra
4 – Phoenix
5 – Hayabusa means falcon in Japanese and Suzuki called the bike as Hayabusa because the falcon has the fastest vertical hunting speed of any bird.
Kartik garg
February 27, 2022
Ans of 1Shikra
Ans of 2Wandering albatross
Ans of 3 Kookaburra delivers
Ans of 4 phoenix
Ans of 5 unit conversion rounding
February 27, 2022
1. American kestrel
2. Albatross
3.Dukes , Kookaburra , SG
4. Phoenix
5. Suzuki named it because the word ( hayabusa ) means Peregrine falcon which is a fastest bird than the other birds serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h.
Pranjal Gavit
February 27, 2022
My name is Pranjal Gavit
Q1- the blade Eagel
Q2- tristan albatross
Q3- Australian kingfisher
Q4- Phoneix
Q5- Peregrine
February 27, 2022
Anmolpreet Kaur
February 27, 2022
artic tern
Kookaburra ball
Peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive , speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Samruddhi Kulkarni
February 27, 2022
Question 1- Eagle
Question 2- Black browed albatross
Question 3- Dukes
Question 4- Phoenix Bird
Question 5- Peregrine Falcon
Prajna Khanna
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon, it was named so for cutting through the air vert fast.
Naorem Nongpoknganba Singh
February 27, 2022
The answer to the first question is The Bald Eagle.
The answer to the second question is The Albatros.
The answer to the third question is White Kookaburra.
The answer to the fourth question is Pheonix.
The answer to the fifth question is that Hayabusa means “peregrine falcon(a bird)” and since it is used as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird. and since the speed of the Suzuki Hayabusa top speed is 299 to 312 km/h and since its speed is higher than that of the peregrine falcon and hence got its name Hayabusa.
Shaurya Bisht
February 27, 2022
The American Bald Eagle
It means peregrine
Om Parikh
February 27, 2022
Answer 1: Eagle
Answer 2:Albatross
Answer 3: Kookaburra
Answer 4: Phoenix
Answer 5: Falcon
Akanksha jain
February 27, 2022
1- American bald eagle
2 arctic tern
3 kingfisher
4 Phoenix
5 Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird.
Rishi Kuradia
February 27, 2022
Answer 1) Bald Eagle
Answer 2) Arctic Tern
Answer 3) Kookaburra
Answer 4) Phoenix Bird
Answer 5) Hayabusa in Japanese is called Falcon
February 27, 2022
Ans.1 the American Bald Eagle.
Ans.2 The Arctic Tern.
Ganga Raghunath
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle.
2. Albatross.
3. Kookaburra.
4. Phoenix.
5. Japanese Paragrine Falcon. It was names so because the bike is as fast as this falcon which could dive with a speed of 390km/h. The Hayabusa is a “black bird” killer.
February 27, 2022
1,eagle 2,albatross 3,kookaburra or kingfisher 4, phoenix 5,peregrine falcon ,as the bird hunts at a speed of 290 to 325 kmphr the bike is named with its name.
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Tristan Allbatross
3) Tristan Allbatross
4) Phoenix
5) Because the peregrine falcon bird prays on blackbirds
Dipanwita Das
February 27, 2022
Q1. Eagle
Q2. Albatross
Q3. Kookaburra
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon the bird was used as a metaphor for speed.
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Hayabusa is the Japanese word for
Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it’s
motorbike after the bird because the
Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird and
the name of the bike is emerged from its
integrated design process and speed.
Krish Patel
February 27, 2022
Answer 1) American bald Eagle
Answer 2) Albatross
Answer 3) Kukaburoo
Answer 4)
Answer 5) peregrine Falcon
Huda Najeeb koormath
February 27, 2022
Huda Najeeb
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
Question 1 – the American bald eagle
Question 2 – ab albatross
Question 3- kookaburra
Question 4 – the thunderbird
Question 5 – a falcon especially a peregrine falcon
Habib Khan
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Tristan Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Srilaasya DV
February 27, 2022
The bald eagle, Albatross, Kookaburra, Phoenix, Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon. They named it so as it is the fastest bird in the world(390 km/h)
Joel Saji
February 27, 2022
Bald Eagle
Falcons, As falcons are very fast
Gyanda Goyal
February 27, 2022
5.Hayabussa in Japenese means “Peregrine Falcon” a bird that often serves metaphor for speed due to vertical hunting drive or stoop , speed . This bird is called the fastest of any bird.
Ahyan Amar Abdulla
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. The albatross
3.the tree kingfisher bird
4.hedwing the owl
5. Hayabusa means peregrine falcon, a bird that often serves for metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive
Kunal Deshmukh
February 27, 2022
1.American Bold Eagle
5.Peregrine Falcon
Anand Faroda
February 27, 2022
Q1) American Kestrel
Q2) Albatross
Q3) Kookaburra
Q4) Phoenix
Q5) Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Satakshi Mishra
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 = The bald Eagle
Answer 2 = Albatross
Answer 3 = Kookaburra
Answer 4 = Phoenix
Answer 5 = Falcon. They named it so because Falcon is the fastest bird on Earth as well as the faster member of the animal kingdom.
Khushi bharti
February 27, 2022
Ans 1: eagle
Ans 2:arctic term
Ans 3:pelican
Ans 4:phinex
Mrigaakshi Pawnikar
February 27, 2022
1 – The Bald Eagle
2 – Albatros
3 – Kookaburra
4 – Phoenix
5 – Hayabusa
Avishi gupta
February 27, 2022
Question 1
The bird eagle
Question 2
The antartic tern
Question 3
Question 4
The Phoenix
Question 5
Hayabusa means in Japanese a falcon this is the name of a bird serves as a metaphor for speed
February 27, 2022
1 Golden eagle
2 albatross
3 kookaburra
4 Phoenix
5 falcon , it is a bird that is so fast
sia patil
February 27, 2022
1 = eagle
2= seagal
5 falcon
Sarthak Pandey
February 27, 2022
Answer 1. Bald Eagle
Answer 2. Albatross
Answer 3. Kookaburra
Answer 4. Phoenix
Answer 5. Peregrine Falcon
Riddhi Roy
February 27, 2022
Q1. The Bald Eagle
Q2. Arctic tern
Q3. pelican?
Q4. Phoenix
Q5. falcon
Anagha Krishnakumar
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3.kukabura (sorry for spelling)
4. Phoenix
5. ‘HAYABUZA’ means peregrine falcon in Japanese….. it is named by Suzuki because this falcon is very fast and has high speed…. so hayabuza describes the speed of the falcon so they named the bike on behalf of that birdie’s name..
Abhishek padashetti
February 27, 2022
1.The bald American eagle
Vaishnavi Mishra
February 27, 2022
Vaishnavi agrawal
February 27, 2022
2.Royal Albatross
5.Peregrine Falcon
Because of it’s vertical hunting dive and speed
Komuram Naga Vashista
February 27, 2022
Edition 24: Birds
1.The American Bald Eagle
2. An Albatross
3. Kookaburra is an Australian fishing bird
4. Phoenix is that mythical bird
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially Peregrine falcon, SUZUKI company specifically designed to wrest the title of world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Angel khurana
February 27, 2022
Answer1- Bald Eagle
Answer 2- Bar- tailed godwit
Answer 3- Kookaburra
Answer 4- the phoenix
Answer 5- it means falcon especially peregrine falcon, Suzuki name it so because it is emerged from Suzuki famous integrated design process
V.krishna priya
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2.Tristan albatross
4. Angry bird
Vishwaas Dhiman
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means in Japanese “peregrine falcon”. Which is a bird that is known for its Speed due to its vertical dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1 American blad eagle
Suhani goudb
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Owl
5. Hayabusa is japanese for “peregrina falcon” ,a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive ,or stoop,speednof 290:ton325 km/h(180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
Ans1=The American blade Eagle
Ans2=Southern royal albatross
Ans5=Hayabusa is japanese for peregrine falcon, a bird that serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop , Speed of290 to325 km/h( 180 to 202 mph ), the fastest of any bird.
Maibam Racily
February 27, 2022
Question 1 – Eagle
Question 2-
Question 3-Pelican
Question 4- pheonix
Hema Divakar
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Southern Royal Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon, which is known for its speed. The company named it as Hayabusa to show that the vehicle is as fast as Hayabusa (Peregrine falcon).
Anant gupta
February 27, 2022
1) the American bald eagle that symbolise the freedom
2) albatrosses is the bird that is known for flying incredibly long distances
3) kookaburra is the name of bird and an Australian bird that make cricket equipment from around 1940’s
4) phoenix is a bird that was shown in a harry Potter movies “harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix” And is also known as the fire bird
5) in Japanese GSX-1300R Hayabusa was meant for the peregrine falcon it is due to it’s vertical driving speed that compared to one of the fastest bird as a metaphor
Thank you ? for this quiz hope to win
Lakshya dutt Anjum
February 27, 2022
Ans.1-American Kestrel.
Ans.5-Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
That’s why suzuki name it so.
Aaron Da costa
February 27, 2022
Answer 1. The American Bald Eagle
Answer 2. The Albatross
Answer 3. The Kookaburra
Answer 4. The Phoenix
Answer 5. Hayabusa means “peregrine falcon”, in Japanese. Suzuki named it as Hayabusa because the design and shape represented the peregrine falcon and also because it is the fastest in its speed compared to any other bird and this was incorporated into the Hayabusa launched by Suzuki.
February 27, 2022
1. American kestrel
2. Albatross
3. Albatross
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa
Dipesh chaturvedi
February 27, 2022
Answers are
1. Eagle
2. Falcon bird
3. Glossary
4. Phoenix
Omkar sanjay mane
February 27, 2022
Hi, I’m omkar, nice birds
Angaraag Baruah
February 27, 2022
Answer to the Q.1): American Bald Eagle
Answer to the Q.2): Albatross
Answer to the Q.3): Kingfisher
Answer to the Q.4): Phoenix
Answer to the Q.5): The word “Hayabusa” typically means a Falcon, especially a Peregrine Falcon in Japanese.
Suzuki named it so because their GSX-1300R Hayabusa traversed so fast just like a Peregrine Falcon, which is the fastest flying bird in the world. And because of this, it immediately became the world’s fastest motorbike.
February 27, 2022
1)bald eagle
2)the albatross
3)white kookoburra turf
4) phoenix
5)hayabusa is a falcon. Suzuki named the motorbike GSR-1600R hayabusa because it is the japans fastest bird
Arjun Anilkumar Jadhav
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2)Tristan albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5)Hayabusa means falcon(Peregrine Falcon) because it was as the pure intent was to knock down the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird to claim the prestigious title of world’s fastest motorcycle in mass production
Aditi Mahesh Pawar
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Tristan albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. A Peregrine falcon. They named it so as it is used as a metaphor for a very high speed.
Vaibhav Mishra
February 27, 2022
1- Bald Eye Eagle
2- Albatross
3- Crane
4- Phoenix
5- Pigeon
February 27, 2022
My answers are :
Q1= Eagle
Q2=Southern Royal albatross
Q3= Kookaburra
Q4= Phoenix bird
Q5= Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1) American kestrel
2) Albatrosses
5)Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
5-Named after Peregrine falcon because it is a bird which has the speed of 290 to 325 km/hr which is a metaphor as the hayabusa is a really fast bird.
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon.
Nikunj Jain
February 27, 2022
A1- Bald eagle
A2- Albatrosses
A3- Kookaburra Turf
A4- Phoenix
A5-1- Hayabusa name in Japanese is ”’peregrine falcon”‘
2- Suzuki name it hayabusa because a bird that serves as a metaphor for speed due to it’s vertical hunting drive, or stood, speed of 290 to 325 km / hr (180 to 202 mph) the fastest speed of any bird.
Ankit Sinha
February 27, 2022
1.Eagle , 2.Albatrosss , 3.Kookabura, 4.Owl, 5.it is the fastest bird and meaning of Hayabusa is falcon
Finha Jameela
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
Moulya. R
February 27, 2022
1) American bald eagle
2) albatross
3) kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5 ) peregrine falcon – worlds fastest animals
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon – Suzuki might have named it so because the peregrine falcon symbolises speed as it is not only the fastest bird but the world’s fastest animal and is well-known for its dive.
Siya Rathi
February 27, 2022
Q1) The Bald Eagle
Q2) Albatross
Q3) Australian kingfisher
Q4) Phoenix
Q5) Peregrine falcon because of its great speed of flying
February 27, 2022
1.American bald eagle 2. red knot 3. kookaburra 4. Hedwig owl 5.peregrine falcon ,
the Suzuki give this name because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds
Aashray Biswal
February 27, 2022
Ans1-American Bald Eagle
Ans5-Peregrin Falcon
Suzuki named it so because Peregrin Falcon is known for its speed and Hayabusa is known
for its speed.
Anushka Amit More
February 27, 2022
Question 1 :ans:eagle
Question 2:ans:black browned albatross
Question 3:ans:red kookaburras
Question 4:ans:Fawkes
Question 5:ans:a falcon,especially a peregrine falcon
Fuzail Soudagar
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. Tree kingfisher bird
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird. So Suzuki named it because it is the fastest speed bird by seeing this name will be getting the idea of that this bike will be having great speed.
Gayathri Narayanan
February 27, 2022
1 bald eagle
4 feeniks
Mercy D'souza
February 27, 2022
My answers
1.Bald Eagle
2.Royal Albatross
5.Hayabusa in Japanese is “Peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird.
Arnav rajput
February 27, 2022
Q1 American Bald Eagle
Q2 Albatross
Q3 Kookaburra ball
Q4 Phoenix
Q5 Hayabusa which is Japanese for ‘Peregrine and Suzuki named it because of peregrine falcon – the fastest of birds that is primarily known for its predatory capabilities and the fact that it can vertically dive at insane speeds of 320 kmph or 200 mph while hunting down its prey.
Shriti Sonal
February 27, 2022
1.American Bald Eagle
5.Hayabusa in Japanese means a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon and Suzuki named it so because peregrine falcon is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Aditya mahesh Sharma
February 27, 2022
4- The alkonost
5- ?
February 27, 2022
1.American kestrel
5.Hayabusa (隼) is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
Bald eagle
White Kookaburras
Hayabusa means falcon and Suzuki named it so because the falcon is the fastest bird
Ramana G
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. The Word “Hayabusa” is Japanese for “Peregrine Falcon”.Just like its namesake, Hayabusa is renowned for cutting through the air with extraordinary agility and performance. The Hayabusa motorcycle was designed to eat” the Honda Blackbird the same way peregrine falcons eat blackbirds
Satakshi Mishra
February 27, 2022
Answer1 = Bald Eagle
Answer2 = Albatross
Answer3 = Kookaburra
Answer4 = Phoenix
Answer5 = Falcon, They named it so because falcon is the fastest bird on Earth and the fastest member of the animal kingdom.
Kanak Mishra
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Giant bird
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is for “Peregrine Falcon” and the motorcycle was specifically designed to wrest the title of world’s fastest production motorcycle.
February 27, 2022
1.american bald eagle 2. red knot 3.kookaburra 4. Hedwig owl 5. peregrine falcon, the Suzuki give this name because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds
February 27, 2022
1: American Bald Eagle
2: Albatross
3: White Kookaburra
4: The Phoenix
5: Peregrine Falcon
Akshay Kumar
February 27, 2022
4.The phoenix
5.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
Vedansh Tandon
February 27, 2022
Q2 This is Albatrosses bird
Q3 Australian kingfisher GOT ITS NAME FROM BRAND OF CRICKET BALL Kookaburra
Q4 This mythical bird is Phoenix
Q5 Hayabusa mean in Japanese is ,(peregrine falcon), which mean the natural predator of the blackbird. when honda bike name was blackbird bike that why Suzuki name hayabusa which mean natural predator of blackbird
Nandish N Hiremath
February 27, 2022
1..Blad Eagle
2.. Arctic tern
3.. Kookaburra
4.. phoenix
5..it’s speed is more than 800kmph
Arathi Dileep
February 27, 2022
1 – American Kestrel
2 – Albatross
3 – Kookaburra
4 – Magical creatures
5 – Hayabusa mean in Japanese – peregrine falcon , Suzuki name it so because the company was named after the revolutionary inventor
Asit Pattnaik
February 27, 2022
1:answer– Bald Eagle.
2: answer – Albatross.
3: answer –Kookaburra.
4: answer – Phoenix.
5: answer – in Japan, people know Falcon as the name of of Hayabusa. Suzuki named it Hayabusa because, the Falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the original Hayabusa.
February 27, 2022
My Answers are below.
1).Bald eagle .
4). Phoenix.
5). Peregrine falcon .And suzuki name it so because Peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as metaphor for speed of 290 to 325 km/phr .
Syed Mohammed
February 27, 2022
Q1 Eagle
Q2 Seagull
Q3 Kookaburra
Q4 Phoenix
Q5 Hayabusa means peregrine Falcon, a very fast bird and the bike was named so as a metaphor for speed
February 27, 2022
q1 bald eagle
Mohit Verma
February 27, 2022
1. American Kestrel
2. Albatross
3. Albatross es
4. Fawkes
5. Peregrine Falcon because it is a Japanese bird it have hunting drive 290 to 320 kmph
Muhammed Muzamil M
February 27, 2022
1,Bald eagle
3,Australian kingfisher
4,hedwing snow owl
5,peregrine falcon
Charvi Peetani
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it so because Hayabusa preys on the Blackbird.
zeel jani
February 27, 2022
1_bald eagle
5_Peregrine falcon.
suzuki named it hayabusa as it was the fastest creature on Earth.
February 27, 2022
1.Blad eagle
2.arctic eagle
3.tree kingfisher birds
5.peregine falcon because it serves as a metaphor for speed vertical diving
Aditya Manoj Sakhare
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1 answer is eagle
2 answer is arctic tern
3 answer is kookaburra
4 answer is phoenix
5 answer is because of the bird peregrine falcon.
Piyush Kalantri
February 27, 2022
Question 1 – Bald eagle
Question 2 – Albatross
Question 3 – Kookaburra
Question 4 – Phoenix
Question 5 – Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon and Suzuki named it Hayabusa as Peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world
Nandani Gupta
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald eagle
2.Albatross Bird
4. Phoenix
Anshi bhardwaj
February 27, 2022
Answer.1: The bald eagle
Answer.2: Albatross
Answer.3: Australian kingfisher
Answer.4: The phoenix bird
Answer.5: Hayabusa in japanese means “peregrine falcon” this is the name of the fastest flying animal in the sky which can sleed upto 325 km/hr
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
3.red ball
4.snowy owl
5.peregrine falcon&it’s hunting drive at speed 290_325kmph fastest in any bird
Ved Vyas K.S.
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2.Albatross aloft
5.perigrene falcon
Kinjal Gupta
February 27, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) Artic tern
4) The Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means falcon mainly peregrine falcon . Suzuki name it so because it often serves as metaphor for speed, speed ranging from 290km to 325kkm/h
Anshika Abhay Thakur
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Peregrine falcon. It is a bird which is known for its fastest speed
February 27, 2022
1 eagle
2 seagull
3 kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 peregrine falcon
Avni bhatti
February 27, 2022
Q1 ans bald eagle
Q2 ans albatrosses
Q3 ans Australian kingfisher
Q4 ans phoenix
Q5 ans hayabusa in japeness is peregrine falcon it was named so because it is a bird that fly so fast
Parinita Pankaj More
February 27, 2022
Aditya mahesh Sharma
February 27, 2022
Parinita Pankaj More
February 27, 2022
Answer 1. The American Bold Engle
Answer 2. The Albatross
Answer 3. The Australian Kingfisher
Answer4. The Phoenix
Answer 5. Hayabusa means in Japanese is peregrine falcon and suzuki name it so because peregrine falcon is fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa. It is methapor of speed, so used..
Arnav Anand
February 27, 2022
1 Eagle
2 Albatross
3 Ko kabira
4 Phoenix
5 hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine falcon it was given the name hayabusa because the bird is the fastest bird in flying and hayabusa was the fastest bike
Aliasger Bhabhrawala
February 27, 2022
Ans 1. Hawk
Ans 2. Albetross
Ans 3. Kookabura
Ans 4. Phoenix
Ans 5. Falcon because due to its hunting speed of 290 to 325 km/h
Ishi Gupta
February 27, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) Artic tern
4)The Phoenix
5)Hayabusa means falcon mainly peregrine falcon in Japanese and Suzuki named it so because it often serves as a metaphor for speed , speed of 290 km to 325 km /h
Charvi Shelot
February 27, 2022
1) The bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa means “peregrine falcon” in Japanese, a bird that is often used as a metaphor for speed because of its very fast speeds.
Shailesh Samik Swain
February 27, 2022
1-The Bald Eagle
2- An Albatross
4-Owl Hedwig
5-Hayabhusa meaing in japanese is Disambigution.
The bird name is peregrine Falcon.
Bhushan girhe
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Wandering albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Sankalp k Honnihalli
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
2.Triston albatross
5.Peregrine falcon, because it is a bird which does dive hunting.
Sumedh Patil
February 27, 2022
1]Bald Eagle
5]Hayabusa means “Peregrine Falcon” bird in the Japanese language. It was named so because the Peregrine Falcon’s usual food prey was “Blackbird” which was the name of Honda’s Bike called CBR1100XX ‘Blackbird’. Also, Peregrine Falcon is known for its fastest vertical dive. So in response, Suzuki launched Hayabusa to compete with Honda’s CBR1100XX Blackbird
shushruth bethur
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Seagull
4. Phoenix
Sanchita Patra
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means “peregrine falcon”. Suzuki named it so because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle
February 27, 2022
1)Blad eagle
2)Arctic tern
5)peregrine falcon
Shreeya Chaturvedi
February 27, 2022
1- Bald eagle
2- Albatroz
3-tree kingfisher
4- Phoenix
5- Hayabusa means peregrine falcon it is a bird’s name. Suzuki named it so beacause it is the fastest bird
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Wandering albatross
3. Gannet
4. Phoenix
Syed Ahmed Wasi
February 27, 2022
1) The Bald Eagle?
2) Albatross
3) Australian kingfisher
4) Phoenix??
Yash Dhokchoule
February 27, 2022
Question 1 – Bald Eagle.
Question 2 – The Albatross.
Question 3 – kookaburra turf.
Question 4 – Phoneix.
Question 5 – Hayabusa means A peregrine falcon
Suzuki name it so because when they manufactured this motor bike it was probably the world’s fastest motor bike ever . Thus Suzuki named it as Hayabusa.
Rekhashree J
February 27, 2022
Q1 Golden eagle
Q2 Albatrosses
Q3 Kingfisher
Q4 Phoenix
Badri Narayan Pattnaik
February 27, 2022
1 no Ans is Eagle
2 no Ans is The Albatross
3 no Ans is Kookaburra
4 no Ans is The Phoenix
5 no Ans is Hayabusa means a falcon in Japanese.Suzuki named it BCS for a very fast falcon that not coincidentally fed on blackbirds.
Shourya Dwivedi
February 27, 2022
The answers are as follows:-
1)American Bald Eagle
5)Hayabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird.
V. Sudheeksha
February 27, 2022
1). The Bald Eagle
2). The Albatross
3). Pelicans
4). The Phoenix
5). Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon” a bird that often serves as a metaphor for
Meara Angel Mascarenhas
February 27, 2022
1) The American Bald Eagle
2) Tristan albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa in Japanese means ‘Peregrine’, and this bird that is Peregrine is very powerful, so in order to show that how fast the bike is, Suzuki named it as Hayabusa
Abhishek Sharma
February 27, 2022
1=American blad eagle ,2=wardering albastorss ,3=kookabuura ,4=phoenix ,5=Peregrine Falcon
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) Phoenix
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
Question 1 : Bald Eagle
Question 2 : Albatross
Question 3 : Kingfisher
Question 4 : Phoenix
Question 5 : Peregrine Falcon. Named Hayabusa because of it’s extreme speed
February 27, 2022
Very nice
February 27, 2022
1- Eagle
Mahi Jat
February 27, 2022
I am excited ?
Sanskriti Rawat
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon in Japanese. Suzuki named it so because peregrine falcon is the fastest bird.
Rijul Chaturvedi
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle
2. The albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means ‘falcon’ and Suzuki names it Hayabusa because Falcon is the most fastest bird in the world which was fit for their bike name as it was also fast.
Amzad alam
February 27, 2022
Ans 1: the American bald eagle
Ans 2: Albatross
Ans 3: kookaburra (Australian kingfisher)
Ans 4: phoenix
And 5: Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon — peregrine falcon. Suzuki used the name because the bird is known as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting drive.
Anna Binoj
February 27, 2022
5.Falcon, They the bike hayabusa because the managed to fly 16km/h
Gauri Gangani
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese is referred to as a peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so because the bird is known for its speed and they metaphorically used it for the bike.
February 27, 2022
Gayathri n
February 27, 2022
Aryan mulik
February 27, 2022
Aryan mulik
Here is my answers
1) Eagle
2) Wandering Albatross
3) Australian Kingfisher
4) Phoenix bird
5) Peregrine Falcon and because the peregrine Falcon preys on blackbird
Sakshi Rai
February 27, 2022
Q-1: American Bald Eagle
Q-2: Albatross
Q-3: Kookaburra
Q-4: Phoenix
Q-5: Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese, which is a bird that serves as a metaphor to speed, because of its vertical hunting dive and speed of 290 to 325 km/h and is the the fastest of any bird.
Vijayshree Rathore
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
2. Wandering albatross
3. Kingfisher
5. Hayabusa means peregrine Falcon. And suzuki named it as Hayabusa because their production was fastest for Hayabusa
BS Lichal Bopanna
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) Tritsan Albatross
3) Kookabura
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabuza means falcon in Japanese
They named it hayabuza because it was the fastest bike and falcon is the fastest bird
Vijay Karthik
February 27, 2022
5.Peregrine Falcon is meaning of Japanese word hayabusa.a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive of speed 290 to 325 km/h, the fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
1)The bald eagle
3)White kookaburra
4)The phoenix
5)Hayabusa meaning – strong fast
It is one of the few animals which can travel at about 300 km per hour.
Bhavya Goswami
February 27, 2022
First answer-Eagle
Second answer-Seagull
Third answer-
Fourth answer- Griffin
Fifth answer-Falcon,it’s because the bird is know for its speed,so the bike is also fast.
Pratham Kumar Bhupta
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Dodo
5. Falcon due to its high speed
Sai Sonaksi Satapathi
February 27, 2022
1.The bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means ‘Peregrine Falcon’. Suzuki named it so because Peregrine Falcon is the fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
1.Golden Eagle
Sanskriti Rawat
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese means falcon. Suzuki named it so because peregrine falcon is the fastest bird.
Shravan Kailas Mali
February 27, 2022
Q.1- The American bald eagle
Q.2- albatross
Q.3- kookaburra
Q.4- phoenix
Q.5- peregrine falcon
Ammar Rashid
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Southern Royal Albetross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means falcon, Because the
Hayabusa is the Japanese word for
“Peregine falcon” which is the natural predator of the Blackbird.
Aryan kumar
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Pheonix
5. It was given the name ‘Hayabusa’, which is Japanese for ‘Peregrine Falcon’, a bird that has the fastest vertical dive of all.
Ayushi Sharma
February 27, 2022
1.American bald eagle
2. Flamingo
3. Kookaburra
4. Snowy owl
5. Peregrine Falcon
Anushka chandrakant kamble
February 27, 2022
We must save the bird’s & today’s information was great & helpful.
Lekha Rk
February 27, 2022
Answers for the Sunday challenge 🙂
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa in Japanese translates to Peregrine falcon. This is a bird that can fly at a max speed of 320kmph or 200mph. Since GSX-1300R Hayabusa is a motorbike attaining 300+ kmph speed, Suzuki named their bike GSX-1300R Hayabusa.
February 27, 2022
3)white Kookaburra
5)Meaning of Hayabusa in Japanese is Falcon. Suzuki named it so because according to Suzuki it is the fastest motorcycle with speed of 300kmph+.
Bhumi Tyagi
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookabura
4. The phoenix
5. Hayabusa falcon
Adit Sultaniya
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2 albatross
3.Kookaburra balls
4 Phoenix
5.peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
2. An albatross
3. Kingfisher
5. Because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbird
February 27, 2022
Q1 ans:The Bald Eagle
Q2 ans:The Arctic Tern
Q3 ans:Kookaburra
Q4 ans:Phoenix
Q5 ans:Peregrine Falcon
Saksham Sigotiya
February 27, 2022
I am very happy with byjus
You send me very different types knowledge
I am learn it
Kanav Mittal
February 27, 2022
Q1 answer
Bald Eagle
Q2 answer
Tristan Albatross
Yuvraj Chaudhary
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
2. Albatross
5.Falcon, because falcon is the fastest bird with 290 to 325 kmph
Nissi Sara John
February 27, 2022
5.Penegrin falcon, named so because it’s used as a metaphor for speed.
Samiya Khatib
February 27, 2022
1) Ans: The American Bald Eagle.
2)Ans: An Albatross.
3) Ans: Kookaburra.
4) Ans: Phoenixes.
5) Ans: Peregrine Falcon.
Sona Raichal Mathew
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Wandering albatross
3. Australian kingfisher
4. The Thunderbird
5. Hayabusa is a Japanese for ‘Peregine Falcon’ a bird that often server as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive ,or stoop,speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph),the fastest of any bird
P S S Darshan
February 27, 2022
Question 1: Bald Eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3 : Kookaburra, brown kingfisher, laughing jackass
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5 : Hayabusa means falcon(peregrine falcon) in Japanese, Suzuki named it so because to rival with Honda and as it is the fastest bird, meaning that no one can beat it.
Mihika Rai
February 27, 2022
1. The American bald eagle
2. The Arctic tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is called peregrine falcon in Japanese
Suzuki named it so because the bird that often serves as a metaphor of speed in vertical hunting dive
Varad Dinesh Patil
February 27, 2022
1)- Eagle
2)- Flamingo
3)- Kookaburra
4)- Thunderbird
5)- Peregrine Falcon
Harshita Parthiban
February 27, 2022
Que 1. Eagle
Que 2. Albatross
Que 3. Kookaburra
Que 4. Phoenix
Que 5. Hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine falcon a bird that is the fastest of any bird. Hence Suzuki named it’s motorbike as Hayabusa
Simarpreet Singh Saini
February 27, 2022
Ans1- Eagle
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle
2) Seagull
3) Albatross
4) Pheonix
5) Peregrine Falcon,they did so because it is the fastest bird in the world
February 27, 2022
First question answer:Bald Eagle
Second question answer:Albatross
Third question answer:Kookaburra
Fourth question answer:Phoenix
Fifth question:Peregrine Falcon bird,because of its shape.
Aarohi Yadav
February 27, 2022
1.the American bald eagle.
2.the arctic tern
5.hayabusa is caled peregrine falcon in Japanese
Suzuki named it so because the bird that often serves as a metaphor of speed in vertical hunting dive
Raghuraj singh
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Saksham singh
February 27, 2022
Que 1 the bald eagle
Que 2 the albatross
Que 3 kookaburra
Que 4 owl
Que 5 peregrine falcon
Ankan Roul
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
2.The Albatross
4.The Phoenix
5.Peregrine Falcon. Suzuki named it so as it has the highest speed among all the birds.
Krish Raj Thakur
February 27, 2022
Q no.1 Ans – Bald eagle
Q no.2 Ans – Albatross
Q no.3 Ans – Kookaburra
Q no.4 Ans – Phoenix
Q no.5 Ans – Hayabusa mean “peregrine falcon” in Japanese the Suzuki choice to name it because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Kirshita Parthiban
February 27, 2022
Que 1. Eagle
Que 2. Albatross
Que 3. Kookaburra
Que 4. Phoenix
Que 5. Hayabusa in Japanese means Peregrine falcon a bird that is the fastest of any bird. Hence Suzuki named it’s motorbike as Hayabusa.
Syeda Fariha hussaini
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
2.Giant bird
5.Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in japanese.
Suzuki named it so because it is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive , or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180-202 mph) the fastest of any bird
Vanshika verma
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle. 2.Albatross. 3.Australian kingfisher 4.Phoenix. 5.Sr archive Suzuki GSX1300XX comparison test birds of prey : Honda’s CBR1100XX against Suzuki awesome GSX1300 Hayabusa
February 27, 2022
Q1)bald eagle
Q2)Tristan albatross
Q3) kookaburra
Q4) phoenix
Q5) peregrine falcon and because it was the fastest of any bird
Medha V S
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon. Because of its speed.
February 27, 2022
1 question answer:
The American kestrel also called the sparrow hawk
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
5.Peregrine Falcon, can dive really fast and usually preys on blackbirds
Mohammad Rehan Ahmad
February 27, 2022
1) Bald Eagle
2) Albatross
3) Kookabura
4) Phoenix
5) Hayabusa- falcon( a very fast bird)
February 27, 2022
1)bald eagle
2)artic tern
3) kingfisher
4) phoenix
5) peregrine falcon it is named as it cuts through the air
Noel Shaiju
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Southern Royal Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix Bird
5. Hayabusa in the Japanese Peregrine falcon. It is the fastest bird in the world, reaching more than 200 miles per hour.
February 27, 2022
q1) Bald Eagle
q2) albatross
q5) Hayabusa means the “peregrine falcon” and was Suzuki named so because of it’s incredible speed.
Ankan Roul
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
2.The Albatross
4.The Phoenix
5.The Peregrine Falcon
Rudraksh Rajkumar Vyawhare
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Seagull
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is a very fast bird
Yogesh kumavat
February 27, 2022
Answers for above questions
1. Bald eagle
2.artic term
5.peregrine falcon
Radhika Gupta
February 27, 2022
1-bald eagle
5-Hayabusa is a Japanese word which means Falcon, specially peregrine Falcon.Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
bhavana s fattepur
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
4.phoenix fawkes
5.Peregrine Falcon
Shaikh Tasnim Umer
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Southern royal albatross
5.suzuki hayabusa
Akshaj Agarwal
February 27, 2022
Ans.1-The American Bald Eagle
Ans.5-Hayabusa means a falcon in Japanese.
Suzuki named it to prove that their bike’s speed is much higher than Honda CBR1100XX(300KM/H)
Because the speed of falcon is much higher than the speed of other birds(390KM/H).
Prince gupta
February 27, 2022
2: albatross
3: kingfisher
4: phoenix
5:suzuki mean a bird
February 27, 2022
Answer 1 Bald Eagle
Answer 2 Albatross
Answer 3 Kookaburra
Answer 4 Fawkes was the name of the bird and phoenix was the species
Answer 5 Meaning of Hayabusa in Japanese is Falcon. They named the bike so because falcon is the fastest bird in the world.
February 27, 2022
Pavitra Tushar Chothani
February 27, 2022
1. The American Blad Eagle
2. An Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Thinlas Dolma
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2. The albatross
3. Kookaburra (kingfisher)
4. The phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon; because this bird have fastest vertical drive and blackbird is actually its food. Thus, naturally & perfectly fitting to the Japanese firm’s intention.
Pratikssha Sopan Doke
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine
February 27, 2022
1) American bald eagle
2) albatross
3) Australian Kingfisher
4) phoenix
5) peregrine Falcon.
Peregrine falcon is a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird.
Nikita Devi
February 27, 2022
1.The Great American Bald Eagle.
2. Albatross
3. Australian Kingfisher.
4. Phoenix
Udit Kapur
February 27, 2022
1.American kestrel
5.Peregrine falcon is called Hayabusa in japnease,In particular, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Deepti Naik
February 27, 2022
Answers :
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Arctic Tern
3. Australian Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. When Suzuki launched its speed king
GSX1300R in 1999 which, among other
things, was specifically designed to
wrest the title of world’s fastest
production motorcycle from Honda’s
regning CBR1100XX super Blackbird, it
was also given the name ‘Hayabusa’,
which is Japanese for ‘Peregrine’
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
5.perigrine falcon. Because due its speed
Ashwin Raam.P.T
February 27, 2022
1). Eagle
2). Tristan albatross
3). Kookaburra
4). Phoenix
5). Peregrine Falcon, because that bird can reach upto 290 to 325 km/h. This is the fastest of any bird.
Swapnil Paira
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Wandering Albatross Tail
3. Kookaburra
5. Hayabusa means a peregrine falcon in Japanese.
Suzuki named it so because the pregine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original hayabusa to unseat the honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Jasleen Kaur ,7th
February 27, 2022
1 – Bald Eagle
2- Artic tern
Riya soni
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle
2. Holy Bird
3. Seagulls
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon
Sai Samyuktha Pammi
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
4. Phoenix
5.Peregrine Falcon and Suzuki named it so because it is the fastest diving bird in the world.
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle
2.The albatross
4.The phoenix
5.Hayabusa means Falcon and Suzuki availed this word as a direct comparison of the extremely fast flying bird with the synonymously fast motorbike
Charan M
February 27, 2022
1: the American blad eagle
2: white strok
4:the phoenix
Because this bike is the fastest bike in Japan
Sanal Srishti
February 27, 2022
Hey! Here’s are my answers-
1. American Bald Eagle
2. An Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. The meaning of Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon. The choice of name was made because these birds pray on black birds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
February 27, 2022
I shall join the Quiz
Ayush Haldankar
February 27, 2022
1. American Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Thunderbird
5. Hayabusa is a name of Peregrine falcon. Bird which eats Blackbird and has faster speed than blackbird
February 27, 2022
1) united states BALD EAGLE and its scientific name is Haliaeetus leucocephalus.
2) ALBATROSS is a biological family diomedeidae
it is an allusion to Samuel taylor coleridge poem the rime of the ancient mariner (1798)
3) KOOKABURRA is the Austrian fishing bird.
4)Associated with the sun, PHOENIC FAWKES mythical bird obtains new life by arising from the ashes.
5) PEREGRINE FALCON also called as the peregrine and as the duck in north America
Suzulki was that the peregrine falcon usual choice of prey is actually, black birds which actually suited the Japanese firms intentions perfectly.
Anushka Gupta
February 27, 2022
1 answer is The Bald Eagle.
2 answer is The Arctic Tern.
3 answer is Australian Kingfisher.
4 answer is Death.
5 answer is Penegrine.
February 27, 2022
1.Bald eagle
2.Arctic tern
Rahini Jain
February 27, 2022
Answer 1: The American Bald Eagle
Answer 2 : Albatross
Answer 3 : Kookaburra
Answer 4 : Phoniex
Answer 5 : . The name Hatabusa meaning in Japanese is a peregrine falcon. The choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Neelaksh Dhakla
February 27, 2022
Ans1. Bald Eagle
Ans5.peregrine falcon
Aryan Yadav
February 27, 2022
1-Bald eagle
2- Royal Albatros
3-Australian kingfisher
4-the phoenix
5-th Hayabusa is a Japanese word for falcon
And Suzuki named it as Hayabusa because falcon preys on black birds and the original model of Hayabusa was released in black
February 27, 2022
American bald eagle, Albatross, Kingfisher bird ( Kookaburra sports ), Phoenix, Hayabusa means peregrine falcon and suzuki named it so because it’s the name of the fastest bird of Japan that is Falcon.
Adithya Rajesh
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
5. It means Peregrine Falcon..and Suzuki named it so because it was the fastest bird
Chahal panchori
February 27, 2022
1 answer -eagle
2 answer – albatross
3 answer – Australian kingfisher
4 answer – phoenix
5 answer – falcon
Mohammad Hazique Ansari
February 27, 2022
1) American Kestrel
2) Albatross
3) Kookaburra
4) The Phoenix
5) Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
it’s nice experience with byju’s I love byju’s app because the class and other offline videos are so nice to useful for study
Tanvi Anup Dobhada
February 27, 2022
1. The American Bald Eagle
2.Grey -bearded Sailor
3.Australian Kingfisher
4. The Phoenix
5.Hayabusa means Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it after Japan’s fastest bird, the Japanese Peregrine falcon.
February 27, 2022
1- The bald Eagle
2- Albatross
4-Phoenix(it’s called Fawkes in Harry potter series)
5- Hayabusa means Falcon, it names as falcon since the peregrine falcon preys on the black bird
February 27, 2022
1 American Bald Eagle
2 Albatross
3 Kookaburra Turf
4 Owl
5 peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1.bald eagle
5.peregrine speed of 290 to 320 the fastest bird
Andrea Wahlang
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. The Albatross
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine Falcon
Abhinav Anand
February 27, 2022
Q.5 FALCON, the choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
Shreeneil Sarkar
February 27, 2022
Answer 1: The American “Blade Eagle”
Answer 2: The “Arctic Tern”
Answer 3:The “Australian Kingfisher”
Answer 4: The”Phoenix”
Answer 5:The word in Japanese is “falcon”.It names so, because falcon preys on blackbird.
Muskan mittal
February 27, 2022
1 the American bald eagle
2 albatrosses
3 kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 Hayabusa is japanese for peregrine falcon a bird that often serves as a metaphor speed due to its vertical hunting drive ,or stoop,speed of 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird
February 27, 2022
1st answer- commonly known as eagle or specifically bald eagle
2nd answer – albatros
3rd answer -kookabura , this company also manufactures bats which are preferred by most cricket players
4th answer- Phoenix
5th answer – Hayabusa Is a falcon , which is used as a synonym of speed and that is the main aim of suzikis bike to reach the top speed
February 27, 2022
1 The American Bald Eagle
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Artic Tern
3. Kingfisher
4. Phoenix Bird
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon. Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird ever. Suzuki named it so because it wanted the bike to be the fastest bike ever .
Shaik ziua
February 27, 2022
Nice story that are useful to us ☺️
Aryan R
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa – a metaphor for speed, Peregrine Falcon – Fastest bird in the world
Vanshika amb
February 27, 2022
1- the bald eagle
2- the albatross
3- the Kookaburra
4- the phoenix
Swapnil Naskar
February 27, 2022
1) Bald eagle
2) albatross
4) phoenix
5) Hayabusa is Japanese for “peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird
Lakshay Rawat
February 27, 2022
Question 1: the bald eagle
Question 2: Albatross
Question 3: Australian kingfisher
Question 4: Phoenix
Question 5: Hayabusa means peregrine falcon in Japanese,Suzuki named it Hayabusa because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds, which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Finch
4. Pheonix
5. Falcon. Because it is the fastest bird in the world.
Anshika Agrawal
February 27, 2022
Ans 1. Eagle
Ans 2. Albatross
Ans 3. Kookaburra
Ans 4.The phoenix
Ans 5. Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
5) Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a falcon, especially a Peregrine falcon. The Hayabusa is Speed in all its glory. Hayabusa has a greater speed so Suzuki named their brand hayabusa because it is very speedy and effective…
Prathmesh Prakash Medhe
February 27, 2022
Q1. Answer: Bald Eagle
Q2. Answer: Albatross
Q3. Answer: Kookaburra Ball
Q4. Answer: Phoenix
Q5. Answer: Hayabusa is used for falcon and Suzuki motorcycles used it to indicate motorcycle speed with falcon’s hunting speed while diving
Harshita Yadav
February 27, 2022
1. Blad Eagle.
2. Albatrosses.
3. Kookaburra.
4. Phoenix.
5. Falcon (Peregrine Falcon) ; The choice of name was made because the peregrine falcon preys on blackbirds , which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s Fastest Motorcycle ?️?️.
Hemant Singh Tomar
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle.
2.the arctic tern.
3. White kookaburra.
4.the phoenix.
5.hayabusa Japanese for peregrine falcon a bird that often serves at a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive or stoop speed of 290 to 325kmh (180/202)mph the fastest of any bird.
The company name after revolutionaries
Inventor and founder of the Suzuki corporation.
February 27, 2022
Q:1 Bald Eagle Q:2 Albatross Q:3 white Turf ball Q:4 Owl Q:5 Hayabusa means Peregrine falco because of its speed
Aaditya Bamboria
February 27, 2022
1 Bald Eagle.
2 Royal Albatross.
3 Australian Kingfisher.
4 Phoenix.
5 In Japanese Hayabusa means peregrine falcon. Suzuki name it so because it has a speed of 290 to 325 kmh.
Lokesh Kishor Mahajan
February 27, 2022
1) American Bald Eagle.
2) Southern royal albatross bird.
3) Kookaburra (Turf ball).
4) Phoenix bird.
5) peregrine falcon.
February 27, 2022
1-Ans-“American Bald Eagle”
4-Ans-“Phoenix Bird”
5-Ans-“Peregrine FALCON”
Jiya Sharma And Riya Sharma
February 27, 2022
1) bald eagle
2) Albatross
3) kingfisher
4) Phoenix
5) a] Hayabusa means a Peregrine falcon
b] Suzuki kept this name because the Peregrine falcon is a bird with a speed of about 290 to 325 km/h which is fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Kookaburra
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
Bald eagle
Peregrine falcon
Shreya Patel
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Australian kingfisher
4. Phoenix
5. Hayabusa is the name of a bird, and it could be named so because it has the speed and design inspired by the bird.
Rudra Iyer
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Seagull
4. Phoenix
Swasti Agarwal
February 27, 2022
1. The Bald Eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix and it’s name in Harry Potter is ‘Fawkes’
5. Hayabusa is the Japanese word for a Peregrine falcon. Suzuki named it so because this falcon preys on blackbirds. Here, Falcon is the GSX-1300R Hayabusa by Suzuki and blackbird is CBR1100XX Blackbird by Honda.
Aditya sharma
February 27, 2022
Ans – 1 – Bald Eagle
Ans – 2 – Royal Albatross
Ans – 3 – kokabura
Ans – 4 – Phoenix
Ans – 5 – Hayabusa means a peregrine Falcon and Suzuki named it because the fastest bird of japan is Hayabusa.
February 27, 2022
1) The American Blad Eagle.
2) Albatross.
3) Australian Kingfisher.
4) The Phoenix.
5) Hayabusa in Japan means “Perigrine Falcon”… Suzuki named it because the this bird’s speed is about 290 to 325 km/h the fastest of any bird…..
Siddhant Pardeshi
February 27, 2022
1) Eagle
5) Hayabusa in Japanese means falcon. Suzuki named their bike Hayabusa because Falcons are very fast in chasing and preying so they named it falcon stating that it is faster than Honda’s CBR1100XX Blackbird and Hayabusa can easily chase it.
Satyam Sristi
February 27, 2022
Good morning, Here are my answers ~
1. Bald Eagle
2. An Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. The Phoenix
5. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon.Suzuki named it so because these birds which reflected the intent of the original Hayabusa to unseat the Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird as the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
February 27, 2022
Bald eagle
Himanshi sharma
February 27, 2022
1.Bald Eagle
2.Laysan Albatross
4 Phoenix Fawkes
5 Peregrine Falcon
Ashutosh Rana
February 27, 2022
Bald eagle
Royal albatross
Peregrine falcon is a Japanese bird which is symbolises as a metaphor for speed thanks to it’s hunting dive at 209 to 325 kmph,the fastest in any bird.
Om Bankat Sayambar
February 27, 2022
peregrine falcon”, a bird that often serves as a metaphor for speed due to its vertical hunting dive, or stoop, speed of 290 to 325 km/h (180 to 202 mph), the fastest of any bird.
February 27, 2022
Shriya C Rao
February 27, 2022
1. American bald eagle
2. Albatross
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Peregrine falcon . It was named so because of its high speed while flight
Devashree Kashyap
February 27, 2022
1)Bald eagle
3)Tree kingfisher
5)Hayabusa means falcon .Suzuki named it so because it has a top speed of 303-312 km /hr.
Santhwana v
February 27, 2022
1. Vulture , 2. Albatross , 3. Kookaburra , 4. Phoenix
Bilna Alphonsa Binil
February 27, 2022
1. Bald Eagle
2. Arctic tern
3. Kooka bura
4. Phoenix Bird
5. Peregrine Falcon
Arun Kumar. S
February 27, 2022
1.The American Bald Eagle 2.Albartross
3.kookaburra 4.Phoenix bird 5.Hayabusa bird
Mohith Raj.S
February 27, 2022
Question 1-American bald eagle.
Question 2-Albatross.
Question 3-Kookaburra.
Question 4-Phoenix.
Question 5-Peregrine falcon.It named so because the travels at the speed of 108 to 202 mph.
Nupur Maheshwari
February 27, 2022
American bald eagle
Australian Kingfisher
Peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1. Bald eagle
2. Albatross
4. Phonix
5.speed limit
Harsh narware
February 27, 2022
1 bald eagle
2 albastross
3 kookaburra
4 phoenix
5 peregrine falcon
February 27, 2022
1. Eagle
2. Arctic Tern
3. Kookaburra
4. Phoenix
5. Falcon
Falcon is known for its speed. So the bike was named as Hayabusa (meaning: Falcon)
Mayur k.g
February 27, 2022
1. The bald eagle .
2. Arctic terns.
3. Kookaburra bird .
5 . Poregrine falcon, Suzuki Hayabusa bike is, in spi