15 Facts About Space That Will Rock Your World

Team StoryWeavers|February 11, 2022, 17:10 IST|

When you look up at the stars, what do you think about? That we may not be alone? The vastness of it all?

There’s a lot to wonder about space. The fact is we don’t know all the answers about it. 

We know it’s vast and beautiful, but we’re not really sure how vast (or how beautiful, for that matter).

Some of the things we do know, however, are downright mind-boggling. Below, we’ve collected some of the most amazing facts about space. So, when you look up at the stars you can be even more wowed by what you’re looking at.

1) NASA has recorded eerie space “sounds”

NASA uses a technique called data sonification to take signals from radio waves, plasma waves, and magnetic fields and convert them into audio tracks to “hear” what’s happening in space.

The sounds range from ambulance-like screeches to beeps reminiscent of an alien spaceship making its approach.

2) Sunsets on Mars are blue

The Curiosity Mars rover’s first colour photograph of a sunset in 2015 revealed a surprising twist — sunsets on Mars are blue.

NASA said this is because “dust in the Martian atmosphere has fine particles that permit blue light to penetrate the atmosphere more efficiently than longer-wavelength colours,” like yellow, orange, and red.

3) Space is full of “space junk”

Space is full of junk like used rocket parts and dead satellites. These objects continue to orbit Earth at about 17,500 mph — 10 times faster than a speeding bullet.

The Space Surveillance Network (SSN) keeps track of how much debris is out there and who’s responsible for it. The SSN is currently tracking 23,000 objects larger than a softball.

Space junk is dangerous because one collision could trigger a chain reaction of objects hitting each other, resulting in a thick cloud of debris that would make space travel extremely dangerous. This kind of disaster, called the Kessler effect, was the premise of the 2013 movie Gravity starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.

The US is responsible for the most space junk with 3,990 pieces of debris as of March 28, 2018. Russia is responsible for 3,959 pieces of debris, followed by China with 3,893.

4) Footprints on the moon could last up to 100 million years

Since the moon doesn’t have an atmosphere, there’s no wind or water to erode or wash away the Apollo astronauts’ mark on the moon. That means their footprints, rover-prints, spaceship prints, and discarded materials will stay preserved on the moon for a very long time.

They won’t stay there forever, though. The moon is still a dynamic environment. It’s actually being constantly bombarded with “micrometeorites,” which means that erosion is still happening on the moon, just very slowly.

5) The International Space Station is the size of a football field

The International Space Station is 357 feet long, just three feet short of an American football field. It weighs 925,000 pounds and is the largest single human-made structure to ever enter space.

The ISS has been visited by 230 people from 18 different countries to conduct research and carry out missions.

6) Center of Milky Way galaxy has tens of thousands of black holes


According to a new study, there are tens of thousands of black holes at the center of the Milky Way galaxy

Black holes are impossible to detect on their own because light can’t escape from them. But when paired with a star, they interact in a way that allows scientists to find them using X-rays.

The study posits that the center of the Milky Way contains hundreds of black holes paired with stars and 10,000 isolated black holes.

7) There are more than 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1 septillion)

The Milky Way galaxy contains about 100 billion stars. If you multiply that by the estimated number of galaxies in the observable universe (10 trillion is a modest guess) you get a number that is 1 with 24 zeros after it: 1 septillion.

David Kornreich, an assistant professor at Ithaca College, said that number is probably much too low because more galaxies will likely be discovered as technology improves.

8)  Some people get Moon allergies 

Next in line on our list of fun facts about space are Moon allergies. Apollo 17 – while not as famous as Apollo 11, is noteworthy for many reasons.

It was the last mission of Apollo. ore rock samples were brought back than ever before; it brought the first – and only – professional scientist to the moon. This man was Jack Schmitt, a geologist, whose rock samples helped unlock secrets of the Moon’s magnetic field and volcanic history.

He was also allergic to moondust: a gritty, sticky powder that clung to his spacesuit and – later – his skin. For two hours after taking his helmet off, he experienced irritation in his sinuses and nostrils, eyes and throat. 

This condition was consistent with the predictions of a NASA medical doctor, who suggested moondust might cause allergic responses.

9) 95% of the Universe is invisible

There is a discovery so amazing that its almost mind-blowing: everything science has been studying these past 350 years is but a minor contaminant of the Universe.

Only about 4.9% of the mass-energy of the Universe is atoms: the kind of stuff you, me, the stars and galaxies are made of (and, of that, only half has been spotted with telescopes).

About 26.8% of cosmic mass-energy is invisible dark matter, revealed because it tugs with its gravity on the visible stuff.

Candidates for what makes up dark matter include hitherto unknown subatomic particles and black holes made in the Big Bang.

But, in addition to dark matter there is dark energy, accounting for 68.3% of the mass-energy of the Universe.

It’s invisible, fills all of space and is accelerating cosmic expansion. And our best theory – quantum theory – overestimates its energy density by a factor of one followed by 120 zeroes!

10) The Universe was born

The Universe has not existed forever. It was born. 13.82 billion years ago all matter, energy, space – and even time – erupted into being in a titanic fireball called the Big Bang.

The fireball began expanding and, out of the cooling debris, there eventually congealed the galaxies – great islands of stars of which our Milky Way is one among an estimated two trillion. This, in a nutshell, is the Big Bang theory.

Whatever way you look at it, the idea that the Universe popped into existence out of nothing – that there was a day without a yesterday – is utterly bonkers. But that is what the evidence tells us.

An immediate question arises: what happened before the Big Bang?

The reluctance to face this awkward question is why most scientists had to be dragged kicking and screaming to accept the idea of the Big Bang.

11) A planet composed entirely of diamonds exists

Let us plan a trip to this planet. After all, you’ll be getting diamonds that cost millions of dollars on our planet. Unfortunately, we can’t go to this planet as it is 40 light-years far away from earth or 380 trillion km which is impossible to traverse with today’s technology. 

Graphite and diamond are most likely present on this “super-earth,” also known as 55 Cancri e. This exoplanet has an estimated mass of 8.63 Earth masses and a diameter of roughly twice that of the earth, making it the first super-Earth identified.

12) We appear to be alone

1 septillion stars in the Universe. And probably more planets than stars. Yet in all this immensity there is only one place we know of where life exists: Earth.

Despite searches for intelligent signals, no sign of intelligent extraterrestrial life has been found. In fact, there is a good argument that if such life-forms exist out there, not only should we see signs of them but they should already have come here.

“Where are they?” the physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked. Some astronomers think the answer is we are alone, that someone has to be the first.

But the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It took three billion years for us to go from single cells to complex life, which suggests taking this step is hard.

Technological civilisations like ours may be rare and their lifetimes short; we may have missed any others by millions or billions of years. The other alternative is that the nearest one may simply be too far away for us to detect.

13) NASA’s Mars rover mission is something to look forward to

We reported on this news last year, but it is one of the most interesting facts about space that humanity has been dreaming of for decades. NASA’s Mars Rover has the following goals:

  1. Search for microbial signs of life on Mars;
  2. Map and analyze Mars’ climate and geology;
  3. Collect samples and bring them home upon return;
  4.  Understand how humans could explore further and safer Mars.

14) 99 percent of our solar system’s mass is the sun

Our star, the sun, is so dense that it accounts for a whopping 99 percent of the mass of our entire solar system. 

That’s what allows it to dominate all of the planets gravitationally.

When the sun dies, it will become a red giant and envelop the Earth and everything on it.

 But don’t worry: That won’t happen for another 5 billion years.

15) The position of the North Star will change over time

Navigation will be weird when Polaris stops being the North Star in about 13,000 years. In case you didn’t know, Earth’s axis goes through a motion called “precession.”

It means that the planet’s axis will change, and trace out the shape of a cone–even if it’s ever so slow. When this occurs, it takes around 26,000 years for the axis to trace out a complete cone shape. 

To add to this, Polaris, the Earth’s current “North Star” will eventually begin to shift positions as the Earth undergoes precession.

Speaking of space-facts, can we create artificial gravity or is there such a thing? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

About the Author

Raza has been writing since 2008, be it fiction, poetry, or articles on science, politics, and history. He believes that words can change the world, and he uses them to inspire and empower people through his writing. When he is not working, he is watching nature documentaries or playing with his cats.