Here’s a quiz: which is that one English word that is recognized throughout the world and no other word of any language has succeeded like that?
Can you guess the answer? No? Here is another clue.
Let’s say you’re setting off to see the world and aside from saying please and thank you in a smattering of languages you pretty much only know English. What is the one word that most of the people you encounter will also know?
If you don’t know what that word is, it’s OK.
Seriously: it’s OK. The word “OK”.
Time for a little word history, OK?
So just where did this word come from? For years, its origin was a mystery.
One theory is that it came from the Greek phrase “ola kala,” which means all good.
And then there’s the Choctaw word “okeh”. The Choctaw were Native American people originally occupying what is now the Southeastern United States. The Choctaw word “okeh” sounds quite similar and means ‘so it is’. American president Woodrow Wilson reportedly thought it was the “correct” spelling of the word, and would OK documents with “okeh.”
And finally, the most famous OK origin story was reinforced in the 2012 Academy Award-winning movie, “Silver Linings Playbook”:
PAT: “Here’s a fun fact. You know where the term ‘OK’ comes from?”
VERONICA: “No. No, I don’t.”
PAT: “Well, Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States of America, is from Kinderhook, New York . . . and he was part of a club, a men’s club, called Old Kinderhook. And if you were cool, you were in the club, they’d say, ‘That guy’s OK.’ ‘Cause he was in the Old Kinderhook’s.”
Is that true? Umm no, not really (so not OK!)
The real origin story of OK is literally a joke
Much like the modern-day world filled with text-friendly shortcuts such as LOL, BRB and OMG, an abbreviation craze swept nineteenth-century America.
Let us present for comparison the 1839 New York newspaper report of a young woman remarking to her friend “O.K.K.B.W.P.”: her alphabetic message was answered with a kiss. Can you guess what “O.K.K.B.W.P.” meant? Well, it translated as “one kind kiss before we part.” Take that, Internet!
The 1820s and 1830s shared another linguistic fad with today: a liking for deliberate misspellings. Kewl, rite?
Just like today, in an attempt at being funny and fashionable, young, educated people deliberately misspelt words and abbreviated them for slang. For example, “KG” stood for “know go,” the incorrect spelling of “no go.” The joke is lost on us today, but it was LOL-worthy in the 1800s!
So on March 23, 1839, an American newspaper called the Boston Morning Post published a satirical article on grammar.
A man named Charles Gordon Greene, who was also the editor of the newspaper, wrote that article. In that piece he came up with an abbreviation — O.K. and thus became the man who gave birth to this global word.
When “O.K.” appeared in that article, it was intended to be the shortening of “oll korrect,” the humorous misspelling of “all correct.
OK, it was humorous 182 years ago.
‘OK’ very slowly seeped into the American vernacular during 1839 and by the end of the year, it had shown up in various American newspapers.
What’s most interesting is how OK did not fall out of fashion like most of the abbreviations of that time. Nobody uses K.G. (know go) or OW (oll wright) anymore, right? so, naturally the question that arises is…
How did OK become so famous?
Although OK became one of the more commonly used short forms at the time, it sure would have passed into oblivion if it had not been for America’s presidential election of 1840.
Now, while President Martin Van Buren wasn’t the origin of OK, as the movie suggested, the man did have a hand in popularizing it.
Martin Van Buren, the eighth President of the United States (1837-1841)
Van Buren had invented the slogan in his presidential campaign, “Vote for OK” in reference to both his hometown and his nickname, Old Kinderhook.
Their campaign was so memorable that it both popularized the word and hijacked the story of its origin: there are today still those who believe that “Old Kinderhook” is the original meaning of OK.
There was another very important reason for the popularity of this word – the telegraph.
The birth of ‘OK’ coincided with the invention of the telegraph, and as messages cost more if they contained more letters, early telegraph operators, as a standard practice, used the term ‘OK’ to confirm that a message had been received.
Over time this word became so popular that it crossed all boundaries – of countries, languages, race or religion. And we don’t even realise how many times we use it in a day: it’s almost become a reflex.
“Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie? You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by a smooth criminal”
From Michael Jackson singing, “Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?” in his massive hit song Smooth Criminal, to being arguably the first word spoken when humans landed on the moon as Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin said “OK, engine stop”, once the lunar module was sitting on the moon — ‘OK’ has ruled the world for many, many years now.
But today, there is an enemy at the gate! Another word, that may seem like it could compete with “OK” has crept into our common utterance –“like”.
The battle of “OK” versus “like”
In the battle of “OK” versus “like”, OK comes way out on top. ‘Like’ is not as versatile as OK. All it does is just give a little bit of affirmation.
OK is a pair of initials with a much broader range and multitude of uses.
Above all, it’s an adjective when you say, ‘This is OK’. But it’s also a noun: ‘I gave this my OK.’ It’s also a verb: ‘I OK’d it.’ It’s also an adverb: ‘She did it OK.’ And it’s also an interjection: ‘OK then!’
This word can also express different meanings in different situations.
It can be a simple gesture to acknowledge what another person says:
A: Should we order the salad?
B: Yeah!
A: OK!
In this example, one speaker uses OK to show that she acknowledges what the other speaker says. She also uses OK to show agreement.
However, we even use OK even when we do not agree with what is being said:
A: Did you know that humans used to ride Dinosaurs!
B: Are you sure? I don’t think humans were around back then.
A: No, no, humans are way older than dinosaurs!
B: Umm…OK then!
Once again, OK serves the purpose of acknowledging what another person says but with the intention to disagree.
We even use OK to end a conversation:
A: So are you coming to the party today?
B: Yeah, I will be there.
A: OK. I will see you there.
In this way, neither speaker is surprised when the conversation does end. So you see how versatile this two letter word is!
OK, it has been great telling you all about the origins of this amazing little word but we have to go now. Until next time!
Meanwhile, write to us in the comments section and tell us how else do you use OK in your everyday conversations and what part of this origin story you found most fascinating!
Raza has been writing since 2008, be it fiction, poetry, or articles on science, politics, and history. He believes that words can change the world, and he uses them to inspire and empower people through his writing. When he is not working, he is watching nature documentaries or playing with his cats.
August 17, 2021
Wow I like this
N P Anha
August 11, 2021
Nice story
Next story on Hello
” OK ” then. ?
August 11, 2021
Nice ?
August 10, 2021
August 8, 2021
August 8, 2021
I am Ok
Shaikh Assnain
August 8, 2021
It was very interesting
Shakya Bera
August 7, 2021
Correct meaning of “OK” is the name of a German engineer Otto Krovens who worked for Ford car company in America. As chief inspector he wrote his initial as OK upon each car he passed. Haha, OK it’s what my EVS Teacher in Class 5 told. OK, then, take care.
For me, OK is everywhere. Whenever any teacher gives any notice in our whatsapp group, I write “OK Mam/Sir”
August 7, 2021
Literally, if you are asking me that how many times I use word OK so I use this single word OK thousand.. times In a day because it’s really short and common.
Priyakshi naskar
August 7, 2021
The full from of ok is alright
Ariya Rai
August 7, 2021
I don’t know about the story of ok ?
But now it’s amazing to listen how ok become famous and it’s story ??
I love it ❤️❤️
Thank u so much ??
Aaditri kolvenker
August 5, 2021
I found it very interesting. Thanks to byju’s for
this interesting web page. While reading this I was like ‘ OHK!’
Pragati Patil
August 5, 2021
Very nice story! Actually I didn’t know about this story but now I do. Byju’s is creating new stories for kids to explore the magical world. I love byju’s and about the story, it was fantastic and I loved it and I will remember it as well . Thank you byju’s! Keep sending us the fantastic stories.
August 4, 2021
August 4, 2021
??wow.. I learned something new
Aditya R Hegdekatte
August 4, 2021
I’m ok with ok,?????
August 4, 2021
I like Byju’s
Shivam sen
August 4, 2021
Aditi Paraspari
August 3, 2021
Wow, I always knew that everything in the world have own history. Thanks for this wonderful story.
Bhavana. patil
August 2, 2021
Bhagyashree patil
August 2, 2021
Sanghita Roy
August 2, 2021
This is really an interesting story of ?️????
Renuka Amit Sonpatki #Curious?
August 2, 2021
Well, I use ok in every conversation like:
1) ok bye I am leaving
2) ok see you soon
3) I don’t feel it right but it’s ok
Etc. Etc. We really use okay every day ??
August 2, 2021
Lovely. Loved Daal Chawal’s Biriyani.
Khushi paneliya
August 2, 2021
Thank you
August 2, 2021
Ok ??
Aania Kumari
August 2, 2021
It is amazing to see that ok also has a history and it is really a fascinating origin.
Lokesh Yadav
August 1, 2021
It’s ‘ok’ good great excellent
August 1, 2021
Jay mainkar
August 1, 2021
Yuvti Ravindra Chaugule
August 1, 2021
How I use OK in my day to day life? :-
My mother – Yuvi fold the clothes.
Me – OK mummy!
What part I loved the most? :-
The part of this origin story I found fascinating is – The real origin story of OK is literally a joke.
Thank you Byju’s!
Darshana Patil
August 1, 2021
Ok can also be use as fine.
Ex. I am Ok means I am fine.
Darshana Patil
August 1, 2021
Please tell the origin story of YES.
Yogansh magare
August 1, 2021
July 31, 2021
I’ve never thought about this question it was amazing. I mean it was Ok
Shriya Sinha
July 31, 2021
Thanks for posting this origin of OK
Shriya Sinha
July 31, 2021
Ok? Thanks for posting this origin of OK
Shaurya mishra
July 31, 2021
Happy friendship day
July 31, 2021
Great….then what the story of (OKAY)***
Srijani Mukherjee
July 31, 2021
Ok that’s some new information!
July 31, 2021
Interesting story
July 31, 2021
The most successful word in the world was Hello
Bulbul Choudhary
July 31, 2021
Ok ☺️
July 31, 2021
My health is not ok
‘Not Ok’ refers that I am not good or not feeling well
July 31, 2021
Oleg good OK
July 31, 2021
Kannan M
July 31, 2021
It’s an efficient message!
Somya varhat
July 31, 2021
Rifa Tasnim
July 31, 2021
Very interesting، really liked it?
Gurjot singh
July 31, 2021
Nice story
July 31, 2021
Raju Kumar
July 31, 2021
Nice ??ok
B.Dedeepya lakshmi
July 31, 2021
This is existing story of ??️
July 31, 2021
Fantastic ??….
July 31, 2021
Byjus please give live class for second time only you give one book free trial please give for second time byjus SIR,
Anadi Sharma
July 31, 2021
Nice v, good
Ansh Tripathi
July 31, 2021
Are you OK ?
Apurva Gaurav
July 31, 2021
oll korrect then.
I knew what it meant ? but never ever wondered it’s origin.
Thanks to sir Charles Gordon Greene from Boston Morning Post for such creating such kinda cool word.
And a very thanks ? to byju’s for sharing such great ? information ℹ️ to us .
Thank you ? very much..
Apurva Gaurav
July 31, 2021
The most famous word in the world it is “OK”
Zarka Shakil Khan
July 30, 2021
Nice ??
July 30, 2021
this question never popped in my
Syeda Bushra Fatima
July 30, 2021
The story is very nice
July 30, 2021
Its nice
July 30, 2021
Srawan. R .yadav
July 30, 2021
Igot to learn something new and I like it
Sai Sumedh
July 30, 2021
This blog’s OK.
Get it?
If not, it is OK.
July 30, 2021
Ooooo !! So this is the fact behind ‘ok’. It was long but its OK ?? !!
July 30, 2021
It’s ok
Namami Chourey
July 30, 2021
Never thought that a 2-letter word would have such a long history.
July 30, 2021
Yes ‘OK’ is the word which is commonly used in every where . I like the history and the invention of the beautiful word ‘ OK. It’s very helpful for us and thank you for us such a beautiful information
East and West Our byju’s family is the best !
pratyush janartha
July 30, 2021
first time i have Iearned so much about ok
tanks byju !!
Iets rock with OK
July 30, 2021
Hands off to the writer. This article was really helpful to understand the origin of history of ok.
July 30, 2021
Where deos rainbow come frome
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
Wao?? like this article
Vaishnavi Bhande
July 30, 2021
Vaishnavi Bhande
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
Keval Bhambha
July 30, 2021
Very Nice ???
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
Akhilendra Bharoriya
July 30, 2021
I am a ver intelligent ????❤️
Adhyanth dutta
July 30, 2021
It’s ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok! ok ! ‘aaaa’??
Greeshma GS
July 30, 2021
“the” is the most used english word
July 30, 2021
Arunima jyoti
July 30, 2021
Dipika Singh
July 30, 2021
Ok is most widely used word?
Kritika mehandiratta
July 30, 2021
Aniket shekhar
July 30, 2021
I’m ok
Sampurnna Dutta
July 30, 2021
BYJU’S , You post very interesting stories every week .
I love to read your all stories.
Thanks BYJU’S.
Anandi paturkar
July 30, 2021
Great!!!! like this origin story “OK”
July 30, 2021
OK ? is literally a historic word !!!!
July 30, 2021
OK !! I understood
July 30, 2021
Interesting story behind the work ‘ok’… Enjoyed reading it
Minza Iqbal
July 30, 2021
I used to think that ‘ok’ means ‘all correct’
July 30, 2021
Nice!! Today I received unique knowledge about the word ? .
July 30, 2021
I am OK with the story
Abhinav Chauhan
July 30, 2021
Shubhankari sinha
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
Byju’s.. You post interesting stories every week !! I love to read all your stories.. I get to know amazing stuff !! Thanks ? !!
Adish Dhangar
July 30, 2021
Ok is the one of best word ever
Rudra Lakhani
July 30, 2021
Its amazing
July 30, 2021
I didn’t know that ‘OK’ also has a history, because of Byjus now I know and I liked it very much really interesting story.?
July 30, 2021
Thanks Byjus . This story was really intresting, Amazing, And of course useful it’s really a good story I actually liked it very much. Awesome story.
July 30, 2021
Thanks Byjus for this amazing article?
J.Jai Siddharth
July 30, 2021
I love the story
Sivanarayan maniveli A
July 30, 2021
Sheetal Gupta
July 30, 2021
Ok ” sir”
July 30, 2021
Very nice blog thanks
July 30, 2021
It was very interesting to know about the History of world’s most spoken word “ok”.It is the most of the common word in the English language. I everyday use to say this words but I never knows the meaning of this word. All thanks to Byju’s.
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
Parth Awasthi
July 30, 2021
Are you oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook
Aswath Anil
July 30, 2021
Suchana panja
July 30, 2021
#”ok”—now I can say with a knowledge of okkkkk
Jagriti Patel
July 30, 2021
OK” is one of the most common words in the English language, but linguistically it’s a relative newbie. It’s just 150 years old, and traces its roots back to 19th century Boston. Rather than anyone purposefully inventing “OK,” it’s actually editorial joke that inadvertently went viral.
July 30, 2021
That was great I didn’t know it
Samiya parween
July 30, 2021
Thank you byjus for giving me this story of word ok … I know the origin story of word ok …..
July 30, 2021
N Ponhareesh
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
Byj’us Nice ??
Kristi Verma
July 30, 2021
Jai goyal
July 30, 2021
Very nice ? work
Praveen Singh
July 30, 2021
This very good story of the ok.
July 30, 2021
Ok. I understood the word ok and from where it originated. Thx ??
July 30, 2021
Wow???for OK there is a history. Superb byju’s we are learning more in byju’s. Thanks so much ??
Gauravi Ingole
July 30, 2021
Very nice explanation of from where did ok come from by Byjus which is best platform to learn something new andto Do fun.
I am fine ☺
July 30, 2021
its amazing
Ganesh jadhav
July 30, 2021
Very interesting
Arpit verma
July 30, 2021
Atharv Gowardhan khedkar
July 30, 2021
Sathya sri
July 30, 2021
It was so nice ?and I love to say ok ???and byju’s is best leaning app and I love byju’s.
Harsh raj
July 30, 2021
Very nice story
Ayesha Khatoon byjus. Com
July 30, 2021
Good Byju’s
Shreyasi Naskar
July 30, 2021
It was a new thing which I didn’t known about OK.
Shivanshu Tomar
July 29, 2021
Nice ?
S L Yuvanthi
July 29, 2021
Really!!A word OK has a history!!Hmm… Interesting
July 29, 2021
I like byju’s. Byju’s teachers are very good their understanding is nice. It is the best way to learn at home. Very Nice company and its app is nice.
Lokesh kumar
July 29, 2021
Hi gyus. I am lokesh kumar. Ok vs like is very amazing explanation. Byjus is best learning platform ?.
Aadhaar S Bandhavakar
July 29, 2021
Story was very nice
Divyam Yadav
July 29, 2021
mid 19th century (originally US): probably an abbreviation of orl korrect, humorous form of all correct, popularized as a slogan during President Van Buren’s re-election campaign of 1840 in the US; his nickname Old Kinderhook (derived from his birthplace) provided the initials.
Mrittika Mondal
July 29, 2021
Divyam Yadav
July 29, 2021
“OK” is one of the most common words in the English language, but linguistically it’s a relative newbie. It’s just 150 years old, and traces its roots back to 19th century Boston. … OK first appeared as an abbreviation for “Oll Korrect,” printed in a satirical article about grammar
July 29, 2021
Sidhi Dalal
July 29, 2021
It was a great time to read about the story of the word ‘OK’.
Suranjan cv
July 29, 2021
Super means LIKE OK I like this byjus app super thankful for this
Arijeet Dutta
July 29, 2021
Wow! The origin of OK is amazing!??! That’s ok.
Pragya Singh
July 29, 2021
Very interesting ,loved it ? , thank you for this great story ✨ as I love to learn and know about ancient things . This was amazing ☺️
Aditya Sharma
July 29, 2021
Ok ,this story is very interesting
July 29, 2021
I say ok to my sister every day
I don’t know how many OKs I have used
This article was awesome ??
Sakshi Singh
July 29, 2021
Writing such a long article on OK is really a great thing… Hats off to the writer… ?
July 29, 2021
That’s interesting to know the origin of OK.
Yoshitha MK
July 29, 2021
Using “OK” for a conversation:
1. hi are you free?
3. Ok call me now
Here I have used “ok” for ending my conversation, and at the story of “ok” my favourable part was “ok versus like”.
It was too interesting for me. ?
Thank you
by Yoshitha MK ??
Jasmine Kaur
July 29, 2021
Nice ?? now i know something new in my life ….. Plz hmesha aise hi stories send krte rho…. Yo ??
I luv u byjus …. Byjus is the best
Ananya Chowdhury
July 29, 2021
nice history , love it ❤❤
July 29, 2021
Very nice
July 29, 2021
Very intresting ??
Ankita Jain
July 29, 2021
Ok great ?
July 29, 2021
If there was no ok? There would have been no Ok in the article. If OK wasn’t introduced in newspapers what would have happened? If Charles Grodon Greene wasn’t born what would have been the case? Can you answer my question quick?
Japjot Kaur
July 29, 2021
Byjus help me to understand the real world .How things are generated, invention, occurrence and so on .
Avinava Nandi
July 29, 2021
It’s really awesome. I also don’t know about this!!
July 29, 2021
Himika Bhakta
July 29, 2021
This story is better than OK ! ??
July 29, 2021
The Choctaw were Native American people originally occupying what is now the Southeastern United States. The Choctaw word “okeh” sounds quite similar and means ‘so it is’. American president Woodrow Wilson reportedly thought it was the “correct” spelling of the word, and would OK documents with “okeh.”
P. Kavin
July 29, 2021
It’s a very interesting story about ‘OK’
Now i am ok ok
Thank u for refreshing me
G.Sai Rupesh Chowdhary
July 29, 2021
Super it’s correct
Anukalp Chaubey
July 29, 2021
Its a very fabulous Story about the history of OK. I am very happy to read it and all my family and relatives liked it because i have sent them this story and they were telling its fabulous Anukalp.
July 29, 2021
So cute story
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
Ayesha khatoon
July 29, 2021
That was so interesting fact to note down and was helpful too
Mrityunjay Agrawal
July 29, 2021
Very good blog, with the history of ok
Debprotim topno
July 29, 2021
Very nice
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
Wow I very interesting
I don’t think about it that word OK has a history
Very nice
Because of Byju’s
Thank you Byju’s
Umaima Suzain.
July 29, 2021
I say the fullform of ‘OK’ as “Objection Killed”.
It was very interesting to know about Ok.?
July 29, 2021
Byju’s.. You post interesting stories every week !! I love to read all your stories.. I get to know amazing stuff !! Thanks ? !!
P. Pallavi
July 29, 2021
Nice ,good and excellent…
Shiuli singh
July 29, 2021
When anyone gives me work. Like my mummy then i say ok. I will do it
Aditya Mahesh tonge
July 29, 2021
OK” is one of the most common words in the English language, but linguistically it’s a relative newbie. It’s just 150 years old, and traces its roots back to 19th century Boston. Rather than anyone purposefully inventing “OK,” it’s actually editorial joke that inadvertently went viral.
July 29, 2021
K. Sai Harshika bhavani
July 29, 2021
The most successful word in the world was ”Hello”
Barsha priyadarshini Panda
July 29, 2021
I want to clear my basic in maths, science, etc
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
I’m ok